I've Got This Friend ( c.h )

By Eri_nnnnnn

8.3K 320 35

Peyton is kinda ashton Irwins sister.Yes Irwin as in drummer for 5sos.They weren't actually related but ashto... More

Full Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Important A/N

Chapter 22

196 9 1
By Eri_nnnnnn

"Thanks for offering to hang out with me today Luke." I closed the hotel door quietly, making sure not to wake up Ashton. "I actually didn't even think you'd be able to function today."

"Why would you think that?" Luke laughed with a confused tone.

"Because I thought you'd be drunk. Ashton came back to the hotel room last night at 4am piss drunk and mumbling stuff about Calum and making me feel like shit.

"First of all, I'm not legal here and I'm not about to break a few laws when I'm not with just the people I know or alone with you guys. Secondly, how do you think that Ashton and Calum found their way home last night. Someone had to make sure they didn't pass out in a bar or something. Thirdly, what could Ashton say to make you feel like shit?" Luke raised an eyebrow towards me.

"He just made me feel shitty about the whole Calum situation. I mean, I've been feeling really shitty about the whole thing without his comments but still."

"Understandable I guess. Ashton is a nice guy but if he needs to make you feel like shit, then I can guarantee you that you will never feel worse in your entire life." Luke agreed, ducking his head as we left out the back exit of the hotel. Usually he'd try to go out the front and say hi to some fans, but security has been really strict lately and he knew that I probably wasn't in the mood.

"I know. I've known up with him for too long."

"I don't think it's possible to know someone for too long."

"Apparently that's how it is for Calum and I."

"Peyton, stop stressing over the Calum thing. I thought we were going out so that you didn't have to sit in your room and think about Calum." Luke reminded me, "and we only have a few hours before I have to be back here for rehearsals for the last show of the American leg of the tour and I can't be late or I'm dead."

"Sorry," I apologized, "you are right."

"It happens." Luke held his arms open and leaned in towards me, just to rub it in my face a little bit longer.

"So, are you excited for the last show?" I changed the topic of the conversation.

"Yeah. I mean, it isn't really bittersweet yet because I know that we're going to be seeing the boys and touring again in a month or two and so I'm not really sad about the situation, ya know?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm going to miss the One Direction boys though. They were a fun group." I sighed.

"You'll see them again in Australia. Even if you and Calum aren't on good terms, we are still friends and I'm still going to make sure that you come to a show or two."

"We'll see about that one Hemmings." We stopped on a street corner and looked both ways before running across the street.

"You ready to move into the house tomorrow? It'll be nice to have a place where we'll be for a while because I'm tired of having to constantly pack up and move from hotel room to hotel room."

"I'm really excited for the house to be honest. Like you said, having to move all the time sucks and it'll be nice to unpack my things and reorganize them in a nice way. My suitcase is a complete mess right now to be honest with you. I'm constantly digging through it."

"It's alright. I constantly wear the same outfits because I'm too lazy to dig through my suitcase to be honest with you."

"You are really lazy Lucas."

"Probably because I hang out with this girl Peyton and she has a negative influence on me."

"Oh shut up." I smiled and hit his arm.

"That was nice."

I raised my eyebrow. "What was nice? Me hitting you?" I raised my arm so that I could hit him again because if he enjoyed it, it just gave me another reason to hit him and I was going to take that opportunity.

"No, seeing you smile."

"You act like I never smile."

"Recently you haven't smiled much."

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, you don't have to apologize. I was just stating a fact and trying to prove you wrong."

"You're such a child sometimes."

"Well, I am younger than you, remember? I mean, you remind me all the time."

"I swear to god, I'm going to kill you someday."

"Love you too Pey." Luke pulled me into his side.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I pushed myself off of him.

"So, did you have any ideas of what you wanted to do today?"

"I don't know. I thought that you would have an idea."

"Maybe we can go eat."

"Oh, I could totally go for diner food. Like a milkshake and fries and pancakes and wow I'm going to need to workout after this day." I sighed.

"Don't worry about working out. You're so small and skinny. You're like half the size of my thigh."

"That's a little bit of a stretch, don't you think?"

"I don't think before I say a lot of things so I'm going to have to say no."

"That's weird because you're usually the responsible one of the group and usually responsible people think things out before they say things or make decisions..."

Luke stopped in his tracks and crossed his arms, looking at me. "Well, do you want to stand here and argue with me or find a diner?"

"Diner please."

"That's what I thought." Luke pulled his phone out of his back pocket and searched for a diner until he found one that he decided seemed decent enough and cute enough for what we wanted. I mean, it wasn't like we could just go to any chain diner; it had to be an adorable little one of kind diners.

"Found one!" He announced.

"Lead the way Mr. Hemmings." I swept my arm out in front of me, motioning for him to walk.

"God why am I friends with you?"

"I feel like you ask me that a lot."

"I feel like you never answer me at all."

"If I had an answer, I would totally answer you." We awkwardly stood for a second, "let's go." I pushed him forwards so that he would lead the way.

We wandered around LA, getting lost one of two times but eventually finding our way onto the street that the diner was supposed to be on. We walked down the side of the street, casually strolling as we took our time in no real rush which was weird because we did have a time restriction.

"There is it!" Luke pointed at a silver building that did in fact look like a cute little diner.

"Good choice Lucas."

"I knew you would like it," he laughed deeply.

He held the door open for me and we were seated almost immediately when we got inside. It was busy, which was good because it told me that the place was good enough to a point of where people wanted to be there, but it wasn't busy enough for us to be forgotten.

We ordered our food and waited, exchanging small talk about anything but the other boys. Luke was actually doing a really good job of keeping me distracted from my life problems.

By the time that our food arrived, I was too hungry to think about anything else. I ordered chocolate chip pancakes with a scoop of ice cream on top and a chocolate milkshake because Luke convinced me to order that much. Luke ordered a burger the size of his head, a vanilla milkshake and an extra plate of fries so that I could steal some of his.

"Wait, before you eat smile." Luke held his phone out in front of his face.


"I haven't tweeted yet today so I'm going to tweet now and a picture would be cute, right?"

"Not really, but then again you are paying for this." I reminded him because he told me that he wasn't going to let me pay for the meal the minute we sat down.

"That's what I thought." He smiled, "now smile."

I did as told and held my thumbs up and waited for him to take a picture. Once he did, he typed quickly and then placed his phone face down on the table.

"Wait," I reached for it, "I wanna at least see the picture."

"Fine." Luke unlocked his phone and I read the text out loud to him.

"Lunch date with this cutie." I laughed softly, "that's a cute picture." I opened up a new tweet and pressed the camera button, "but I'm sure that the fans would prefer to see a picture of you and not me, now smile." I demanded and he made the same exact face as I did. I captioned it the same exact way and signed it with Peyton so it made sense to the fans.

"Now that we've tweeted, let's eat." Luke dug in, reaching for my shake so he could dip a fry in it, even though he had his own shake.

After the meal, we could see girls outside the windows of the diner and knew that we had been found. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise because these girls probably know the city well and could tell what diner we were at.

"Let's pay this and go meet some fans outside quickly because we have to get back to the hotel." Luke said, getting up to pay for the meal and leaving me by myself for a second. The girls knocked on the window and waved at me. I held up a finger, singling for them to hold on for one second.

Luke came back, wrapping his arm around me and leading me outside to where the girls were. They tried to stay calm, but I could tell that they wanted to scream. "LUKE!" his name came from every direction possible as they all pushed around and tried to get close enough to get a selfie or interact with him.

"Are you two like dating?" A fan asked the two of us.

"No, we're just friends." I ended that as quickly as we started.

"Where's Calum? Is he ok?" Another one asked me with a concerned look on her face.

"He's back at the hotel and why wouldn't he be ok?" I honestly had no idea what they were talking about unless it had to do with Calum and I, but I don't think either of us have mentioned anything to a point of where the fans would know there was some trouble between us.

"We haven't seen you two together in a while..." One started.

Another interrupted, "and he's been tweeting sad things and it's just weird. Like, you guys used to be together all the time and now I feel like he hasn't tweeted a picture of you or the two of you in ages."

I didn't even think about it like that. They were all so used to seeing Calum and me together, but now we never were together. I didn't even think they paid attention that closely to a point of where they would notice.

"Sad things? I don't have a twitter so I never see his tweets." I explained myself to the fans, even though I shouldn't have to.

"Sad song lyrics, just sad things in general." That wasn't helpful but I wasn't going to look for myself so I was just going to trust them.

"Did you hurt Calum you whore?" One called out from the back.

I made a face, expressing that I had heard her. Luke made a similar face and looked at me for a moment before talking, "I'm sorry but we have to go now." Luke pushed us away from the crowd.

"That was rude." Luke sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, she was right."

"Bullshit, she was wrong. You aren't doing anything wrong Peyton."

"Then why do I feel like shit?"

"I don't know Pey. All I know is that I promise you that everything will get better."
Poor Pey, but awww luke and Pey
Do u ship leyton ( luke and Pey) or palum ( Cal and Pey)
Don't forget to vote nd comment if u like

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