
By definemii

482K 19K 3.9K

fixated past participle, past tense of fix·ate (Verb) Cause (someone) to acquire an obsessive attachment to s... More

Chapter o01
Chapter o02
Chapter o03
Chapter o04
Chapter o05
Chapter o06
Chapter o07
Chapter o08
Chapter o09 part uno
Chapter o09 part dos
Chapter o011
Chapter o012 part uno
Chapter o012 part dos
Chapter o013
Chapter o014
Chapter o015 part Uno
Chapter o015 part dos
Chapter o016
Chapter o017
Chapter o018
Chapter o019 Part Uno
Chapter o019 Part Dos
Chapter o020
Chapter o021
Chapter o022
Chapter o023
Chapter o024
Chapter o025
Chapter o026
Chapter o027
Chapter o028
Chapter o029
Chapter o030... The Finale, Pt. uno
Chapter o030... The Finale, Pt. dos
Instagram Foolery
Word from Author

Chapter o010

18.6K 818 163
By definemii

Maia Jones

Some Jesus was precisely what I needed on this muggy, sunny Sunday morning, I awakened promptly from my restless slumber then hurriedly got decent so I could circumvent the questionable looks from the ushers and mothers of my church. Ever since I have begun dating Reuben I have been continuously tardy to Sunday worship service, and I know I needed to get my ass in gear—though I just agreed to marry him; I still wanted to keep majority of my morals intact.

Fine job you are doing, you have now not only allowed him to seduce you into wearing any underwear on your first date, but to also have a quickie with him only upon your second meeting—Lest not mention you adore all the dirty deeds he does to you…

Girl, I’d say you abandoned your morals a while ago.

I sighed as I racked my fingers through my hair as I stared at my reflection in the mirror… What was I allowing this man to do to me?

When did I turn into this shadowy image of my former, sane self?

Upon meeting Reuben, I was a clear thinking woman, whose only concern in the world was whether I was going to buy groceries first that month or pay the trash bill.  Only being together a little less than a month, not only have I slept with him countless of times but I agreed to marry him in hopes of him achieving ownership of his dying grandfather’s multibillion dollar company. .. Man, where the hell did I lose control.

The moment you answered Reuben’s message on that damned dating website.

For the first time in a really long time, I agreed with my subconscious.

Cupping my hands under the cold running water, I then flung the small pool of water onto the heated, stressed skin of my face. I repeated the task over and over until I gasped from the chills surging up and down my spine.

I had to get a grip, and I had to learn how to resist Reuben—If we were going to be married, even if were a sham or not, I had to learn to put my foot down and voice my concerns. I could not be his doormat, that is not how my mother raised me to be. If he wanted Maia Jones to be his wife, he was going to have a strong-willed, stubborn one on his hands.

Walking out the bathroom, I plopped down on the couch of my living room, even though today would be the golden opportunity to tell my family of my engagement to Reuben, I took the latter approach and decided to avoid Sunday dinner altogether.

The first one in nearly two years.

The first time had been when my mother and I had a little, nonsensical tiff and I called myself getting back at her by not attending our family’s annual dinner. It broke her heart and it killed me to see how truly I hurt her by not coming. Just like right at this moment the guilt was eating away at the lining of my heart.

I fidgeted with the crucifix that was held around my neck by a flimsy gold chain, debating to stick to my guns and remain inside the comforts of my own home and try to figure out a means of telling my folks that I am indeed engaged to be married, and that my pockets are going to be so damn fat that I could buy M.C. Hammer’s ass out of debt?

Or shall I suck it up and be with the ones who actually keep my head on straight—A chance to crack jokes with my father, argue with Andrea, poke fun at Jada and snuggle up to my mommy… All the while eating some of the best damned soul food that the Lord blessed any hands to cook. I took a deep breath, and grabbed my clutch off of the coffee table and headed for the front door.


“About time you got here, Risky, I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”

I chuckled sheepishly at my father’s statement, Lord he had no idea.

Pecking a kiss to the center of his forehead, I looked around to meet the gapes of both of my sisters; Jada had a smirk itching at her lips while Andrea had a smug scowl on hers. I rolled my eyes and began to head towards the kitchen to where I knew my mother was.

“Boo had you tied up, Risky?” Andrea mocked as she trailed in behind me as I traveled the short path that lead to the small, homey kitchen where my mother stood over a pot of collards simmering in coven of pork fats and onions—My stomach did a leap of joy at the delightful smell.

“When you gonna bring his rich ass over here so we all can meet him?”

I turned and looked at her as I pulled my cellphone out my pant's pocket.

“Want me to call him over?”

Andrea’s lips pressed a grim line as Jada’s eyes widen at the question, as if they were shocked at my suggestion. I knew Reuben was entirely too busy to be bothered with such a silly notion as joining me and my family for supper. So, I had no fears in asking him to come over.

“Yea, call Mr. Michaelson's behind on down here… I’d like to see what’s so special about this man that my child get nearly stalked by vultures with cameras.” Mama chimed in as she pulled the fresh pan of homemade cornbread from the oven.

Yea, she would feed into Andrea’s bullshit… Even though I knew my ass was saved from him coming, now I saw the seriousness of the relationship. Reuben would not only be married to me… But my family was going to be brought into this as well. My beloved mother and father will be his in-laws, and it would truly upset my parents if they knew their child—their eldest had agreed to marry a man she barely knew.


Andrea smacked her lips as I pressed his numbers onto the touch pad of the phone in my hand, even though he was on my speed-dial, I was playing up the dramatics of having to dial his number like he was not saved into my phone. Lord knows I called that man way more than I should. I bounced lightly on the soles of my shoes as I listened to the phones connecting signal blare in my ear, awaiting for Reuben to answer. It seemed like ages for him to pick up on the line, especially with Jada and Andrea standing before me with their glaring eyes boring into me... I know they were talking mad shit in their heads right now.

“Well, how lovely it is to hear from my fiancé (gulp!) on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. How was worship service this morning, Honey? Uplifting I hope?”

I smiled at how Reuben could be such a coddler at times.

“Yes, very uplifting and it’s good to hear your voice as well, babe—“

“Yadda, yadda—Ask the nigga over here, Risky.” I threw a snare in Andrea’s direction only to cause both her and Jada to laugh at me demeanor. I turned my head then murmured lowly:

“Rude ass.”

But I quickly straighten when I hear Reuben clear his throat, nearly forgetting about the about his discrimination against me cursing. “B-Babe, my family are having dinner and we’d all like for you to join us...But I understand that you are busy—“

“Of course, I’d love to join in, honey.”

I gulped, now what? Shit!

“This would give me valid timing to get to know my future in-laws, and to finally sample some of that delectable cuisine of your mother’s.”

There was nothing I could say, my little ploy had fell all the way through and now was residing into the basement of this house, heading its way towards hell.

“G-great, babe… I’ll text you the directions.”

I looked to my sisters, whom both of them had pleased smiles on their faces, then I looked behind me at Mom, but she was too busy tending to the fried chicken that she was taking out the old cast-iron skillet. It used to belong to my grandmother, but when she had died my mother inherit nearly all of her kitchenware and used them at any given chance presented to her. My mother was truly blessed when it came to knowing her way around a kitchen, a blessing that she made sure was to bestow on her three daughters.

Personally I loved to cook, but just never a reason to do so. Maybe I was about to be married I could flex my skills a bit.

Doubt it. Why eat your cooking when Wolfgang Puck caters anytime Reuben dials his number?

Just kill a bitch’s moment, why don’t you?

“No need for that, my love, I already know the address. But I won’t be coming with David, I feel being driven over there by my chauffeur is a bit too impersonal; not to mention it's not a very good first impression, either.” I smiled lightly at him admitting he wanted to impress my family. “But nevertheless, my dear, I will be joining you all momentarily.”

“And I will be waiting.” He chuckled lightly before bidding me a farewell then we both hung up, I was dead fucking nervous at this point.

I prayed everything went well.

Momma continued to catering to dinner Andrea and I set the places for the big dining table in the family room, Daddy growled in agitation every time either one us got in front of the television screen—Lord knows how this man got drawn into his sports.  I fanned the long, lace table cloth in behind me in attempts to straighten the wrinkles from it, only to have my father catch it.

“I’m starting to believe you are doing that to piss me off, Maia.” I giggled as I looked back at him. “Hahaha, hell, trying to make miss this game and I have money on it!”

“How much you put up this time, Daddy?” Drea asked as she glanced behind me at him.

He muttered lowly as he took a swig from his can of Miller Lite:


Drea and I then glared at one another before shaking our heads as we laughed. That could mean ten dollars, Daddy was so cheap that he couldn’t afford to pay attention. Once the table was set, Jada came in with Mama and began to bring the food in setting it up the food.

“Ayo, Mama made that ‘crack-mac’!” Drea announced while dancing out the kitchen with spoon in her hand. “And it’s cheesy, guh!” She growled at me with a smile draping across her face. Mom threw her an evil glare as she turned around from the table, she knew her child was greedy. Last Easter, she sat and ate an entire pot of macaroni and cheese by herself… Daddy was so mad that he put her ass out!

Such a fat ass.

“You better stay out that pot, Andrea!” I shook my head as Mama begun to fuss, I then turned and sat down on the window sill while turning my head towards the glass laughing as Jada joined in with me. “I swear for Lord, your ass is nothing but just a damn glutton!”

Drea’s face dropped a little. “Dang, Mama! All a nigga did was taste it!” She pouted as she sauntered over to the couch, plopping next to Dad.

“Well, your fat ass don’t need to taste everything.” Dad muttered never taking his eyes off of the television. “Get off that ‘try-it’ and get on a damn diet.” Drea gasped as she looked over at him in embarrassment as the rest of us fell out laughing. Andrea knew them hips were getting wide, we ain’t even got to front with her about it either.

The food was nearly done, cherry cobbler was in the oven and I was overjoyed to hear that Daddy had made his famous homemade ice cream last night. God, I loved my country parents! But as dinner grew closer, the more nervous I got. Reuben was going to be over here in any minute. My family could read the nervousness coming over me, and they all thought it was actually funny. Dad had his jokes on deck:

“I ain’t gonna scare your little white boy off, baby! Calm down.”

Reuben being white was the last of my worries…

Of course him being white is the last of your worries! He’s a fucking billionaire and not to mention a charming, manipulating sexy bastard!


Anyways, Jada’s last boo-thing was white… He was fake ass ‘wigger’ but it is what it is. You know teenage white boys could be? Think just because they bought Rick Ross last album that they’re certified ‘gangster’ and shit. But most teenage black boys can be like that too, so… No judgy here.

Still sitting on the window sill, I take in a deep breath when a see a text come across my screen from Reuben, telling me that he was down the road.

“Whoa, check out that ride!” Jada shrieked as she rushed to the side of me, Drea fell suit. “Wow, what kind of car is that?” She whispered to me.

“I’ve only seen his limo…” I turned my head to see the shiny green on black sports car sitting in front of my parents’ house. “Iono what that is.” I muttered as I looked over to my little sister. Andrea stood there with her hands on her hips, with a look of determination her face.

“You think he’ll let a sister take a drive in it? I mean… Damn.”

We all fell out laughing as she gave me a look of seriousness. I felt the breath leave my body as he stood up and exited his car. He looked so delectable in his white button down, the top buttons were casually unbuttoned and the sleeves were rolled up a quarter of the way. He hadn’t shaven this morning, his face was a little gruffly… Made him look rugged, especially with his chocolate hair messy.


Just try not to fuck him in front of your family, girl… Okay?

No promises, bitch, no promises. ;)

He bent over and pulled a bouquet of flowers from the front seat then closed the door up to his car before sauntering towards the front door. I straighten my clothes then fussed with my hair as I began to head towards the door.

“Dang, Risky… Let the man knock first.” Jada laughed as I reached for the door knob, she was right. Let me slow down and reboot for a second. I took in a deep breath, the thought of not knowing what the hell was going to transpire at this dinner was about to have me sick. I actually felt the knots form up in my stomach and throat.

Ding, dong!

“Oh God…” I whined lowly as I looked over to my family. Jada and Andrea was at the window sill, snickering at the look on my face. Bitches. Daddy was still sitting on the couch, but now leaning forward, leg bent forward… Watching me intently with a partial smile on his face. Mama was at the table, standing with a serving spoon in one hand and her the hand on her hip… She eyed me for a moment before saying:

“Maia Galisa-Lynn… Let that boy in here!” I jumped a little then quickly began to unlock the locks on the door before turning the knob and opening. Reuben looked poised and calm as his face came in to view, he gave me a sweet smile before stepping into the coolness of the living room. “Hello there.” We both looked over to Mama as she gave him a smile as sweet as his.

“Mrs. Jones,” Reuben leaned in and pecked a kiss to my temple then walked past and entered more into the room as Jada and Drea jumped to their feet and brought my head down when I heard Andrea muttered lowly:

“Damn, he’s fine as hell in person.”

Ghetto asses.

“Mrs. Jones, you are lovely as I knew you would be.”

Mama’s mouth fell open a little, and she placed her free hand on her chest. “Oh, well.” I’ll be damned, she was blushing!

“Oh, hold on there, boy…” Daddy said standing up, my heart dropped a bit and I tried to read Reuben’s face, but he remained so nonchalant.

“Oh shit.” Drea turned her head laughing as Jada’s eyes got wide like mine.

“You already got my daughter,” He nodded over to me. “But that fine piece chocolate over, is all mine.” Reuben threw his head back laughing wholeheartedly as well as Dad did, like these two were cutting up like it was an inside joke they’ve shared before. “Eyes off, my brother, eyes off.” They chuckled some more as Dad leaned in and shook his hand.

“Of course, Sir… Of course.” Reuben continued to laugh. “So the flowers are out of the question, I assume?”

“No, I want my flowers!” Mama fussed she pushed past Daddy and gently took them out of Reuben’s grasp. “Oh and they are so lovely.” She sniffed them with a grin spreading across her face. “I just adore violets, how did you know they were my favorite?” She looked up to him with a pleased look on her face.

“I have my ways, Mrs. Jones… I have my ways.”

Boy, didn’t he.

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