Back And Here To Stay (Lumity...

By Wibbit2020

51.6K 1.7K 1.8K

Credits to hermes52 on divineART, I used their photo to draw the body of the cover of this book. I'm saying t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chpater 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

1.9K 74 112
By Wibbit2020

Amity's Pov:

I was sitting in my room.

I didn't have anything to do. It's not like I could focus even if I did.

I never really thought about how Luz had a tattoo when I saw it.

I kinda just, brushed it off.

But now it was all I could think about.

It looked good on her.

She was muscular, beautiful, smart, kind. She looked really good when she got out of the shower...

Her hair was still a little wet, making it drape over her face and water droplets were still on her because she hadn't fully dryed off.

It just made me feel...


I had a crush on her since I was little.

We practically grew up together.

And my feelings never changed. Not even once.

I had been asked out multiple times, a few of those times by boy's.


But every time I said no. I said no because I was too hung up on a girl who would never love me back.

Growing up I was known as perfect. But Luz felt more perfect to me then I would ever be.

Everything was so amazing about her.

And when I tryed to think about it, she didn't have a single flaw that came to mind.

In reality I was really bored.

The only thoughts that entertained me were thoughts of Luz.

I could go out somewhere.

But where would I go?

Maybe the library.

I haven't been to the library in awhile.

Knock knock.

Light taps were heard coming from my door.

"Come in!" I yelled, my voice sounding loud in my somewhat quiet room.

"Heeeyyyy mittens!"

Oh god.

It was Ed and Em.

And they still use that stupid nickname!

Why do I still live with Ed and Em?

Well because I never moved out of Blight Mannor.

I'm currently looking for a house, but none are on the market that have caught my eye.

And why does Ed and Em still live in Blight Mannor?

Something about 'free rent'.

Mother and father liked having us around. At least that's what they would say.

They were good parents.

Luz's mother was friends with my parents. That lead Luz and I to always being around eachother. because our parents were always around eachother.

I remember I used to hate Luz.

She was so energetic and enthusiastic compared to how calm I was.

My mother used to sit me down and talk to me about giving her a chance.

I was so reluctant to give her a chance that once I finally did, I had wanted to hit my past self over the head for not giving her a chance sooner.

My parents were gone a lot, which I didn't mind.

I was old enough to care for myself.

Now that I look back, my parents were pretty strict.

They made sure that I was a good student and I was well composed, but they always made time for me and my siblings.

My parents wanted me to be able to have fun.

Which I did. But I also developed an extreme need for everything to be in order, for everything to be perfect.

I always strived to do better.

My dad said he admired me for that.

"We're going to a frat party! Wanna come?" Emira snickered to herself, leaning her hip on the doorframe.

A party huh?

I do need to go out more.

Like I said, my parents tryed to get me to have fun my whole life. Which I kinda defecated...

"So you in?" Edric leaned forwards while dragging out the last word.

I need to let loose a little...

"Yeah I'm in. Just give me a bit."

Edric started pumping his arms in the air while Emira smacked him upside the head. I drew a small spell circle, closing the door infront of their faces.

Alright! Party clothes!

Do I have any party clothes?

I ran down the stairs heading into the living room.

Edric and Emira stood by the door on their scrolls, waiting for me.

Edric glanced up and smiled.

"Ready to go?" He got rid of his scroll along with Emira.

"I guess so."

I didn't really like partys.

But, I wanted to be more active.

After Luz left, I got really sad and never wanted to go anywhere.

But now that she was back I wanted to make up for lost time from my life.

The three of us walked out the door.

I was wearing jeans and a dark red long sleeved shirt.

Emira suggested that we walked to the party because it was less then three blocks away from us.

So here we were.

Outside, in the cold. Heading to a party.

Who's? Literally no clue.

Damn, since when did I not think things through.

I am definitely not the impulsive type.


Not too long after, we arrived at the party.

There were flashing lights coming through the windows, and muffled party music coming through the open door.

There were collage student's crowding the lawn. Most of them with red solo cups in hand.

This was a mistake.

"Comon mittens! I wanna try some of the 'fruit punch'" Edric snickered.

He had sarcasm in his voice for a very good reason. Because that 'punch' was no longer punch.

There was no doubt it had been spiked.

Weather with drugs or alcohol, it beat me. But Ed seemed pumped about it.

Em grabbed my arm and quickly dragged me inside.

The doorway lead strait to the living room, which was quite large. To my right there was a wall and a staircase leading upstairs, which was blocked off. In the top left corner of the living room there was a large doorway that lead to the dining room. On the right of that doorway there was a frame leading to the kitchen.

Seemed like a pretty nice house to me.

I really didn't like this.

Why did I agree to this?

I had so many reasons why I came. But now I was rethinking everything.

I really hate partys.

Remember why you're doing this.

The music was blaring 5 Seconds of Summer songs.

That day that the human realm and the witch realm merged, everybody on the Boiling Isles fell in love with their songs.

It was kinda funny. Luz told me that quite a few people in the human realm made fun of boy bands.

You look so perfect standing there, in my American Apparel underwear!

And I know now~

That I'm so down!

I walked around the living room.

There were quite a few people who looked waisted and others who were just dancing.

I never want to get drunk again.

I hated that feeling I had after.

It was like my brain was a door and somebody was trying to break it down with a hammer.

I remember a few things from that night.

Not much.

I remember telling Luz where our secret key was. I also remember telling her we were home alone. Then there was a huge gap where my memories just blacked out. All I remember next is having my arms stretched out and asking Luz for cuddles.

My face flushed a little.

It wasn't the worst thing in the world to ask for cuddles.

Friends cuddle.

Gus and Skara cuddle sometimes.


"WOOOO! Party man over here!"

I turned to the side to see two guys with their arms wrapped around eachothers shoulder's.

Both were absolutely toasted.

My mind went back to my previous thoughts.

Even if I did ask for cuddles, it's not like I told her I had a crush on her.

There could be waayyy worse thigs then telling Luz I want cuddles.

When I woke up that morning I was scared because I thought me and Luz did things.

Luckly, it wasn't hard to remember what happened before I fell asleep.

I was in Luz's arms while she leaned against the wall. I remember smelling a strong scent of coconut and vanilla. And maybe a little bit of alchohol, but other then that it smelled nice!

It must have been her shampoo.

Everybody around started dancing and jumping to the next chorus.

Hey, hey, hey hey!

Hey, hey, hey hey!

It started to get really crowded.

I didn't like it.

It made me stressed.

I started making my way towards the kitchen.

It was less crowded there.

It made me feel like my airways opened back up.

Now that I think about it. This may be my first party ever.

I could be my second party, I wasn't too sure.

Man, am I sad or what.

This is probably my second party ever. And I am 20 years old.

Emira was by the snack counter and Edric was standing in the middle of the room. His pupils were dilated and he was staring at a red solo cup in his hand.

Yeah, something was in that.

Eh, he's 23. He can take care of himself.

Emira came over to me with a plate of chips in her hand. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and let out a loud WOOOOO!

"Eyo mittens! We've been here for five minutes!" Emira paused looking down at the floor. "You honestly stayed way long then I expected." Em scratched the side of her head with her free hand.

Wow, how nice.

It's true though. It's been five minutes and I'm already uncomfortable and I want to leave.

"Thank you so much Emira! If you can't tell that's sarcasm." I snicked a little while Em rolled her eyes.

"I want a pop tart." Em scowled at me as if I had a pop tart for her.

She got off my shoulder, ruffling my hair because she knew I hated it.

They treat me like I'm still fourteen.

I really hate it.

I'm twenty and should be out of the house and independent.

Yeah, life had a different plan for me.

I have enough money to buy a house, I just need to find a house.

Then I'll be able to get away from those two.

I love them, but they're a pain in the ass.

My girlfriend's bitchin cause I always sleep in.

She's always screaming when she's calling her friends.

She's kinda hot though!

The music had switched from one 5 Seconds Of Summer song to a different one.

They really need a wider range of songs.

I leaned against the wall and sighed, observing the people around the room.

It seemed like everybody was wearing some sort of sexy outfit, or things that didn't match at all.

One person was wearing a neon pink skirt with a brown plad sweater.

A slight shadow casted over me, causing me to look over to my right.

There was a decently tall guy with short blue hair standing above me.

He had bright pink eyes and was wearing jeans, a leather jacket, and a white shirt.

"Can I help you?"

My tone was unintentionally low and sounded grim.

I was already annoyed and he hadn't even talked to me.

I guess I expected to come here and talk to nobody.

Go to a party and talk to nobody. As if that was possible.

It's a party...

"Heyyoooo pretty lady!" He howled as if he were a dog.

His breath clearly smelled like alcohol, causing me to hold my breath a little.

"Would you- *hic* Come upstairs? I wanna showw yoouu somtthinn *hic*"

Absolutely disgusting.

This is why I like girls.

Wait, was I like this when I was drunk? Poor Luz.

"Yeah no thanks. You're not allowed up there and I'm a Lesbian." I scoffed out.

No wonder why I was cold to him when he came up to me.

I had a gut feeling he was another bitch.

My statement seemed to make him angry.

His face turned a bit red and his brows furrowed together.

He grabbed my wrist in a flash, causing my to wince at the pressure.

"You fuckin. You fu. You fuking biittcceehhhhhhhhh!" His words slured a little before he continued. "A womans only purpose is to pleaseeee, maannn. Like meheheehheeeee!"

He giggled a little which set me off.

This dude was creepy.

Fuck him!

In a quick sweep, I kicked him in the leg, which caused him to fall back away from me a little.

He still had his hand around my wrist, which his grip only got tighter when I did that.

"Now listen here you-" He paused a little while wood splinters flew everywhere.

I shielded my eyes to protect them. And soon enough his grip on me was gone.

Everybody in the kitchen went silent and they were all staring at me.

It made me feel nervace.

Did I do something.

I wanted to yell at them all to stop staring, but I kept my composure.

Wait, they're not staring at me.

Then who-

I looked over to the blue haired guy, who was now unconscious on the floor.

I looked up at the spot he was previously standing at to see.


He was holding a half broken wooden chair above his head, just holding it there as if he was going to go in for another swing.

Did Edric? Oh god.

I'd definitely thank him once he was in the right mind, but at the moment it would probably be best if we left before we were arrested.

Edric threw the chair onto the ground with an angry look on his face.

Emira quickly made her way through the crowd to see her siblings, and a unconscious dude.

This could not look good for us.

Edric pointed at the passed out body with a lazy finger, looking like he was about to pass out himself.

"That's my sister, you beitch!"

He pronounced 'bitch' wrong, but I still enjoyed the sentiment.

"Yeah, not getting arrested today!" Emira quickly walked up to us and grabbed both our arms.

Whispers surrounded me while we walked out of the room.

Edric was about to fall over with how fast Em was walking and I was frozen in shock.

We left the house while cold air nipped at our skin.

"Are you two okay?" Emira sounded more worried than anything.

She dropped our arms once we got around a block away, before Ed started speaking.

"I'm better then ever! I just killed a ma-"

Em and I slapped our hands over his mouth.

"Edric! You idiot, we can't say those kind of things! And he's not-" I paused, looking around a bit. "He's not dead." I continued in a whisper.

I slowly took my hand off his mouth which revealed a devilish grin on his face.

I was really uncomfortable with what happened.

Thoughts started to enter my brain on what could have happened if Ed hadn't... Smashed a chair over his head.

It was enough to make me cringe and shiver in fear.

This is why I don't like partys.

I don't even think we were there for a full ten minutes before disaster struck.

"Amity are you okay? You spaced out." Em was facing me with a worried glance.

Was I okay?

I couldn't feel any broken bones. I don't think there was brain damage.

I think I'll only be mentally scared.

People will say it wasn't that bad, but I was scared!

I didn't know what to do. If somebody didn't step in, I wouldn't be able to defend myself.

Men develop more muscle mass than women.

No, that does not mean all men are stronger then women, some women are stronger than men.

But I am not one of them.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

I felt a quick twinge of pain shoot from my wrist.

I looked down at my arm.

I was wearing a long sleeved shirt, but I knew that a bruise was forming where that guy grabbed me.

"Hey Em."

Emira looked me dead in the eyes to show she was listening.

"You take Ed home. I think I wanna walk around a bit." I fiddled with the end of my shirt while talking.


"Please, Em. I just want some time to myself."

My words were harsh and sharp. I didn't mean to come off that defensive. It just happened.

Em only nodded with a sad look on her face before walking off with Ed's arm around her shoulder's.

When she was out of sight, I rolled up my sleeve to see a purple bruise forming in a ring around my wrist.

It stung.

It wasn't terribly painful, it was just a bruise. But it still was enough to make doing anything simple, a bit more annoying than usual.


I pulled out my scroll.

It was probably a text from Em telling me something Ed did.

When my scroll unraveled, it revealed to say 'one message from: Lulu'.

I smiled a bit when her name came up.

She could always brighten my mood.

Even in the situation I was in.

Lulu: Hey! I'm at ********* with a few other people, if you wanna join.

It was only a few blocks from here.

And I needed to get thing's off my mind for awhile...

Me: On my way:)

I started a new schedule for this book! I will be posting for this book every other Friday!

If I'm feeling good then I'll post an extra chapter on a Friday that I don't usually post!

Have a good day, and thanks for reading!

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