Lost Boys imagines/preference...

By WylderWatkins

466K 7.6K 1.2K

My favorite movie so I'm excited to make this. This will have David, Dwayne, Marko, Paul, Frog brothers, Mich... More

Where you first meet ( lost boys)
where you first meet ( frog brothers, Michael, and sam)
When he asks you out (Lost Boys)
when they ask you out (frog brothers, Michael, Sam, Star)
What they call you( Lost Boys, Sam Michael, Frog brothers, Star )
Where you go on your first date ( Lost Boys)
Where you go on your first date ( frog brothers, Michael, Sam, Star)
What season is theirs ( all)
Your first kiss (lost boys)
If they were in a band (Lost boys)
Jealousy preference (Lost Boys)
Dwayne (Jealousy) imagine
His favorite place to kiss you preference
Paul ( date ) imagine
Marko (date night) imagine
cheesy pick up lines they'd use on you ( preference)
The song he gives to you to show how much he loves you (preference)
David's greedy/ Markos protective ( imagine)
Note 🦇
When you wear his jacket (preference)
PDA (preference)
David (date) imagine
When you both get caught during a heated session (preference)
Dwayne (date) imagine
When you want to pretty them up (preference)
Protecting their (you) mates (preference)
When you tell them no (preference)
What they do when your feeling insecure (preference)
How much they spoil you (preference)
When you ignore him (preference)
How clingy they are (preference)
Dwayne turns you into a vampire (imagine)
Dwayne's insecurities (imagine)
When your mad (preference)
Paul crosses the line, Dwayne gets pissed (imagine)
You braid their hair (preference)
How and when they changed
When its your birthday (preference)
Them protecting you from the others (preference)
Theyre reaction to when you dont want to be changed yet (preference)
Taking lessons from Dwayne (imagine)
Boys take a liking (imagine)
When your on your period (preference)
Giving him a massage when he's stressed (preference)
What they do after a fight with you (preference)
He's needy for your attention (preference)
He does your make-up (preference)
baby fever, Dwayne and also a Paul (imagine)
Dating David includeds
Dating Dwayne includes
Dating Paul includes
Supernatural collides with The Lost Boys, Dwayne (imagine)
Dating Marko includes
Dating Sam includes
Marko (one shot)
You want to go to the carnival (preference)
You have commitment issues (preferences)
what he gets you for Christmas (preference)
What you get him for Christmas (preference)
Baby its cold outside, David (imagine)
All i want for Christmas is you, Dwayne (imagine)
Ill be home for Christmas, Paul (imagine)
Christmas Eve, Marko (imagine)
You make it feel like Christmas, Michael (imagine)
Dating Michael would include
Last Christmas, Sam (imagine)
What you guys do on Christmas morning (preference)
They're present wrapping job (preference)
Them trying to find excuses to kiss you (imagine)
Sleepover, Paul (imagine)
How they wake you up (preferences)
what character they are from that 70s show (preference)
Big spoon, little spoon (preference)
Jealous Dwayne (imagine)
Waited for so long, Dwayne (imagine) part1
Waited for so long, Dwayne (imagine) part2
Your children (preference)
Older version of your children (preference)
They propose to you (preference)
Your engagement ring he got you (preference)
Your wedding dress (preference)
His suit, (preference)
Your wedding theme (preference)
When Mates fall, Dwayne (imagine)
Misunderstandings and Heated Moments, Marko (imagine)
Vacation, Dwayne (imagine)
Between Two Guys, David (imagine)
Misunderstandings and Heated Moments, Dwayne (imagine)
Kitten, Dwayne (imagine)
One For All and All For One, Lost Boys (imagine)
Always There, Dwayne & Paul (imagine)
when you tell them your going on a diet (preference)
Our Little Secrets, Dwayne (imagine)
How They are if You Broke Up With Them, (preference)
Cheesy Pick Up Lines (Part 2)
How They Pamper You, (preference)
Surfer Nazis Mistake, Boys X Reader (imagine)
Supernatural and The Lost Boys Combined, Dwayne (imagine)
Love's Stronger, Michael (imagine)
Hanging From The Bridge With You, Michael (imagine)
When All Else Fails, Marko (imagine)
Yours Truly, Edgar (imagine)
How they are in bed (preference)
One Must Go, So Why Not You (Paul & Dwayn)
Slumber Sammy, (Sam)
New Babies (preference)
Wild Child, Paul (Imagine)
Taking Care of Marko, (Imagine)
Ferris Wheel Romance, Dwayne (Imagine)
Beautiful Disaster (Dwayne imagine)
Couples Costumes (Preferences)
Mysterious Girl (Lost Boys Imagine)
Little Sister (Imagine)
HALLOWEEN!!!! (Note)🎃🍁
What You Do On Halloween (Preference)
What They Get You For Valentine's Day (Preference)
Home By Now, Dwyane (Imagine)
Kill Bill, David (Imagine)
Kill Bill, Dwyane (Imagine)
S&M, Marko (imagine)

No Mercy, Dwayne (Imagine)

2K 39 4
By WylderWatkins

This lovely piece was requested by Darks_Little_Angel. I do apologize for not properly tagging any names, my laptop that I am now using is making me go through hell and back to edit the hell out of these stories. But I hope you enjoy. :)

        "Y/N, before you leave, I need to tell you that the car may need a refill on gas..... oh and I have some money on the kitchen counter for you before you leave." Standing up from the comfy stuffed chair that your aunt Lucey has given you ever since you arrived to live with her. She was sending you out to the store to pick up a couple of things for her and the dinner she was making for the dinner date that she was having with a man she met at the Record store a month just before you arrived to stay. Of course you were rather protective of your aunt Lucey and sure you had your suspicions of this man, what was his name? Max? Oh whatever, shaking your head and trying to shrug the thought of a strange man coming and invading your sanctuary.

Prancing down stairs you ended up ramming right into one of your cousins, Michael. Rolling your eyes, almost into the back of your head as you seen the teasing smirk that formed at that snarky face of his.

"Do you need something?" you asked impaitently as it seemed he mad no move to get out of your way to the kitchen.

"Actually yes I do, can you pick Sam up a new comic that he's been bugging me to get him at the Frogs Comic store, I'd go but as you can see I don't really feel like it." Huffing at his lazieness, you shoved past him into the kitchen, scouting for the money you were told to grab befor you left.

"Looking for this, Y/N?" MIchael said with another smug smirk as he waved the $50 dollars in front of your face, making a grab for it yet being too slow as he yanked it away before you could even get a feel for it.

"Hand it over, I have no intrest playing your childish games Mike." making a few more grabs for the money but sadly being too short for the burnett you finally gave up and ened up ramming your knee full force into his balls, making him yelp out and double over in pain on the floor.

  "Thanks a bunch." You say sweetly as you swipped the cash off the floor that had falled by his head. Skipping out the door in victory and hoping in your metallic black Firebird, you drove off down the long dirt gravled driveway to town.

  (Arriving In Town)

   Driving through the town of Santa Carla your eyes scanned for a parking space, at first you were about to give up and just park out side of the busy crowded town but then your heart lept once your eyes settled on an empty parking spot by the amusement park and the boardwalk. Pulling your car in the parking space and turning off the roaring engine, you stepped out of the vihecle to actually realize how dark it was out now. Of course the sun was settig when you left the house but you didnt think you ere driving around that long.

  Sighing you start walking towards the small grocery store that was somewhat visiual at the other far end of the boardwalk, stopping right in front of that comic book store you know Sammy just loves so much but then shaking your head and getting back to the task that you were sent to do by aunt lucey. Strutting up the boardwalk futher as you listened to the screams and laughter off the people having the time of their lives on the rides, smiling as you watch excited children pull their parents and ushering them on to follow them to whatever has caught their interest.

It wasnt too long though when tht smile of happieness turned into a frown of erie paranoia as you suddenly had the feeling you were being watched intensley. Of course there's hundreds of people and anyone could be looking at you but thats the thing, you were very sensetive when it comes to certain things and this one specific persons eyes were bringing those sensetivities to the surface. Looking around as you continued to walk to the store but all you were seeing was laughig people and everyone being sociable with eachother. 'Get it together Y/N', you thought to yourself.

  Finally making to the store with no help that your legs were burning from walking faster and faster every moment the feeling of whomever it was got closer and closer. Taking a deep breath as you tried to gather all your nerves together while you walked from aisle to aisle looking for every iteam on the list, gathering it up in the shopping basket to take to the checkout counter and finally leave and get back to the safty off your home as fast as possible.

"How are we doing today ma'am, i hope you found everything you were looking for." The store clerl lady said as she started swipping the iteams and bagging them.

"Yes of course, thank you so much." giving her a sweet smile back as you stood and let your eyes scan the the windows of the store, seeing the outside night while you were casually watching people drift by, until your eyes seemed to settle on a certain figure, tall figure that is. It was a man leaned up against the street light poll looking your way, a cigarett hanging from his fine somewhat full lips as the smoke invaded his eyes, not letting you get too much of a good look at the man. His hair was rather long, going past his shoulders and seemed to be pure black, too dark to be burnett, he has a leather distressed jacket on with a leopard down the side of his arm, black pair f ripped jeans and a fine pair of beat up black boots.

"That will be $25.50." Instantly you were brought out of your own world and brought back to reality as the store lady clearks voice spoke out. Lookng back at her and giving a smile as you gave her the amount that was asked for, you take the bags of groceries and make your way out the door into the somewhat chilled night. Your eye's instantly going back to the place where that man that you saw was standing, yet there wasn't anyone there. Standing in place as you take a look around to see where he went off to but he wasn't anywhere's in sight, all you could do was shrug it off and make your way back to your vehicle.

Oddly though the crowd of people seemed to have thinned out, seeing the amusement park was closing for the night and everyone has left to go home and wait for another day of fun. Of course there were a couple of shop employees and carnies left to close and lock stuff up, but then again that wasn't enough people for you to fell comfortable enough to be by yourself. 'Just relax Y/N, you only being paranoid' you breathed in deep as you tried to shut off all the bad things that could possibly happen.

Not to your knowledge though there was a group of three men that seemed to have been hanging in between two of the shops that noticed you walking by and and seeped out of the darkness to stalk after you. They were a good 6 ft behind you but that didn't stop the echos of the thudding of their shoes on the ground, every thud you heard made pure anxiety burn bright and heavy in your chest as you picked up the pace. 'Come on Y/N, your car is right there, just a few more steps' your mind was racing with these words that seemed to try and cheer you on but yet it didn't seem to matter, for when some strong nasty hand shot out and yanked you, making you drop all the bags and sending you flying back on the grounds floor.

looking up with shocked eyes as you struggledd to move yourself backwards away from the strange harmful men that seeked to make you suffer with whatever sick thought was playing on their minds.

"Where are you rushing off to little lady?" one of the men sneered out as they all advanced on to you.

"Non of your damn buisness creeps." snapping back at the men, making them all laugh as one of the yankd you off the ground and slamming you up against a cold hard brick wall. Grunting in pain at the impact and glaring hard at the man that had his filthy hands on you, ending up using your anger to send your head reeling atn the mans head, giving him a horrific headbutt making the man yelp in pain and shoving you away hard. Instantly you made a run for a random metal pipe that seemed to have broken off a fence, grabbing it and whipping around only to be cornerd by all three guys again.

"You know, i really wasn't going to kill you, but you just had to be a little bitch and piss me the hell off!!" The man hissed as they all started to advance on you like a pack of wolves, but before they could get a hold of you someone yanked the pipe from your hands, smashing it across one of the guys heads and beating the hell out of the knocked out guy until he was dead from the hard blows of the metal smashing against his skull busting it open and killing him.

  Looking on in shock as you watched the guy that has come to your defense start killing the other two. The second one was begging for his life before he had his throat bitten out, blood going everywhere like those graphic horror movies as the dead body fell to the ground with a hard thud. The last man shaking with fear as he tried to make a break for it to save his own life but wasn't lucky enough as he was yanked back only for his neck to be broken with a loud crack, the body that became lifeless dropping to the ground aswell too join the others. It wasn't the dead motionless bodies that had your attention though, it was the man that created them, blood dripping down his lips and off his chin, his dark chocolate brown eyes settleing on you, going from crazy to calm and comforting.

  "Are you alright sweetheart??" His deep velvety voice coming out with love and concern, yet all you could do was stand there in shock as you choked on the words that you wanted to get out. But yet it seemed as though that you didn't need to say anything, seeming like he could already sense what you wanted to say, as he smiled softly to you, stepping towads you and bringing you into what you could feel is his bare chest under his leather jacket.

   Instantly relaxing and going deeper into his embrace as you felt an odd sparkk of a deep coonnection to this man, feeling him hold you tighter as he softly hushed you, everytime aking you feel even more comfortable and relaxed.

  "You're with me now, Y/N, I'll never let anything or anyone take you from me ever, never let anyting or anyone hurt you agin darling." Lifting your head from his warm chest, you looked up into his promised filled eyes.

    "How'd you know my name?" Asking not with fear but with comforting curiosity.

   "Oh Y/N, you don't know ow long i've been waiting for you, can;t you feel the connection? it's me, Y/N, Dwayne." That nme, that name sounded so familiur so well known and right.

    "I feel like I've know you all my life but I haven't ever met you before, you make me feel so safe strangly, I can feel everything that you're feeling right now." Every word you were saying you could feel was making him feel so much more love for you and in fact you truely were feeling it too, no matter how much you didnt understand what or how this connection you have with this mad, everthing just seemed to make sense anyways and it felt like home, he felt like home.

    "Y/N." he spoke your name softly, grabbing your attention.

     "Yes?" you rely with the same amount of softness.

  "You're my home." he said as he leaned his forhead down to yours, the both of you closing your eyes as you held one another in eachothers embrace, never even thinking about ever letting go.

                                              until next chapter :)

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