Dream Smp, One Shots

By TitledThrone

29.8K 1K 670

There are just a bunch of smaller stories that wouldn't be worth making an entire story just for something sm... More

Jack's Revenge
Tommy was the Hero
Awesamdad two
Fearful Leader
Awesamdad 3
not a story :(
Awesamdad 4
Dream and Nightmare
Puppet Master Part one
Free at Last
Tommy's Gone
Home part one
Home part two
Thank you so much
Home part three
The Plan
When Exile Isn't Enough
Home part four
Welcome home Theseus... Again
Bring me Back
Put Your Items in the Hole
Burying my Issues
Not a Story :(
I won
Technoblade Never Dies
the end

Sam Nook

5.3K 63 56
By TitledThrone

Words: 1593


Scenario: This is shortly after Dream was put in prison. Dream decided that he'd tell Awesamdude everything he'd done to Tommy. Sam is shocked by the things he heard so he wants to help Tommy through his trauma, but Tommy isn't budging. Sam finds an alternative way to reach him.

Narrator POV

"Hey Dream. " Awesamdude speaks through the speakers into Dream's cell. "If you confess, I might consider giving you closely monitored outside visits. " Sam waits for a response, but right before he's about to walk away.

"Fine." Dream says. "I'll tell you the things I've done to Tommy, but I'm not going in depth, too much work. "

"Good enough for me. " Sam says.

Dream tells Sam everything he's done to Tommy, from manipulating him to thinking no one wants him to the point of suicidal thoughts.

"I was going to kill Tubbo in front of Tommy to hopefully traumatize him enough to give in. " Dream sighs. "But you had to come and save them didn't you. "

"Yeah, yeah we did. " Sam says. "We had to save those CHILDREN from being murdered. And I won't let them get hurt , not again. " Sam then leaves Dream alone.


Tommy stands outside his house, staring into space. He doesn't notice Awesamdude walk behind him. Sam places his hand gently onto Tommy's shoulder, but immediately Tommy jumps away and turns around, dear in his eyes. Once he sees who it is, he relaxes.

"Hey Tommy. " Sam says kindly.

"What do you want? " Tommy says and turns away.

Sam walks around to face him again, but Tommy just glares at him. "Umm, I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk? "

"About what? "

"Well, Dream and me have been talking and he's mentioned a bunch of things he's done, specifically about you. " Sam tilts his head and looks him in the eyes but Tommy avoids them. "And I wanted to know if you wanted to talk about them. "

"I don't know what you're talking about. " Tommy turns and walks towards L'manberg.

Sam follows. "He's done some horrible things to you, it's not good to bottle them up inside. "

Panic fills Tommy's face as he realizes that Sam does know but Tommy looks straight ahead, determined not to let Sam know anything.

"I need to meet T-Tubbo, so goodbye. " He winces at his stutter and jogs away, leaving Sam behind.

"What am I gonna do with him. " Sam whispers. "He needs help, but I don't know how. "


For the next few days, anytime Tommy saw Awesamdude he would drop whatever he was doing and run in the opposite direction.

"Tommy? Where are you going? " Tubbo once asked as Tommy, who started walking in the opposite direction they were going.

"I have a, uhh, a thing. To do. Right now. " He kept looking back at Sam who was walking towards them on the prime path. "See you later! " Then he ran off.

"Dang it. " Sam said and stopped where he stood.

"What's your with you, Sam? " Tubbo asked.

"Just trying to talk to Tommy. " Sam said and looked off st the running boy. "I really need to speak with him. "

"Is he avoiding you? "

"Yeah... "

"How 'bout I see up a little secret meeting between you two? " Tubbo nudged his elbow against Sam's side and raised his eyebrows.

"No. " Sam said. "I want him to speak to me on his own. "


Tommy was rummaging through his chests in his house. San stood at the door way and looked at Tommy.

"Tommy, we need to talk. " Sam says.

Tommy jumped at the sudden noise. He looked around until he saw Awesamdude. His face filled with panic.

"Uhh uhh, umm. " He mumbles. "I need to go, bye Sam. "

Tommy lowers his head and tries walking past Sam. He grabs Tommy's elbow and stops him.

"You can't keep doing this forever. "

"I can, and I will. " Tommy's says, still not looking around him. "Now let's me go. "

"What can I did to get you to talk to me. I need you to talk to me about what Dream did to you. "

"STOP! " Tommy's shouts tears filling his eyes, which shocked Sam. "Please stop. I don't want to talk about it. I just want to leave it behind. "

Sam let's go and Tommy walks away.


Awesamdude was walking around Snowchester until he found Tubbo, looking after his potatoes.

"Hey Tubbo? Can I speak with you. " Sam asks. "It's about Tommy. "

"Oh yeah, of course. I'd love to speak with you. " Tubbo says. "What about Tommy? "

"You're his best friend, right? "

"My bestest friend. "

"How do you get him to do as he's told, or talk to you? " San asks, joining the potato gathering.

Tubbo laughs. "You can't get Tommy to do anything. "

"He's never listened to anything, no matter what? "

"Well of course he always listens when it comes to video games. No way around an NPC. " Tubbo chuckles.

"What's his favorite game with NPC's in it? " Sam asks trying to hide the desperation in his voice.

"Umm, I think it's Animal Crossing. At least that's the one he's been talking about a lot.

"Really!? " Sam says excited.

"Y-yeah." Tubbo looks confused.

"Great! Thanks Tubbo, you're the best! " Sam runs off, back to the Dream smp.

He goes straight to his house to get ready.


Tommy walks to his house, looking over his shoulder every now and then to make sure Sam isn't around. When he arrives he sees Sam. Tommy was about to run away when he notices that Sam is motionless, staring off into space.

"Umm, Sam? Are you alright? " Tommy asks.

(Everything Sam says in this font is Animal Crossing talk.)

"Hello Tommyinnit! My name is Sam Nook... "

"What? Why are you speaking like that? "

"Awesamdude has contacted me and I'd like you to do some things for me... "

"Wait, is that like Animal Crossing? I love that game! " Tommy says excited.

The corners or Sam's mouth twitch. "Awesamdude has contacted me and I'd like you to do some things for me... "

"Ok, ok. What do you need me to do? " Tommy walks closer to Sam so he's standing in front if him instead of a few meters away. He's eagerly bouncing from foot to foot.

"I need you to get me some oak logs, four to five stacks, will you help? "

"Four to five stacks!? No way. " Tommy crosses his arms and pouts. "I'm not doing your bidding. "

"I need you to get me some oak logs, four to five stacks, will you help? "

"Fine, fine. I'll get your wood. "

Sam Nook gives Tommy a thumbs up and overly excited smile. "That's great! Thank you, Tommyinnit. "

Tommy walks away, waving at Sam, with a small smile on his face. After getting left Sam relaxes, not realizing that his whole body was tense.

"It worked. That's one step. " Awesamdude says. "It just takes time. "


Day after day, Tommy would go to his house and see Sam Nook standing there. He would get his task then Tommy would run off to do it. He got Sam, wood, stone dye, sand and many others things. One time as they are talking Tommy asked him a question.

"Sam? Why are you making me gather you these things? " Tommy gives Sam ten Hearts of the Sea.

"Because I'm hungry and I need Hearts of the Sea as food... " Sam Nook replies.

"No, no, no. " Tommy giggles. "I mean, why are you making me gather all these supplies, like wood and dye and stuff. "

There was a pause, Sam didn't know why he was getting Tommy to get him these things for him. He just needs Tommy to open up. He tries to think of an excuse. Then it hits him.

"I'm getting you to gather three for... The Hotel you asked me to build... "

"I didn't get you to make a hotel for me? "

"Yes you did, in the tutorial... You didn't skip it did you?... " Sam Nook says suspiciously.

"Oh no, of course not. " Tommy laughs nervously. "Yeah, yeah, just ya know, memory and stuff. "

"You have a bed memory? I'll make sure to remember that, you are my top priority after all... "

"I'm your top priority? " Tommy and hopefully.

"Yes, awesamdude instructed me to make sure nothing bad happens to you... " Sam says. "We can play memory games to help if you want? "

Tommy smiles at the ground. "No it's alright. " He looks back up at Sam. "What do need me to do next? "

This was the first time Tommy has requested a task. Sam decides to take a risk.

"Awesamdude is worried about you. "

"He is? Why? " Tommy asks. "Oh yeah, that, umm... " Tommy fiddles with his fingers. "Hey Sam Nook? "

"Yes, Tommyinnit? "

"I like talking to you, can we talk about some things that have happened. " Tommy looks at the ground. "If you don't want to its fine, I don't want you think you have to or anything-"

"I'd love to. "

The twin walked to the back room of Tommy's house and sat on the floor, Sam still playing the part of Sam Nook.

They talked, well, Tommy talked and Sam listened. Get talked about everything Dream did to him, also what happened with Jshlatt and him being banished. He talked about things he's never even told Tubbo.

Sam stopped being Sam Nook and he hugged Tommy while get cried. They stayed there for a while, hugging and crying.



If you have any ideas of other stories I should write, you can leave a comment.

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