Reach For The Stars (Tommyinn...

By SunflowerNotFound

551K 13.9K 20K

Y/n is popular 16 year old streamer. What happened whens she gets a very special invite that could change he... More

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A/n random
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Things they got
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Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (:
chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chappter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter ?
Sequel is out NOW

ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟞

6.2K 155 220
By SunflowerNotFound

Tw// talk Eating disorders, Depression, PTSD, panic attacks and Anxiety. mention of self harm thought and thing along that line.

IMPORTANT : Drista And Lani and y/n are just friends. One me and my friend call each other wifey all time. There best friends that really all I have to say not much else.


" Anorexia and Bulimia " Wild jaws dropped after I told them. "Why didn't you tell me"

He was a little angry. " It wasn't Relevant " I shrugged. " What is Anorexia " Tubbo was still confused. " It's an eating disorders tubbo"

he then made an O face. " Anyway what do you mean it wasn't Relevant. " Will was probably pissed with me for not telling him.

" I got rid of it a year ago that's why" He furrowed his eyebrows. " Y/n you still would have told me you and I very much know how easy it is to jump back on that train" I was sick of him putting me at this point. " It's still not relevant to current time" I was now almost at my breaking point. " What do you mean it's not relevant to the current time? You could still make the same mistake and go through it all over again"he was frustrated.''Wil it was none of your business. " I drank from the water I had next to me. "None of my business you have no just admitted you were hospitalized 6 times because of. How am I not to worry about it. " He raised his voice. I finally had enough.

"Will I get it okay I've made so many fucking mistake I can go back and change. I'm reminded of them every day when I wake up.

I'm reminded every day when I sleep. I can't even escape my own fucking mind. I've been tormented and bullied by my brother and classmates. I've been ignored my whole life by my dad and sister. My mother was the only person who cared and actually showed it. Well look how that turned out she fucking six feet under will." I started to cry

"That guilt eats at me every day I wake up. I could have stopped her from getting on that damn plane but I didn't. My best friends lifted me after they used me for money. Every single time my life seems to be going on a positive path I fall. It happens over and over and over until I can't take the damn thing anymore but I push myself. I keep going because the day I fucking give in is the day everyone else wins. " I take a deep breath and continue

"I've fucking lost myself so many time due to trusting people. So pardon me for having trust issues and not telling you about my dark past as soon as I meet you. I suffer from ptsd, severe depression, insomnia, trust issues, multiple types of anxiety used to have eating disorders. What more do you want me to tell you will. I've also almost taken my own life or thought about it more than once in my life." I told the truth.

"I've hidden it for years from people because of the fear I will be judged. I became a fucking stream because I wanted to something I enjoy for once. I've done this all alone for years so I'll be damned if I need help now" Tears dripped from my eyes as I spilled my whole damn heart out on the line.

I've held it all in a jar in the back of my brain for years and it finally just shattered. The whole call went quiet. Now one knew what to say. "Sorry " I felt bad. "Don't be sorry I'm the one who should be sorry I shouldn't have pushed you '' Will frowned.

" It's okay things happen and that's life you just gotta get up and keep walking. '' I sighed and wiped the tears from my face. "Even in the worst of times you're still positive, " Tommy smiled. "Nice of you to notice" I let out a soft smile. " I tend to notice a lot" Tommy let out a soft calm laugh. " Hmm like what " I questioned him.

"Your smile get bigger when you nervous and you tend to squeeze you nails into your hand" He shrugged. "Very observant for a child" I made evey one laugh. "Why we're you staring at her smile to begin with" Drista wiggle her eye brows. "It called common sense to look at people while your talking to them" He exspained. "Hmm sus" We all laughed.

" One second I'll be back" I get up and go to the bathroom. I grab my make up things and head back out. "What are you doing" Tubbo laughed. " Fixing my face because if you haven't happened to notice I have black stains going down my face and it make me look like a demon so I'mma fix it" I cause drista and Lani to laugh. "Ooh do a glamour looook " Lani yelled though Tubbo's mic. " And make it extra" Drista laughed.

"I have shiny things I can use " I looked up and the began to nodded. "Alright choose a color any one" I laugh. "Do a dark red" Niki smiled. "Mmmm k" I wipe off my face and pul out my things and place them one by one and applying them.

" My lovely Wifey what color should I do mine" We both start laughing. " Hmm my Queen you should go with a dark purple and silver line that goes outside of the win line with a light purple looking nude lip" I said and she starts to pull crap out. " I wanna be your guys wife tooo" Lani pouted.

" Hmmm My queen we need and Nick name for our new wife" Every one laughed. " How about Lovely or Dove " Drista smiled. "Hmm lovely works for meeeee" We all cheers. " Wifey what color should I do" She must have ran out to run and grab her make up as well. "What is this a sleep over" Tubbo laughed at all of us. "I don't see you doing anything funnn" I joked

"My love you should go with a royal blue smokey eye as blue seem to fit your personality very well" I explains and she smiles "I feel let out " Clay chuckled watching his sister appy her make up.
"Your all musicians or some what use it to you advantage" I play full rolled my eyes.

"Rude much " Wil joked. "You can sing very well join us" Tommy smiled. " Yeah sure pick a song I know tho" This cause us to all laugh. "How about drives license I know you like that one" I thought for a second. "Yeah sure only if you can play it. " I started to apply eye liner.

Again immmmmm to lazy so I ain't writing a whole done so here a cover of what she sounds like I Guess also music has no time and corona don't exist because I'm in charge if this book and corona can go fuck it self :P
Also y/n doesn't own a face or voice I just put there hear so you get an idea :))

""That was amazing how dare you not tell me you can sing" Drista giggle finishing her make up. "How do I look" She turned her face from side to side. "Breath taking " We all laughed. "Lani You look Amazing lovely job" We all agreed and smiled. " You think I look good have you seen a mirror " Both grilled said in unison. "Oh my god I could have probably done better" There jaw dropped.

Y/n Makeup look

Drista make up look

Lani's make up look

"Better you look great" Tommy stuttered.
"Thank you Mr innit" I smiled and he turned pink. "You guys do realise that's its 2am there in England meaning it's 2pm here on Friday. I leave for the air port in like 2 hours" They all paused.

" How are you not tired"Tubbo asked. "Tubbo I have insomnia meaning I can sleep with out medicine witch would be pointless to take right now when I leave for the air port in 2 hours" They all laughed at there stupidly.

" Wow yous all hot the memory of a fucking gold fish " We all laughed and I fell out of my chair. "Omg y/n are you okay" Tommy quickly asked. "Yeah I'm okay" I whispered standing up. "How long does It take you to fall sleep on the meds" Wil was curious "like ten minutes if not a lot less" I chuckled my anxiety and sleeping med in my suit case. While talking with the others.

A/n hahahaha two part in one day loook at me gooo. Well any way hope you enjoy and thank for reading :D

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