Chapter Seven

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Attending the Masquerade ball with Damon tonight is what everyone believes is exactly what I need. But what about what I believe I need? Well apparently my choices are always unheard within my group.

Speaking of my group, I haven't seen Bonnie lately, and I'm a little concerned. She'll occasionally respond to my texts, but never return any phone calls. Caroline says she's just really busy with witch stuff, but knowing Bonnie she'd have to have a good reason before practicing.

"Stefan, have you seen Bonnie lately?" I run into him at the Grill.

"No, why? Is something wrong?"

I sigh. "I thought maybe she was just avoiding me.. But that's apparently not the case."

"Well, what about you? How are you doing?"

"Oh, um I'm doing a lot better. I went through some crazy vampiric hormones." I laugh nervously. "Well I've got to meet Jeremy at his school thing." I lie.

He smiles. "Alright, well if you need anything just give me a call."

I nod to him before grabbing my coffee and leaving.


"Elena, which one?!" Caroline shrieks, holding up two dresses. One is a frilly, chic golden gown, while the other is a red velvet mysterious dress.

"I like the gold one. It matches your eyes." I say. "What's this for anyway?"

Caroline looks at me like I'm the biggest idiot in the world. "The Masquerade ball!" She practically squeals.

I facepalm. "Wow, gah. I totally spaced."

"No problem, you've had a lot on your mind." She hands me the red velvet dress. "Wear this."

I smile. "Well if you insist!" I laugh, holding the dress up against my chest, and dancing around a little.

Caroline laughs too. "There she is!" She points at me, and I raise my eyebrows. "The Elena Gilbert we all know and love! I think she's back!" She squeals.

"Yeah, yeah!" I laugh. I take a glance at myself in the mirror and smile a little. "Maybe she is."


"Damon, is there anything I still don't know about you?" I smirk up at him, as we dance. The familiar dance that we always do, but each time we sway it feels like new.

"Like besides the fact that I'm a pompous narcissist?" He says making me laugh.

i intertwine my fingers with his and rest my forehead against his. All is right with the world and I wouldn't change a thing. He spins me around, surprising me and I laugh a little. "Since when could you dance?"

"Ms. Gilbert, that is nothing. Prepare to be mind blown." He smirks, and I smirk right back laughing.


The night went by all too soon as I danced away my worries and fears. I love Damon Salvatore so much and every little sarcastic comment he makes everyday, and his way of turning even the most serious and saddest of times feel a little more lightweight.

Until I started to get a little hungry. "Damon." I said to him, feeling like I was going to fall over. "Get me out of here." I said quickly.

Damon quickly picked me up and spedrun out of the building.

I started coughing up blood, feeling faint and dizzy. "Elena!" Damon shouted. He quickly pulled out his phone. "Bonnie come quick!"

I felt like my life was slowly being sucked away. "Hey Elena! Stay with me!" I could hear Damon's voice boom. He was kneeling down right in front of me and his eyes were watering. I had almost stopped coughing, but felt like passing out. Damon quickly picked me up and spedrun to a house. By the looks of it, it's Bonnie's. The world around me was blurring badly.

Damon set me down on Bonnie's couch. "Bonnie!" He cried. He dialed everyone's phone and told them to meet him at Bonnie's NOW.

I had finally stopped coughing but felt myself starved. "Damon?" I croaked. He came over to me immediately. I reached out my hand shakily to grab his. "I love you."

"No Elena, don't say your goodbyes! This is not over!" He yelled angrily, but I saw a tear roll down his face. He bit into his arm and made me drink his blood. It was so satisfying. He let me drink for so long and my cravings were almost satisfied. He finally pulled away and I sighed in satisfaction. "Elena, look at me." He touched my lip, and I looked up at him. "I promise you, everything will be okay." He kissed my forehead long and hard before we both drifted off into sleep on the couch.

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