Half A Heart › New Edition ✔

Od tjeme218

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[A One Direction Fanfiction] Cassie Collins has just really begun her adult life and it sucks. Breaking up wi... Více

Disclaimer +
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Tidbits and Extras 1
Tidbits and Extras 3

Tidbits and Extras 2

69 6 0
Od tjeme218

Hey y'all here's the second installment.


3) If I had kept going with my original version this would have been chapter 4. I can't even stomach this mess.


*Cassie's POV*

When Louis and I get to Jesse's I am greeted by Jesse himself.

“Hey there Cassie. I haven't seen you in here in a while. Where have you been?" Jesse asks before he realizes that I have someone with me. “Who is this and what have I done to deserve his company today?"

Did I forget to mention that Jesse is extremely flamboyant but is the straightest guy you will ever meet. I remember when I first met him; I thought he was a flaming homosexual but he wasn't. I know he got tired of everyone confusing his sexuality based on his personality and beliefs; he is all about equality for everyone.  So he got a tattoo of the LGBTQ flag and he even put a sign on his door that says, “I may not be gay but that doesn't mean I don't think others shouldn't be, so come in and join the party; we've got equality and appletinis." Jesse is amazing, a true inspiration, but he's nosey  as fuck so I know I have to answer his questions or else he won't let me leave.

“Hi Jesse long time no see. This is Louis; I met him a couple days ago and you deserve his company today because you make delicious food and we've got to feed ourselves and his friends," I say.

“Oh, okay. Well its nice to meet you Louis. What can I get you guys?" Jesse says.

“Well. I've got five guys to feed and you know what I like to eat so I'll let Louis tell you what he and the guys want," I say.

“I'm kind of in the mood for chicken and some sort of pasta. Do you have any specials of that sort?" Louis asks Jesse.

“You're in luck, Chicken Alfredo is tonights special and it happens to be Cassie's favorite. I've got enough cooked and ready right now to have you guys out of here in about 5 minutes," Jesse says. “I'll be right back."

Louis and I stand waiting for less than 2 minutes before Jesse is back to us, holding a huge to-go container.

“Let me just pack this up for you with some plates and stuff and you'll be on your way," he says before disappearing again.

When Jesse finally comes back again he hands Louis the bags of food and utensils.

“How much do we owe you?" Louis asks.

Jesse laughs and then says, “I haven't seen Cassie like this around a guy in a while, it's on the house."

I blush and Louis thanks Jesse for the food. I give Jesse a big hug and tell him that I will come in to have lunch with him later this week. After my hug we're on our way back to the store.


We get back to Crush I open the door to find Niall sitting on one of six One Direction beanbags  and Liam making a makeshift table out of boxes. I can't help but laugh at their efforts. Do they realize that there's a break room here with real chairs and a real table? Louis walks in after me and then laughs too, letting the door close behind him.

“What?" Liam asks.

“Mate there's a break room with real chairs and a table here," Louis says, still holding the bags of food.

“I know that but we wanted to do something special and different for our first meal together," Liam responds.

“Whatever works," I say. “We can still use the bean bag chairs if you want but there is a coffee table we could use to eat on over by the bedding section. We could also just go eat in the break room like normal people."

“What do normal people do?" Harry asks.

Harry? I hadn't even realized that he had come inside... or that anyone had at all. I turn around to see him, he sounds calmer than he had before when I heard him last. I see him but I don't see Zayn. Where is Zayn? I hope he comes back soon.

“Harry! You're back!" I say with excitement.

“Yeah I am. Did you miss me, babe?" he asks.

I stick my tongue out at him before asking another question. “Where is Zayn? Didn't he leave with you?"

“Well not exactly...," Harry says while looking down. “I'm sure he'll be here soon though."

“Well um.. I hate to interrupt this little reunion but can we go set up our meal wherever we plan on eating or...?" Niall asks.

“Yeah. Let's go eat in the break room, there is more than enough space in there," Louis says from behind me.

I walk towards the room where Louis and I kissed and I can't help but recall what happened in there. I quickly push away the thoughts though because I don't want to reenact that moment in front of the guys.

I open the door and let everyone in past me. I don't bother to close the door behind me, it would be way too stuffy with all these guys in here. Its not that any of the smell bad, they all smell delicious, but I don't think I could handle being closed in a smaller space with the guys for any longer than I already have today.

“What are we having?" Niall asks.

“Don't answer him," Liam says. “I know that if he smells it, he might be able to figure out what it is."

“Might... Is that a challenge mate?" Niall asks, slightly offended.

“Yeah it is. I'll give you two guesses to prove me wrong," Liam says, challenging Niall.

“Rules and consequences?" Niall asks.

Is this really happening right now? I don't know what to do about this. How's it going to end? Will I need to clean food off the walls? At this point I have no idea, these guys are unpredictable.

“You get three sniffs, no more no less. You have two chances to guess what it is. If you fail to guess correctly, you will have to suffer whatever consequence Cassie comes up with. You cannot use your eyes, hands, or mouth; only your nose. If you fail to follow these rules you will suffer the previously mentioned consequences," Liam says.

“Deal. Let's do this," Niall says eagerly.

“Cassie, will you do the honors of holding and opening the container?" Liam asks.

They are really doing this. This is seriously happening. Is this what guys do for fun? Is this how they prove their manliness? I have no room to judge, Tiff once questioned my knowledge of Panic! At The Disco songs and I ended up singing through two of their albums, lets just say she has never questioned me again.

“Sure. I guess this could be interesting," I say while retrieving the to-go container.

When I am standing in front of Niall with the container he immediately closes his eyes and Liam starts talking.

“Okay open the box," he says and I follow his instruction.

Niall sniffs once and then licks his lips.

“Two more," Liam says.

Niall sniffs a second time and then a third.

“Are you ready to guess?" Liam asks.

“I smell chicken... or maybe beef and some sort of sauce....  Is it spaghetti?" Niall asks.

“Nope," I say.

“You've got one more guess mate," Liam says.

“Umm... Is it..... Is it.... Ravioli?" Niall asks hesitantly.

“Nope. Sorry, Niall, it was Chicken Alfredo," I say before he opens his eyes.

“Damn. Oh well. Let's eat!" he says before taking the container from me and scooping some food onto a plate.

“Ah, ah, ah," Liam says, taking away Niall's food. “You have to suffer the consequences first. Chicken Alfredo was an easy one and you failed. I would like your punishment to be served now."

Niall scowls at Liam before turning back to me, “What's my punishment, Cass?"

“To be honest I didn't even bother to think it through, you seemed pretty confident. And I don't really know you well enough to know what you'd be willing to do," I explain. “Liam, can I pass the responsibly of punishment maker to someone else?"

Liam nods in approval before I turn to Harry. “Harry, will you do the honors?"

“Sure. Alright, Niall, you have to go find a dress and put it on so we can make an instagram video. No that's not good enough. You have to tweet out that you have a girlfriend and that she is pregnant," Harry says boldly.

“Whoa. Are you trying to get him killed mate? If he does that, the fans will lose it. Fuck and then management will get on us," Liam interjects.

“Yeah. Alright how about we just eat then and let Cassie think about a punishment. She can have him fulfill the bet whenever she feels like it," Harry suggests.

“Yeah. Let's do that one," Niall says before taking his food back from Liam. “Let's eat!"

We all sit down at the table and get ourselves some food. By the time everyone seated and ready to eat we hear the front door open. We all look at each other wondering who it could be. No one is calling for anyone so we wait. About a minute later were greeted with an angry looking Zayn.

“Just in time," Louis says. “We got some food and there is some left for you."

“Harry, what the fuck man?!?" Zayn says through gritted teeth, completely ignoring Louis.

“Calm down. We can deal with this later," Harry says sternly.

“No, we can't. You can't do shit like that man. I was trying to help you, because in case you forgot, you tend to do stupid shit when you're mad," Zayn says louder than before.

What the fuck is happening? What did Harry do?

“What the fuck is going on?" Louis asks before anyone else can.

“I'm not surprised that he didn't tell you what he did. He probably just walked in here and told you I'd be here soon," Zayn fires.

They're fighting again. They're really fighting again. How are they even a band if they fight this much? This is like the third time today. I guess I should do something.

“Get out," I say.

“What?" Zayn asks.

“Get out, you and Harry need to get out of my store," I say slowly.

“What? Why?" Zayn asks again.

“Leave. I'm not going to watch you guys argue anymore today. This is a controlled setting, it's why I brought you here. I don't have to deal with bullshit in this setting. So I'll say it again: get out and don't come back until you guys aren't screaming at each other," I say with as much power as I can.

Zayn doesn't say anything else he just turns around and leaves, Harry gets up and follows him out. After they're gone I turn back to the rest of the guys, they are all looking at me with mouths wide open.

“Do I have to make you guys leave too?" I ask slightly irritated.

They all close their mouths and no one says anything, we all just finally start to eat. It's been about 5 minutes and we're still in silence. This is not how I wanted this to go at all. But I don't want to be first to say something, I don't feel like I should have to apologize for anything I've done, I'll just wait to see if one of them will start talking.

Niall clears his throat and then the silence starts again. I just realized that I haven't really been eating; I've just been pushing noodles across my plate for the past 10 minutes and it seems as though everybody else has been doing the same.

I finally can't take it anymore so I get up and grab 3 waters out of the fridge, putting them on the table before exiting the room. I walk as quickly as I can, before running, so I can be as far away from the guys as possible. I run to the only place I know Louis and I didn't make it to in our tour: the dressing rooms. I unlock and open one of the doors and sit on the bench inside, bringing my legs up so no one can find me.

The doors on the rooms are almost complete, there is only a gap at the bottom so you can see if someone is in there; there isn't a top gap anymore because of the incident that happened a couple months back. I still can't believe that man videotaped that poor woman, its not her fault she was tall; she was really tall, too tall for our door design.

“Cassie? I know you're in here somewhere, this is the only place you didn't show me," Louis says, his voice getting closer.

I hear him trying to open one of the doors next to mine. “Dammit. Of course they're locked," he says and I do my best to keep myself from laughing. “I guess I'm going to have to do this the hard way."

The hard way? Oh please don't tell me he's going to peer in from underneath the door.  I hear him get down on the ground.

“Be glad that I find you interesting, if I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this," he says. “Not this one."

I see his hand gripping the sides of the door frame I'm in and I know that he will find me in a matter of seconds. I debate attempting to climb over the wall to the stall he already checked but by the time I've thought it through, he is already looking at me.

“There you are," he says and I don't move. “Are you going to open the door and let me in or will I have to crawl?"

I still don't bother to move. Louis takes in my action and starts to crawl into the dressing room. When he finally makes it in he slides over next to the bench and then pulls me off it and onto of him. I'm sitting in Louis lap.

“Why did you pull me off the bench?"

“I wanted to make sure you couldn't run off," he says while wrapping his arm loosely around my waist.

Fuck. Not this again. I need to get off of him like right now.

Louis moves his hand and moves a piece of hair off my face and behind my ear. He then traces the side of my face with his fingers, making me blush.

Damn. Well I can't move now, I'm trapped. I can't tell what he's thinking. Is he going to kiss me? He looks at me intensely and I can't help but want to kiss him again. I really don't know what's got me like this, I'm not usually like this.

Louis traces my face again before moving his hand back down to my waist pulling me towards him. He's torturing me and I think he knows it. I try my best to just let him make his move but before I know it, Ive got my hand on his neck and I'm trying to pull him towards me but he is stronger than I am and he is making it difficult. He winks at me before finally giving in and kissing me, slowly. This kiss is much different from the first it's longer and mesmerizing. It's slow and sweet. It isn't what I expected. He's gentle with me, not trying to get to crazy. When we finally break apart I can feel my heart racing but not in the after make out type of way, it's different.

We both sit looking at each other for a second before I trace his cheek with my thumb; planting a quick kiss on it afterwards. He smiles and removes his arm from my waist. I take the opportunity to move off of his lap but he pulls me back to him.

“Ah, ah, ah, not so fast," he says.

“Are you trying to hold me against my will, Louis Tomlinson?"

“So you know my last name now. No fair. I think it would only be fair if I got to know yours, Cass."

“Mmm. Nope. I make rules and I say that you have three chances to guess what my last name is and if you don't guess correctly, you don't get to know."

“And what do I get if I do guess correctly?"

“You get to know my last name is, silly."

“That's no fun. How about this; If I can guess your last name correctly in three tries you have to do what I want to do for an entire day but if I can't guess correctly then I have to do whatever you want to do."

“This sounds interesting... Deal"

“Alright Cassie Collins look like you'll be doing what I wanna do for an entire day then."

“Let me guess... Twitter."

“Of course, love. You didn't think I'd get into something I wouldn't win did you?"

“No. I just figured you would you were chicken to ask me on a real date."

“I am NOT a chicken. I just didn't want you to be able to say no."

He's a nut case, oh my goodness. He's adorable though I'll give him that.

“Alright. Well do you want to stay in here? I mean I'm pretty sure you'd love to have me in your lap a lot longer but your friends are out there and I didn't eat my food."

“You're right about that," he says with a wink, “but I shouldn't let you starve."

I stick my tongue out at him before moving off of his lap for the second time. He stands up quickly and then offers out his hand to help me up.  I take it and I don't wanna let go of it after I'm standing but I do, slowly.

“You can hold my hand, if you want."

“Is this your way of asking me to hold your hand, Louis?"

He doesn't say anything to me, he just takes my hand back and opens the door so we can leave the dressing room. We walk with each other back to the break room. Everyone is sitting in there when we get there, even Zayn and Harry. No one says anything about Louis holding my hand Harry just gives him a thumbs up.

“Well look who's back," Liam says when Louis and I sit back in our original place across from him. “There is still some food if you want some. The only person who really managed to eat was Niall."

“Thanks," I say before finally eating some of Jesse's famous Chicken Alfredo. I don't want to talk to anyone while eating this food and I'm glad no one tries to talk to me; everyone is eating and on their phones anyways.  It takes me about 15 minutes to eat my fill and Louis finishes around the same time I do. The rest of the guys we're already eating when we got here so where the last two done.

“That was really good," Louis says and everyone nods in agreement.

I get up to clean up but Louis stops me and does it instead, Liam helps him. Before I know it the food cleaned up, the containers are thrown away, and the water bottles are recycled. I smile at the two of them.

“So what do you guys want to do now? I know you can't possibly want to stay in the store any longer," I say.

“Well we can go as soon as we buy the things that we wanted," Niall says.

“Oh yeah. Let's go do that before I forget again. Besides like 4:30 and we've been here for 3 hours," I say while looking at a clock.

“Okay. Well we put all of our stuff by the registers," Liam adds.

“Okay, well let's go," I say while walking towards the registers.

When we make it to the registers I scan and bag the guys stuff as quickly as I can. These guys sure know how to shop. Niall's got 4 bags worth of stuff, Liam's got 3 bags, and Louis has 5. Louis bought all of their CDs... weird. Their totals come out to well over a hundred dollars and none of them says anything about the price, I know these guys are loaded.

“Are we ready to go?" I ask while coming from behind the register.

“Yeah, where to?" Louis asks.

“This is gonna sound weird but my place or yours?" I ask and the guys all look shocked.

“Yours," Harry says.

“Alright," I respond.

When we get outside, I lock the doors and I'm not surprised to see that Paul and their driver are already outside waiting for us. We all get in the car and Harry tells Paul where we're going. The ride back to my house isn't as long as the one to the store. It's much shorter because everyone is no longer really out and about.


When we get to my house it's 5:15. The sun is in the beginning stages of setting. It gets dark early during daylight savings here in San Francisco. I'm not even joking with you, at 6 o'clock there will be no sun at all so we better go inside.

All of the guys have been to my house before but only Louis has been inside. I'm glad that I cleaned up earlier today. We walk up to my front door and I unlock it, letting them all in before me.

“Make yourselves at home. I'll be back to give you the tour in just a second," I say while locking the door and hanging up my keys. I quickly go down the hall and put my purse in my room, placing my phone in my back pocket.

When I come back down the hall the guys are all looking at the pictures and paintings on my walls.

“Are you guys ready?" I ask.

They all nod and follow close behind me as I lead them through my house while pointing and labeling rooms,“This is the living room. That's the kitchen and dining room. There's a bathroom right there. The guest's room is right here, its got its own bathroom. My room is across the hall and that room down there is my roommate's. There's also a bathroom right there, next to the laundry room. This is the garage slash game room. And finally, this is the back yard; we've got a hot tub."

“Nice!" Niall says.

“Can we use it sometime?" Harry asks.

“Yeah, whenever you want, just let me know." I say before we walk back into the house.

“Well now that you all know where everything is, feel free to make yourselves at home," I say again.

“Will do," Liam says while sitting down and the rest of the guys do the same, except for Louis.

“Can I get anyone anything to drink? Soda? Water? Coffee? Tea?" I ask.

“Tea would be nice, thank you," Zayn says and the rest of the boys agree.

“Okay, sounds good. I'll be back," I say while walking away.

“I'm going to go help her," I hear Louis say from behind me before I hear the TV turn on to one of the music stations.

Louis follows me back to the kitchen and helps me prepare the tea. We aren't in the kitchen long, I have one of those power boiling stoves and it speeds up cooking time by about five minutes. I grab the mugs, we don't have tea cups, and Louis grabs the teapot and places it onto its serving tray. I place the mugs on to the tray too, along with some milk, sugar, cream, and spoons. Louis carries the entire tray to the living room for me.

“Here we are," I say. “There's plenty of tea in the pot and there's some stuff to put in your tea and spoons to stir with. Oh and sorry about the mugs, we don't have any tea cups."

“Thanks for everything Cass but can I have a fork?" Liam asks.

“Umm, do I want to know why you need a fork?" I ask.

“It's nothing bad, I just have a phobia of spoons." he says.

“Okay. I'll get you a fork," I say trying to mask my laughter as best as I can.

I go to the kitchen to get a fork for Liam and when I come back I give it to him. Everyone is drinking tea, except for Louis who is sitting on the loveseat patting the space next to him.

I quickly go and take the seat, sitting close and leaning into him. He pulls me closer, practically pulling me onto his lap and I scan the room to see if anyone is looking at us, no one is.

“Do you guys want to watch a movie?" I ask while glancing between the boys and the screen. They are watching the music video hit list and I swear I see them on the TV. Louis tries to change the channel but I push the remote out of his reach.

*Now playing: One Direction - Best Song Ever*

“Oh my gosh this is you guys and I've never heard this song," I say. “You are not changing this."

When the video starts, the boys are in a meeting and I can't believe what I'm seeing. Are those old guys them? Oh my gosh, thats Louis and Niall. Is that Zayn in drag? Did Liam just check out Zayn's butt? Hold on a second.. is that Harry? Why is he talking like that? Liam, you got to be the dance choreographer.. This is so much. What is happening right now?

*Music fades in and begins*

“Maybe it's the way she walked (Wow)

Straight into my heart and stole it

Through the doors and past the guards (Wow)

Just like she already owned it

I said, “Can you give it back to me?"

She said, “Never in your wildest dreams."

And we danced all night to the best song ever

We knew every line, now I can't remember

How it goes but I know that I won't forget her

'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever

I think it went oh, oh, oh

I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah

I think it goes oh

Said her name was Georgia Rose (Wow)

And her daddy was a dentist

Said I had a dirty mouth (I got a dirty mouth)

But she kissed me like she meant it

I said, “Can I take you home with me?"

She said, “Never in your wildest dreams."

And we danced all night to the best song ever

We knew every line, now I can't remember

How it goes but I know that I won't forget her

'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever

I think it went oh, oh, oh

I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah

I think it goes oh

You know, I know, you know I'll remember you,

And I know, you know, I know you'll remember me,

And I know, you know, I know I'll remember you (Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)

And I know, you know, I know you'll remember how we

danced, how we danced (1, 2, 1, 2, 3)

How we danced all night to the best song ever

We knew every line, now I can't remember

How it does but I know that I won't forget her

'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever (We danced, we danced, it goes something like, yeah)

And we danced all night to the best song ever

We knew every line, now I can't remember

How it goes but I know that I won't forget her

'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever

I think it went oh, oh, oh

I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah

I think it goes oh

Best song ever,

It was the best song ever

It was the best song ever,

It was the best song ever.

*Music fades out to a stop*

So much just happened. What the fuck just happened? Um that was a lot to take in, I think I need to watch it again. All the guys have been looking at my reaction this entire time.

“Zayn you make a very decent looking woman," is all I can manage to say about the video.

“Thanks, Cassie," says Zayn.

“Wow. Are all of your videos like that?" I ask.

“No. They are all very different," Louis says.

“Oh. Okay. So is anyone up for a movie?" I ask, changing the subject.

“Yeah. I could go for a movie. What do you have?" Harry answers.

“There are some movies inside of the footstool you're sitting on. I haven't seen anything in there yet," I reply.

Harry gets up and sits on the edge of my coffee table to look through the footstool. He is sifting through the batch of movies for quite a while before he finally picks some horror movie that I've never heard of and clearly didn't buy. I hate

horror movies, they are either really stupid or way too scary. I know I'm 20 but I don't enjoy having nightmares after watching a psychopath run around and murder people for two and a half hours.

“Dvd player or the PlayStation?" Harry asks while holding the disk.

“I'll do it. There are a few things that have to be changed in order for either to work," I say while trying to get off of Louis but he's got his grip and I'm struggling.

“Doesn't look like Lou wants you to move," he says while looking away. “Just tell me what to do."

“Thank you, Harold," Louis says and I elbow him.

I begin to instruct Harry through the steps of setting up the PlayStation, “Okay, first you need to change the input on the TV to HDMI 3." Harry follows along to my instruction, “Then you need to change the sound system input to number 3."

“Where is that at?" Harry asks.

“It's the button underneath the power button on the sound system, which is underneath the DVD player," I say and he finds the button very quickly.

“Anything else?" he asks me.

“No," is say. “I'm pretty sure you know how to operate a PlayStation... When it turns on, sign into the account that says my name."

Okay is all he says before I realize how long this has taken to do, it took Harry 15 minutes to pick a movie and get it ready to watch. I could've made 5 bags of popcorn in that amount of time. Mmm.... Popcorn sounds pretty good right about now.

“I'm going to make popcorn, does anyone want any?" I ask.

They all look at me and raise their eyebrows at me like I should know the answer. I just roll my eyes and go to my kitchen. In the kitchen, I take out two big bowls and some bags of popcorn, I make enough to fill each of the bowls halfway. I hope the guys like butter. Ooh.., I wonder what butter sounds like in their accents.

When I get back to the room, the movie previews are playing, and I set down both of the bowls on the coffee table; one bowl is by Louis and I, and one is by Harry and the rest of the guys. I turn off the living room light before sitting back down next to Louis. I purposely sit farther away than before so he will have to pull me closer to him and he does.

“You know she has a room you could go to if you want her that bad," Harry blatantly remarks.

I don't even bother to look in his direction but I do feel Louis tense underneath me.

“Don't be a dick Harry, you don't want to be kicked out again," Niall states before hushing everyone, even though he is the only one talking.

The movie starts and I don't pay any attention to it, I focus on everything around the room instead. I don't ever look at the screen during the first half hour of the movie. I am sitting in Louis lap with my back against his chest. I can feel him breathing, his chest rising and falling as he watches the movie. He has an even pattern of breath and I focus on it until I get sucked into to a deep sleep, following on the sound.


*Louis' Point of View*

Cassie is sleeping on me, at least I think she is. I know she hasn't moved in a while and if she were watching, I think she would have jumped at least a few times because the movie we're watching is rather scary.

I can't believe she let us come to her house. Americans are so much more trusting than Brits are, not that she'd have any reason not to trust us. This is just really unbelievable, I met a nice girl who wasn't a crazed fan and she gets to know me for me and not my fame. I didn't think I'd ever be able to do that again... It's too bad that I'll be leaving San Fran in a week, I guess I'll just have to make the most out of what I've got.

I can feel Cassie moving against me now, I was beginning to get lost in my thoughts so I'm happy to have a distraction. She is trying to get comfortable so I move my arm and wrap it around her shoulder so she can lean on my chest instead. I like sitting this way with her, it's a nice and comforting feeling that I miss having. We've been on the road for so long and this is the first time that I haven't had a girlfriend to miss and want to be with.

“Louis," she whispers and I look down at her. “Do you want to get up and stretch? We're all taking a break from the movie."

“Yeah, if you want to. I'm pretty comfortable sitting right here though," I say.

She smiles at me and then moves my arm from around her. “Come on, I've got something to show you," she says while pulling me off the couch.

“Alright, I'm coming," I say to her as she half-drags me towards her bedroom.

When we get to her room she tells me to close my eyes and not to move. I can hear her shuffling papers and opening drawers. What on earth could she be trying to show me right now? I'm still listening for her as she moves around the room but I don't hear anything after a couple of minutes.

“Open your eyes," she says excitedly. I open my eyes to see a picture of me from back when I was on The X Factor, before the boys and I became a band.

“Where on earth did you find that?" I ask while trying not to laugh.

“Oh, you know, here and there," she say with a teasing smile.

I try to give her the saddest look I can pull out of my laughter but end up giving her the awkwardest puppy eyes ever and she laughs at me.

“Don't tease me Cassie, you don't know what I'm capable of," I say while trying to keep the puppy face.

“Me? Tease you? I would never because then you'd know what I was capable of," she says, stepping closer to me.

At this point she and I are barely an inch apart and I can smell her sweet perfume. I fill in the space between us, pulling her to me from her waist. She isn't much shorter than I am but she is short enough to look down at. I'm searching her face for some kind of warning sign that things shouldn't go any farther and when I don't see one, I lean in for a kiss and she does the same. This kiss is much different from the ones we had at Crush, it is deeper, passionate, and way longer. Cassie has moved her hands up the side of my neck and I'm surprised when she doesn't stop my hand from drifting past her lower back. This kiss starts to change very quickly to something more lustful in my mind and I have to stop myself.

When Cassie and I finally pull apart and we are breathing heavily. We are looking at each other and I can tell that she is thinking the same thing that I was seconds before our kiss ended. I wink at her and she blushes before taking my hand and leading me out of her room and back to the living room.


*Cassie's Point of View*

What the hell am I doing? What has gotten into me? I could've gone too far with him just a second ago in my room. I can't just jump into something serious with him, I'm not a slut. Who knows what we could've done if that kiss had lasted any longer.... I just met him; I shouldn't be feeling like this, so lustful. The physical attraction is there, it's been there from the start for me but I don't think it's been there for him, then again, I could be wrong. I don't want to do anything stupid though.... I guess I'll just have to chill for a little while and hope that he will too.

At this point everyone is sitting back in the living room but none of us are interested in the movie Harry picked anymore. It's not that late and the guys don't look like they will be taking off anytime soon so I decide to start up a conversation.

“So how old is everyone here exactly? I know what Wikipedia says but I just want to be sure." I say and they all answer in a surprisingly orderly fashion.

“I'm 21, for another month," Louis says.

“20, for a couple more months," Zayn says.

“20, for about three months," Liam says.

“20, for a about two months, Niall says.

“19, for a few more months," Harry says proudly.

“Aww. Harry, how cute! You're still a teenager," I say teasing him. “Wikipedia was mostly right. Happy belated birthday Niall and Liam, you are officially in the ‘I can't drink but I can party' club."

“You're so funny, Cass. Literally, I could just burst into flames," Harry says, sarcasm at it's highest level.

“Harry you're such a dick," Zayn says while checking his phone.

“Thanks, I try," Harry says, taking out his phone in the process.

“That you do. Anyways, Cassie, you never told us how old you were," Zayn says looking over at me.

“I'm 20, but not for much longer, my birthday is coming up," I say with a smile.

“Oh really? So are some of ours... When's your birthday?" Louis asks.

“February 1st," I say casually.

“You've got to be fucking kidding me," Harry mumbles.

“Excuse me?" I ask slightly irritated.

“I said, "You've got to be fucking kidding me," Harry repeats.

“I heard you the first time, Harold. Why the fuck are you saying that?" I ask him, more irritated than I was before.

“We share a birthday, Cassie. That is why you've got to be kidding me," he replies.

“Okay, big deal. It's a birthday and I had it first. Get over yourself," I say and Louis puts his hand on my shoulder.

“Let's not do this right now. You guys act like siblings with all of your arguing. It took us longer than 2 days to get this way with Harry. You've set a new record, Cass," Liam says noticing that Louis is trying to calm me down.

“Let's go get some air, mate," Zayn says while standing up, grabbing Harry's arm in the process.

Zayn takes Harry out into the backyard so I can calm the fuck down and in perfect timing. I am about to explode because of that curly haired pain in the ass.

Someones phone starts ringing and it takes me awhile to realize that it's my phone. I look at the screen and I've got a call from my cousin. She never calls me... I answer while walking toward my bedroom, leaving the guys to themselves.


“Hey Cass! How is my favorite cousin doing?"

“What do you want, Brittany?"

“What do you mean? I can't just call you to talk?"

“No, you can't. You don't. You text me for that. You call when you want something."

“No I don't."

“Yes you do, Britt."

“Okay, you caught me."

“What do you need. I'm kind of in the middle of something right now."

“I was wondering if I could crash at your place for a couple days.... weeks..... maybe even a month or two."


“I may or may not have lost my job and been kicked out of my place for being behind on rent..."

“I sigh.. Where are you?"

“I'm standing outside, on your porch."

“Britt, how long have you been outside?"

“I just got here about a minute before I called you."

“Okay..... Here's what I'm going to do; I'm going to let you stay here until Tiff gets back. If she says you have to go, then you've got to go."

“Okay. I can do that."

“One more thing. I have company over and they aren't people you know, trust me, I didn't even know them until two days ago... You have to promise me that you'll be good. Okay?"

“Okay. Can you just let me in? It's really cold out here."

“Yeah. Give me a second, I'll be right there."

“Alright. Bye." She clicks off before I can say anything else.

I walk back to the living room and all of the guys are back in there.

“What was that about, Cass?" Louis asks.

“My cousin is outside and she needs a place to stay. I don't think she knows who you guys are because she listens to the same music that I do and only pays attention to the media when they are talking about Beyonce or movie stars. I told her to be good but if you guys aren't comfortable with it, say something, I can give her some money to stay at your hotel," I say.

“No worries. We'll be fine, let her in," Niall says. "No one knows were here so we'll be fine."

“Okay. I'll be right back," I say before walking away.

When I finally open the door, I see a very underdressed Brittany holding a purse and a couple other bags. I sigh and take a step back as she walks past me. There are a couple of boxes on the sidewalk too. I think I'm going to be stuck with her for awhile longer than I anticipated.

“Do you need any help, Cass?" Liam calls from the living room.

“Who is that? Is he British? Does he have any friends?" Britt asks quietly.

I ignore her and respond to Liam. “No. We've got it, it's just a couple of boxes."

“Okay. Let us know if you need any help," he calls again before conversing with one of the guys.

I look at Britt and she just smiles. “You go put your bags in the guest bedroom and I will grab your boxes from outside so you can take them there when you're done... Whatever you do, don't go through the living room, I will kill you if you go in there without me," I say sternly.

Britt walks away and I grab the rest of her shit from outside. I hope she realizes what I'm doing for her. I wait by the door until I can see her coming back my way. When she sees me, I motion for her to follow me and she does.

“Okay you guys, this is my cousin, Brittany," I say when we get to the living room. "Feel free to introduce yourselves."

Harry's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees Brittany. She is so underdressed it's not even funny. She's got on jean rhinestone-studded booty shorts, a crop top that clearly shows off her pierced hips and belly button, a flannel tied around he waist, and some black vans. Her dirty blonde hair is down in loose curls and I swear I see glitter in it. If I didn't know any better, I would think she just finished a shift at the strip club, that would explain her abs and incredible tan. I'm not surprised that Harry is the first to introduce himself.

“Hey babe. I'm Harry," he says with a flirty smile and Britt is swooning.

“Nice to meet you. I love your accent," she says.

“Trust me, yours is even better," he says and they go on for awhile before she actually meets the rest of the guys. They have been bantering and watching the music hit list while Louis and I have been messing with each other and he's been attempting to braid my hair.

“You guys are so cute, Cass," Brittany says while sitting down on the edge of the coffee table, Harry sitting down next to her. “How long have you been together?"

“We're not together, we just met, I told you that on the phone," I say.

“Well you fooled me. You look like a couple who's been going at it for quite a while," she says surprised. “What might be the name of your friend?"

“My name is Louis," he says. “It's nice to meet you."

I was expecting the rest of the guys jump in on the introductions like they did with me but they don't.

Harry introduces them all before they even know what's going on.

“Britt, the blonde is Niall, he’s Irish. The one with black hair is Zayn, he's mixed with a few things but he's British. And the one with the short brown hair is Liam and he's British too," he says. “We all have accents but between you and me, mine is the best."

Louis laughs at Harry and then looks at me. I can't tell what he wants but I know that he doesn't want to be by Harry.

I stand up and he joins me. “Well if you'll excuse us, we're going to go away now," I say while pulling Louis towards the back yard.


I have one more of these left to share with you. It should be up by the time you read this. Go have a look.

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