Almost Honest

By honeysympathy

1.3K 142 209

With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

chapter thirteen

23 3 4
By honeysympathy

June pouted to herself in dismay as she rolled over the next morning to a cold , empty space beside her . Unable to stop the annoyed grumble from leaving her lips as she curled up into herself not wanting to leave the warmth of the heavy sheets just yet .

It was the first time in too long that she had slept so peacefully . Usually awakening every other hour for no reason at all , whether it was the trick of the light , her tiny bladder or the switch in her mind that refused to be turned off .

Sleep had never been too friendly with June , and more often than not she had found herself sleepless and irritable with the way of the worlds cruelty that hung heavily under her tired eyes .

It had only made her paranoia more insistent with its torture , counting every step her fathers feet would print into the darkness when he stumbled home each night. Her  blood freezing underneath her skin with each creak of the floorboards and each giggle of women in the night .

So , she was rather upset that she had awaken alone again when she finally had the chance not to be for once in her sour life .

Whining to herself pitifully as she finally forced open her eyes , squinting against the ray of sun that was shining through the window . Cursing out Jett in her mind for not bothering to close the curtains .

"Jesus fuck." she muttered to herself , quickly ripping the covers from her body before she could change her mind and drift back off to sleep again , alone .

Hissing through her teeth as the cold air hit her bare skin , quickly picking up Jett's abandoned sweatshirt on the floor and shrugging it over her body .

Blowing warm air into her hands and rubbing them together as she stumbled out of the bedroom , her eyes still half closed as she swayed herself into the kitchen .

Sniffling deeply as she bumped into the counter and winced to herself , jumping as a loud laugh filled the air .

Her head snapping quickly over to the patio doors to see jett lounging cosily in a fold out chair , blanket over his lap and mug of coffee in his hand laughing at her . Apparently having watched her pathetic sleepy stumble into the room .

Scowling she lifted her hand and stuck up her middle finger with a glare .

His laughter only growing louder as she turned her back to him and grabbed herself a cup running it under the tap and quickly gulping it down .

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine in the morning sweetheart!" jett snickered to himself thoroughly amused as he watched her continued to mutter and grumble profanities to herself .

Eyeing her rats nest of hair that was sticking up in every direction , her eyes still puffy and red as she glared back at him , not amused in the slightest .

"Fuck yourself!" she shot back at him annoyed with his chirpiness , after denying her his warmth this morning too! Who did he think he was to leave her in bed alone and be this happy?

Snorting , he drank the last of his coffee before leaning back in his seat with a sigh , hands behind his head as he admired the morning sky .

Smiling to himself contently as he recalled the feeling of waking up with June sprawled over his chest , her mouth gaping open as soft snored tickled his ear.

It was nice . So many nights he had spent awake staring at the ceiling just beginning to fall asleep only to be plagued by memories of the past when he finally did drift off .

Yet here comes along this little slip of a girl , with a sweet smile , crazy eyes and suddenly he can dream again .

It unnerved him how quickly and how easily she had found a place in his life already , the dependency of her warmth and her mind made him uneasy for he knew how it could all be stripped away from him within the blink of an eye .

He never got to keep the things that made him happy . It gave him a headache to even think about the feelings she had stirred up inside of him . Feelings that he hadn't known existed in him till he saw her .

He wanted to hate her for it . He really did .

instead he watched her join him on the patio with a small unnoticeable twitch of his lips , frowning back at her just for show .

She stared back at him fearlessly , raising her brow at him condescendingly.

"What you pouting for old man? Someone pissed in your coffee or something?" she teased plopping down in the fold out chair opposite him with a bitter grin .

Rolling his eyes,  he huffed back at her childishness choosing to ignore that comment .

"Do you think your father has noticed you've gone yet?" he asked her after a moment of tense silence.

Watching in amazement as the soft look in her eyes hardened , her lips turning down at the corners as she looked over her cup at him suspiciously .

"Why'd you keep asking about my daddy jett? I'm starting to think you might be interested in him . Got something you wanna admit?" she scowled kicking her foot against his roughly , annoyed that he had even brought her dickhead of a father up .

So early in the morning too! What a way to ruin the day more than he had already done for her!

Jett looked back at her blankly for a moment , his face cold as stone at the cruel tone she had used with him  .

Narrowing his eyes at her as he looked down at his foot where she had kicked him .

Before she could even blink he had grasped her foot tightly in one hand and pinched the skin between her ankle and leg harshly , making her gasp loudly in pain   .

"Ow Jett!" she shouted , snatching her leg away from him and cradling it to her chest, her eyes widening in shock as she rubbed the now red and irritated skin .

He only pursed his lips back at her feeling the blood rush hotly through his veins at her disrespectfulness towards him .

He had only expressed concern , not wanting to put her in any more trouble and she had thrown it back in his face without a second thought .

He wasn't going to let her think she could get away with treating him like she did everyone else , they were different . They had to be .

"I'm not your father June." he told her bluntly , picking up his carton of cigarettes and slowly lighting himself one .

Needing to calm his nerves before he snapped back at her something that he couldn't take back . Heaven knows how sensitive she was and how quickly she took things to heart .

Never forgive and certainly never forget was her motto in life , he was sure.

"-so do not treat me like you do him . I won't tolerate it." he warned her calmly . Not even bothering to look at her as he inhaled the smoke from his cigarette , watching the clouds from his mouth disappear as he exhaled .

There were too many lessons that could not be taught , only shown . He was slowly beginning to realise , a little too late , that June was not used to someone talking back to her .

Intimidation and cruelness was her manipulative flow . But he was much older than her and could be much meaner than she could be without her even realising what he had done .

His little witch was unbalanced , flourishing in her defensive anger that she needn't have with him . He wouldn't hold it against her , not in the way she so easily presumed .

He was not the devil in her cards . She was the one holding them after all.

June couldn't help but feel like a scolded child as she hugged her knees to her chest , her lower lip trembling slightly as she watched him ignore her .

The sting in her chest unable to be withheld as she pouted to herself , sniffling quietly, unable to admit that perhaps she had been a bit harsh .

"You left me in bed alone this morning." was all she had to say in return , closing her eyes the moment she saw his head move back in her direction .

A look of startled realisation falling onto his face , exhaling slowly as he worked his jaw contemplating what to say .

Realising now that he had somehow hurt her feelings without even knowing it , even though it had never been his intention to do so. She must know that didn't she?

He would never deny her of himself or anything for that matter.

"You were sleeping peacefully . I didn't want to wake you " he shrugged , cigarette hung loosely in his hand as he took in the childish curl of her body as she tilted herself away from him with a air of upset that made him bite his lip in guilt.

Her hair a curtain over her face as she tried to calm her racing heart , the stern thunder of his voice had startled her and made a lump swell unexpectedly in her throat .

She dared to peer over at him from over her arms , frowning as she met his gaze that was already upon her waiting for her to accept his unspoken apology .

"You could have stayed ." she mumbled feeling her cheeks flush in shame at the neediness that coated her tongue . Wishing she had bitten it back .

Seeds of insecurity growing steadily within the back of her mind as jett's lips parted , looking back at her with a look she couldn't quite place .

"I could have." he admitted and that was all that was left to be said as he settled back in his seat to finish smoking his cigarette .

Biting back a smile as he saw June reach over and snatch up his disregarded blanket from the corner of his eye , throwing it over her shoulders as she huddled herself beneath it .

Another beat of silence passed before she finally huffed a sigh and rolled her eyes over to him .

Inhaling deeply as he quirked a brow up at her in amusement watching her struggle with her words , the rare shyness that veiled her only making him soften in his anger .

"I'm sorry . I shouldn't have been such an asshole when I know you only wanted to care ." she finally admitted , sheepishly .

Jett smiled in response "you really shouldn't have . but you're forgiven ." he said .

A breath of relief was heard , grinning as she perked up immediately.

"Oh good ." she muttered happily before getting up from her chair and walking over to his , ignoring his startled eyes as she plopped down onto his lap and curled into his chest like a cat .

Chuckling as he wrapped his free arm around her tightly in return , resting his head atop of her own . Letting her take the cigarette from his fingers without a fight .

"You know I've been thinking-" he started to say leaning her back so he could see her face as he spoke , catching the smirk tugging at her lips as she snickered to herself .

"That's not a good sign ." she muttered unable to help herself , giggling loudly as he pinched her thigh in return .

Pushing her hair away from her face , he let his finger trail down her nose and over her cheek bones as she relaxed with a soft sigh .

"You need a job right?" she hummed a dismal yes .

"You could work with me . Obviously not with the woodwork itself but with the designing maybe? You could draw the ideas and I could make them . I would pay you of course." he suggested his idea to her , something that he had been thinking about since she mentioned her fathers nagging for her to get a job .

He could use the inspiration and he certainly wouldn't mind using it as an excuse to see her everyday without the secrecy . There would be no suspicion if they were seen together if she told her father she worked for him .

It could only work brilliantly in there favour in his opinion .

Thankfully June seemed to agree with him as her face lit up , sitting up slightly as she turned to face him with a grin .

"yeah? You mean it? You want me to work with you?" she was excited , her mind racing with ideas already .

Imagining the look on her fathers face when she tells him she had actually got a job just like he had asked .

He smiled small and nodded his head "yeah  , I mean that means you wouldn't need an excuse each time just to come here right? This is your workplace now too." he smirked back at her .

Enthralled she laughed gleefully before disregarding the cigarette in the ashtray beside him .

Grabbing his face in both of her hands and planting an enthusiastic kiss on his lips like she had been wanting to do since she woke up .

His eyes fluttering closed with a sigh as he returned it easily , frowning as she pulled away much too soon for his liking .

But June only playfully bit his nose before pulling back and pinching his cheek harshly between her fingers before he could even blink .

Laughing hysterically to herself as she shot up off him , Jett wincing as he rubbed the sensitive skin with a scowl .

"You bitch!" he exclaimed unable to stop the smile from speeding over his mouth as he got up and ran after her , her squeals filling the air as he grabbed her waist from behind and spun her around .

Her head tilted back against his chest and her eyes glowing in happiness as she beamed up at him , cheeks red and heart full.

"I'm the prettiest bitch in all the land!" she sang , there laughter loud and clear as he pulled her to the ground , kissing her face over and over again .

The birds chirping there good mornings as they flew between the trees .

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