Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold...

By Leomantic

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After saving europe from nuclear annihalation, "Bell" was forced to kill Adler and escape the CIA. He's now l... More

The Team
The Meeting
Something in the Desert
Perseus strikes
The first lead
The Menendez Cartel
Holidays in Cuba
Miami, Baby
New orders
North Atlantic
Allies or Enemies?
A new mission
Ghosts of Indochina
New Leadership
Closing in
A single spark...
The End is near
In War and Love
Operation Able Archer
Welcome, Comrade Park
The final confrontation


1.2K 24 6
By Leomantic


Park was inspecting the newest photographs when I came in. I knocked on the doorframe to let my presence known. She turned around to face me. "Bell, I didn't expect to see you back here."

"Well, surprise." I tried to joke and started talking about our next mission to ease the tension. Infiltrating the Lubyanka wouldn't be easy but I was sure my MI6 training prepared me for such a moment. Eventually, I gathered all my courage and mentioned the scar she showed me and Lazar earlier on. She even told us how she got it. "Why have you been hiding that scar on your neck?"

She sighed. "Remember when I warned you about inquiring into Adler's past?" I nodded. "Some of that was likely projection. We're not always proud of our scars."

The words were out of my mouth before I knew it. "It highlights your beauty."

Park raised an eyebrow at me. "Being cheeky, are we Bell?"

I shaked my head. "I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is that it adds character. A testament of your strength. And THAT is real beauty if you ask me."

She touched her scar. Despite the dim light, I could see her starting to blush."I believe there are better ways to embellish one's character. But in our line of work, it's often more important to diminish the impression we leave on people."

"Well, you've certainly made an impression on me." I say with a smile. "You're smart, strong-willed and gorgeous."

She blushed and looked away. "Stop it, you're embarrassing me."

I moved closer and caressed her cheek. "Every part of you is beautiful. Your eyes, your mole, your raven black hair and yes, even your scar."

Her breath shortened and suddenly, she pressed her lips onto mine. Oh god, she tasted amazing!

We continued to make out, our hands wandering all over each others bodies. I couldn't help myself and squeezed her butt, causing her to yelp. "You naughty boy!"  She remarked with a grin.

I wanted this woman. And I wanted her now!

"I can't wait anymore." I whispered into her ear. After pushing her onto the table, we continue to make out. I pay special attention to the scar of her neck, kissing it over and over again. "You're so beautiful."  I repeated several times and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

But when I started to open her jacket, she pushed me back. "No... stop."

I was surprised by her reaction. "What? What's wrong?"

She pulled the zipper back up and got off the table. "We... We can't do this."

"Why not? Are you afraid we get caught?"

She shaked her head. "Well yes, but... there is another reason...."

I didn't let her finish. "I get it. You don't want to start something with a fellow agent."

Parks sighed in frustration. "That's not it. We... We just can't, okay? We can't do this." 

"But why?" I asked. What was holding her back?

"It's... complicated. I'll tell you soon. Just... not now, okay?" she asked me, holding my hands. Oh these eyes. How can anyone say no to her?

"Alright. I'll wait. You're worth it, after all."

She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. Now let's get back to work. Once we have stopped Perseus' plan, we can continue where we left off."


She smiled. "I promise."


Leon Ivanov, KGB

Managua, Nicaragua

April 25, 1982

"It's good think we have Vargas with us." Garcia remarks as we exit the plane. "He probably  knows the jungle better than anyone."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." he says.

"Yeah I prefer not to have a Robinson Crusoe experience." Powers jokes.

After we leave the airport, I take a look around at the capital of this country. I see modern constructions in between are often houses from colonial times. It reminds me a bit about home. Except for the muggy climate. "What's the plan?"

"We have a meeting with the President, Daniel Ortega. The KGB doesn't have a file on this  Menendez guy. Moscow has informed him of our arrival, so hopefully he has the answers we need." Portnova explains as we make our way through the streets. I see children playing happily in the street, new buildings and roads are being constructed. Restaurants filled with happy people and musicians playing in the street. Truly a lovely place.

Back in 1979, a revolution overthrew the local Dictator, Anastazio Somoza, who's family has ruled the country since 1912. A family dictatorship, sponsored by the United States. One of the reason for the revolution was the fact that Somoza kept selling land to american banana companies for profit, while his own people were starving.

Profit is Theft.

Now the Sandinistas are in charge. They have already began transforming the country and preparing it for the first free election in decades.

We finally arrive at the presidential residence. It's a nice colonial house with a garden. Very beautiful, but nothing spectacular.

We explain ourselves to the guards who, after a quick check-up, let us through.

The president meets us in his office. A giant portrait of Marx is hanging on the wall behind him and his table is filled with papers. He seems to be a very busy man.

Nevertheless, he greets us with a smile and shakes our hands. "Comrades! Welcome to Nicaragua."

We nod respectfully and greet him. The President then turns to his secretary. "Antonio, please leave us." The man just nods and leaves the room. "Now then, what can I do for you?" he asks.

Portnova steps forwards. "We are looking for someone. Perhaps you can help us."

Ortega nods and picks up a bottle of rum from one of the shelfs on the wall along with a few glasses. "Well it's not every day you get a call from the General Secretary himself. But he wouldn't tell me who you're after." He offers us a glass of rum and all except Portnova agree.

As I'm holding the glass, I speak up. "Have you ever heard the name Jose Luiz Menendez?"

The Presidents jaw clenches. It seems we have struck a nerve there. "What buisness do you have with him?" he asks.

"We can't tell you much, Comrade. It's classified information. But let's just say he has some powerful friend who we are after." Beck tells him.

"I see..." he comments before drinking the whole glass in one go.

"Have you heard of this man? We suspect he is a well-known individual." I say.

The President rolls his eyes and pours himself another drink. "You could say that. He is the leader of the biggest drug cartel in the country and an important member of the Contras."

"Contras?" I ask.

"Counter-revolutionaries, mostly Bourgeoisie citizens and former members of the National Guard. After the Revolution, they fled into the jungle and have been waging a guerilla war ever since. They burn down farms and hospitals, they're kidnapping, torturing and executing civilians."

"Dios mio." Vargas mutters.

"So if you can get rid of him, I would be in you debt. But good luck finding him out there."

I sigh in frustration. We've just spent months in Afghanistan fighting other guerillas and now it seems we have found ourselves in the same situation. Great, just great.

But on the upside, Nicaragua is much smaller than Afghanistan. Let's hope it won't take long.

"I call Moscow and request a spy plane." Portnova tells us and takes out the phone.

"And maybe we can check the archives?" Vargas suggests.

This catches the Presidents attention. "That's... an unusual request. May I ask why?"

"In Colombia, the cartels would often use already existing infrastructure as their base of operations like abandoned plantations, airfields, and villages."

Ortega nods now, seeing the logic. "I'll provide you with the necessary authorisation to access the archives. Until then, feel free to ask if you need anything."

"We need some weapons and a place to stay. Preferably something isolated." Portnova tells him.

Ortega nods once again with a smile. "Of course, whatever you want. You are our guests after all."

When we leave the residence, Portnova starts her call while we wait at the gate. I notice how Garcia and Vargas are looking taking a good look at the city. But while Garcia seems happy, Vargas looks crestfallen. "Is something wrong, Sebastian?" I ask him.

"Hm?" He turns to face me. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just... thinking."

"About what, my friend?" I ask with a friendly smile. He seemed sad and I want to help him. Besides, we can't let our minds get distraced while on te hunt for Perseus.

He sighs. "I just remembered my hometown down in Colombia. It's so much different than this. Look around you: Children playing happily in the streets, enough food, good hospitals, clean streets. Adn all of that while  Why can't my home be like this? Life isn't fair."

I nod and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sadly, life isn't fair. But we have the power to make it more fair. Remember that we are fighting so people can live like this all over the world. Happy, free and safe. We must stop Perseus to ensure that this happens."

He takes my words in and nods after a while. Slowly at first, then with renewed energy. "You're right. We cannot waver." he says with renewed confidence. I pat him on the back and we walk over to Portnova.

"Any words from Comrade Andropov?"

"The plane is already on it's way. In the meantime, we should make ourselves useful. I suggest Vargas, Leon and me search in the archives about potential hidding places. The rest of you will prepare the house that Comrade Ortega has given us and collect the weapons. Agreed?"

"Agreed." We all say at the same time.

Portnova smiles and speask with an contagious enthusiasm. "Then let's move out, team. We have a drug lord to catch." 

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