For as Sick as it May Seem

By timebomber666

16K 855 105

Growing up, Corianne Stanley knew Christopher Cerulli as her next door neighboor and the older brother of the... More

1 - I Saw Your Eyes
2 - The Urge is Getting Stronger
3 - Unstoppable
4 - Stung by the Wasp
5 - My Heart is a Timebomb
6 - I Will Break You Carefully
7 - The Distance Kills Me
8 - Lust Verses Love
9 - Until Your Heart Caves In
10 - Love is Like Fire (Trigger Warning)
11 - You are All That I Have Left
12 - Black
13 - The Pain We Love
14 - Goodbye
15 - You Could Never Understand Me
16 - We'll Sing Forever
17 - Undress Your Body (Explicit Content)
18 - This Place That I Call Home
19 - Santa's Pissed
20 - I Don't Know Where Home is Anymore
21 - Push Passed Everything
22 - They Will Surely Take You Away From Me
24 - I Know Our Future
25 - Don't Say Goodbye
26 - Forever and Always
Behind The Scenes
Alternate Endings
I'll make you a deal...
New Story!

23 - This is a Love Song

407 29 1
By timebomber666

A/N: Some of these things regarding the school may be a bit inacurate but it's fanfiction; none of this is accurate haha.

A couple days later.

Chris hung out with the guys while Cory was at school. He needed some advice. He honestly wasn't sure what to think with this whole situation thath he and Cory were in.

"So is she really gonna go to this school?" Ryan asks.

"It depends on what this scout thinks." Chirs says.

"Do you want her to go?" Ricky asks.

"Of course not; I don't want her to go to Texas! But this is such a great opportunity for her. I can't stand in the way of that."

"So then what did you tell her?" Balz asks.

"That she should do it! I want to support her."

"But this could seriously jeopordize your relationship." Vinny points out.

Chris sighs, "I know that." He says, "So...what do I do?"

"Tell her you don't want her to go." Ghost says.

Chris pauses, taking this in.

"You've gotta be honest with her." Josh says.

Chris sighs, "I'm aware of that. I'm just...afraid that being honest is going to hurt her."


Cory walked into the house when she got home from school. Wednesday began yipping and Chris walks up to her. He smiles, then kisses Cory.

"Hi, baby." He says.

"Hey." Cory smiles, "How was your day?"

"Good. I just hung out with the guys. You?"

"It's school; how do you think it went?"

"Gotcha." Chris says.

Cory nods and sets her bag down. She sits on the couch and sighs, tiredly. Chris sits next to her.

"So...Can we talk?"

Cory sits up, "Of course. What's up?"

"Well...What's gonna happen if this guy does end up offering you a scholarship to the school in Texas?"

Cory sighs, "I don't know. I mean, I would want to go, but...I just don't think I could leave everything that I have here."

Chris swallows, "You want my honest opinion?"

Cory nods.

"I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to go." Chris admits, "But...I think you should anyway. This could end up being really, really good for you."

Cory sighs and lays her head on Chris' shoulder, "I don't know what I'm going to do."


April 2nd.

Chris and Cory walked into the café, hand in hand. The familiar scent of coffee greeted them. They ordered coffee and got some food, then sat down.

"Are you nervous?" Chris asks.

"Yeah, a little." Cory confesses.

Chris takes her hand, "You're gonna do great."

Cory exhales and nods, but doesn't say anything.

As if on cue, Donivan walks in. Cory checks the time. Twelve o'clock on the dot. Cory leans in closer to Chris.

"That's him." Cory whispers.

Chris looks over and sees Donivan. He turns back around and squeezes Cory's hand. This was it.

"You ready?" Chris asks.

Cory nods, "I think so."

She takes one last sip of her coffee, kisses Chris' cheek, then stands. Donivan sees and nods to her. Cory walks up to the front of the café. The café had recently made a new purchase; a piano. Cory sat on the piano, and took a breath.

Normally, Cory would say something nto the microphone first; she'd give some kind of introduction. This time though, she didn't. This time, Cory just started playing.

Cory's fingers moved across the keys with ease, and everyone in the cafe turned their attention to her. Donivan and Chris were playing the most attention though. Cory then began to sing. (A/N: If anyone cares, this is 'They'll Never Know' by Ross Copperman.)

Hush, baby don't cry

Just get through this night, overcome

'Cause all that you are, is beautiful, child

But they'll never know...

They'll never know...

This was another song that Cory used to sing to Cole on occasion. It reminded her of him. She hoped he was watching her through this; some way, somehow.

Don't think that they'll change

They push you away, far from home

'Cause all that they are, is broken inside

But they'll never know...

They'll never know...

Cory took a deep breath as she approached the chorus.

Don't you cry...tonight...

Rest your weary...eyes...

'Cause all that you are, is broken inside

It's nothing you could change

It's nothing you could hide

It's nothing you could hide

Cory's finers pressed down on the keys of the piano in a graceful way. She hadn't played in a while. It felt really good to though.

Pink flowers and bows

That's all you should know, and summer days...

'Cause all that you are, is beautiful, child

But they'll never know...

They'll never know...

Cory sang her heart out at the chorus.

So don't you cry...tonight...

Rest your precious...eyes...

'Cause all that you are, is beautiful, child

It's nothing you could change

It's nothing you could hide

It's nothing you could hide


'Cause all that you are, is beautiful, child

But they'll never know...

They'll never know...

There's about a half-second pause before the café applauds. Cory smiles, then stands. She walks back over to Chris, who hugs her.

"You did great, baby." He says.

They break the embrace as Donivan walks over.

"Miss Stanley, it's great to see you again. This must be the boyfriend. Donivan Ross." He says, introducing himself to Chris before shaking his hand.

"That was some performance, Cory. I really enjoyed it." Donivan continues.

"Thank you, Mr. Ross." Cory says, smiling.

"So. What do you say we set up a video conference meeting to discuss you attending Butler? The other members of the board would love to hear from you."

Cory looks up at Chris, as if trying to find the answer in his eyes.

Chris squeezes Cory's hand, "It's not my decision to make, honey."

Cory swallows, pondering everything she'd already been pondering for weeks now. Finally, she looks back up at Donivan.

"Okay..." She says.


Three days later, Chris sat in the livingroom, waiting. Cory was in the other room, having her video chat meeting about the scholarship. Wednesday sat at Chris' feet and whimpered.

Chris leans down and pets his dog, "Yeah, I don't wanna lose her either." He murmurs.

As if on cue, Cory walks out of the room with tears in her eyes. Chris stands. Even Wednesday seemed on the edge of her seat with anticipation.

"What happened?" Chris asks.

Cory swallows, "Well they didn't tell me straight up that I got in, but...I did."

"So...Does that mean...?"

Cory nods, "Yeah."

Chris wasn't surprised. Cory was incredibly talented. She deserved this.

"Wow...So are you going to accept?"

"Not yet. I wanted to talk to you about it first, because..." Cory pauses, "Because if I decide to go...they want me to start early enrollment. Go there for a couple months just to get settled in, tour the campus, maybe earn a few credits..."

Chris' stomach dropped at hearing this, "Oh." He says, "So...when would you leave?"

Cory lets out a shaky exhale, "Four weeks from now."

Chris' eyes widen. That'd mean he'd only technically have two weeks left with Cory, as Motionless was leaving on tour for two weeks.

"You know I don't want you to go," Chris starts, "But I still don't think you should pass up something this amazing for you."


"So...You should go."

Cory's eyes widen, "You really think so?"

Chris nods, "Yes."

Cory pauses, thinking.

"Well then." She states, "I guess I'm going to Texas..."

Chris smiles, trying to be happy for her. He hugs and kisses her, keeping his smile. Overall, Chris was happy for her, but he was also so heartbroken...


Soon after that whole endevour, Chris had to leave. Leaving Cory this time was harder than any other.

"So...She's really leaving?" Vinny asks.

Chris nods, "Yeah."

"You okay?" Josh asks.

Chris sighs, "I don't know...I mean I'm happy for her...but I'm gonna miss her like Hell...I just hope that this doesn't change Cory and I as much as I'm afraid it will."


Cory walked into Hot Topic, "Hey, Mandy..."

Mandy looks over to Cory and walks over, "Hey. How'd it go?"

Cory swallows, "I've gotta tell you something..."

Mand gives a sad smile, "You got it, didn't you?"

Cory nods, "And I'm leaving sooner than expected. A lot sooner, actually."

"How much sooner?"

"Four weeks from now."

Mandy blinks, then hugs her best friend as they both begin to cry.

A/N: So...yeah. How is all this going to affect Chris and Cory's relationship? What are you guys thinking of this? I feel like the ending of this story is going to be super predictable, but at the same time, totally'll see what I mean when we get to that.

So ex boyfriend texted me the other night. We're friends now...wish me luck.

Chapter Title From: Puppets by MIW.

Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy your day off of school! I know I am.

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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