Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco...

slytherin_may द्वारा

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Fred Weasley & Draco Malfoy love triangle fan fic Includes: Adult / sexual material / rated mature so please... अधिक

Chapter 1 - First Day Back
Chapter 2 - Ring of Fire
Chapter 3 - The Balcony
Chapter 4 - Slytherin Table
Chapter 5 - Potions
Chapter 6 - The Staircase
Chapter 7 - Markings
Chapter 8 - Avoidance
Chapter 9 - The Date
Chapter 10 - Sunday Morning
Chapter 11 - Your Turn
Chapter 12 - Slytherin Common Room
Chapter 13 - The Abandoned Bathroom
Chapter 14 - Breakfast
Chapter 15 - Detention
Chapter 16 - Gryffindor Common Room
Chapter 17 - Broomsticks Brew
Chapter 18 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 19 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 20 - Hypocrite
Chapter 21 - Love Bites
Chapter 22 - Christmas Day
Chapter 23 - Broken Glass
Chapter 24 - New Year's Eve
Chapter 25 - Slytherin Dormitories
Chapter 26 - Inquistorial Squad
Chapter 27 - Shell Cottage
Chapter 28 - Poison
Chapter 29 - Cauldron Cupboard
Chapter 30 - Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter 31 - The Aftermath
Chapter 32 - 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 33 - The Seventh Floor
Chapter 34 - The Burrow
Chapter 36 - The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 37 - Three Days
Chapter 38 - Surveillance
Chapter 39 - The Room of Requirements
Chapter 40 - Knockturn Alley
Chapter 41 - The Vanishing Cabinet
Chapter 42 - White Christmas
Chapter 43 - The Letter
Chapter 44 - Home
Chapter 45 - Fiendfyre
Chapter 46 - The Visitor
Chapter 47 - The Wedding
Chapter 48 - The Return
Chapter 49 - The Battle
Chapter 50 - The End
Chapter 51 - 19 Years Later
One Shot - The Malfoy Wedding

Chapter 35 - Charlie

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slytherin_may द्वारा

Every morning since, a gift or letter would arrive promptly at the entrance to our dorm. Fred's scrawled handwriting littered out apology after apology for his cruel words. Every morning I ignored them, putting them away into the drawer of my bedside table.

Today was no different, I sighed as I opened the door to see what it was this time. A small chocolate frog box sat carefully in the hallway, with yet another note that read "I'm sorry" attached with a deep purple ribbon.

"You're going to have to reply at some point, Celeste" Daphne grumbled in a raspy morning voice, as she sat up in bed.

"I know but I can't bring myself to yet" I replied, picking up the box and putting it in the drawer with the rest of them.

Something about what he said had struck a nerve. I had been so fearful that his departure from school would hinder our relationship. It felt silly at first, we had been friends for longer than I could remember and clearly Hogwarts, or a close proximity to one another, hadn't been the only thing holding us together.

Truthfully, I was scared that he would just see me as something less serious, with him being, and I used this term very loosely, a grown up now. He had a business to run while I was still here, making stupid little potions or learning about mandragora.

What he'd said only reiterated my fear. Whether he said it in the heat of the moment or while distracted by a stressful matter, he still said it. He hadn't conjured it out of nowhere, so it's a thought that had crossed his mind at least once. That's why I was so upset, why I couldn't bring myself to reply to his apologies. Not yet.

He had even sent Ron to speak with me one morning at breakfast, accompanied with flowers, sea lavender, that I knew had come from Shell Cottage. Through my own wretched stubbornness, I told him that if Fred wanted to speak with me he should do it himself, in person.

It was a Thursday evening, an evening that had become steeped in the exhausting tradition of being spent in Library. Sixth year had been no laughing matter so far, but I welcomed school work with open arms as a distraction from Fred. As well as Draco.

I held on to the belief that what I had seen of Draco was serious, but I'd kept it to myself. I wanted to know more before anybody else interfered with it. If I were to run to Harry immediately, he would confront him then and there. It would be spoilt, my cover blown and I'd never know what he had been up to until it was too late.

These thoughts continuously flowed through my mind as I tried to focus on the Charms textbook in front of me, but like the devil himself could be summoned simply by speaking his name, I saw Draco's dark-clad frame cloud my vision. I'd nestled myself into a corner with the perfect view of the entrance to the restricted section, which was where he seemed to be heading.

Determined, I slammed my book shut and followed after him, keeping my steps light and airy so he wouldn't detect me. As I creaked open the iron gates that usually warded off any students from entering, I searched for him.

As I paced the aisles, looking down each one, left and right, I thought he had vanished into thin air until a saw the outline of his body in the furthest, darkest corner.

"Draco" I whispered. He practically jumped out of skin, spinning on his heel in the direction of my voice. He quickly wedged the book he'd been reading back into the tightly packed shelf.

Nothing could have prepared me for how quickly his natural reaction followed. Hastily, he pinned me against the bookshelf, almost lifting me off my feet to hold my robes. Draco roughly held my face between soft hands, hands that had never seen any kind of hard work in their life.

"Missing me were you?" he said sharply. He forced me to hold his gaze. His grey eyes bore into mine, as though he could sear right to the back of my skull with just with a look.

"Absolutely not," I spat back, "I'm Fred's girlfriend I'll have you know"

Draco let out a dark chuckle and tightened his grip on me.

"Do you think I give a shit?" he said, through his own laughter, "He'll have popped the question in no time and you'll be living on the farm with your own bounty of freckled freaks"

I wanted to kill him. How dare he think he was above anybody else? He didn't even understand what he was to have a family that cared about him. That's exactly why he had turned out like this, cruel and uncaring.

I lifted my hand to slap him harshly across the face but he caught my hand. His ring glinted in the light, as I watched my hand held in his. It was a strange sight, there was nothing romantic about it at all but it felt oddly intimate. My eyes flashed up to his briefly and he let go, pretending to wipe his hands on his trousers as if in disgust for even having touched my skin.

"Oh give it a rest, Draco. You're only acting like this because you couldn't have me" I said through gritted teeth.

Another manic laugh slipped from his mouth. I wanted to lash out and tell him to be quiet, if we were caught back here not only would we end up in detention for a month but it would spur all sorts of rumours. Rumours I certainly didn't want getting anywhere near Fred.

"You think I want you?" Draco chuckled, "I never wanted you. Could you imagine what my parents would think bringing a traitor like you home?"

It was the truth. It had always been so. From the night I spent at Malfoy Manor, in his parents' bedroom, I knew this could never be anything more than what it was. But he couldn't deny that he had wanted it at one point, despite what they thought.

"You're lying" I whispered, clenching my jaw defiantly.

"Whatever I did to make you think otherwise, forget it" he snapped, pointing a long slender finger in my face, before easing back into a devilish smirk, "but, if you're looking for something meaningless, you know where to find me. I can't deny that you were a good shag and I'd love to hear you moaning like that again"

"Never" I spat back at him. He dropped me all at once and I smoothed my clothing down.

"We'll see about that" he said, lowly. He collected the book he was reading from the shelf and tucked it inconspicuously beneath his jacket, before sauntering off.

No matter what I did, I couldn't get him out of my head. Even the next morning at breakfast, I sat in a trance with only a cup of tea in front of me.

"Celeste?" Ginny said, shaking me gently. I returned to Earth and looked at her blankly, having no clue what she'd just said.

"Sorry?" I mumbled, taking a sip of my tea.

"We're going to stay at Grimmauld Place this tonight, I was asking if you wanted to come" she laughed, nervously.

"Oh yes, yes definitely" I replied, the fog in my brain clearing when I heard the prospect of seeing Fred.

I was still upset but I couldn't deny that I missed him. Being away from school, somehow seemed safer too. Hogwarts had always felt safe, but with Draco skulking around, up to no good, there was certainly more to come.

"Good, we'll be leaving promptly after last lesson" Ginny grinned, at me and her brother.

"Harry, Hermione and Dean are coming too" Ron said. Ginny shot me a strange glance at the mention of Harry's name.

"George asked if you can bring Daphne too, actually" Ginny said, as I got up from the table.

"I'll let her know! See you later then, I've got to get to Charms" I said, with a grin, making my way out of the Great Hall.

Knowing that I was going to see Fred later had lightened my mood for the rest of the day. I couldn't let this go on for much longer, I really did miss him and I was sure he'd make it up to me some how.

At the end of the day, me and Daphne waited outside of Gryffindor House. We leant idly against the wall outside, chatting about how classes had been until we were interrupted.

"Psst...come in" Ron whispered, beckoning us towards their Common Room, "we reckon we can Floo there"

I looked around quickly before following him down into their Common Room, it was awfully busy on a Friday, just as ours was but with a room of this size it was more obvious. Students were packed in from wall to wall.

"Bloody hell" I muttered under my breath, as Ron dragged us through the crowds to the boys dormitories.

"See, Seamus and Dean have a fireplace in their dorm" Ron explained, "it works, we can get their this way, so much easier than a bloody port key"

"I'll go first" Ginny said. She gave Dean a peck on the cheek, making Ron wince, before she stepped into place, dropping the powder to the ground. Ginny disappeared in a flash and we looked around at each other.

"Maybe you can go last, Fred doesn't know you're coming, it'll be a nice surprise" Ron said, patting my shoulder and taking a step into the fireplace.

Ron dropped the Floo powder and was gone, with Harry, Hermione, Dean and Daphne following shortly after, leaving me in the room alone.

Out of the blue I felt unsure, anxious thoughts that I could turn up and he might not even want to see me. Trying to push those thoughts aside, I stood in place, dropped the Floo powder to my feet and the dining room at Grimmauld Place settled itself into place.

"Wahey!" George called, as they all turned to look at me.

I locked eyes with Fred and his face lit up. I gave him a shy smile and came over to join them round the table. He wrapped his arm around me immediately and gave me a squeeze.

"Oh I'll get you another glass" he said, looking down at the uneven amount they'd prepared on the table.

A large, shimmering bottle of Firewhiskey sat on the table and I already knew where this evening would end up. Fred poured me out a glass and handed it to me, clinking them together in a cheers.

"Right all sit round, all sit round" George called, ushering us to take places round the table.

We gathered together and I pushed to sit between Fred and Daphne. We eagerly waited for whatever George was going to come up with next.

"The game is..." George started, holding us all is suspense, "Truth or Dare"

Ginny groaned loudly and clapped her hand against her head. Everybody laughed around her, knowing her hatred for these games.

"Come on, Gin" Fred jeered, "let him have this. Besides, I think it's time we get to know Dean a bit better"

"I'm happy to play, Ginny, it's alright" Dean laughed nervously.

"Come on then" she grumbled, crossing her arms childishly over her chest.

"So I'll ask first, starting on my right with you Daphne" George grinned wickedly, "Truth or Dare?"

"Remember, if you want to get out of it you can take sip of your drink" Fred reminded her.

"Truth" Daphne replied.

"Weirdest place you've done it?" George asked, a smirk lifting on his face.

"Hmm a Dragon's pen, empty obviously" Daphne replied, looking down at her hands coyly.

"A what?" George asked loudly.

"Don't ask" Daphne giggled, looking round to gage everybody's reaction.

"Well that's certainly more interesting than what I was expecting" George muttered, looking slightly less cocky.

"Celeste, your go" Daphne beamed, turning to me.

"Truth" I replied.

"Same question" Daphne asked smugly. She looked so pleased with herself because she assumed she knew the answer, I did tell her everything but this detail I'd held back.

"The kitchen at Shell Cottage" I replied. A round of gasps sounded, as the other Weasley siblings groaned loudly.

"Not the kitchen! People eat there" Ron scoffed.

"Nice one" George laughed, quickly getting over his disgust and leaning over the two of us to high five his brother.

"When?" Ginny whined.

"First night I think" I said, looking up at Fred, who nodded in confirmation.

"Despicable" she replied, shaking her head at us.

"Moving on!" I said finally, clapping my hands, "Fred, your turn"

"Dare! Please Dare" he answered loudly, trying to avoid another uncomfortable Truth.

We played the game quickly, with very few answers being forfeited. We learnt that Dean had slept with Padma Patil in the library last year and had almost been caught my Filtch, Harry admitted to doing a little more than snogging with Cho in the Room of Requirements and George reluctantly owned up to having a sexual dream about Luna Lovegood.

"She just seems wild, I don't know what it is" George laughed, "I can't help where my mind goes when I'm asleep"

"I think I've heard enough" Daphne giggled, finishing the rest of her glass.

The game came to a natural end, as Ginny and Dean began quietly bickering with one another about stories that had come out during the game.

"Can we go upstairs?" Fred said quietly, rubbing my back.

With the excitement of the night sweeping us up, we had been able to briefly ignore whatever tension there was between us, but as soon as we were alone it became irrefutable. We walked in silence upstairs, getting to the landing where his bedroom was, the bedroom that we had once shared. Fred stopped abruptly outside the door before we entered.

"I'm so sorry" he said, suddenly. He curled his hands round my shoulders and it was the first time that evening I'd been able to get a proper look at him.

He looked weary, like he hadn't been getting a restful night's sleep for some time. Dark hued circles hung heavily under his soft eyes and I wished I could just wipe them away. Had I been too harsh?

A pang of guilt stung my heart, as I realised he had probably been consumed by this. I, too, had spent plenty of time distracted by it but he'd been trying. Writing letters everyday and though he received no response he was still persistent. All the anger, all the fear and stubbornness melted away when I looked into his sunken eyes. I was finally able to swallow my pride, because, well, I loved him. That was all there was.

"I'm sorry too" I admitted, "I should have written back I just...I just needed some time"

"What I said...I didn't mean it" he stammered out, "I just- I don't know what it is, I can't think about you and him"

"You were stressed, it fine honestly" I said, pulling him closer to my body. His comforting smell filled my senses and made me regret ignoring his letters even more.

"Thank you" Fred sighed, wrapping me up in his arms. He held on tighter than usual, pressing me so close to his body I thought we might blend into a single organism. I breathed him in again, his familiar smell was tainted with hints of Firewhiskey as it filled my lungs.

He opened the door behind and we stepped into the bedroom. It was a mess, I had been the one keeping it tidy over summer but this was far worst than I could have imagined. Piles of parchment sat on the dresser, covered with half written sentiments or spilt ink. I picked one up and read the words on the page.

To Celeste,

I don't even know where to start, I'm so sorry. Please just tell me you're okay

The words halted mid sentence. I held it up and Fred squinted to read its contents.

"Ah, that would have been tomorrow morning's letter" Fred explained with a shy smile, taking it out of my hand and putting it back with the other rejected or damaged letters.

"I should have written back I'm so-"

"Celeste, you're here now that's more than I could have asked for" Fred cut me off, cupping my face and planting a kiss on my forehead.

Holding on to his hand, I lead him to the large four poster and we perched on the end together. It felt strangely formal, we'd been so used to collapsing beside each other in bed after an exhausted day that everything happened so naturally. Now, I didn't know where to begin.

Fred could see my shyness and cupped my face in his large hands again, pulling my lips into his. Our lips moved desperately and memories of just how much we had needed each other at the Burrow last weekend resurfaced.

"Do you want to hear something a little more interesting? I've had an idea" Fred whispered, pulling away from me. His cheeks were flushed a subtle pink hue and his hazel eyes shimmered with excitement.

"Tell me" I replied, as the anticipation built within.

He dipped his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a sparkling pink bottle with a heart shaped stopper, it was the Love Potion from the shop. I took the tiny glass container between my fingers and looked up at him confusion.

"The effects are meant to be strong, as you know, but I've never tried it myself, not our one anyway. Only tested it out on people that have been willing" Fred explained, "We gave it to a fellow Gryffindor to try last year, I won't name names for their discretion but he said both him and his girlfriend used it together, apparently it was a very intense experience"

He raised his eyebrows at me wickedly, but I couldn't stop staring at the bottle as the pale liquid swirled inside. I had never tried one of their potions and to be completely honest, I had been strictly against them selling this one to begin with. I didn't understand how he could sell something he had fallen victim to, but as he said, their's was different.

"So he could remember what happened?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yes, it's nothing like that home brewed stuff that Alicia slipped me. We tailored it to our exact specifications, it didn't feel right that the drinker didn't remember anything after" Fred said, "so what do you think?"

"Of what?"

"That we take it together" he replied eagerly. His cheeky grin took over his face and made my own excitement build even more.

I'd never thought to try anything like this, but if I was with Fred I knew it would be safe. I nodded keenly and popped the stopper of the bottle. The air was immediately filled with the scent of sweet strawberries and rich chocolate.

"Chocolate covered strawberries, meant to be very romantic" Fred explained with a shrug, seeing the confusion on my face.

I shut my eyes, taking in the smell a little more until it became quite sickly. Thinking that I knew how to take it correctly from all the product research I'd done before my first day at the shop, I lifted it to my mouth, but Fred stopped me.

"I've got to be the one to do it" he explained, taking the bottle from my hand, "otherwise you'll be infatuated with yourself"

I giggled, realising my mistake and opened my mouth wide for him. I let my tongue go flat and Fred tipped the bottle so two drops fell on to my tastebuds. It fizzed and popped on my tongue before settling into a dull buzz.

"How do you feel?" Fred asked, looking down at me intently. Something was brewing within, the fizzing sensation had spread to my chest but my mental state seemed to still be intact.

"I'm not sure if it's kicked in yet, but something's happening" I replied, holding my hand over my chest, "your turn?"

He nodded and passed me the bottle, copying my actions and opening his mouth. I tilted the bottle on its side and two even droplets fell in place. I watched as pink vapour appeared when the liquid made contact with his tongue.

He shut his mouth and swirled his tongue around, assessing how it felt. My eyes fixated on the movement of his tongue and I couldn't stop myself. I could tell it had begun.

Slowly, everything he did became intoxicating. Even as we sat quietly chatting as we waited for the the potion's full effect to take ahold of us, I analysed ever inch of him. His hair looked perfectly messy, I assumed from where it had been styled in the morning before work and gradually become more manic throughout the day. I noticed how defined his jawline was and the way his milky skin was flawlessly clear from any blemishes. These were all things I knew but somehow had begun to look past due to familiarity. It felt like falling in love with him all over again.

"Wow" Fred gasped, eyes darting from my face to my body, "you look beautiful tonight, Celeste"

His voice became a symphony, even the way he said my name sent sparks rupturing through my body. I couldn't hold myself back and I lurched forward, pulling his lips on to mine.

The sweet taste of the potion lingered on his tongue as it slipped into my mouth. Every sensation was amplified. Each nerve ending sizzled and buzzed as he stimulated it.

"Fuck" he groaned huskily into my mouth. He pulled away and held my shoulders at arm's length so he could look at me. His eyes were hazy as though, he were far drunker than he had been from the firewhiskey.

The lull in between felt as though it lasted a lifetime. My body craved his lips against mine and anything else was absolutely unbearable. The potion had made my blood pump through my veins at an immense speed and it was almost deafening as it thumped in my eardrums. Within my love possessed state I thought I could hear Fred's heartbeat and I rested my head on his chest to listen to it's rhythmic pattern.

"I love you" the words tumbled out of my mouth, "so much"

"I love you too" Fred said back, running his hands through my hair, as it splayed over his chest.

"I need you" the words breathed out of me, so naturally.

Finally, letting the effects take over my being, I lifted my body to straddle his legs and gathered my skirt around my waist. As I felt his length, already brought fully to attention, pressed against my underwear, I could have reached my demise then and there.

I had underestimated the strength of their concoction and how heightened my senses would be. I rocked steadily against him, unable to push too deeply from the overstimulation. Every natural sensor, in every limb and crevice, felt as though it had been turned up to its highest capacity.

Fred let it out a rough moan with each movement and breathed heavily into my chest. His hands found their way to my back as he roamed every inch of its clothed surface. They slipped below the fabric of my shirt and the cold temperature of his hands melded with my warm skin, sending shivers up my spine. I twitched involuntarily, and he wailed beneath me from the sudden motion.

"Oh god, please take your knickers off" Fred begged. I'd never heard him so desperate, he would usually command, rather than plead with me. I hovered over him and slipped my underwear off, dropping them on the bed beside him.

I began hurriedly taking of his suit jacket and unbuttoning his shirt as he copied my actions, lifting the jumper over my head that held my bare skin below.

His hands moved to hold my hips in place so he could unfasten his trousers and lower his boxers, while I stayed lifted over him. The pressure between my legs throbbed with anticipation and I bit furiously as my bottom lip to distract myself.

All of a sudden he pushed me down on to him, there was no easing in or hesitation. The pressure was overpowering, I began attempting to steady my breathing but it was no use. It didn't seem like this was going to last long for either of us.

"Shit, the contraceptive charm" I murmured, fumbling to hand Fred his wand. Even in my trance I remembered Molly's warning. He took the wand and waved it over me below, whispering the incantation.

"Well done for remembering" Fred whispered, "you're amazing"

"One more thing" I whispered, lifting my own wand, "Muffliato"

I smiled down at him in a daze and he thrust gently into me from below, sending me back into orbit.

"Fuck, Fred" I mumbled, "I'm- I'm going to finish so quickly"

"Let me handle this, gorgeous" Fred replied. He lifted me and span me over, so I lay flat on my back.

He was propped on both hands, leant over me with his body pressed between my legs. He rocked into me, crashing his hips into mine. I wrapped my legs around him to brace myself, but it only meant he was able to ease in deeper.

Every thrust felt like the first time all over again. The intensity of every sensation had my mind exploding into fireworks, that hardly had time to fizzle out before the next one came.

I watched Fred's face intently, taking in every detail as he plummeted inside of me. His eyes bubbled like Champagne, as I'd seen them do when Alicia had given him Love Potion. I visually mapped out every aspect of his face, as if I were studying a work of art. The potion made every emotion I had ever felt for him arise on the surface at once.

"I'd do anything for you" Fred whispered, looking down at me with same enthralled gaze. My cheeks blazed red, I tried to shy away but he reached down and turned my face back to look at him.

He began to speed up his pace and my pained moans ripped out into the room. It was too much, I was completely overstimulated, simply from what he was doing. But the thrusts remained thoughtful, as though he were savouring every moment.

"You feel so good" he groaned and my core tightened further with his words.

When I thought I couldn't take anymore, that I was so close to coming undone, he moved his hand to tease my sensitive area. My eyes felt as though they were going to roll entirely to the back of my head as two long fingers traced circles on my clit.

"Oh god" I screamed out, knocking my head back in pleasure.

"That's it gorgeous, I want to hear you" Fred crooned, still rocking his hips into me slowly.

Granting his wishes, wails of satisfaction saturated the air and couldn't be ignored. They spurred on his motions as his pace increased and I knew my ending was coming near.

My toes curled, still lifted around his body and I bucked my hips to bring our bodies completely pressed against one another. As I did, it suddenly washed through my body, no longer ripples or waves but a tsunami of pleasure swept over every conceivable part of my body. Stars twinkled in my vision and the dull fizzing sensation that had started in my chest now had every segment of my brain short circuiting.

Fred felt my demise as I tensed around him and his pace increased in the last of his efforts. When I finally felt him release, a second wave of pleasure struck me, dragging my whole body back out to sea with it. I couldn't handle this second invasion of all my senses and pulled fevered trails across Fred's back with my nails.

With the last strained pump inside of me, Fred whimpered before removing himself and collapsing beside me.

"Fuck" Fred breathed, running a hand messily through his hair. His chest rose and fell rapidly, my eyes following it's movement, still entranced with everything that he did.

"That was..." I began, but I could hardly find the words to even describe what that was. I rolled on top to hover over him, leaning down to plant kisses on his cheeks and all of his face.

"Did you -" Fred started, "you know- more than once?"

I bit my lip and nodded slowly. A cheeky grin spread across his face and he looked smug about his ability to drive me to the brink for a second time.

"I love you" he whispered. It didn't seem like it was the potion talking anymore and I peered down at his eyes to see the were more solid than sparkling liquid. It had worn off.

"I love you too"

I woke up the next morning to brilliant sunshine pouring into the room. I suddenly became very aware that I wasn't wearing anything from the night before. My hands fumbled under the covers to feel for Fred but he was gone. I sat up in bed in confusion and looked at the clock on the wall.

11am, I must have slept in. Fred had always been an early riser so it was no doubt he was already up downstairs. I moved to open the dresser before I remembered my clothes were no longer in there.

Zipping open my bag, I took out the pyjamas I had been planning to wear last night. I slipped on the comfortable pinstripe pyjamas bottoms with some comfortable socks and a soft Slytherin sweatshirt.

I padded down to the dining room but heard hushed voices as I stopped outside the door.

"He's up to something I'm telling you" I heard Harry exclaim loudly.

"Look mate, like I said before, it's Malfoy. What do the Death Eaters want with a git like him?" Ron tried to laugh it off.

"I'm not crazy, I can feel it" Harry insisted.

I opened the door and six pairs of eyes turned to stare at me at once. They all looked equally as dishevelled as myself and were sipping on cups of coffee. They had clearly been talking about something serious from the way they all stopped as soon as I came in.

"Morning" Ginny croaked out first, giving me a feeble wave, before shoving another piece of burnt bread into her mouth.

"You don't have to stop talking on account of me" I said, going to pour myself a mug of coffee.

Everybody fidgeted uncomfortably in their seat and eyed each other awkwardly. Fred was leant against a far counter and I saw him visibly grow unsettled.

"We might as well talk her about it" Hermione said, "she might know more than we do"

"Absolutely not" Fred blurted out and everyone stared at him.

"No, you're right Hermione," Harry assured her, "look Celeste, you're in the same house as him, I'm sure you have lots of classes with him too, have you noticed anything different about Malfoy lately?"

My eyes flitted up to meet Fred's but he looked away instantly.

"I have, I've sort of been keeping an eye on him since I started noticing something strange" I explained. The others exchanged panicked looks and I took a seat at the table to explain further.

I told them how he hadn't been turning up to hardly any classes other than Potions, he'd been skulking around, going to the Seventh Floor on his own at night. I even explained what I'd seen last weekend from the shop window, that it may have been nothing but it felt strange when you put it together with everything else.

"Then Thursday in the Library" I began, Fred's eyes flicked back to me, peaking his interest as I hadn't told him about this yet, "I caught him in the Restricted Section, he was in a row that held book about different Artefacts, I didn't see which one he took but he certainly seemed defensive when I confronted him"

"You confronted him?" Fred repeated and I nodded my head. To say he looked disappointed with me would be an understatement. He folded his arms over his chest and looked back away.

If he had known the other things he'd said it wouldn't be good for anybody. Draco would be pinned against the ground, beaten black and blue just as he had done before for speaking to me so crudely. So I kept it to myself.

"This is good, Celeste" Harry insisted, "we need to know this sort of thing, can you carry this on? Report to us anything else that seems strange"

"We can't ask her to do that" Ron said, looking over at his brother's concerned demeanour, "it's dangerous"

"I don't mind" I said. After all, this is what I'd wanted. I wanted to know what he was up to and they were giving me permission to carry on trying figure it out.

"Thank you, Celeste, really thank you" Harry said triumphantly, "we've got to get back"

The three of them stood to go upstairs to collect their belongs and Ginny and Dean quickly followed. Leaving me and Fred alone in the dining room.

"Where's Daphne?" I asked, breaking our silence with each other.

"Still in bed, recovering I think" Fred replied quietly, still not looking at me in the eye.


"Apparently her and George forgot to use Muffliato last night, they've all just been joking that she's still recovering up there" Fred explained, a small smirk forced its way through his hard exterior.

"I didn't hear a thing" I muttered, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Well, you know why" Fred grinned, devilishly and it seemed to ease his mood, "George has gone to work already, I've got to go help with something in a bit, if you want come?"

"Of course"

"Celeste, I don't like this" Fred said suddenly, "I don't like the idea of you following him around at night, you know what he's capable of"

"I'm not going to follow him, if I see something I'll tell them, I'm not going to go out of my way" I knew it was a lie even as it came out of my mouth but Fred seemed satisfied with my answer.

"Well alright, do you want to go wake Daphne up, see if she wants to come too?"

I nodded and ran up the stairs to wake her.

The three of us arrived at the shop promptly. Fred and George needed to deal with something at the back of the shop, while me and Daphne handled customers at the till. It was a Saturday and the sun was shining so young witches and wizards arrived in hoards.

"We didn't sleep together, just so you know" Daphne whispered, out of the blue as we had a break in queuing customers.

"Really? That's not what I heard" I giggled.

"Yes really you know I'd tell you, but there were other things" Daphne raised her eyebrows suggestively and I couldn't stop myself from giggling again.

"Oh Celeste, he's wonderful. He was such a gentlemen and very good" Daphne gushed, even as an elderly witch came to pay for her items.

We served a few more patient customers, when the twins finally reappeared from their office and took over for us.

"Would you mind just helping around the shop, since you're here?" George asked cheekily.

"Yeah, we'd really appreciate it. We'll take you both out for a pint after to say thank you" Fred added.

"Oh and Charlie will be joining us, he's in the country at the moment and hasn't seen the shop yet so he'll be coming around closing" George grinned.

I hadn't seen Charlie in years, he never came home for Christmas or even during summer. I think the last time I'd seen him was when the family got back from their trip to Egypt and that had been a long time ago now. I was excited at the prospect of seeing an old friend again.

"Who's Charlie?" Daphne whispered to me, as we went to go tidy a WonderWitch display.

"Another Weasley brother, he's lovely you'll get along just fine" I reassured her. It must have been daunting for her meeting somebody with such a large family. I'd known them all for so long it felt perfectly normal but I wanted to make sure Daphne felt just as comfortable.

"Where's he visiting from?" she asked quietly.

"Romania, where you went last summer! So you'll have a lot to talk about" I said, patting her arm. She went quiet and gave me a small smile, before returning to tidying the shelves.

It drew closer to 7pm and I began to bubble with excitement to see Charlie. Every time the door chimed, I'd look over to see if it was him, but even as it came time to close he still hadn't arrived.

"Always bloody late" Fred muttered under his breath, as he clicked the lock on the door.

We all began lifting boxes of new toys and sweets that had arrived so there was less work for tomorrow, when there was a knock on the glass. My eyes darted over to see a tall, stocky red haired boy waving at us through the window pane. He'd grown much taller since I saw him last but still nowhere near as tall as the twins.

Fred waved his wand and a loud clicking sound came from the lock again as it opened. We called him in and Charlie opened the door, looking around the shop in awe.

"Bloody hell you two! Look at this" he laughed, pulling Fred into a hug.

I moved forward, putting my box down to the side to greet him.

"Celeste?" he chuckled, as I flung my arms around him, "How have they managed to swindle you into working for them?"

"Well actually.." Fred said, putting his arm around me and I beamed up at him.

"No! Really?" Charlie gasped, patting Fred on the back "Well done little brother"

I slipped out from under Fred's arm to look for Daphne, she must not have heard him come in.

"He's here" I called to the back and I saw her reappear with another box from the office.

"Oh wonderful" she said, coming to the front.

As she stepped down her eyes fixed on the fiery haired boy and went wide. The box slipped between her fingers and dropped to the ground, making a deafening racket, as its content rattled and shattered inside.

Everybody's eyes shot in her direction, including Charlie's. His face dropped, as what looked like an expression of recognition flashed across it.

"Daphne?" he called out.

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