The "L" Word ~ {FrUK}

By _TsUn_DeRe_

32.3K 1.1K 1K

Francis has always hated Arthur. There was no way he could ever like him. But then one day he ends up finding... More

You Bloody Frog!
Goodnight, Mon Cher - FLUFF
First Date - Light Smut
║FrUK Day Drabble║
║Beach Day!║
║OTPs and NOTPS ?║
║Nothing - The Script║
║Nothing - The Script Part 2║
║Now You're Gone║
║Drunk AF║
║Stupid A/N + Character x Reader║
║Dirty Little Secret - AAR║
║Your Lips on His!║
║Crush? Maybe..║
║Troublemaker - Olly Murs║
║Mornings with the FACE Family║
║I'm Okay, Trust Me.║

I'm So Sorry!

2.9K 120 125
By _TsUn_DeRe_

Francis awoke to find the sun's rays shining on his face, giving his face a sun-kissed glow. He rubbed his eyes and gave out a quiet yawn. 'Oh,' he thought to himself, 'I almost forgot about the revenge plan!' He tapped his chin delicately and thought for a moment. Then, a light-bulb suddenly popped ontop of Francis's head. He flashed a devious smirk and ran to the phone.

"Pick up.. pick up.." he mumbled impatiently. Alfred had to pick up. He HAD to.

"Yo what up, dude? It's the AWESOME HERO speaking," Alfred replied, well, more like shouted, into Francis's ear. Imbécile... I must be at my last resort calling him.

Clearing his throat, Francis replied, "Eh.. Bonjour Amérique. I need your help with something..."

"And why the hell would I help a pervert, dude?" Alfred shot back with a smirk. That'll make him blow up.. hehehe

Francis didn't have the energy to fight back, even after his nap which was 'supposed' to regenerate his energy. "Agh.. whatever.. I was just going to prank Arthur. I can understand if you don't wanna help someone like me. Bye Alf-"

"WAIT!" Alfred wailed. "I'll be over in 5." He hung up the phone in hurry. Francis smirked. Oh now it's on. With Alfred by my side, Arthur will practically die. Ohonhonhon.

-----5 minute time-lapse-----


"Dude!! Open up!" Alfred yelled. "I have the plans right he- OOMPH." He had just face planted himself on the floor of Francis's house when Francis unexpectedly opened the door.

Holding his laughter in, Francis bent down to help Alfred. "You clumsy garçon [boy]," he chuckled. Alfred glared at him for a moment before giving in to the cheery man's laughter. I gotta admit, his Ohonhonhon is hilarious, Alfred thought.

After a good 3 minutes of laughing their asses off to Alfred's carelessness, he spoke up to make the devious plan known. "Okay. This is what we do," Alfred spoke. "So first, we have to call a 'world meeting' and then make him pissed off, and I mean like REALLY BAD, dude. Everyone will be insulting his cooking and eyebrows and stuff then he'll like totally explode!! Then, when Arthur's storming off, the wire that is planted right outside the meeting door will trip him and wrap around him causing him to fall. You then go and do your weird French stuff, then say that you want him to do.... whatever you want him to do. AND LOOK MAN. IF I FIND OUT THAT YOU FUCKIN' INVADED HIS VITAL REGIONS, I WILL NEVER HELP YOU AGAIN. GOT IT?"

Just because I act like a country who would do that, doesn't mean that I will... Francis sulked. "Okay.. But where are we going to hold the meeting?"

Francis looked up to see Alfred scarfing down his 30th hamburger, crumbs falling down. "What, dude! Can't the hero just eat his hamburger in peace with out your 'seriously' face staring me down?!"

"Fine, we'll hold the meeting at your place," Francis said after face-palming himself. Alfred can be such a handful at times. "Okay, so you have to write the email and make sure the topic is interesting... Like the gas problem? Oh yes, ohonhonhonhon."

"Alright, dude! My heroic typing skills come into use, NOW!"

-----At the 'world meeting'-----

Everyone took their seats at their designated name plate cards. Alfred had already told them of the plan to get revenge on England, but not everyone wanted to do it. Especially Ludwig.

"I don't get vhy ve have to do zhis. I mean, Francis should solve his own problems rather zhan having zhat dummkopf help him. You knov vhat, Feli?"

The youngest Italian looked at his friend and shook his head. "Luddy! You~a forgot that~a I don't know~a anything!!"

"Italy. Ugh, vell, I'm not going to help zhem vith zheir plan."

"Germany... for~a me? Per favore?" Everyone looked at them suddenly. They all shipped Germany and Italy together... HARD and this was the only time the two didn't notice the dozens of pairs of eyes staring, begging for a yes from Ludwig.

His face was turning a deep shade of red looking at Feliciano's pleading eyes. "Ja, but just vone insult, okay?" Feli looked at him, eyes gleaming and hugged him.

The moment was going so perfectly until Lovino came. "Don't~a touch my fratello, POTATO BASTARD~A!" He grabbed Feli by the collar and dragged him out of Alfred's meeting room. 

Then, after a few minutes of waiting, Arthur walked in holding his cup of tea, smiling. That was until he saw everyone glaring at him, even Kiku and Berwald, who would normally not care about someone unless it was their business. "Bloody hell! What are all of you guys staring at?"

"Just a weirdo.." Kiku muttered. The countries murmured in agreement.

Well, what's got their knickers in a twist? Arthur thought. He slowly walked to his seat and sat down without a word.

Feliks smirked. "Uh, guys. What is up with his eyebrows? Like, for real, they look like.. bushy caterpillars.. Totally. Ugh, gag me with a spoon!" Arthur ignored him and read his newspaper.

"Ve~ But his~a cooking is~a horrible! Luddy can~a cook better than that~a!" Feli added. Arthur was very sensitive about his cooking, especially since everyone made fun of him for it.

Elizabeta chuckled at Feli's response. "Even I know how to use a frying pan! And not just for cooking, which I rarely do. You can't even use one without breaking the handle each time!"

"I can cook somezhing zhat isn't radioactive unlike you. How do you zhink Alfred got his 'strength', huh?" Ludwig added, looking at Feli all the while. His comment earned a laugh from everyone.

Soon, all the countries had either made fun of his cooking, eyebrows, or some other thing. Arthur had lost it at that point.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I WANNA KNOW YOU BLOODY FROGS? WHY DID YOU EVEN CALL THIS MEETING IF ALL YOU WERE GONNA PISS ME OFF!?" he yelled, grabbing all of his things and stuffing them in his leather suitcase. They all looked at him in silence. "I'M OUT! GOOD DAY TO YOU GITS!" Arthur stomped off out of the room and tripped over the invisible wire. "WHAT THE BLOO- AHH!" THUNK!

All the countries rushed out of the room and gasped. They ran to Arthur and stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Oww.." Arthur cried as he was lying on the bottom of the stairs.

Oh no.. this is my fault. Francis ran past everyone, down the stairs and to Arthur. "Everyone just out of the way!" Francis cried. When no one budged, he yelled at full volume. "I SAID OUT!" Then, everyone walked out of the staircase into the living room. He looked at Arthur who was holding his ankle in pain. "Just take your hand off it. Let me see." Arthur nodded and reluctantly moved his hand away. He sprained his ankle.. Guess I have to take care of him, Francis thought. Then, a special feeling came over him, causing him to pick Arthur up bridal style off of the floor.

"Put me down, frog!" Arthur yelled. His mind argued with him; he had a tingling feeling in his stomach and blush was covering his face. What's happening?

"Calm down, Angleterre. Stop trying to be tough! I'm helping you!" Francis smiled. With that, they walked out of Alfred's house and headed towards Francis's.

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