Trust | Caleo Highschool AU

By missenchantedgirl

25.7K 272 322

Calypso just moved to New York City from Greece with her sister, Zoë. They now attend Goode High, and all is... More

Their dresses
Epilogue | Calypso
a/n - the end


1.6K 13 26
By missenchantedgirl

First day of school. Couldn't be too exciting.

I mean, honestly, I never really liked the first day of school. Or school in general. But that's besides the point! 

On the first day, I threw on some blue jeans, a white tee, and a black bomber jacket. I then said goodbye to both of my moms, my little sister, Georgina, and a few more people that lived in the large home with me- Lit, Jimmy, Sssssarah, Deacon, Sam, and a few others. Finally, I hopped in my car and drove off to school.

Once I arrived, I was greeted by my best friends- Piper, Jason, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Will, and was punched in the arm by Frank.

"Leo!" Piper yelled as she ran up and squeezed me.

"You're suffocating me, Beauty Queen!"

"Gosh! Right, sorry!" Piper said sheepishly and let go of me. Piper had been by best friend since, like, ever. We went to the same elementary and middle school, and met everyone else during 6th grade. Ever since, we'd all been a huge group.

"Late as always, Valdez." Percy joked, walking up and clapping me on he back.

"Eh, give me a break. You know how much I hate having to get up everyday!"

Everyone agreed, and the bell rang. "See you guys around!" Annabeth shouted to us, running inside already.

"Do we have to go now?" Percy complained.

"Unless you want to be late on he first day, Seaweed Brain! So yeah, we do."

"Crazyyy!" Percy whispered.

"I heard that!"

Everyone laughed, and we all went inside.


After getting my schedule and locker number, I headed off with Jason since we had to go the same way. Once we got to our lockers, I decided now would be a fun time to tease Jason about the events that occurred during the past few months.

"So......" I started while putting my books in my locker.


"Oh, come on. You know what I'm gonna say. What's going on with you and Piper!"

Jason groaned and attempted to punch Leo in the arm, but missed thanks to my awsome reflexes.

The past summer Jason and Piper had been aggressively  flirting. Subtle compliments, quick stares, they even spend a whole night together alone in Piper's car (Of course, they both swore nothing happened).

"Okay fine, maybe I was kinda flirting. But I just can't get the courage to ask her out. Besides, I'm not even sure if she likes me!"

I stared at his face in disbelief. "Jason Grace, worried about someone not liking him? There's no way she can't, dude. Besides, you guys would be like, the power couple of all of Goode High!"

"Behind Percabeth. Or maybe even Frazel."

"Eh, I don't know about that. At this rate, they'll never confess their love for each other."

Jason laughed, and the bell started to ring. The school day had began.


x My first class was Calculus. 

Now, I know what you're thinking, Leo, I thought you hated school? Why are you in such an advanced class?  Well, the truth is that math isn't even that hard- for me, anyways. My mother taught me different math equations when I was super young, so they were always super easy.

I made it through Calculus okay, despite Annabeth's constant shushing. My next class was another class I found non-amusing.  History.

I walked into class, my mischievous grin plastered across my face. In this class were all my friends, plus a few more of my other ones, Thalia, Bianca, and Reyna. Bianca was Nico and Hazel's sister, while Thalia was Jason's. Reyna had dated Jason a few years ago, but they ultimately broke up. Things were okay between them, though (But Reyna never missed a chance to joke around about it).

"Valdez! Come hear this news!" Thalia called to me, her smile wide.

"Sup, guys!" I said, taking a seat at the center of class. "What's the big announcement?"

"Our friend, Zoë, and her sister moved to Manhattan, and they're going to our school! How cool is that?"

"Sweet! Are they gonna be any fun?" Hazel hit Leo on the head with her notebook for asking that question.

"Leo, don't be rude." Hazel chided. "And from what Bianca's told Nico and I, they seem wonderful."

Thalia confirmed what Hazel had said and told everyone that they would actually be in the same class and them during this period. 

"Class, settle down." our teacher, Mr. Brunner, started. "Hello, I will be your History teacher for this year. You may refer to me as Mr. Brunner. Now, we have some things to discuss."

He began talking and I immediately got distracted. A new girl? Sweet! Maybe she was cute- well she had to be didn't she? I've seen Zoë and though she's not exactly my type, I have to admit she is pretty good looking.

"And that brings me to my next point," I snapped back into reality. "We have two students new to the city. And- oh, here they are now!"

"Sorry!" the taller girl started, looking slightly embarrassed. "Are we late?"

Mr. Brunner laughed. "Not at all, I just started class a bit early. I suppose I got too ahead of myself. Ladies, gentlemen, folks- meet our students, Zoë Nightshade-Othrys and Calypso Ogygia-Othrys."

Everyone in class said hello, all except me. I was too busy staring in awe at the girl who stood next to the one he assumed was Zoë. Calypso. That was her name, huh? Sounds familiar- that Caribbean music maybe? I'll remember eventually. I didn't realize I was still staring till the teacher cleared his throat.

"Mr. Valdez? Do you have something you would like to say to these ladies?"

"Huh?" I replied, startled. The entire class roared in laughter. "I uh, was just," I thought about saying something but decided against it. "Never mind."

"Hmph. Well,  I don't supposed you would mind giving these girls a tour around school once the is over?" I obviously had no problem with this, but I decided to play it cool.

"Yeah, sure."

"Perfect. And with that, Zoë you may sit next to....."

Thalia bit her lip nervously. "Thalia and Bianca."

"YES!" Thalia exclaimed jumping up. Her face turned red, suddenly noticing everyone looking at her. "I mean, cool, ha. You're seat's right here, Zoë." Zoë shook her head, clearly struggling to hold back a laugh. She walked down the isle and sat down next to Thalia, secretly slapping her on the head in the process.

"And," Mr. Brunner continued. "Calypso, you may sit..." he looked around the room at the many empty chairs. "Right in front of Leo, Leo Valdez."

After that, my mind went blank. I stared at the empty seat in front of me, and back at Calypso.

"You assholes set me up." I whispered to my friends as she made her way down the aisle.

"How did we-" Jason started, but quickly stopped when Calypso was less than 5 feet away.

As she sat down, her hair swayed in a mesmerizing way, not that she herself wasn't mesmerizing enough.

"And with that being said, I would like you all to get to know you classmates. Turn and talk to someone, I'm sure you could all make lovely friends in this class." And like that, everyone turned and spoke.


Zoë immediately turned to Bianca, Reyna, and Thalia, who all began talking over one another.

X "Oh, I've missed you guys so much! Thalia have you dyed your hair? Bianca your's grew! Oh, and Reyna you seen like ten times taller than you were last time and- OH MY GODS, Nico and Hazel no way that's you! Gosh, have you grown? And-"

"Ladies! There are other people who I bet are dying to meet Zoë and Calypso. Isn't that right?" Bianca said, turning to the rest of her friends.

"Oh, right. Uhm hey, I'm Zoë and over there," she said pointing to Calypso, "Is-"

"Hi, I'm Calypso."

"You interrupted me!"

"You were taking to long!"


"Anyways, we just moved here from Greece, where we lived with Zoë's parents."

"But now, we're here, because there's only so much craziness you can take."

"Ignore what she said." Calypso sighed.

"Whatever," Zoë replied, the situation clearly making her uncomfortable. "Rara, introduce me to these guys."

"Well, there's Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Hazel and Nico- who you know, Frank- oh and you'll have to keep an eye on him. He and Hazel have been staring at each other all lovey-doveyish, like, all summer-"

"Reyna!" Hazel shrieked. "That is not true!"

"On July 4th you two said otherwise..."

Frank was extremely red.

"Frank is Canadian! He doesn't even celebrate the 4th of July like you guys do!"

"Yeah," Reyna rolled her eyes playfully. "That's why he didn't watch the fireworks with us, he sat under the bleachers with you inste-"


"Okay, Okay!" She giggled, "There's Piper, and then Jason, the white dude who broke my heart,"


"Don't interrupt me- And then Katie, the Stolls, Leo- the guy who was staring at you earlier,"

I threw my hands up. "I wasn't-"

"And finally there's-"

"Oh my gods, you're so cute!" Silena came rushing across the classroom and looked Calypso up and down."Your nails, your hair! Oh, and your eyes are just the prettiest thing ever! You've got to be a real sweetheart for sure!"

"Uhm, thanks!" Calypso replied. "You're super pretty too!"

"Aw, thanks! You know, if you like gardening and stuff, you should join Gardening Club! Katie and I are gonna join, too!"

Katie then came up behind her, nodding her head quickly, "Its so much fun, you won't regret it!"

Travis and Charles came up from behind them. Travis shook his head at the two of them. "Damn, guys. Let her breathe."

"I'm just being friendly." Katie growled.

"You're just being scary."

And off they went bickering.

"You know, that actually sounds pretty fun!" Calypso yelled over their voices. When she said that, they immediately died down, and they went back to gushing over each other.

Suddenly, a loud bell sounded. "Class will be over in a few minutes!" Mr. Brunner announced. "Say your final goodbyes to your peers, pack up your things, and get out of here!"

Everyone laughed, and began to stand up.

"No way we're ending like that, we'll catch up during Gym later today!" Thalia yelled down the hall as she went in the opposite  direction with Reyna.


The rest of the day went by like a flash. Most classes were just spent learning rules and other boring stuff. I had Calypso in a few classes like Gym, Crafts, and Science, butttt I didn't get to talk to her in any classes. She was mostly hogged up by the girls, who I think found her even more amazing than I did. Eventually, it became the end of the day. I headed back to my locker, and spotted all of my friends there. Thalia, Reyna, and Bianca were there, but Zoë and Calypso weren't.

"Hey guys! What's up?"

"We're talking about how much of a screwup Percy is." Jason replied.

"Guys, do I look like I would do it on purpose?"

"Relax, loverboy. It was a joke." Nico spoke up.

"I'm confused- what's going on?" I said.

Percy sighed, and spoke. "I used to know Calypso."

"How? Didn't she live in Greece which is like, across the globe?"

"Yeah, just listen. I'll explain everything."

Through Percy's story, I learned this: 1 year ago- before Annabeth and he were dating- Percy and his family took a trip to Greece for the summer. I knew this, because when he came back he only talked about it for forever. What I didn't know, is that while he was there, he had met someone. Calypso. They'd hit it off pretty quickly, and had plans to stay in touch after the summer. Back home, he had not only a ton of friends waiting for him but a possible girlfriend too. He told us that only Annabeth had known, and he had told her when they started dating. But anyways, when Calypso found out, she was incredibly hurt, and never forgave him, that is, until a few months ago. Percy got a text from her saying that she learned to move on, and was proud of him and his relationship.

"I feel horrible." Percy said at once. "I still don't know how she forgave me!"

"Well, it seems like she doesn't want things to be awkward between you two." Grover suggested. "So... why make them awkward?"

"Grover's right." Annabeth, who had been quiet the entire time, finally spoke up. "If she happy for you, and is completely over everything, why drag it on?"

"You're not mad?" Percy asked.

"At her? No, she had no idea. At you, a bit frustrated, but like I said, its in the past." She shook her head. "Still can't believe you would do that."

"It wasn't on purpose! I was confused, and-"

"I get it, Seaweed Brain." She took his hand. "Besides, she seems kinda cool."

Everyone mumbled in agreement. "Hey, Leo." Reyna said. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"


I's completely forgot I had to give Calypso and Zoë a tour of the school today!

"Ugh, right! I'll see you guys tomorrow, I have to show Calypso and Zoë around. See you!"

And off I went. I wonder what could be in store for me? Couldn't be too exciting... or could it?


sorry this chapter is a bit overdue! yesterday my aunt threw a little party for our dog and it was kinda fun tbh lol

next chapter is when things will get exciting! other relationships won't be focused on as much in the story later on, trust me!

also, this week i should be able to edit and get out more chapters faster!

tysm for reading, and bye!

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