*~Ambition and Love Wearing B...

By SavoryLemons

8K 254 85

Michael Mell x Reader Be More Chill fanfic Fem. Reader A. There's a cool twist B. My writing is very slow bur... More

~ O N E ~
~ T W O ~
~ T H R E E ~
~ F O U R ~
~ F I V E ~
~ S I X ~
~ S E V E N ~
~ E I G H T ~
~ N I N E ~
~ T E N~
~ E L E V E N ~
~T W E L V E ~
~ T H I R T E E N ~
~ F O U R T E E N ~
~ F I F T E E N ~
~ S I X T E E N ~
~ S E V E N T E E N ~
~ E I G H T E E N ~
~ N I N E T E E N ~
~ T W E N T Y ~
~ T W E N T Y - O N E ~
~ T W E N T Y - T W O ~
~ T W E N T Y - T H R E E ~
~ T W E N T Y - F I V E ~
~ T W E N T Y - S I X ~
~ T W E N T Y - S E V E N ~
~ T W E N T Y - E I G H T ~
~ T W E N T Y - N I N E ~
~ T H I R T Y ~

~ T W E N T Y - F O U R ~

177 5 2
By SavoryLemons


"You think you're so smart. Until we have this one."
He pressed his hand harder into my head, and I shrieked in pain.
"Then we'll be unstoppable."

He leaned down and whispered in my ear. It made me feel all the more terrified.
Tears spilled out of my eyes. My head is going to pop.

"Oh yah, we know all about you."
I screamed again. I kept screaming, crying.
What else was I to do? I'm all alone, under the crushing weight of the monster in my head.

"Y/n! Y/n wake up!" Michael held her by the shoulders, shaking her.
He whisper-shouted, but he doubted it mattered anymore.

All the screaming in her sleep, his moms were probably awake.
Her eyes fluttered, and she jolted up screaming again.

Michael wrapped an arm around her and one covering her mouth.
"Shhhhhhh, stop!" He hissed, making her stop and breathe heavily.

He uncovered her mouth and held her shoulders.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Her breathing was too fast, but she still looked at him.
Then we'll be unstoppable.

The pain in her head, it wasn't real.
A mere fragment of her memories, forcing themselves into her subconscious as a hateful reminder.

And then she felt Michael's hands in her shoulders.
So much more comforting the hands over her skull.

To her left, the boy in the black t-shirt and messy black hair was staring at her, concerned. That was becoming an all-too-regular expression for him.

His glasses were askew on his face and he was scanning her desperately with his eyes.

"Michael." She sighed in relief, wrapping both arms around him and hugging him with all her might.
Enough to almost knock him over.

She wasn't alone.
She wasn't solus and suffocating.
She had Michael.

Who was a breath of fresh air if there ever was one.
"Hey," he whispered, rubbing his hand on her back.
Oh yah, we know all about you.

Y/n laid her head on his shoulder, still not retreating from his embrace.
He didn't mind one bit.
"No, it was a snake. What do you think it was?"

"Shut up." He snickered.
She laughed a little and sighed, exhaling dramatically and pulling away from him.

She looked around to notice the room would be pitch black, if not for the moonlight coming through the cracks of the blinds.
Incidentally, she felt guilty waking him so late.

She whispered, "What time is it?"
He shrugged. "Doesn't matter."
She sighed again, resting her back against Michael's nightstand.

He stared at her while she closed her eyes, breathing deeply.
Michael wasn't a very sappy person, but she sure did look beautiful in the pale moonlight.

Then he saw his warped reflection in the lamp behind her head.
'Wow, so do I.' Michael thought.

"Well... wanna talk about it?"
"About what?" She deflected.
He sighed and scooted next to her, bumping her knee with his elbow.

"Y/n, what happened? You can tell me."
She glanced at him, their eyes meeting.
Her's were (e/c) and somewhat angry, while his were brown and shielded by Glasses & Concern.
It was right about you.

Y/n was never afraid of confrontation.
Unless it was emotional confrontation.
Which made her angrier the longer she started at Michael's face.

"I know you're not fine." He whispered sweetly.
She squinted tempestuously and grabbed him, pressing her lips against his and kissing him fiercely.

He jumped, completely startled by her advances.
Michael put his hands on her shoulders, trying to push her away but not finding the strength in him to stop.

She kissed his lips fiercely, wrapping her arms around him and running her fingers through his hair. Michael was frozen.

"Mm, uh, Y/n." He mumbled between their making out.
"While this is, heh, while this is... great," he uncomfortably giggled, finally using his hands to push her away.
"But we probably shouldn't do this uh, do this right now-"

"Why?" She huffed, trying to grab him again.
To Michael it was fairly obvious, the way she was trying to distract herself.
Maybe it wasn't as obvious to her.

She thought she was going to lose it if he asked how she was feeling again.

"Y/n!" He shoved her a little harder.

When she yelled, breaking the hushed argument they were having, the ceiling fan crashed down to the floor just a few feet in front of them.


The two kids sat in the car, completely silent.
Michael focused on driving, and Y/n focused on the little ambiguous stain on the seat.

"You want to talk about it?" Michael asked.
"Yah!" She exclaimed, making Michael's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Yah, how many fucking languages do you speak?"
Michael rolled his eyes, but still couldn't help smiling.

"Y/n you broke my ceiling fan last night."
She scoffed and sunk in her seat. "What? You want me to just get you a new one?"
"I want you to tell me what you're feeling!"

"I feel terrified!" She screamed, and the radio switched channels.

"I feel terrified all the fucking time!! I'm scared to sleep, I'm scared to eat, I'm scared to even let my mind wander," The car was accelerating as Michael does when he's nervous. But then he took his foot off the pedal.

He wasn't driving anymore.
"Cause every intrusive thought makes me less and less sure that I'm going to come out of this with my free will! Much less my life!"

"Y/n, please." He took his hands off the wheel and held her arm. They were pushing 75 now.
"Can you calm down? Just take a couple deep breaths, alright?"

She glanced down at his arm, and realized he wasn't driving. But the car was still going.
She gasped and all the speed was ripped from the car, leaving it rolling down the road freely.

Michael grabbed the wheel with both hands and hit the brakes, rolling off to the side of the road.
He parked up on the curb, only another mile from school.

The two were breathing heavily.
"Well... now we're getting somewhere." Michael smiled broadly, wrapping an arm around Y/n.

Y/n glanced at him, a million thoughts racing through her head.
A lot of them were all the possible ways they could've just crashed.

But most of all she was almost brightened by Michael.
She leaned over and carefully kissed him, less intrusive than she had the night before.

It made him smile and kiss her back.
She backed away so she could speak, but he followed her lips until he couldn't lean anymore over the center console, which made her smile.

Michael opened his eyes and grinned. "Yah?"
"I feel a little better."

He shook his head, putting a hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer.
"Awesome." He giggled-- his cute, giddy, signature Michael giggle.

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