Black and White ~ SEQUEL

By loverrr324

78.5K 1.8K 776

Sometimes you need to take a break. Well, Y/N definitely wasn't aware of the extent of a break. So love and t... More

1.0// Falling //
2.0// The Tea //
3.0// Wedding Dress //
4.0// Honey I ordered Chinese //
5.0// Mother Theresa //
6.0// Nickname // πŸ”₯
7.0// Capri Sun //
8.0// Netflix //
9.0// Standards //
10.0// The Red Room //
11.0// Vinyls //
12.0// Pray for Her //
13.0// BullShit //
14.0// Maybe //
15.0// Hair Appointment //
16.0// Conference Room C //
17.0// I wasn't Begging //
18.0// Pink Corvette//
19.0// I'm in //
20.0// Informal Dinner //
21.0// Open Arms //
22.0// Ambush//
23.0// Kitchen Table //
24.0// Fire Exit //
24.1// Fire Exit //
24.2// Fire Exit//
25.0// Brave Face /
26.0// Red Dress//
27.0// Merge//
28.0// Black Nails//
New Book

29.0// Goodbye //

2.4K 53 82
By loverrr324

I knew something was off with Harry. His sudden interest in Y/n made me think twice, no matter what Harrison says. He's been friends with her family for ages, meaning that not only is he close to Y/n, he'd be close to Vanessa too. 

Harry and I were stood next to eachother silently, waiting for Y/n to come down. The pair of them were off to the Golden Globes, and I still wasn't behind the whole idea.

"Nervous?" I asked.

He turned to look at me, "I thought you left?" 

"Nah, I thought I'd just wish her good luck".

"Well, that's nice of you".

"Its the least I could do", I said. "You're good for her you know. Yeah we were good together, and the sex was unbelievable", 

Harry gave me the side eye but I continued. Might as well make my last words to him count. I continued, "Anyway, we were incredibly toxic to each other. I lied to her, I hurt her, she hurt me too. So you know, just don't be like me", 

"I won't. I'll be even better". Harry looks at me with a smug look on my face. I practically had to restrain myself from punching him. Instead I gave him a pat him on the back, and walk into the study, nodding at Harrison. 

I walked back out just as Y/n was walking down the stairs. She looked beautiful, an absolute goddess but I placed an unimpressed look on my face.

"What are you two grinning at? You know what I don't want to know, come on Harry, or else we're gonna be late".

"You don't say", he rolls his eyes but walks up behind her and kisses the exposed part of her neck. "You look good", I hear him mutter. What a charming bloke.

"Just good? You don't look too bad". She adjusts his collar and smiles up at him. I coughed, making his presence known.

Y/n turned to look at me. "So? You wanted a dress, I wanted a suit. Best to merge the two, right?"

"Yeah yeah whatever. I thought I'd just say good luck and uh, try not to get shot. I'm telling you, this isn't a good idea".

"As always Thomas, your input is appreciated and ignored". Y/n smiled sweetly at me, and I started thinking of polar bears so as not to blush. Her smile still made my heart jump.

"Dont say I didn't warn you". I manage to spit out.

"I won't. Come on Harry".

"Have fun". I say, but they're already out of the door. I waited for the car to leave and that's when I ran into the study.

"Okay, start tracking Styles. Get phones active, listen in to everything. Is the mic inside the car active? Come on boys let's go".

"On it".

The entire study room was a mess, there were laptops scattered about and papers all over the floor. Everyone had earpieces in and a laptop or computer each. My instincts were telling me something was going to happen tonight, so I got the whole team on this, risking our security. 

"Tom, this better be worth it. We're taking a massive risk here".

"No, I'm sure. Just track him. Is the mic active, I want to hear what's going on. Put it on live". Harrison nodded and out the speaker up. We all strained, trying to hear what was going on.

"I feel bad for leaving him behind".

"Is that Styles?" Someone asked.

I nodded, "Yeah it must be. Turn it up".

"I don't".

"Oh shit, there goes Y/n", Paddy murmured. I don't even know who let him in here, but he was good with computers so it was all worth it.

 "Come on Y/n, I know there's history between you two but can't you put that aside? You don't need any more enemies", Harry continued. 

"I can assure you, Tom isn't an enemy. And he hates red carpets. Speaking of which, how long until we get there? Hello?"

There was a pause 


Another pause

"Terry? Terry?" I heard banging.

"Harry? Did you check who was driving us?"

"Yeah I did".

"It wasn't Terry was it?"

"No. Sorry for this darling".

I heard something hit another, and Y/n's groans. We heard a car door opening and Harry's voice came up again. 

"Careful with her, Vanessa wants her in one piece".

"Oh fuck".

I started to panic. "Do-do we have a location on her? I need a location NOW!"

I got out of the house and into my black Audi, with Harrison getting into the passenger seat.

"What are you doing? Mate, just go inside. You can't come with me, especially if there's a chance that I won't be coming back".

"Shut up and drive".

I sighed with frustration and started driving.

My phone rang and Harrison answered it.


"Ah, Harrison. Is Tom with you?"

It was Vanessa. Fuck. 

"What do you want Vanessa?"

"Do you know where Y/n is?"

Harrison gawped at me, unsure of what to say. I shook myself head at him and intervened.

"She's gone out. Why?"

"Out? Oh yes, tonight she's supposed to be at the Golden Globes?"

"Don't play games with me Vanessa. What have you done?"

"Im not quite sure how to put it in into words. Maybe Y/n can do it for me".

There was a scuffle and I heard Vanessa again. 

"Hey sis. Your Tommy wants to know what I've done. You wanna tell him?"

I heard soft groans but no words.

"Oh dear, I think Harry knocked her a out a little too hard. Well, I'm sure you know what she means. Anything else you want to say Y/n dear, before I kill you?"


"Y/n, just keep your eyes open. Where-where are you?"

"Not telling. You destroyed my life Thomas. So I'll destroy yours. Starting by this".

I heard a gunshot. 

"FUCK, Y/N!"

"That's gonna leave a mess. Clean it up". Vanessa hung up the phone.

"Tom, she's fucking about. She hasn't killed Y/n she's just trying to scare us. She wouldn't kill anyone, she's a pussy".

"Okay, okay", it was hard to think straight, "Vanessa, she thinks we don't know where she is. She doesn't know that we know. So we surprise her".

Harrison nodded. "I'll get our men ready".

Vanessa's POV

I hung up the phone after shooting the roof. The pair of them were complete idiots, they actually believed I killed Y/n. I would never do that, we're family. And she's bait. 

"They're coming", Styles came into the room.

"Thank god the tracker actually works".

"Thank god I had the idea of putting a tracker on his car".

"Cockiness isn't a good look on you Harry. Just look at her", I pointed at Y/n. "She was arrogant and cocky and now she's got a black eye".

I sat down and took apart my gun, replacing the bullets.

"Shouldn't we be preparing?" Harry asked.

"Preparing for what? I've won", I picked up a bullet and put it to the light, "you see this bullet. It's a special one. You know why? It has his initials engraved on it. Tonight, they're all going to die. We have nothing to prepare for".

"I don't know, they're-"

He stopped when we heard a window smash. We turned and saw a grenade on the floor.


Everything was a blur. Harry picked up Y/n and ran out of the room, me following him. We were blown against the wall as the grenade went off. 

"GO TO THE ROOF! TO THE ROOF!" I managed to scream. Fucking bastards.

Tom's POV

"What should we do?"

"Okay, we chase them out. We have Grenades, we'll throw them in. The rest of guys will go on and shoot down any guards. Vanessa is mine. Y/n is the priority, we need her alive. Understand?"

The team nodded and we went in, guns cocked. They threw a single grenade and we bent down, so as not to get caught up on the explosion. Once the smoke cleared, our men went in and shot down any guards, Harrison and I following. 

"They're not here. Why aren't they here?"

We heard shots and hid behind a wall. One of Vanessa's men crept into the darkened room, all of us holding our breaths. I nodded at Harrison and he shot the guard in the leg, making him fall to the ground, dropping his gun. We got out of out hiding places and went over to him. I grabbed his air and yanked him back. 

"Where are they? Tell me now or I'll finish you off".

"They're on the roof. Please don't-"

"Shut up. Finish him off boys. Harrison, come with me. I want no guards up there, you hear me?"

I checked the bullets in my gun as we paced up the spiral staircase. Only two left.

"Harrison. You're going to wait by the door".

"Tom, i don't think it's a good idea, we don't know what her plan is-"

"Exactly. So if I die, you'll come in and finish her off".

"Okay". We stopped at the door leading to the roof. 

"Be careful, okay?"

I nodded and opened the door, my gun ready. I shut it behind me and walk out onto the roof cautiously.

"We've been waiting for you Tom".

I turned around and saw Vanessa sitting in a chair, Y/n sat on the concrete. She had a wound on her leg. There was no way we could escape if she couldn't walk.

"It's so funny isn't it. You used to own the biggest mob in Europe. And then this bitch came in and ruined it all. Doesnt that annoy you Tom?" I stayed silent, not moving.

"Where's your side chick?" Vanessa asked.


"Oh, what a shame. Another handsome face gone to waste. He was good while he lasted. How did he die? Might give me inspiration for this one".

I gulped. "He was shot".

"Ah, but look I already shot her in the leg", she touched her wound and Y/n hissed, wincing.

"Hmm. Are you suggesting that I should shoot her in the other leg?"

"Vanessa stop playing games, we can come to an agreement-"

"You're right we can. You've got your gun, so you shoot her. Saves me the trouble". 

I felt a gun cocking behind me and it was Harry. 

"Go on Thomas, you said we can come to an agreement, so shoot her".

I aimed my gun and cocked it slowly. I looked Y/n in the eye. Her eyes. Her soft, hazel eyes. I was able to read her, but this time I couldn't make out what she was saying. A tear slowly fell down her face and I knew she was saying she loved me. One last time.

Or maybe I was just telling myself.

"We don't have all day Tommy. Shoot her or Harry will shoot you. Either way works for me".

 I had to stall her. "What if it doesn't work for me?"

"You don't get a choice", she replies sternly, "shoot her", she says even louder. She grabs Y/n's hair and pulls her up. Y/n started crying harder, the pain almost unbearable. Vanessa sits her on the edge, like a doll. 

"If you don't shoot her, I'll push her off. And then kill you".

"You're gonna kill me anyway".

Vanessa smiled at me, "finally, we're on the same page. Now get on with it".

"Well. Since we're switching up the agreement, allow me to do this".

It all happened so far. I shot Vanessa in the head, making her fall to the ground. I heard another gunshot, but I couldn't tell whether it was Harrison's or Harry's. But when I felt a pain to the side of my stomach, I knew it was Style's. I tentatively touched the wound, and blood laced my fingers. 

"Shit, I whispered". I saw Y/n still sitting on the ledge and I staggered my way to her managing to lift her down. She fell to the ground immediately, her legs not being able to support her body. I knelt down and made her lay on my lap. Harry was lying on the ground, passed out after Harrison knocked him out. Harrison ran over to us. 

"Shit, I'm calling backup".

"It's- it's too late for me. Get some for Y/n". She turned her head to look at me, and sat up to make me lie on her chest.

"No, darling you're hurt".

"Fuck off, I've been in explosions before. Remember the first time we met".

I laughed, even though it hurt. "I'm kind of glad I did that, or else I'd have never met you".

I felt a drop of water on my arm and looked up at Y/n to see her crying. 

I sat up properly and and wiped her tears away. 

"I'm so sorry Tommy, for bringing all this pain to your world. I should've stayed away".

"Baby no, you're the best thing to have ever happened to me. You showed me what it felt like to love someone and I....I", I felt myself getting fainter and fainter, but I kept my eyes open, just to tell her one more thing. "I'm so grateful for you. My beautiful girl". She kept her hands on my face and rested her forehead on mine, no longer crying but still shaking. 

"Tommy, please don't go on me. Please. I can't go on without you".

"You''ll be fine. I'll always love you beautiful". Harrison came back and held my hand as I layer on Y/n.

"This is the perfect way to die. With the only two people that matter to me", Harrison kept his head down and Y/n kissed my head. The only touch I needed. My eyesight was going, I saw black spots and soon the black consumed my mind.

"Goodbye Tom. I love you", was the last thing I heard before I met the devil. 

The End 

SO THATS THE END. DID I CRY WHILE WRITING THIS? YES. I can't express how much happiness this book gave me, i loved writing it and I hate to put this book as completed but all good things must come to an end :(. I love you all so much and I hope you've loved this book just as much as I did. It's almost at 40k reads, something I never could've imagined. Thank you all, so much. 

-AZ 🖤

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