Sinful Bite (A Clawful Love B...

By BellaDemont

9.1K 434 13

Skye had always lives as a runaway trying to keep her life safe, as a Demi-vampire most know as a half blood... More

a dark secret
first impression
meet my father
bite me
bitchy mode
family dinner
forgot to mention
new mates
I'm sorry
this heart
not the end


418 18 0
By BellaDemont

Emma looked at Skye shocked as she cried.

"I killed my mum not my dad, there was no one that loved her more than my dad but I killed her." Skye said as she sobbed.

"It wasn't your fault either Skyler." Her dad said as he hugged her.

"She killed Taylor?" Jonathan asked surprised, how could his granddaughter be capable of something like that?

James shook his head.

"It's not like you think it was; Taylor died when she was giving birth to Skyler. After Skyler was born my wife was only able to carry her in her arms for a few seconds before she gave the baby the name and died with Skyler in her arms." James told him as he rubbed the back of his daughter softly.

"If I weren't born in the first place my mum would have never died." Skye said as she tried to stop crying.

"It wasn't your fault Skyler and no one is blaming you." Her dad told her as he made her meet his gaze.

"But they think you are monster and you're not. All you have done my whole life was to raise me, love me and protect me like any other father would, you have been a wonderful dad you taught me everything you could and even told me about my mum even when the simple thought of her brought pain to your heart." Skye said as she looked at her father in the eyes.

"No one knew about this Skye, it's okay." Aiden told her feeling how his heart broke by seeing how Skye was.

"So you're a vampire?" Cyrus asked her trying to change the subject, it worked.

Skye managed to smile.

"Not full vampire but half, I'm half human and half vampire." Skye told him in a shaky voice.

"So you feed off blood and things like that?" Cyrus asked her as he frowned confused.

Skye gave a small laugh.

"Yes, I mostly eat normal food like most people but once or twice a month I have to drink blood but I do not kill anyone for it, just a small sip and that's it. I'm stronger and faster than any other human girl would be but other than that you could somehow call me normal." Skye said with a shrug.

"But you are the princess of vampires that is how you made Tyler leave right, you gave him an order and he has to follow them, right?" Aiden asked her, now it all made sense to him.

Skye nodded.

"Even if I don't like the simple idea that my daughter is the mate of a werewolf especially the Alpha we have to discuss what we will do next." James said as he looked at his daughter and at Aiden.

Aiden looked at her.

"Discuss? But things are already set, Skye will stay with me as the mate she is, she belongs now in our pack." Aiden said as he looked at the man that called himself Skye's father.

James let go of Skye and got near Aiden.

"You clearly don't know anything right? Skyler did you even explained things to him?" James said as he looked at his daughter.

Skye nodded.

"I did, I told him the basic things as always dad." Skye told him as she tried to avoid his gaze.

"Aiden do you know what the risk you place both your pack and my daughter by the simple fact of having her here next to you, you know why vampires want her, and a powerful vampire like her will be a perfect mate for any vampire." Her dad told Aiden as Skye nibbled her lip nervously.

"So what do you suggest I do because there is no way I'm going to let you take her away from me?" Aiden said in a firm tone.

"I am her father." James said standing his ground.

"And I'm Skye's mate." Aiden said in a bold tone.

Skye looked at them, they seemed as if they were about to rip each other's throat.

"Both of you just stop it, Aiden, this is my father you're talking to he might not be part of your pack or anything like that but please treat him with respect and daddy please stop this nonsense, you are all bickering over nothing. No matter what you decided it won't make thing better for any of us, no matter if I stay here or go to England or that awful boarding school in Russia I will not stay out of trouble especially after what happens in the next few months, but besides it doesn't matter where I run to he already found me. Dad, Nigel already found me." Skye said as she looked at her father.

James looked at her daughter shocked.

"He found you?" James asked Skye, he had been careful this time.

Skye nodded silently.

"Yes, now what do we do?" Skye asked as she looked at her father, he always knew what to do.

"There's nothing to discuss Skye, we will protect you." Aiden told her, he was not going to let this guy hurt her again.

Skye looked at Aiden; he seemed so determinate on all of this, on his decision.

"That's so sweet of you; honestly, but you can't just take your decision like that, you have to take in mind what the rest of the pack members think and not only you." Skye told him as she shook her head; she was not going to allow that.

"They will protect you too." Aiden told her knowing that the pack would protect their Luna.

Aiden knew that they would, if he wanted to he wouldn't even have to ask.

"I want to hear it from them, it has to be willingly and not another of your orders." Skye said as she looked at Cyrus and Derek who were the second in command of Aiden, they would speak for the others.

"We'll do it." Derek told her as Cyrus nodded.

"Then it's set." Aiden said; it was all clear now.

"Wait a second, Skyler you can't stay here." James told her making her groan.

Skye looked at her father and mentally cursed, even if the pack agreed her father had the last word in all this huge matter which was about her own safety and life.

"But daddy, I don't want to leave." Skye told him in a soft voice.

James looked at his daughter, he couldn't deny things like this to her little princess but this place was nowhere safe for her. So he used a small card that he had under his sleeve.

"What about Jace?" He asked her, she knew how much Jace meant to her.

Skye's face clouded as Aiden felt a pang of jealousy hit him, why was this Jace guy so important for her?

"He'll understand; he always has." Skye told her father in a soft tone.

"He is still in England you know? He is waiting for you." James told her daughter, the guilt would consume her.

He knew that Jace and Skye were inseparable; they were always together so maybe that would convince her.

"Dad please stop making me feel guilty, I will call him as soon as I can and explain everything to him." Skye told him with a sigh.

"And you'll break his heart?" James asked making Skye glare at him.

"Dad, please stop this nonsense you know I would never do that to Jace, I would never break his heart but things will have to change indeed now please can we go grab a bite, I'm starving." Skye said before she heard a gasp.

Skye looked at everyone's reactions, well everyone except her father and Aiden were not horrified of what she had just said.

Skye rolled her eyes.

"Please don't be so dramatic, I was talking about food to eat something for breakfast since I only had an apple, you know if you guys don't want me here I could simply just go." Skye said as she started to head to her father's car.

"Skye, just stop what you're going, Skye." Aiden said calling her name.

Skye turned around and looked at him.

"I don't want to be in a place where I feel unwelcome." Skye told Aiden, she was not going to stay here.

"You're not; or she's not welcomed here, guys?" Aiden said as he looked at his pack.

Emma cleared her throat.

"I think I speak in behave of everyone when I say that we all want you to stay Skye." Emma said forcing the words out of her lips.

Skye knew that Emma was being forced to say this but at least Emma was making an effort at all of this and that was what it counted.

"Alright then, but I'm still hungry." Skye said as she rubbed her stomach.

"You can have breakfast with Irina meanwhile I speak with your father in private." Jonathan told her granddaughter.

Skye looked at her father.

"Please be easy on him, he didn't know that you were a vampire just like you didn't know that he was married to a werewolf." Skye told him, she knew how her father could be.

Her dad looked at Skye and smiled.

"Skyler I know how to treat humans but remember before I go that in the afternoon we will pick up again your training sessions since according to Tyler you no longer remember how to defend yourself." He told her with a smirk.

Skye looked at him shocked.

"But I do!" She told him feeling so offended.

"Really, if you did you would have escaped long time ago." Skye's father told her.

"Believe me I tried." Skye told him and remembered everything she tried.

"How many times did you try?" He asked her this time amused.

"Two but they outran me every time so I decided to give up." Skye admitted with a shrug.

"You gave up or the Alpha werewolf got to you?" Her father asked her making Skye blush.

Skye bit her lip as she looked at him guilty.

"Both?" She said sheepishly before she looked away.

Her father gave a sigh

"Skyler what am I going to do with you? Just go have some breakfast." Her father told her as he shook his head.

"Alright, but remember what I told you, easy." Skye said before she kissed her father's cheek and headed to the house.

As Skye ate silently in the dining room she could feel everyone's gaze on her, she gave a sigh and placed her fork down.

Her pancakes would have to wait.

"What do you all want to ask me? Go ahead, I'll answer anything." Skye said in exasperation.

"We don't want to bother you." Cyrus said but nevertheless stared at her.

"Just ask the questions so we can finally get over this for once." Skye said as she looked at them.

"So you drink blood? How often do you?" Cyrus asked; he was so curious to know about it all.

"Once or twice a month, the last time I feed before I got here was three weeks ago so it had been almost a month since I last fed that's why I drank blood from that guy who I forgot his name, the guy that was going to take me to the airport but as you saw I did not killed me, he just fainted for a few minutes for the sudden blood lost and of course because I compelled him so he wouldn't remember nothing about me being a vampire." Skye told him with a proud smile, every time she had feed it was perfect, never leaving a trace.

"So you can feed from anyone that has blood?" Cyrus asked her and Skye saw how everyone looked at her.

Skye smiled at this.

"No, if you ask that because you are afraid that I might bite you don't worry, I can only drink human blood but my father has been recently working on this blood substitute so vampires can feed as much as they can without harming any human but even if we feed from them we don't inflict any physical injury, all they feel is a great pleasure, the biggest one in their lives as we bite them thanks to the powerful drug that we possess, it makes them feel in heaven for a while and also makes them forget about what we really are. Some of them actually become addicted to our bites which is why we constantly change of blood donor and the main reason why my dad created this synthetic blood to avoid all these twist and turns that the feeding issue creates." Skye said with a shrug.

Everyone looked at her in awe, so being a vampire was weird but shifting into a werewolf was completely normal?

"How come your dad looks so young?" Emma asked suddenly catching everyone off guard.

"That would be because after my mum died he stopped aging since he is now mate less, I can't believe most of you thought that he was my boyfriend or something like that. That was completely mental and gross, for Christ's sake he is my father after all!" Skye said as she shuddered at the thought.

"Is he single or is he seeing anyone?" Emma asked nervously.

They all looked at her strangely.

"No, he is not with anyone that I can recall now but you do realize that he is your uncle, right?" Skye told her as she looked at her confused.

Emma gave a scoff.

"Obviously but I wasn't asking you that for me but for someone else." Emma said as she glanced at a member of the pack, she had black hair and dark brown eyes.

"You're Debby, right?" Skye asked her, that girl wanted her father?

The girl nodded before she blushed.

"So even if you are a vampire are you still like a human?" Spencer asked her confused; this was so confusing for her?

Skye nodded.

"I'm half human but even if I weren't I would still have the normal functions that everyone has. My body changes for once, I eat food and all every vampire does that, we are not afraid of religious things it was just something to convince humans that vampires were not among them, we do not burn up in the sun well I don't since I'm half human but full vampires have this red gem that protects them from the sun without it they would burst into flames but we don't sparkle in the sun or get burned by garlic or holy water, we are like everyone else except that if we don't drink blood once in a while we will get sick and could die." Skye said explaining everything to them.

Spencer looked at her.

"But even if you are a vampire can you still procreate?" She asked Skye, how did that work?

Skye rolled her eyes.

"Of course or how else would I be here? I get my period, cramps and all the glory of it and well to be honest in a few weeks or months I will enter a very important stage for any vampire, I will enter into fertility which means that my body will be getting ready for motherhood, you know to be mated." Skye said feeling awkward about the subject.

"You will enter heat?" Cyrus said; that was the terms wolves used.

"You could call it that, but that is the main reason why vampires are after me since whoever bears a child with me will become powerful in a way so those are your answers now I have one myself." Skye told them as she sat up straighter.

"Shoot." Derek said with a smirk.

Skye met Aiden's gaze, he was standing by the corner of the dining room looking at his mate. Of course he knew that the pack would accept her, and even if she wasn't his mate what was to hate in Skye? She was so beautiful and amazing as she was on the outside. As Skye looked at Aiden she smiled before she looked back at the others.

"So is this the pack house or something like that? Because everyone is always here, so is this your meeting point?" Skye said as she looked around.

"Actually the pack house is at Aiden's place." Derek said as he looked at her.

"Why are you all here instead of being in the other house then?" Skye asked confused, why were they always here?

"That would be because we didn't want to freak you out with being constantly surrounded by werewolves." Cyrus said as he looked at his cousin in wonder.

"And we decided to give Aiden and you some alone time." Derek said with a smirk.

"They won't need that; Skye is still little for that." James said as he entered the room.

Skye looked at her father, he was about to go on with the same old thing.

"Dad you speak about me as if I were a child, as if I was still five years old." Skye told him as she shook her head.

"You are still my daughter." James told her as he glared at her.

"I know that but I'm eighteen now, a grown up and it's not my bloody fault if you can't see it!" Skye said before she stormed outside of the room.

James stood there in the room meanwhile everyone looked at him.

"It gets harder every year, but she has to understand all the danger that is constantly after her." James said as he shook his head.

"Don't worry I'll go talk with her." Aiden said before he headed after Skye.


As Aiden walked to the backyard he heard small sobs and as he got near to the picnic table he confirmed that it was Skye who was crying.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked as he sat next to her on top of the table.

Skye wiped away her tears with the back of her sleeved and shrugged.

"I guess I've been worse but I do feel the need to apologize, I seem like a crying machine lately all I do is cry." Skye said as she gave a weak laugh.

"It's understandable after everything that was happen to you it's not weird that you would cry about it." Aiden said as he placed his hand on her knee.

"You say it as if most things that have happened to me were bad but you're wrong, there are a handful of good things." Skye said with a small hiccup.

Aiden smiled at her.

"Why did you storm out of the house like that? You father feels bad, you know?" Aiden told her as he rubbed her knee with his hand.

"On whose side are you?" Skye asked him with a suspicious look.

"On yours but it wouldn't be bad to score some point with my future father in law." Aiden said with a small chuckle.

Skye laughed.

"No matter what you do you will never get to my dad's soft side, no one has before. It's quite a quest itself." Skye said as she made a face.

"Why were you so upset when he told you that you were his daughter?" Aiden asked her confused, what was wrong with that?

Skye gave a sigh.

"It wasn't that it's just that for once believe it or not since I got here I felt like another teenager among all of you not the princess of vampires who is a demi-vampire that will soon be in lots of trouble. I never felt like that before, my father always treated me with caution, everything had to be 'safe' for me, I never had a normal life there were so many restrictions. I never was able to go out shopping without bodyguards, don't even let me get started with the dates, I never went out on one without someone taking care of me, I never got to go to a party or anything like any other normal teenager would do. I have lived most of my life locked up and the only moments I got out were rare but very well treasured, but for once I thought that everything was going to changed now that I was eighteen, that I would have more freedom and that my dad would finally understand what I wanted but I guess I misread everything, nothing will ever change." Skye said with a sad sight.

"You just have to give him time, alright? Fathers are always like this, you are his only daughter right?" Aiden asked her as he looked at her.

Skye nodded.

"Parents are always like that especially when they only have one girl, just look at my dad even though Spencer has her mate and all she could need my dad won't let her move out with Derek, he still thinks that Spencer is still too young to do that and I second him with that." Aiden said with a nod.

Skye raised her eyebrow at him.

"Really, you think eighteen is too young? Well in that case I am also young to be actually living with you; I'm barely eighteen, the same age as Spencer." Skye said with a smirk.

Aiden chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his mate.

"That's different." Aiden whispered against Skye's ear.

"Is that so? How is it different?" Skye asked him trying to not squirm under his touch.

"The rules don't apply to beautiful British girls." Aiden said in a husky voice.

Skye laughed.

"You can't be serious with that!" Skye said laughing.

"You said it yourself you are already a grown up." Aiden said looking at her in the eyes.

"Still sometimes you should really back off with that older brother attitude it might make Spencer feel chocked, believe me." Skye said as she leaned her head against his chest.

After a while Aiden looked down at his mate, who had her eyes closed, she was enjoying the moment.

"So do you think that your dad will let you stay here?" Aiden asked her against her ear.

Skye hummed a bit before she answered.

"I don't know, it will be complicated at first but he will come around eventually or at least I hope so." Skye said as she played with her hair.

"We'll think about something but meanwhile..." Aiden said as he trailed off and placed his hand on Skye's thigh and slowly worked his way up to her butt.

"What are you doing?" Skye said as she giggled nervously.

"Nothing, why does it make you get nervous?" Aiden said innocently.

"Aiden, please stop." Skye said but she was rudely interrupted by Aiden's lips.

He started to kiss her and slowly lowered her to the table as Skye wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat, they both broke apart and Aiden looked at her sister who was standing nearby with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Skye, you dad left he said something about going for Renee and that he would meet you up in a few minutes in Aiden's house to discuss something important." Spencer told her as she glared at them.

Skye nodded.

"Well we should head to the house, and why don't the rest of the guys come over. I feel awful alone in the house sometimes and I get so bored, so let's go." Skye said as she got up and walked towards the house to tell the other.

Aiden gave a sigh.

"Great, goodbye privacy for me as if this was the last thing I needed." Aiden said as he placed his arm around his sister's shoulder.

"It's not so bad; I mean I will be there day and night hanging out with Skye." Spencer told him with a smirk knowing that this would be all but good for her brother.

"Exactly, I can barely tolerate eight hours a day with you." Aiden said with a groan.

Spencer elbowed him.

"I'm not that bad you know." Spencer said as she glared at her brother.

"I know but it seems like every single time I'm about to go somewhere with Skye someone interrupt us, now the chances are over." Aiden said feeling how the gloomy atmosphere took over him.

"It's not my fault you don't take advantage of the night." Spencer murmured before they entered the house.


As soon as they got to the house Skye went upstairs to look for her training gear, she had packed it since Paolo was going to teach her some sick battle movement to kick some ass in Italy but now it would be here with her father instead.

Skye changed into her black pants, black tank top and placed her hair in a ponytail letting her side swept backs fall lose framing her face, she placed on her combat boots before she headed to the backyard where everyone was.

When Skye got downstairs Cyrus gave a low whistle as he looked at her.

"Damn cousin, you look deadly with that." Cyrus told her with a smirk.

Skye smiled.

"That's the point." Skye told him with a smile.

"What are you wearing that for?" Spencer asked her confused, what was going on here?

Before Skye could answer her someone spoke behind her.

"Is that my little girl?" A voice said full of shook.

Skye turned around before she smiled surprised.

"Renee!" Skye yelled as she went over to hug her.

Aiden looked at Skye as she hugged the woman, she was in her mid-twenties; she had blonde hair and brown eyes.

"That vamp is hot." Cyrus murmured before Emma smacked him in the head.

"What?" Cyrus asked innocently as he looked at his sister.

"Last time I saw you I was sixteen, it has been two years." Skye said as she hugged Renee tightly.

"I missed you too honey but just look at you, you're all a woman now." Renee told her as she pulled back to see Skye perfectly.

James murmured something about 'still being a little girl' that made Renee rolled her eyes at him.

"She is a woman now you like it or not James." Renee told him with a scoff.

"So are we going to practice?" Skye asked her father nervously.

"That's why I'm here." A voice said making Skye's eyes go wide.

It was Tyler and as he got near Skye she heard a small growl coming from where Aiden was.

"What are you doing here Tyler? You're only going to get in problems." Skye told him as she glared at him.

Tyler laughed.

"Don't worry; I'm here because your father asked me to. I'm going to help you practice." Tyler told her with a carefree smile.

Skye nodded.

"Alright, but I will have to tell the others before they decided to lock you up in the cellar again." Skye said before she headed to where everyone else was.

"What is he doing here?" Aiden asked her, he hated that the vampire was here.

"He's here to help me practice, but anyhow this is Renee Wyatt she is the woman that raised me, in other words she is like my adoptive and loving mum." Skye said looking at Renee with love and respect.

Renee got near them and smiled, even if she didn't like werewolves that much due to her past experiences she would behave in order to please Skye since she loved her as if she was really her daughter.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all and I guess you are Aiden, Skye's mate." Renee said as she looked at Aiden.

Aiden nodded.

"Yes, I'm him." Aiden said with a smile.

"Well, I should probably warn you since right now. Don't hurt Skye or else you will regret it, they have broken her heart before and I won't let her go through that pain all over again." Renee told him in a very mothering tone.

"Renee-." Skye started with a whine.

"No, I'm your adoptive mother like you said and as such I should always look out for you now go to practice." Renee told her with a grin.

Skye nodded.

"Practice for what?" Aiden asked confused, what could she practice for?

"I need to practice my defending skills so if they is an attack I will know how to protect myself, don't worry I have been doing this for a while." Skye said as she started to walk where her father and Tyler were.

"Skye is-." Renee said suddenly next to her.

"Yes?" Skye said confused.

"What do you have in your neck?" Renee asked her making Skye freeze.

Skye's hand immediately flew to her right side of her neck to cover her mark.

"Nothing, I have nothing at all." Skye said nervously hoping that she really hadn't seen it.

"Then move your hand Skyler." Renee told her knowing that Skye was hiding something from her.

Skye gave a sigh and moved her hand with a small mental curse, when Renee saw what she had in her neck she would get angry or her father would murder her right there.

"What on earth-." Renee started confused.

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