[Heavily Editing] Unprecedent...

By Keyouch

19.9K 862 733

CHAPTERS 1-17 EDITED ___ [It's you] [No one looks good with me, but you.] A young man who will do anything i... More

Chapter 1: Stone World
Chapter 2: Fantasy vs Science
Chapter 3: King of the Stone World
Chapter 4: The Pure-White Seashell
Chapter 5: Yuzuriha
Chapter 6: Taiju vs. Tsukasa
Chapter 7: The Gunpowder Adventure
Chapter 8: Light the Beacon
Chapter 9: Senku vs Tsukasa
Chapter 10: The Science Gang
Chapter 11: Weapon of Science
Chapter 12: Epilogue of Prologue
Chapter 13: Winning Bid
Chapter 14: The Two Countries of The Stone World
Chapter 15: Kohaku
Chapter 16: A Bad Face
Chapter 17: Sorcery Showdown
Chapter 18: Stone Road
Chapter 19: The Dawn of Iron
Chapter 20: Survival Gourmet
Chapter 21: The Silver-tounged Man
Chapter 22: Lightning Speed!!!
Chapter 23: In This Hand, I Hold The Light of Science
Chapter 24: A Shallow Alliance
Chapter 25: One Scientist's Dream
Chapter 27: Death Green
Chapter 28: Friends With Their Backs Together
Chapter 29: Brain & Heart
Chapter 30: Take Everything And Give Nothing Back
Chapter 31: Kraaazy Chemicals
Chapter 32: Village Games of Schemes
Chapter 33: Master of Flame and The Domineering 'Witch'
Chapter 34: The Fruits OF 2,000,000 Years
Chapter 35: Doctor Stone

Chapter 26: Clear World

133 8 2
By Keyouch

That was one Hell of  either a writer's block or procrastination.


With one swift movement, Senku put his hands on the watermelon helmet and pulled it off.

"HANG ON, LEEK-HAIR!" Kohaku seethe as she picked up the helmet, "Didn't Suika said she didn't want anyone to see her face?!"

With all these commotion, Lalaine also went after Kohaku, dragging the lifeless Ana with her.

"Go on and look... Her face isn't all scarred up and isn't super ugly or anything like that. It's not like there was even any reason to hide it..." Senku replied in his usual manner.

As soon as Kohaku followed Senku's words, she immediately swooned at Suika's adorable face, squealing in delight and praising her cute appearance.

"Awwww, she's cute! Ana, look!" Lalaine poked the other girl on the shoulder.

"Ughhh... I'm not in the mooooood." Ana groaned, stretching her arms up, "I can train, but I don't want to do it with others watching..."

Ana turned in time just as Suika scrunched up her entire face and everyone, including her and Lalaine almost choked on air.


Trap that glittering away

"Suika, is your vision blurry, by any chance?" Lalaine asked as she knelt down in front of the child.

"Yes! How did you know?" Suika nodded her head, her watermelon helmet cradled in her arms, "Suika's eyes have blurry disease. I only see faint fuzzy images of things, and if I strain to see my face ends up like this, and it's embarrassing..." Suika put her helmet back on and she was back to her usual self, "But when I wear this Suika cap, it somehow gets easier to see!"

"Pinhole effect." Surprisingly, it was Lalaine who said that, "It basically allows you to focus on something because light squeezes through a tiny hole, like your helmet, Suika!"

"Does Suika's eye problem have something to do with glass?"  Chrome(I swear I did not almost forgot his name) asked.

'Wow, lately it's been Chrome that's asking questions to us humans instead of the other way round.' Ana thought distractedly.

"They have 10 Billion percent have something to do with each other!" Senku confirmed, facing Suika, "That's not a disease or anything, and it's not a defect or deformity. In a scientific civilization, not one person is held back by it because not one person would think twice about The Eyes of Science made from glass."

"Glasses!" Lalaine cheered, "They will solve everything, Suika-chan! Trust me, after all, I'm one of those people who need glasses because of my eyesight! Didn't you notice how Ana makes sure I'm not alone for a long period of time or when I'm going to somewhere a bit far from here?"

Ana shrugged her shoulders, Lalaine chose that perfect time to grab on Ana's arm and give her a side hug.

"Yeah, I don't want you to trip or slam your head on a tree branch, or something." Ana said and flicked her friend's forehead, "Still an airport, I see-"


Suika watched their interaction as she processed what Lalaine said to her, "Using Science... Is that really possible? You can even create eyes? That's too amazing..."



Both Ana and Senku confirmed once again.

"To be honest... Suika..." The child's voice was shaky as she spoke, "Even if it's just once, Suika wants... To be able to see this beautiful world. To see everyone not blurry... Or fuzzy... But as they truly are." Ana thought how even though people have clear vision, it's hard for them to see everything as they truly are, "Even if it's just once... Suika wants to truly meet everyone."

Ana placed her hand on Suika's head reassuringly, "Suika... Once we make glasses for you, it will not only be once." She smiled down as the little girl looked up at her, "You've waited for years, a few more hours or a day should be easy enough, right?"

Suika almost cried right then and there, but since she's a strong little girl, she managed to beam up at her.


"Alright, you should wait here to get some more rest or play around and keep watch, okay?" Ana walked away to get two baskets to bring, "Lalaine will be accompanying us this time, and no, 'Laine, you have no say in this, I'll make you work...."

Lalaine almost missed the low chuckle of Ana.


"ALRIGHT THEN, LET'S GET GOING...! And make this glass stuff." Chrome cheered as he, Senku, Kohaku, Ana and Lalaine start making their way up a mountain through the woods.

"The main foundation of glass is Silica, found in sand." Senku informed, chuckling at Chrome, "Kukuku, Chrome... Even your great collection didn't have that, did it?"

"Yeah, well I didn't exactly go collecting sand..." Chrome replied as he he stare in disdain at Senku's teasing words.

"Aww, why not?" Ana questioned, "You could've made sand castles or something. Sand...." The dark haired girl hummed, "Oh, sands from the beach... I don't know man, I ain't smart." Ana gave up as she shrugged at Senku, who only sighed at her.

They reached their destination soon enough, and Ana already had to pull Lalaine back from tripping and falling to her death only about twice so far. Doing good so far, they've been mining for the materials they need for some time now.

"It's right around here that I found those clear rocks back when I was a kid!" Chrome gave some information to the Scientist and his assistant.

"Huh... Pretty good infos, Chrome." Ana quipped as she turned to Senku while still keeping an eye to where Lalaine was. She carefully put her pet snake down, "William, go on a hunt, go back to the kingdom once you're done."

The snake, like the good boi he is, seemed to nod at her before he slithered away.

"Crystals will be formed in a place where Granite has been weathered away." Senku explained, "In other words, a rocky outcropping. All the sands in this area is essentially the foundation of glass... Silica Sand!!"

"Woaahhh!! It turned to white!! ARE THESE THOSE WHITE STUFF?!?" Lalaine screamed out excitedly but turned into confusing at the end.

"THIS IS SO FUN- Wait, what white stuff?" Chrome asked.

"You don't need to know, and you should never know." Ana cut off at the perfect timing, "Just collect all those clear grains as much as you can, then we'll crush them and turn them into powder." Ana gave a dead stare to Lalaine, knowing what the other girl is thinking and it's nothing like that.

After collecting all they could possibly can, they immediately got back to their base and started working. Ana asssigned Kohaku to be the one to crush the grains, which after they've been cushed, she gave to Senku to put in the furnace.

"What are the other ingredients...?" Chrome asked, wanting to know more like the good Scientist he is.

"Ahhh... We've already got them all." Senku answered, "Now we just gotta work hard here. Lalaine, where's Ana?"

"She told me to help in her stead this time because she have something else to do." Lalaine replied back instantly as if she has been rehearsing that.

"More important than helping me out?" The young male couldn't help the small, barely noticeable disappointment he felt.

"Dunno, man, does it count if she's doing it to help you out?" Lalaine smirked at Senku as if knowing something he don't.

Senku turned away but couldn't hide the relief he had in time before Kohaku and Lalaine noticed it, the two girls could only laugh about it together.

"By the way, Ana also asked if you could make some glasses for me, too!"


"Alright, alright!"

Lalaine went back to her work in a high mood.


"Solitary Cloud

Shadow in The Setting Sun..."

Ana inhaled deeply in her meditating position, after a few moments of complete serenity, she opened her eyes.

"Damn, I was waiting for an arrow to shoot at me..."

She was disappointed.

She got up from where she was sitting on the sands of the beach nearby their base, finishing her short break before resuming her practice. She walked a few steps and stopped when she reached the waters of the sea where it can only reach up to her ankles.

"How much of an addict I am? I asked professionals to teach me the way they fight just because I loved them." Ana continued to mumble to herself as she picked up the pole she brought with her.

"Thousands of years passed..."

She swung it with ease, but it was obvious that it wasn't as good as she did back then.

"I gotta get back my skills before I could face off other enemies we may encounter in the new future..."

Ana stopped, her stance to that of her last attack and she did not move even if the waves want her to.

"Ew, why in the world am I saying these stuff, I thought I got over this long ago."

Although, 'long ago' was really hard to comprehend nor estimate.


The next day, Senku finished the glasses, he already gave the ones for Lalaine and the girl almost cried and was ready to worship Senku when she put it on and got her vision back. Ana had to drag the taller girl up before she actually do it. This time, Ana helped him with putting the glasses on Suika's helmet.

"Yayy! Perfect fit!!!" Ana threw her arms back after she put the glasses on the eyes of the watermelon helmet while Senku hold it up in front of her.

"Wait... So in the end she's gonna still be wearing that?" Chrome sweatdropped at that, that's what he get for expecting otherwise.

The modern trio, along with Chrome, Suika, and her dog went to a Sunflower field that Ana decided to pick to where Suika should go see the clear world first.

"It's gonna be perfect, I'm telling you." Ana assured, Suika in her arms as she carried the little girl with ease. She's used to this, alright, especially when the little kids she used to take care of end up fighting for her and them wanting her to be their big sister and only theirs.

'I really hope Suika won't end up like them, too, but it's wishful thinking.'

"Nice location you picked, Ana." Senku complimented, carrying Suika's helmet.

"Of course! Even Lalaine is looking around, see!"

Said girl was running loose and checking everything around her as if it was her first time seeing the real world again after years of being in her room and had never touched grass before, or like she was in an underground prison for a loooong time.

The first one would suit her, honestly.

"Yeah... We could see that..." Chrome let out a laugh at the girl's silly, but fun, nature.

Ana gently drop Suika down on her feet.

"Suika, are you able to see what's in front of your eyes right now?" Senku asked from behind her, standing beside Ana.

Suika stared at what was in front of her for a few seconds, before she squinted her eyes and her entire face crunched up like an elderly woman's. Something in front of her looked like a blurry mixture of yellow, brown and other blurry colors of what's around it.

"They're just some regular sunflowers. It's not like I can't see them at all or anything..."

'Say "Sike" right now...' Ana grinned as she saw Senku put on Suika's helmet on her head.

Suika stopped what she was saying instantly as her eyes adjusted to the lens and her vision focused on the sunflower in front of her. It was clear, clearer than your skin and anything that she's ever seen before. Her vision is clear! Suika looked around her and it's still clear, she looked down on her dog for the first time in clear view and her eyes teared up.

She's finally seeing the world in 4k 60fps.

Only when Ana noticed the blank looked from Senku, the confused one from Chrome and the laughs of Lalaine did she figure out she said it out loud.

"Senku! Chrome! You guys look a lot cooler than expected!" Suika complimented the boys before she turned to the two girls, "Miss Ana, Lalaine! You two are even prettier than I thought!"

"What exactly did you expect, damn it?!" Chrome grew an irk mark as he playfully got annoyed at that.

"Suika, you're so cute!!" Lalaine dashed and picked up Suika.

"Now that the kingdom's labor force has powered up, we can even make more stuff with glass utensils and implements, we'll be able to start ALCHEM- I mean, CHEMISTRY!!" Ana chuckled lowly as she watch Lalaine and Suika play with the dog.

"Exactly what I was thinking, my dear assistant." Senku agreed, chuckling menacingly, "We'll be able to make all the medicines we want!"


[Acquired Glass!]

A faint light can be seen...


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