torn between three

By Galexy7

12 0 0

Another addition to the short story love fest More

The baby
Public and private
Black eyes and starry
home for lunch
Not feeling well
Meet and greet

The crazy comes out

1 0 0
By Galexy7

'Charlie, why you look like I hit you with my car?' Harm asked lightly but I don't think he was as out of it as everyone thought he was.

'N-no, sir I didn't- sorry, I was just surprised is all.'

'By what? You've met my son before.'

'No, not that, I didn't... I didn't know you were-'

'What? That I was sick?' Harm was just playing with him now, but I didn't understand why. 'Surely being a detective you would have deducted this from being in a hospital with my son and partner.'

'No, I did, I just, I didn't know you were gay. I was just a little surprised is all.'

'Why? I talk about Noah all the time in the office.'

'Well, it's just Noah is a girls name too and I know you have a kid so I just... I thought you were married or something.'

'I was, and now I'm not and I have a kid, and I have Noah. Who is a boy, who is my partner. Do you have a problem with that?' Harm said in his business voice and Charlie shook his head still a little dumbfounded, Harm reaching for my hand and squeezing it. I squeezed it back and left Jake and Harm together.

'Don't feel bad, Harm is quite a private person.' I said softly as I walked Charlie out.

'I'm just... Did everyone else know?' He asked and I smiled, this was obviously a decision the guys from the station made, Charlie was quite new so he didn't know.


'Why didn't Kass warn me?'

'Kass is evil.' I laughed and he smiled.

'She is a bit ain't she?' He chuckled before saying goodbye and walking off to his car. I headed back in and sat with Harm and Jake for a little while before the doctor pulled me over and told me I could take him home later this afternoon. We had lunch at the hospital before I got the both of them home, I put Harm to bed first, the meds starting to take effect and he went to sleep, I played with Jake and fed him. I cleaned up vomit. Ew.

'Is daddy sick?' Jake asked as I got his dinner ready.

'No baby, daddy was made all better by the doctors, he just has to have a rest.'

'Like me! When I sick!'

'Yeah baby.' I smiled bringing his food over. He sat happily and ate his sausages and sat watching the wiggles movie before I put him down to bed. Harm shuffled out of the bedroom and looked around.

'What time is it?' He mumbled and I smiled walking over and cupping his face giving him a kiss.

'It's late, do you want something to eat?' I asked moving to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

'You're staying tonight right?'

'Of course, I'm not going when you're not well.'

'Can we just go to bed?' He asked and I smiled nodding. I put him back to bed and showered, turning everything off and getting into bed.

'You're nice and warm.' He whispered as he cuddled up and I smiled, running my fingers across his shoulders until we fell asleep. I woke up by my alarm and got up and ready, Harm felt better and decided he was going to head to work and do work behind the desk. He promised that he would be careful and I kissed him goodbye before taking Jake over to nanna Nora. I headed to class and was having a really great day before Jason showed up. I was on my way to take lunch to Harm before I went to get Jake when Jason blocked me. I looked at him despiritely but he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the block.

'Jason get off me!' I said firmly as I pulled my arm out of his grip.

'I've been patient, I've waited nearly two months, it's time to talk to me. I know I made a mistake but please, we can make this work.'

'No, I told you before I just want you to leave me alone, please. I've moved on it's time you do too.' I turned and walked back towards the station.

'You're with that cop aren't you? You really did get with him.' He said following me.

'Yes Jason, alright? Harm and I are together, so please just leave us alone.' I was on the steps of the precinct and he grabbed me again. 'Stop grabbing me!' I yelled and tried to pull my arm out of his grip but he got angry and pushed me away.

'Fine then, go and be a little slut.' He said pushing me and I fell through the door onto the floor.

'You okay there?' A police officer said helping me up. I nodded and glared at Jason as he walked through the door quickly.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.' He said and the police officer stepped between us.

'You sir, need to take a step back.' The officer said putting his hand up defensively.

'I'm trying to apologise to my boyfriend.'

'I'm not your boyfriend!' I yelled and the officer put his other hand out to keep me behind him. Jason groaned out in frustration and stormed out. I thanked the officer and went up to see Harm.

'Hey, how was class?' He asked standing slowly from his desk as I closed the door. Harm wrapped his arms around my waist and held me against him gently.

'Class was good.' I said before kissing him a few times feeling better now that I've finally managed to see him. 'Jason-'

'I swear to lord, if he's come near you again I'm filing a restraining order.'

'I think it's time we do that, he grabbed me again, pushed me through the door and then told the police officer that I was his boyfriend after telling him I was with you.' I said spreading my hands across his chest.

'I'll sort the papers out and bring them home tonight for you to sign and I'll have them filed tomorrow.' I nodded and he kissed me, before forcing kisses all over my face and I laughed before pushing him off.

'I brought you lunch as well.' I grinned and he kissed me before taking his seat and we had lunch together before I headed back to get Jake.

We had a horrible afternoon, he was an absolute terror and I ended up having to put him to bed early. Harm came home and looked tired, I knew I was tired, he put his case down and undid his tie.

'You alright love?'

'No, Jake was a nightmare this afternoon, how was your afternoon?'

'It was pretty horrible too, another girl was kidnapped and murdered and we're close to catching the guy but the brass is jut breathing down my neck and I just really want to get this guy, I hate having to explain to parents that I wasn't good enough to catch a killer and their kid has ended up dead.' He scrubbed his hands over his face and I smiled sadly walking over and giving him a hug. We had dinner and went to the shower.

'I love you.' He whispered as he kissed across my shoulders as re ran the wash cloth across my chest. I smiled and turned to him, kissing him.

'I love you too.' I grinned.

'I'd pick you up and carry you back to bed so I can fuck you all night but...' He looked down at his stomach, the wound from his surgery still causing him a little trouble.

'We can just walk.' I winked and he grinned happily as we got out and dried off before heading back to bed. Harm managed to last one round before he was a breathless mess beside me. We lay there whispering about Jake's birthday at the end of the week, I'd already sorted most of the things out for his party and the guys from Harm's work were going to be there.

I woke up to Harm shuffling around and I smiled as I watched him shirtless looking through his draws.

'What are you doing?' I whispered and he jumped nearly ten feet.

'You scared me.' He whispered before coming back to bed.

'What were you doing?' I laughed when he pulled me close, his hands running up and down my legs before he pulled one over so I was spread across him.

'Don't you worry.' He grinned kissing me and I kissed across his chest and up his neck. He just chuckled as I kissed and I cuddled up to him. We fooled around for another hour before getting in the shower and getting Jake up. Harm heading to work and I spent the morning with Jake before we went to the store. I turned around for five seconds to get him some toddler food and I heard Jake scream his head off. I turned to see a man in a black jacket and jeans running down the isle with Jake screaming. I yelled and dropped the baby food before running after him. Someone stopped in his way but he got away and I yelled after him but I lost him, I panicked. I called Harm but he didn't answer, I called over and over and over until he picked up.

'Babe, what's wrong? I'm a bit busy at work.'

'Someone took Jake!' I yelled down the phone panicked.


'Someone took him, I turned to pick up some of his food and then he was screaming, when I turned back he was gone! I don't know where he is!' I cried and was getting to the point of hysterical.

'Where are you? I'll be there in a minute.' He said and he quickly came down and had a squad of five with him. I pulled the picture I had of Jake in my wallet out so everyone had a good look at what he looks like.

'It's alright, we'll find him.' Harm said pulling me to his side, kissing my head.

'I'm so sorry, I swear-' My phone started ringing with an unknown number and I picked it up. 'Hello?'

'If you want the baby back, meet me in the park in an hour, come alone. Don't bring your boyfriend cop or any of his lackies. If I see any of them I'll hurt your precious kid.' The call was cut off and Harm was fuming as he paced in the street.

'I swear, if anything happens to my boy I'll fucking kill them.'

'I'm so sorry.' I whispered and he held me tightly.

'This isn't your fault, I already saw the video footage, they grabbed him the moment you turned. It wasn't your fault.' I bit my lip.

'I'm gonna go, I'm gonna get him back okay?'

'No. It's obviously a trap.' We fought about it for twenty minutes before he agreed to let me go, but he was going to have undercover agents running around all over the place in case anything went wrong. I wasn't happy, I was so scared because I don't want Jake to get hurt, but... I went to the middle of the park where Jake liked to play, I could hear him crying, or maybe I just thought I could hear him.

'You came.' I closed my eyes, tears already welling at the voice.

'Jason, please give me back Jake.' I whimpered.

'We're gonna talk this out, and you're going to give me a second chance and then I'll give that stupid baby back.'

'Please, I'll stay, just please give him back.' He looked out at the playground and I clung to him. 'Please, Jason, I'm begging you just give Jake back to me.' He looked down at me with a sigh.

'Alright, but this proves how much I trust and love you.' I nodded and he raised his hand and the crying from around the playground got closer. I looked around to see Jake in a man's arms, he was crying and I went to go and get him but Jason locked my arm down and I couldn't move. 'You will sit here and wait until we're done, you can see him, he's perfectly fine, so sit and talk to me.' I only barely managed to drag my eyes away from Jake.

'O-okay, let's talk.'

'First, you and that annoying fucking cop are going to break up.' I bit my lip and nodded. 'Then you're going to get a new job-'


'You're not fucking working for that prick, it'll be weird after your break up anyway.' I took a deep breath and nodded.


'Then, you and me are gonna spend more time together, you'll move in, drop this stupid restraining order.' I nodded and looked over at Jake. 'And in six months we're going to go on a holiday, get away from all this. But for now you're going to stop this shit with the cop. Call him right now, end it.' He said and my head snapped to him.

'Jason, please-'

'Right fucking now.' I swallowed and pulled my phone out. Jason watched me as I dialled the number and waited for him to answer. 

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