I've Got This Friend ( c.h )

By Eri_nnnnnn

8.5K 320 35

Peyton is kinda ashton Irwins sister.Yes Irwin as in drummer for 5sos.They weren't actually related but ashto... More

Full Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Important A/N

Chapter 9

231 8 0
By Eri_nnnnnn

"WAKE UP PEYTON!" Calum burst into the hotel room that I shared with Molly. He ran towards my bed as fast as he could before jumping up in the air and landing on my bed.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I muttered as I attempted to pull the blanket up while Calum tried to pull it down. "Stop pulling my blanket down."

"Why? Did you sleep naked?" I couldn't see his face but I knew he was probably smirking behind me.

"No. I just don't want to get out of bed." I tugged harder this time.

"But it's your birthday and I got you a present and I have a big day planned for us."

"What are we going to do today? You have the Hershey concert today so it's not like we can really go anywhere." I reminded him.

"Stop asking questions and get dressed." He flipped on the lamp light and cuddled into me more, wrapping his arms around me and then starting to tickle me. I was extremely ticklish so I immediately started kicking the blankets and eventually the bed only contained Calum and me. "Come on babe. I have your first present of the day." He begged me and I knew that I wasn't going to get anymore sleep.

"I'm going to get ready. Don't walk into the bathroom." I warned him as I stood up from the bed. I finally opened my eyes for the first time today and saw that it was only 9am. Fantastic.

I turned to face Calum, "Hi."

"You're wearing one of my favorite tank tops." I pointed to the All Time Low sling he was wearing.

"I wore it just for the occasion."

"That's cute." I slid out of bed and walked towards my closed suitcase.

"I'm going to grab your first gift from my bedroom and I'll be back. Try not to take too long because I'm excited."

"You're more excited for my birthday than I am." I giggled as I dug through my suitcase and successfully decided on a outfit that consisted of high waisted denim shorts that had been washed out, a grey bralet crop top and a pair of white converse. I changed quickly and stared at myself in the mirror. I was definitely missing something.

I grabbed my phone and texted Cal.

Hey, can I borrow that red flannel that you brought but never wear?

I searched around for my sunglasses for about 30 seconds before I heard the sound of my phone vibrating on the wooden dresser.

Anything for the birthday girl.

I shook my head and combed my hair into a high pony tail. I put my sunglasses on top of my head and started to lace up my converse when Calum walked back into the room with his flannel which he immediately tossed in my direction. I finished lacing up my shoes and then put on the large flannel.


"What?" I suddenly felt conscious about what I was wearing.

"Nothing. It's just you look really good."

"You're being really nice today.

"It's your birthday. It's the one day that I have to be uber nice to you." He chuckled.

"What's behind your back?" I noticed his hands holding a box the size of say a skateboard.

"Happy Birthday present number one." He handed me the box and I brought it over towards the bed. It was a little heavier than I expected, but I wasn't complaining.

I ripped off the wrapping paper to reveal a brown box. I threw the paper to the side and struggled to open the box itself, but succeeded after a minute or two. "Oh my god Cal. Do you want to make me fat?" I stared at the five pound chocolate bar that was sitting in front of me.

"Don't worry." He advised. "You can share it with me and we can get fat together."

"Sounds like a plan to me." I agreed with him as he grabbed my arm and lead me towards the door.

"And the birthday adventure continues." He instructed.

After being dragged through the hallways of the hotel so that we could leave through the back door, Calum and I got into a car and drove away. He just sat there smiling to himself as he scrolled through his phone, probably tweeting something.

"What are you doing? Where are we going? Why did I agree to this? I don't even like celebrating my birthday." I peppered him with questions.

"Calm down. It's a surprise and I'm just tweeting that I'm with you. And you agreed because you love me." The reason was valid enough for me to accept.

I sat twiddling my thumbs as I waited for us to arrive at our destination. I tried to look out the windows so I could get a feel for my surroundings to see if I could even guess where we were going but Calum made sure that my eyes never left his.

"We're almost there." He assured me.

After a few more minutes, the car came to a stop and Calum quickly glanced out the window. "WE'RE HERE!" He cheered as he unbuckled his seatbelt and swung the car door open. Calum stepped out first and then extended an arm for me to grab onto while I walked out of the car.

I let my eyes roam around where we were while I tried to figure out where we were. Before I could piece everything together, Calum said, "Welcome to Hershey Park."

"You brought me to an amusement park?" He nodded rapidly. "Don't you hate rollercoasters?"

"I hate rollercoasters, but I know how much you love them so I figured that today would be a good day to face my fears."

"Aw, that's so sweet Cal."

"My lady?" He extended his elbow in my direction as I wrapped my arm in his and walked towards the park with him in the middle of the crowd.

We made it into the park without getting noticed by fans and I was surprised. I was almost positive that we would've been noticed because I was almost 100% sure that fangirls would be all over the park because today was the day of the One Direction concert.

Although the amusement park idea was cute and original, it wasn't as successful as Calum expected it to be. Because of the fact the One Direction concert was there that day, the park itself was packed shitless. The lines for almost every single rollercoaster were over two hours and we didn't have all the time in the world so I didn't want to waste my birthday waiting in line for rollercoasters that only lasted a minute at best.

"Sorry that was a fail." Calum said as we walked around the park.

"Nah, it's fine. We can play carnival games or something!" My attention was immediately drawn to a giant penguin stuffed animal that was located above the game where there is a ladder and the participant has to get to the top of the ladder so they can hit the button and win the prize. It was almost impossible to win because the ladder was definitely rigged and moved like no tomorrow whenever anyone stepped on it. I knew there was no way in hell I was going to win it, but I couldn't stop staring at the freaking penguin. It was cute, cuddly, and had to be at least two times my body weight.

"The penguin?" Calum finally spoke. I nodded. "You're just like Luke you loser. What's so great about penguins anyways that makes you guys love them so much?"

"They're fucking adorable Calum!" I defended the penguins.

"Well, do you want to try it? I'll pay."

"There's no way that I'm going to win Cal. You'd just be wasting your money. We can play a different game."

"Why don't you at least try?" He pestered me.



"I have to pee." I knew that was the only way he was going to drop the subject and I actually did have to pee a little.

"Well, the nearest bathroom is by the game." Calum pointed towards the bathroom pavilion building. "Let's go." We walked towards it and I glanced over at the fluffy penguin one more time. "I'll wait for you here." Calum informed me as I stepped into the bathroom. I did what I had to do and washed my hands as two girls stared over in my direction. I'm guessing they knew who I was. The fact that they had 5 Seconds of Summer shirts on gave it away.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards where I had left Calum. To my surprise, he wasn't where I left him. I saw a crowd of girls over by the game and I figured that Calum had been sucked over there to talk and take pictures with fans. It didn't bother me though because we hadn't been bothered at all today so far.

I approached the game and saw that someone was almost at the top, only a few steps away from the ladder. I don't understand how people did it. Like, I've seen people complete the game before so I knew it wasn't impossible, but I knew I couldn't do it if I had to complete it to save my life.

"GO CALUM!" A girl next to me shrieked in my ear. It took me a second, but I realized that it was Calum who was only a few steps away from winning the game. Another girl shushed her and I watched as Calum effortlessly walked up the ladder and reached forward for the button, wiggling and struggling to hold his balance before lunging his upperbody forwards and hitting the button, sending off a ringing sound.

"WINNER!" The guy conducting the game announced as the teenage girls cheered and Calum fell onto the blow up mat underneath him. "What prize would you like?"

"The penguin." Calum made eye contact with me as he pointed towards the penguin I had my eyes on earlier.

"IS THAT FOR LUKE?" A girl screamed while Calum walked out of the game.

"Nah, but he'll be jealous it isn't for him." The man handed Calum the penguin and he carried it over towards me, extending his arms and forcing it into my arms.

"But, how-"

"Soccer gave me light feet and good balance." Calum answered before I could even finish my statement. "Happy Birthday Pey."

"Aww!" The assortment of girls basically died in front of us.

"You two are so cute." Someone called out.

"Thanks, but we aren't dating." I replied like it was my job.

"I'm starving. Can we go grab some food?" Calum asked me and I nodded.

Calum took a few pictures with fans before we walked to find food. I made him carry the penguin because it was almost physically impossible for me to carry the penguin because I was too short and too weak.

After stuffing our faces with delicious ice cream, we started to walk towards the exit because Cal had to get back for sound check. As we were about to leave, I spotted something in a store front window and told Calum that I just had to stop in that store. He wasn't going to argue with me because it was my birthday.

Fans noticed the two of us and Calum and I were engulfed in the middle of a group of them. A few of them told me happy birthday while others waited in a line to get a picture with Calum.

"So, what has Calum done for your birthday?" A teenage girl one or two years younger than me asked.

"What do you mean?" I stared at the fan.

"He tweeted that he had a special day planned for a special birthday girl." She informed me.

"Well, he came into my room with a giant Hershey's chocolate bar this morning and he won me the giant penguin that you see over there." I pointed towards Calum, noticing that he was busier watching me than interacting with fans.

They awed again and some girl told me she liked my outfit and I thanked her. I walked towards Cal. "I'm going to go into the store so that you can focus more on your fans. Don't let them take my penguin." I patted my newly acquired stuffed animal's head.

"Don't worry. I'll meet you inside soon."

I walked away and I heard fans asking where I was going. Calum told them that I was going to shop in the store because I didn't want to distract him from his fans. They seemed happy with it and dropped the subject.

I searched the store for the shirt that I saw when I was about to leave the park. I wish I didn't waste my time on it though.

Do you ever see something that you think is adorable in a display window but then you look at it up close and see it's ugly? Well, that explained the shopping experience that I had in the Hershey merchandise stand.

I decided that I was bored and I left the store so that I could meet up with Calum again. He was still talking to fans. "What do you mean?" One stared at him with a look of disappointment.

"She'd never like me back. She's my-"

"Hi Peyton!" One of the girls waved to me and everyone's head turned in my direction.

"Ready to go Pey?" Calum motioned towards the exit.

"Yeah. It's been a long day and we still have so much to do when we get back to the hotel." I reminded him as he said thank you and goodbye to the fans who had been talking to him.

We got back into the car that brought us to the amusement park and buckled the penguin into the seat next to me. "What were you guys talking about?"

"With who?"

"The fans. They looked sad and you said something about a girl not liking you back...?"

"Oh! Just talking about a celebrity crush. They all said that they heard that some youtuber liked me and they showed me a picture and I said that she was too pretty for me and would never like me back."

"Aw Cal. Don't say that." I patted his shoulder. "Any girl would be lucky to have you. You're a fantastic guy."

Calum mumbled something off to the side but I couldn't catch it and I figured that he didn't want me to hear it.

"I mean it." I removed my hand from his shoulder and stared out the window.

"Was part one of your birthday successful?"

"Part one?" I was in disbelief that there was more.

"Yeah, part one. Just wait. It gets better." He warned me.

"Oh god."

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