I keep falling for you | Meli...

By _Lullaby_Dream_

133K 2.6K 2.4K

Before the 10 year hunt for the seven deadly sins, there was going to be eight. But she refused, ran away lea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A Christmas Special
'Girls in the streets'
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you for the support + my thank you to SU
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Update (Not the normal kind)
What's been going on
Chapter 22

Chapter 23

637 9 3
By _Lullaby_Dream_

Meliodas came to me to report what happened at investigation. They believe Christine is probably being kept with the ten commandments. They still couldn't find out why she was taken? And we have no idea if she is even still alive. I...I can't lose anybody else... I don't want to lose anybody else... Though here I am, lying in a depressed state on my bed. Refusing to get up. My eyes mostly red and puffy from the crying and me rubbing them. Her sword was still on the bed. My eyes locked onto it. It was the only thing of her I had. I should be helping my people, I should be helping the sins. But here I am. Lying here like a useless piece of luggage. It doesn't even matter if I got up, I'm no help. I've never been any help to any of them. All I've done is cry even after I found out about my healing abilities. I'm so useless. I thought I actually changed. Turns out that was just a big pile of bullshit.

I... just wish I was useful enough to help those of my friends who has died... to help save her! She went through such terrible things before we had met, and I wanted to help her recover but... Because of me, she's been taken. Probably being put through more terrible things and it's my fault... isn't it?

I let her go off on her own around the kingdom.

I went to go find Meliodas without checking up on her.

I spent so long with Meliodas, wasting his time and made it so he couldn't get back to the kingdom in time to help her.

I feel more tears swell up in my eyes. God! Don't cry again! That's all you ever do so for once can you not! The tear dam broke and the tears streamed down my face. But I didn't bother to move to stop them or clean them off.

I just stare at the beautiful piece of metal. To any normal person who looked upon me, would just think that I'm admiring the weapon but what I am doing is remembering who owns this weapon and who I let down. By now, it was around mid day, I had awoken early. So I had been wasting away in this room for much longer than any other person would. Its not like it matters if I get up or not.
I'm still going to be useless, useless to Christine, useless to Meliodas, useless to my family, useless to my kingdom, useless to the country, useless to the world.

A sturdy knock awoke me from my trance. I didn't move, I couldn't move. I couldn't even speak. I was just still staring at the sword with tears running down my face.
The knock came again.
Then again.
The fourth time the mysterious person knocked, a voice followed. A voice of a man I knew very well.
"Elizabeth, its around noon. Are you going to leave your room? Or maybe at least talk to me?"

There was the man himself, Meliodas. Sin of wrath. Talking with concerned voice from beyond the door. He shouldn't be concerned about someone as useless as i am. He wont stop until i leave my room but... I don't want too. I just want to stay in my room forever. What's the point of leaving when you have never done anything good?
Finally my body decides to respond to me. I move my hand up to my face, brushing the tears of my face. I continue this as I sit up. Having to take deep breaths to avoid Meliodas knowing I've been crying by how I talk. After all this, I finally have enough courage to speak to him.
"I'm alright Sir Meliodas. I didn't realise how late it has become, I hope you don't mind if I stay in my chambers for a bit longer." My voice almost sounded the exact same. Only I could tell the difference and sense the lies. Or so I thought?
"Are you sure you are alright Elizabeth? You sound different. And after what happened yesterday... are you truly okay?"

Dang it. Why can't he leave me alone? He has more important matters to deal with than waste time on someone like me.

"I'm alright Sir Meliodas... Just please... leave me alone..." He didn't respond to my plea, instead I heard some footsteps leave my door. I allow my body to fall back onto my bed, giving the sword a few seconds of airtime before it descend back to me. It was in my grip once again. My return to how it was before Meliodas came to check on me. Back to my guilty thoughts. And only that before I suppose I cried myself to sleep. But even in my dreams, I couldn't escape my depressing thoughts.


When my dream or well nightmare had reached its peak. When the feelings of pure despair and the thoughts of nothing but negativity had reached its limit.
I was awoken by gentle shaking on my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Meliodas standing beside my bed with a concerned look on his face. Without saying a word, I sat up and raised a hand to my face. My fingers came across tears that had subconsciously been following down my face while I slept. After clearing up my tears, I looked over at Meliodas. Apparently my face showed that I wanted an explanation of why he was in my room and how he knew something was wrong. He took a few steps back and sat down on a chair that he must of brought with him into my room.

"I knew something was wrong since this morning. When you didn't show up to breakfast, i knew something was wrong. The king told me to wait a few hours maybe. Since you had a very rough day yesterday. So when I came to check on your room, I knew something was up by your voice alone. When I left and came back after half an hour. I found you asleep. I didn't want to wake up since you obviously needed rest. But you only slept for an hour peacefully before you began shaking and crying in your sleep so I had to wake up."
Dang it. He shouldn't of wasted in his time of me. Geez, what's happen to me? It was so easy to hide this feelings before even in my own mind but now it feels like its impossible . But I must, I'm not important enough for people to waste time one.

"Ah. You shouldn't of wasted time on something as silly as this. But I'm alright now so you can continue on your day." The moment his eyes met mine, I could tell he saw through my lies. I was never able to truly lie to him.
"Please... don't lie to me Elizabeth..."

I couldn't bring myself to look at him after that. My eyes began to examine my bed. Though panic shot through me when I noticed something important missing. I immediately started to feel around, to see if it had been hidden under the sheets even throwing the sheets of the bed. My breath started to quicken and tears swelled up in my eyes.
"Elizabeth! Calm down what's wrong?!" I heard the chair move indicating he stood up. I turn to him quickly.

"Where is it?!" I nearly screamed at him. But it only came out as a cracking shout.
"Where's what?"
"Her sword! Where is Christine's sword?" I was becoming desperate at this point. I couldn't of lost it. Please say I didn't lose it. It might be the only thing that I have left of her!

"Elizabeth calm down its safe" Oh thank the goddess clan.
"Where is it?" Meliodas pointed towards the door. Christine's sword was leaning against it. I began to scramble out of my ruined bed. I didn't care about any injuries I had gotten from falling of the bed to hastily making my way to the sword.

Once it was safely in my arms once again, I began to calm down. I honestly thought it was gone forever then. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened.

I forgot he was here for a moment.

"We need to talk"


We sat in silence. The sword hadn't left my embrace. I won't let it leave my site again.
"It's obvious now but you aren't as okay as you state. And now I believe that Christine's kidnapping had been the breaking point for the emotions you've been bottling up. But why didn't you tell me anything about this? Even after everything we've been through."

"I didn't want you to waste your time on someone as useless as me." For the first time in a while i spoke completely honestly.
"You're not useless!"

"Don't lie. I'm completely useless, when have I ever done anything useful?"

"Isn't it obvious? Nothing about you is useless and only to name a few. You're healing abilities and you're greatest power of all being able to be there for people, being able to encourage others. Lifting them into your arms so to say."
Is that all? That's so little then what you'd say to any normal person.

"What do you mean 'and'"
"I meant that's all that useful. My healing abilities are crap. And I cant encourage anyone. They just feel pity on my sad attempts at being there for them."

"It's not like that people don't pity you. If you look at their face when you encourage them, you can tell just be looking. You help these people. You really do Elizabeth. And your healing abilities aren't useless, you've saved so many people" My hand started to curl up and grasp at my messy skirt. Tears began falling faster as my anger grew.

"Well if they are so great... WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE UP WHEN I SUPPOSEDLY HEALED YOU?!" I screamed at him, finally letting out the words I've been meaning to say. I've been bottling up that up ever since he got injured. Since he was on the death bed. I 'healed' him but he was still in a dead like state for weeks. Like I did nothing and did I really 'heal' him. All I was able to do was close the wounds but over the course of time he was out. They would of healed naturally like I did nothing at all.

I look over at Meliodas, who was shocked. I had never raised my voice at him before. I started to feel ashamed from my bad manners.

"Elizabeth... I... I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry for? You've done nothing wrong, I'm the one whose wrong. I never should of raised my voice at you just then or told you anything about this. It's not important."

"Let me stop you right there. You're feelings Elizabeth are important to me, and to so many people. People who will always love and support you. I wish I was able to help you with this sooner, but I don't doubt or hate you for not telling someone. You don't want to feel like a burden to anyone, but I want you to know nobody here will ever think you are a burden, nobody here will ever think you are useless because you never have been. Though I know one crummy speech will make all of these thoughts go away but I want to help you get better Elizabeth." Tears were still falling down so fast seeming to be descending even faster than raging waterfall. I didn't know what to think.

"You shouldn't be doing this, you'll just be wasting your time."

"I'm not wasting my time at all. You matter to me Elizabeth, I care a lot about you and I want to make sure that you're okay and if you aren't okay, I want to help you get better. I really do care for you Elizabeth. You won't get better instantly like some kind of romance novel but I promise you I'll be with you ever step of the way." His words only made my tears flow even more. I can't believe he cares about me, about someone as selfish and terrible as me. He moved up from his semi-permeant sitting position to stride towards with a look of pure care in his eyes. At the end of his small journey, he raised his arms out hinting for a hug which I happily accepted though it was kind of awkward since the sword was there as well. I love Meliodas (as a friend) but I will not let this sword out of my site.

"Elizabeth..." I look up from his chest that I had buried my crying face into. Luckily he is wearing a black vest. He removed his arms from around me and held my face gently. He began wiping away my tears. He stared directly into my eyes and spoke.

"I promise you I will find Christine, I'll bring her back safely. Just promise me you'll take yourself until she returns and after it as well."

"I promise I will try my best to Sir Meliodas!" He leaned his forehead against mine while his eyes were closed and a bright smile on his face.

"It won't be easy but we can get through this together..."


As I open my eyes, I'm blinded by a bright light. It takes a few attempts to open my eyes fully. The world that I saw from my side was strange, it looked like a castle. Where am I? How did I get here? I don't even remember going to sleep.

All I remember is that I was patrolling Liones after the ten commandments and members of the demon race attacked. Than I saw some strange figure on Liones wall, I chased it but then...


I must have hallucinating if I wasn't... What I saw must of been a cruel prank that's the only explanation I can think of. It has been so long since I saw her, I just wish she was just joking but my battered body says otherwise. Every time I try to move my ankle, pain gushes through my body. Moving my other body parts is luckily less painful but that doesn't mean its painless. If this was a joke, its a cruel and unfunny.

I start to take notice of my surroundings, I'm laying on the cool floor of some kind of castle. The room is light, the red curtains were held back by gold loops. I was unable to look outside said window. The walls were a cream with a dark wooden floor. My body was in too much pain to turn around to face the window, I wish I could move it would make my escape much easier. What gave away where I was a familiar symbol on a shield held on the wall for decoration.

The flag that belong to the country of Camelot.

But Camelot had been taken over by the ten commandments. So how am I here? Didn't she bring me here? Or maybe while she was taking me, she got attacked? Wait am I saying? That doesn't make sense, it doesn't explain why she attacked me. I know what I'm doing, I'm trying to find excuses for what happened. I want their to be a good reason but it doesn't change the fact she managed to pull me away from the others than attack me. I just hope somebody comes in here soon, I don't want to be alone with my thoughts much longer though that might be better than having to deal with the demon race.

My thoughts were interrupt my footsteps approaching the room I was in. They got closer and closer alerting me that it was my room that they were heading too. I raised my guard immediately, if anything happens I'll try my best to fight back even though my hands and legs are tied up. I need find something sharp to cut these ropes with but I'm out of time for now.
The footsteps I can tell now are right outside my door, the door opens and two people walk in. A girl and a boy. Both have faces that resemble people I know.

The girl is much taller than the guy. She had short, thick and slightly curly black hair. The same black as the demon markings. She had a simple, sleeveless black shirt accompanied with black shorts with gold accents upon it. The shorts stopped right above her knees. It's obvious her outfit was designed for easy mobility in combat more than design. As one of her shoulders was covered with armour. She had a black with gold accented combat boots on as well. Her arm stood out as it was demonic but more human looking unlike the monstrous one belonging to Derideri. It was like it was trying to replicate the other arm. What drew me in the most was her face, a face almost identical to one I've known for years. But instead this one had a more serious one than the one I knew. My mind rushed to try and connect the dots. Are they related? She would of told if they were. But she did only get her memories back not long ago? Although she only lost her memories a few years ago. Could this demon be a long lost sibling? A thousand thoughts were rushing through my mind like fish threw a current. A cold voice broke me threw my thoughts. Fear striking me even though I managed to keep it hidden.

"So human, tell us what is your relationship to the sins?" The deep voice came from the male demon. The demon resembling Meliodas but of course with a much stranger hairstyle. Clearly some what angered, the taller demon turned to the Meliodas lookalike.
"Do you not trust my sister's judgement?" Sister? Could that be? Was I right?
"Now is not the time to talk about your crackhead of a sister and her knowledge" She huffed and turned back to me. Awaiting an answer to the first question. I remained silent. Why would I tell a bunch of strangers that kind of information. Especially two demons. Now that would be insane. A few moments of silence past until they realised I wasn't shedding any information.

"So you refuse to speak? Maybe we will have to go to torture after all?" Hah, the single perk of having abusive parents I can handle a good amount of the old torture. Wait, that sounds really bad. The girl demon walked over to me and crouched by my head. We locked eyes, my light green ones staring into her dark cold eyes. She continued to make eye contact as she spoke.
"There's no need Zeldris. Of course, she wouldn't speak to us as we are from the enemy race. Although, I do enjoy myself a bit of torture. We can use her to gain control over that kingdom she belongs to, what was it called again Misite something. And we have you know who to make her talk." She managed to send shivers down my spine as she spoke. Though she remained emotionless throughout it all. Like she had done this a thousand times before. Who was she? She definitely isn't a commandment but why is she here? She obviously had strong connections to them, it was impossible that some random demon escaped with the commandments. And if it did, wouldn't she have been deemed useless and killed immediately? So how is she connected?

"You have a point. Let me go retrieve her. Since this girl arrived, I don't think that woman can control herself."
"That sounds like her" She spoke with a clear loving tone. I have a strong feeling of who she is talking about. But I don't want to believe it. But a woman who can't control herself? A crackhead? I think its obvious. But I just hope it's not true.

Zeldris? Was it? Had exited the room leaving me alone with the curly haired demon. Who had dropped the previous show of affection to revert to the stone hearted demeanour. I believe I saw the only glimpse of kindness from this being.

Loud footsteps filled my ears. Somebody was running towards the room. A blurry figure slide into the room, sprinting its way towards us. The curly demon stood up and turned, she walked towards the being. It zoomed past her but was stopped, when the lookalike demon grabbed the collar of the cape the blurry figure was apparently wearing. Than the figure came into my full focus as now it wasn't going a 100 miles a second. And it was exactly who I thought it.

The person I've been looking for months for.

"Y/n..." A wide smile appeared on her face the moments those words left my mouth. Her eyes shining from excitement. I hadn't see her like this in so long. But I don't understand why, only half of Liones knows about Meliodas is alive. I thought she would of been miserable dealing with his death.
"Chrissy!" She cheered, still keeping the happy look upon her face. I was able to get a closer look at her than I could at the wall.

She was still wearing some of the armoured clothes that Louisa had given her. But she had lost the top bit of the armour. And the long ribbons once adored at her waist had been obviously ripped off. She had also lost the gloves. But now a familiar cape was wrapped around her body, she was wearing it like how Arthur wore his instead of how she wore it at Liones. Obviously, she had to be more stealthy at Liones so that might have been the reason for the sudden switch. The cape doesn't look to fit the other clothes she was wearing but seemed to fit the style of the demon girl still holding her collar.

But that doesn't matter now. Why am I here? Why did Y/n bring me here? The other demon finally let go of Y/n. Who seemed to have calmed down slightly from her previous excitement.

"Y/n. What's going on? What are you doing with them?" The hatred in my voice when referring to the demons was obvious causing the other to glare at me. Not that I cared about what she thought of me. Y/n took some steps towards me before sitting down crossed legged near my head. She reached forward and moved a loose strand of hair, I didn't even know was there, behind my ear. She had a caring expression on her face as she stared at me. Demon girl went over to the door, making some kind of symbol mostly to another demon before shutting the door.

"Well Chrissy, I have sort of been working with the ten commandments recently."


I never wanted to hear those words leave her mouth.


They killed Meliodas.

Her lover.

Why is she working with them?

"Y/n! Are you serious?! Don't you remember what they did?!" I shouted at her. Causing her to frown and the demon to scowl. Obviously displeased with me shouting at Y/n. Somebody she obviously cared about despite being from different clans. Y/n remained silent as I shouted.
"They attempted to kill Meliodas! Somebody you deeply care about! How could you work with them?"

"It's understandable for you to be angry at me. I was tricked by the sins too. But ever since Meliodas's death, I've finally opened my mind to the rest of the world. For over 3000 years, I have been stuck in an unending chase of a demonic man. I was never able to find him until now and once I did. He was taken from me again. But that showed me there is more to the world than just Meliodas." What is she speaking about? Tricked by the sins? They have never tricked her.

"Like Destiny for example." Destiny? Y/n gestured over to the tall demon girl still standing by the door. Her name was Destiny. What a strange name for a demon.

"If Meliodas hadn't died, I bet I wouldn't of met her which would of been deeply unfortunate. As she is my sister."

"WHAT?!" I guess that's why they look so similar. Mostly likely being twins. As I stared at them both, the similarities making themselves apparent. The only major differences being how they act.

"Yeah! I was super shocked too. When I passed out as the festival, the first person I woke up to was Destiny. She told me the truth. Even the truth about my past. And how I wasn't even born, I was created from the remnant of this cool warrior lady from the vampire race. I'm one half of a whole. Destiny being the other half meaning we are technically sisters. Isn't that cool?" She looked so happy when explaining it to me. I even saw a small smile on Destiny face. While I was just shocked from being bombarded with this information about somebody I had known for over a decade. It was so difficult for me to process this. I could only imagine what was it for her to find about all this and it being right after she thought Meliodas had died. Having to process those two big things at once. Even though I can only wrap my head around one.

"But that still doesn't make sense, why you'd worked with them after what they did to Meliodas."
"Don't you mean what the sins did to Meliodas?" Everything on my mind, dropped like flies.

"I guess they still have you tricked as well. Well isn't it obvious with Gowther's power that you could be tricked with any memory he gave you. It was only 'till Destiny told me the truth, that the sins were the one who killed Meliodas after he betrayed them as he was revealed to be apart of the demon race. I can't believe they'd trick you as well. But it's okay, we will stop them and avenge Meliodas." Is she legitimately insane? Who would believe something like that? I can't believe she'd trust somebody she just met over friends who has known her for years.

"You can't be serious Y/n" This made her smile drop instantly. "The ten commandments are the one who are manipulating your memories. How could you believe them over the sins? Them over your friends? It's obvious they are tricking you. They saw the state you were in and took advantage of it. And with the reveal of Destiny being your sister, you wouldn't want to believe she killed somebody you loved. So you just hold on to whatever you've been told. C'mon Y/n, think about it. The sins are your friends and are Meliodas's friends. They wouldn't do that."
She lowered her head, avoiding my gaze. Destiny was staring at me with a look of anger on her face. But she still stood silent, she knew she didn't have a place to speak in this.

"They aren't my friends, Chrissy. I've never cared about them and I assume it's vice versa." Now I was getting angry. I would slapped some sense into her if only my hands were bound behind my back.
"What are you talking about?! Have you really gone insane?!" I began to shout once again.

"If they were my friends answer me this! Why didn't they look for me, 12 years ago? Why didn't they care when we disappeared to go Misite? When we met up with them again, they didn't show any signs of worry or care. And I only stuck with that group was because of Meliodas. I bet I wouldn't of ever spoken to them without him butting in!" She began to speak louder nearly shouting at me.
"They don't care about me and I don't care about them." I could feel my heart breaking in two at the person in-front of me. I don't believe this is Y/n anymore.

"If you think that then why am I here? Why you'd take me from my friends?" She tensed up when I referred to them as my friends after her previous statement.
"Because we are friends Chrissy. I don't want you caught in this war or even hurt because of it. And so I this was the safest option. I thought you could even join our side. I'm sure I could convince them to let you live as I am sort of a big deal as well as Destiny." How can she go back to being cheerful after what we just spoke about. She began to stand up.

"We aren't friends Y/n." This one line made her stop. She completely dropped from the ground. Staring at me deeply. I swear I saw tears begin to form in her eyes. Making me regret what I just said, making me want to apologise to her over and over again. But I stopped myself. Because that was the bitter truth of the situation, I hoped I'd never be in. I didn't even look of at her sister, not wanting to know the anger I've caused.

"We aren't friends Y/n. You've become a terrible person. Hell you might of always been one. You drop the people who you have fought alongside and had such good memories for a story that has no evidence behind it." She finally pulled herself together and stood up. Her hair covering her face.

"Listen Christine!
This if for your own good. You may not see me as your friend. You will always be someone I care about and I am not letting you get caught up in this war. You don't have a say in this. I'm sorry but this is for your own good. And you should see yourself lucky that I'm able to let you live when I rescued you from Liones and brought you here. I'll make sure you are protected until this is over. You'll thank me one day." I watched heart broken as she turned and walked away from me. She signalled to Destiny, who opened the door ready to leave.

But there is still one thing I have to do.

"Y/N!" She turned to look at me as I spoke.
"MELIODAS IS ALIVE!" Her face was completely frozen in shock. She stopped moving and just stared at me. Destiny was shocked as well. Zeldris finally entered the room after hearing my shout with a look of angry on his face.

"what?" Y/n softly spoke. She was completely shocked by what I said.
"what do you mean he's alive? I saw him die right in-front of me." She looked down at her hands as they began to shake. She lifted them to her head, grabbing her hair.

"Destiny if you would take Y/n out of here." Zeldris spoke with clear anger in his voice, knowing his brother was actually alive. They thought they had finally gotten rid of the biggest threat to their plan.
"NO!" Y/n shouted at him, taking them off guard. "Christine what do you mean he's alive?!"

"Meliodas came back to life. He went against Derideri and Monspeet, and won. He defeated Fraudrin as well." I spoke with clear confidence in my voice. The two demons finally drew the dots of their missing comrades and what they had seen before leaving Liones defeated earlier.
"How?" Destiny asked with clear interest.

"I don't know but he's back and I don't think that he's got any mercy left for you demons." Y/n began to step towards me, a empty look on her face. She quickly leant down and grabbed me by my collar. Holding me up loosely in the air. I look down into her eyes.
"How do I know you aren't lying?"
"Well I think the commandments of purity and Reticence disappearance and the death of Fraudrin should be proof enough. I think only Meliodas could be the cause of that." Though provoking them may be a bad idea, I'm not allowing myself to fall down beneath them. Y/n dropped my body onto the floor like a bag of potatoes. Adding more injuries along to the other bruises from last night.

"But I watched him die, I visited his dead body not that long ago." I could see her questioning what I had said. While I questioned when she visited his body in the tavern without neither of us seeing her. She walked away from my body and towards the pair of demons.

"I need to go to Liones."

"That's too risky, we need to keep you working with us a secret for now. The sins will be weaker when your betrayal is fresh on their mind. Zeldris would you mind if I went instead?" The both of them looked over to him for an answer, it was obvious that he was the leader of the group.
"Destiny you can go but be careful. If anything risky happens, come back. I know you can hold your own but we don't want to start another fight just yet. If Meliodas is alive, we need to plan." She nodded in agreement. Y/n began to take off the cape she had been wearing and handed it back over to her sister. So my previous thought of the cape belonging to her was correct then. Destiny draped into over her body majority covering her left side with her demonic arm.
Her and Zeldris exited the room quickly, obviously needing to check what I said as soon as possible as that will affect their whole plan.

"Y/n?" She turned to look at me with a cold stare.
"See Meliodas is alive, meaning you don't have to work with them anymore. We can just forget about what was said, and go back to Liones." Her facial expression didn't change in the slightest.

"He can't be alive, I'm the only one who can bring back the dead and I know damn well I didn't bring him back to life. So there's no explanation for it"

"You aren't wrong. Meliodas hasn't told any of us how it he was revived and I'm not even sure if he plans too. Though he could of just been in a dead like coma."

"That's impossible. All seven hearts of his hearts got stabbed in-front of me and I even visited his dead body. I checked. He was dead"
"When?" She raised an eyebrow when I asked my question which I've been waiting to do since she brought it up the first time.
"When did you visit his body? You would of had to come to the tavern to do that."

"Moments before you, Elizabeth and Zaratras did"


Well it has been awhile since I last updated my story. I am so sorry for taking so long, I have been busy and uninspired for quite a bit. I only found time to write this, late at night when my mind isn't thinking straight. But tonight, I decided to get this done with after a lot of procrastination. Although writing this fanfiction has become a bit more awkward as two of my friends from school has found this account. But I won't let that stop me from writing this story for everyone's enjoyment.

And I'd feel terrible leaving you guys half way through the story where it truly becomes it own from know on. No longer following the plot of the canon series.

I also have some news which I don't mind sharing is my art account. On Instagram, I have this art account where me and my friend used to post art but I only use it now so if you want to see some of my art work which doesn't relate to this story than go ahead it is.


Remember this is on Instagram. And I do post art work which I draw for fun, it won't be like art work from my art class unless it's like super incredible and I'm super proud of it which doesn't happen a lot in my art class.

Some of you might have noticed, but I did update chapter 20 as I had to go through that chapter to find something. I had decided that the fight scene between Y/n and Destiny was terrible. As Y/N seemed to much like a Mary Sue for me to handle so I rewrote it. So in the updated version, she is less like a Mary Sue and when she got angry in the fight, she missed punches etc. If that interests you, please go ahead and reread it. I believe it is much better than it was before.

I believe that is all for now, I'll try and update more often though more mock exams are coming up for me and soon I'll be in the final year of high school so that's stressful.
Anyway goodbye for now, I love you all.


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A little girl comes to the boar hat and claims to be Meliodas' little sister! How will the rest of the sins react? These are just a bunch of one shot...
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~Meliodas x Elizabeth Modern AU~ Elizabeth sends a glare his way. "You're not my boyfriend." She says, even though it pained her to say it. "And your...
117K 3.1K 67
(Y/n), (L/n) is a powerful warrior in the demon clan, she's also the second leader of the ten commandments and the wife of the Demon King's oldest so...
860 22 17
First 3 chapters have been rewrote. Its modern day, and the world has changed drastically. The old kingdoms now longer exist and the heavens are no l...