An Understanding (Damon and E...

By Alltimemily_

20.6K 539 45

Here's the sequel to "Soul Connection" You don't really have to read "Soul Connection" to understand this seq... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Authors Update
Chapter Fourteen
Author's Update

Special Chapter (Katherines POV)

953 24 2
By Alltimemily_

<Katherine's POV>

I wake up to five angry faces. I smirk almost immediately, feeling amused. I guess Elena's crew will always come running to save her like the weak little damsel in distress she is. Those scientists should've killed her when they had the chance.

"Well if isn't my favorite people.." I say, smiling. "Bon-Bon, Barbie vamp, Ladies man Damon, and Steffy the bunny eater." I say. "And of course, we can't forget the center of all you're problems. Elena Gilbert."

"We're not here to entertain you, Katherine." Damon says bitterly.

I roll my eyes, smiling. I sit up and groan. Still in the Salvatore house, my favorite place. "I'm thirsty. I need a blood bag."

"Katherine.." Caroline says my name seeming annoyed. I hold back a laugh.

"Aw well I see Steffy has taught you how to growl my name angrily. I wonder if he'll teach you to scream my name. Katherine..oh Katherine!" I say, mocking the time Stefan and I had done it.

Before I know it, Stefan has me slammed up against the wall. A pain crackles in my back from the crash, but I make sure not to show any pain. "What are you gonna do, kill me?" I smirk at him, my voice strained.

"I should." Stefan responds, his face hard.

"But you won't."

"Stefan, she's trying to distract you. Let her go." Bonnie says. Close theory Bon-Bon, but I'm just trying to poke ole steffys nerves for old times sake.

Stefan let's me go and I catch my breath. I look up and see memory loss Gilbert glaring at me. I roll my eyes.

I speed run to her and wrap her in a neck hold. I'll snap her neck right here and now if I have to. "I'm serious about what I want to. Get me a blood bag or I drink hers." I say.

"Get the bitch what she wants." Damon says to Stefan. "

I let Elena go. "See? That wasn't so hard."

"We're wasting time." Caroline shakes her head. "Katherine what do you know about the scientists that took Elena?"

I smirk. "I know that I helped them."

"What?" Damon's jaw drops.

"They struck a deal with me. It was an offer I couldn't refuse." I smirk.

"Of course." Bon-Bon says.

"Oh, and if you're wondering, I'm the one Elena was linked to. So anything I did I could make her do, too. Pretty fun if you ask me."

Everyone is silent for a second, processing. "Than how come Elena can't control you?" Caroline asks.

"Ah, good thinking, Barbie vamp. Well if you must know, it's because of the witches that put the spell on me. I have more power over Elena than she does me." I point to her. I love how no one noticed that I was slowly sucking the energy out of her. "For example, now."

Everyone scrambles over to her like mice after cheese. Predictable. It's been fun but this is my cue to leave.


Woo fun chapter to write! :)

Don't forget to tap dat ass-- I mean vote button real quick! Comment how u felt abt this chappie if you want!

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