Sky: The Truth Untold (III)

By Elin_Writes_Stuff

1.6K 47 29

After defeating Demille, peace reigned in the world of Sky once again. However, boredom came along with it. T... More

I: The Beginning
The Prayer
II: Discovery
The Melody
III: Visitors
IV: Dark Indentity
The Unexpected
V: Step To Reality
Broken Heart
VI: The Dark Clash
VII: Distant Memories
VIII: Encounter
IX: Rising Risks
X: Gray Flashbacks
XI: Final War
XII: Peaceful Endings
Extras: True Love
Extras: Oliver's Escape
Extras: Trustworthy


64 2 0
By Elin_Writes_Stuff

It was midnight, and the moonlight shined right through the room's window. He moved to an edge of the bed, and she got on the bed with him, hugging him with a lot of love.
Whether they wanted to accept it or not, time was running out. She could feel that he was getting weaker and weaker as days passed, and she didn't know what to do. The more she thought about it, the tighter she'd hold him. She didn't want him to leave, it was too soon for it.

"Can you imagine what I'd do without you? Because I can't."

"There's nothing you should worry about. We can meet in the afterlife!"

"Afterlife?" She wondered, to which he chuckled a little. He held her hand and looked at the roof of the room as if it was a starry sky, happy.

"You know, dear. I've always thought that death is not the end of life. Our physical form might be useless, but our soul still lives. I don't know where it goes or what it does, but I refuse to believe that death is the end of it all. There has to be more waiting for us."

"You... think so?"

"Absolutely! Just think about it, a place where you and I could be together once our time in Earth has come to an end... Doesn't that sound lovely?"

"It sure does." She said with a smile.

As she felt how his beloved played with her hair, she started imagining. What could be waiting for them after death? Was there truly something similar to afterlife in real life? These and many more questions came through her mind, making her get lost in such. She created a world of her own, that world which he wanted to meet her in when their life was over. She thought about it carefully, every detail, every moment, everything. She thought she had figured it out, and she opened her eyes excited of what she had created.

"My love! I think there truly is an afterlife! We can be together forever!"

But there was no reply. He had fallen asleep. She looked at the window, and sun was rising. She didn't understand how time went by so fast, but it somehow did. She got off from the bed and made her way out of the hospital.

"If that is the way it will happen, I can't wait for it to occur..." 

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