The Misfits Editor is a Harem...

By Kodaiandyuki

13.5K 218 36

A Misfits x Reader story about the new editor who manages to start a joking harem in a house of semi stranger... More

A Harem Protag In The Works
My Suffering Continues
Oops All Romantic Tension
The Sweeter Side Of Things
Damn... that's deep bro
Cruelty-Free Lipgloss
Colors and Sounds
Welcome to the Misfits
An Excuse For Me To Write Roller-coaster Facts
This Chapter's Short
Racc Ending!
Fitz Ending!
Mason Ending!
John Ending!
Reverse Harem Ending!

The Duffel Kerfuffle

1K 16 5
By Kodaiandyuki

      "C'mon!" Mason threw a duffel bag at me. I caught it and was knocked back a few feet in the process. Stumbling backwards, I zipped the bag open.

      "Clothes?" I asked, ruffling through it.

      "We're going to this festival!" He grinned.

       "Clothes?" I repeated.

       "It's a eight hour drive!" He exclaimed ducking out of the room. I grimaced, and looked through what they had packed me. Respect where it's due, they had a decent fashion sense. I mean, for a group of guys who wore pretty much exclusively sweatshirts and designer, it was nice. Then I noted a small folded note, written with pencil on collage-ruled paper.

         "You're welcome for the fits -John" I smiled, the outfits made more sense. I vowed to buy him ice cream sometime on the road for this kindness. My phone started to violently vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out and began to try to desperately keep up with the chats.

          Swagger: Everyone ready?

          Mason: just gave y/n her clothes

          Me: Where am I sleeping??

          Fitz: Ryan's getting us one of those travel cars, it should have beds

          Matt: numero of beds?

          Jay: Just checked, four

          Me: You guys can cuddle. Dibs a bed on my own.

          Racc: i can sleep in a seat just let me lean it back

          Toby: we should have figured this out before

          Fitz: No shit Sherlock. Everyone have their gear?

          John: y/n did you like my outfits

          Me: It was much appreciated, let's go.

         I ran frantically through my room, tossing together anything I deemed important. Scooping my makeup with one arm, I threw it into a small backpack. I put some snacks in, though I assumed Ryan would have them stocked.

          Dashing down the stairs, duffel bag in one hand, wearing a backpack, and holding a camera in the other I stumbled upon the rest of the Misfits.

          "Grab this!" I extended the bag, Matt grabbed it with a gasp and I scampered up the stairs again to grab sound recording equipment as well as a laptop.

          "It's only eight hours!" Swagger yelled up the stairs.

          "Eight hours!" I yelled back.

          Finally I was all set, and I as I stepped outside I was greeted by what Ryan had rented us. It was large and a dark grey color with a scratch mark stretching right above the front right tire. It had eight windows total, and all except the front and back ones tinted black. After a few oo's and ah's we stepped inside.

         The driver's and passenger's seat were a pale grey and slightly stained. Behind that, there were six seats each about a foot and a half apart. They mimicked the stained nature and grey color. Nearest to the back there was a large mattress and a folded bed sheet on top. A ladder stretched up at the foot of the bed leading to a tiny compartment with a pillow and blanket. Across from the high bed, were two more.

             "You said four beds!" Fitz turned to Jay.

            Jay pointed to the large mattress, "Cuddle!"

           On the opposite side of the mattress was a mini kitchen. There was a tiny fridge, freezer, sink, and counter. Behind it was the bathroom, which resembled an airplane restroom. Lastly was a shower.

            "Smit and John are here!" Toby yelled, sticking her head out the door. Like a school child I pressed my face against the window to find that they were in fact walking over. I popped out the door and gave Smii7y a high five which led into a quick embrace.

            John then scooped me up and gave me a hug. He dropped me back down and I pulled a clip from my bag and stuck it in his hair.

             "Damn. I'm not doing a very good job as the rebellious sweetheart." He pulled the clip out and stuck it to my shirt.

             "Stop flirting." Smii7y returned to his infamous cupped hand microphone. I pushed Smii7y and grabbed both of their arms and led them towards the car.

             Racc yelled from an open window, "Y/N!"

             "Coming!" I giggled back.

             Matt turned to Swagger, "Since when did she become so..."

             "Nice? I know." Swagger finished his sentence, staring at the group with his arms crossed.

             "A few days ago she was doing all she could to avoid us." He leaned backwards into the side of the truck.

             "Maybe this whole harem joke is a way for Y/N to get out of her shell." Swagger shrugged.

             "Get in here you dog!" Mason stuck his head through the same window as Racc. As everyone entered the van, I plopped down into the back passenger seat, sitting horizontally.

             I pointed over to one of the high beds, "Dibs!"

-----Two Hours Later-----

             "I'm going to sleep. Matt, mind filming for a few?" I yawned.

             "It's like three pm?" Jay turned around in his chair.

             "I feel like shit. Might as well sleep." I dramatically covered my eyes with my elbow.

             "Woah, you don't feel good? What's up?" Fitz asked, still staring at the road.

             "Just a little nauseous. It'll go away." I unbuckled my seat belt, wobbling around from the sudden car movements.

             As I stood up and started to walk over to the bed, I started to feel a little faint. My nausea kicked in and I decided that I needed to sit down. However, I pressed onwards to the bed. I grabbed a leg of the ladder and-

             I opened my eyes and the first thing I'd noticed was that the car had stopped moving. The next thing I noticed were eight faces around me. I gave a quick yelp and tried to sit up straight, but Matt held me in place.

             "You can't sit up yet." He said, "Here guys, give me a hand."

             Matt and John grabbed my arms and propped me up against a wall. I looked John in the eyes and gave a faint smile.

             "Oh my god she's bleeding!" John gasped, stepping back. I weakly lifted my hand and rubbed a finger across my lip. Pulling it back I noticed the cherry syrup like coloring across my index finger.

             "By the way," My words were messed up and sloppy, "How the fuck did I get here?"

             "You fainted. Must've slammed your teeth into your lip when you fell." Swagger sat in front of me, elbows on his knees.

              Racc ran back into the clutter with a wet paper towel and quickly tried to dab up the blood.

              "Enjoy it, this is the closest you'll ever get to kissing me." I grinned, blood running down my teeth, prompting him to dab more quickly. He in response, gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

              Wiping off the blood that had transferred he smiled, "I doubt it." Before he was violently pushed out of the way by John, pulled away by Fitz, and yanked backwards by Mason.

              Toby groaned and took the paper towel from him, finishing cleaning up the blood.

(A/N: Bada bing bada boom three chapters in a day. Guess who had to do some frantic researching to find out if you can faint because of motion sickness? Also I am unable to read "prompting him to dab more quickly" with a straight face.)

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