Beyond the Realms of Reason (...

By Miracle-the-Fangirl

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A human from our world gets teleported to the trollhunters show. Now they must find a way home without destro... More

A New World
Figuring Things Out
A Friendly Visit and an OtherWordly Call
HeartStone TrollMarket
A Heroes Merit
Trollhunters Woes
Magic Musings
Gnome Hunters
Reposting this from another Chapter
Hi this is important
CreepSlayerz X Reader?
Small Issue
A Decision to Make
Waka Chaka
I started a Ko-Fi!!!
Goblins and Changelings
Guys I'm Alive, Chill

Shrinking Solves Everything

2K 76 55
By Miracle-the-Fangirl

( A/N: How am I only half way through episode four? I'm almost at 150 pages already. Geez this book is my longest. It's gonna be like 1,000 pages by the time I make it to season two. Might split it into seasons and might make it an X Reader series.

Also decided to stay on WattPad because the haters shouldn't take a place I love away from me.

As for furture stories when I get to season two/three of Trollhunters I think I'll also make a 3below X Reader 😂😂😂)

 Handing you the horngazel you smile at Toby taking it. Looking out at the canal and the sunny day beyond the bridge you sigh. Jumping up and making a perfect semi circle the lines you drew glow a soft orange. Looking at Jim and Toby you nod. Punching the wall the rock crumbles and fades away before you three step through the opening.

 "Oh nice one." Toby comments as you hand him his horngazel back.

  Smiling as you walk towards the stairs shaking your hand you chuckle.

 "Yeah I felt that one." Rubbing your wrist to make the sting go away the entrance closes up behind you, leaving you in darkness. Going forward the steps illuminate the room making all of you blue.

 "So what do you think Blinky has planned for us?" You begin to question hopping down the stairs backwards. Jim shrugs and your about to ask another question when you feel a rough pull. You had barely jumped off the last crystal step when Blinkous appeared and began pushing you all somewhere.

 "Woah Blink where's the fire?" Jim asks as Aarrrgh walks next to you. Trolls watch but quickly look unintrested as your ushered down the stalls.  

 "Yeah Blinky slow down." You complain but the troll ignores you only stopping his shoving when you all arrive in a room with a large thing that was covered in a tarp.

 As he walks away you take a deep breath looking around. You were near the forge but your not exactly sure where in TrollMarket he took you. Taking a step backwards to try and understand where your at better you pause. The only thing in this room other than some various crystals strewn about and some boxes was something under a large tarp. Seeing what looked like an oversized version of Morganas crown poking out from under the sheets you tilt your head before a deep sense of dread fills your chest.

 Your hands begin to glow as the emerald and gold gem you kept in your pocket began to burn. Backing up feeling trapped Aarrrgh nudges you forward chuffing. Blinky claps his hands together getting your attention and you shove your fists in your pockets to keep from using your magic.  

 "My apologizes but there is no time Friend (Y/N)!" Blinkous cheers. "I have acquired what we need!" He states proudly before gesturing to the giant tarp. "Now remember Master Jim when I said all Trollhunters must start small?" Blinky asks using his finger to make a small pinching motion.

 Jim looks at you than Blinkous. Shrugging at him he hums and follows Blinky to stand by the tarped thing. Toby rushes over hand grazing over the tarp curiously.

 Chuckling you hug your arms close, realizing your fear was stupid. Morgana was trapped and she wouldn't be released for some time. Sticking by Aarrrgh to calm down you observe the sheet with the boys. What could be under that thing? 

 "Well what is it?" Turning towards Jim, Blinky smiles at him rubbing his hands together excited. Laughing the troll pulls at the sheet sweeping the tarp off the machine with flare. Blinking you stare at the Furgolator machine in front of you.

  Oh no.

 "Full disclosure. I'm a little worried how I let you talk me into this." Jim admits and you nod agreeing as you begin to inch closer. Toby ignores you both and stares at the machine. He begins touching the Furgolator, hands feeling the copper plating it was made of. His fingers also trace over the gems on the outside of the machine as he awes over it's design.

  "Awesome sauce..." Toby murmers.

  Looking closely you hum agreeing. The Furgolator was pretty awesome sauce. It had deep grooves and complicated designs on the outside, swirls and patterns surrounding gems that were embedded in the metal of the machine. Complicated parts could be seen as it slowly buzzed to life. 

  Standing by Toby observing the machine he scoots to give you room. Touching the Furgolator it was cold under your fingertips but certain parts of it felt warmer. The warm parts must be where the fuel lines. Humming curiously as you close your eyes you could feel a slight pull of magic. This machine didn't run on technology alone.

 Looking at Blinky worried he grunts ignoring your concern as he begins pressing buttons fine tuning the equipment for human use.

 "Still bad idea." Aarrrgh states crinkling his nose at the Furgolator. You nod watching as smoke billows out of the pipes in big black puffs, creaking and huffing noises escaping the relic as it sputters to life.

 The metal warms under your hand and you pull away feeling it begin to burn. Grabbing Toby he whines but as the room grows hot he understands why you did what you did.

  "Thanks." You nod and he shoulder bumps you making you laugh as you bump back.

  Watching Blinky type and seeing Jim fidget you feel anxious. Aarrrgh comes towards you, gently nuzzling you and Toby. Smiling you turn giving him some scratches before looking back at Blinkous.

 "Yeah I agree with Aarrrgh maybe..." You start to suggest. You were worried about Jim getting hurt when he shrunk. After all with you in this world it was possible anything could change and you didn't want to watch your friend suffer. What if something went wrong? What if it was your fault? 

 "Nonsense Master Jim will be fine!" Blinky persuades as he takes Jim's shoulders and leads him into the Furgolators open doors. 

 "Wait a minute so how does me going into this thing help me get a gnome out of a hole?" Jim asks leaning against the padded wall of the Furgolator.

  Orange circles cover his face as the light from the machine shines on him. He holds up his hand looking away from one pointing directly into his eye and glances at Blinky concerned before looking to you and Toby.

 You both shrug and Jim swallows nervously making you feel guilty.

 "Blinky maybe we could do something else?" You question. 

 "If the gnome won't come out the Trollhunter must go in!" Blinky responds confidently as he finished his button mashing. The Furgaloator hummed as it was now set.

 "Wait. What?" Jim asks confused.

 "Blinky what if I tried magic again? Maybe it'll work this time!" You state watching as the Furgolator slolwy closes with Jim inside.

 "Haha don't worry!" Blinky states. "We often use the Furgolator to compress minerals." He assures before walking towards Toby. "And now for the anthracite." 

 "Hey!" Toby protests as Blinky takes away his new rock. You pat Tobies shoulder and watch as the doors close around Jim trapping him inside the golden coffin.

 "Wait! But you've done this a few times on flesh and bone right?" Jim pauses as Blinky doesn't answer. "Right?" He demands beginning to panic. You hear him start to bang on the door and your hands shake as you look to Blinky for conformation. 

 "Not exactly." Blinkous responds putting the anthracite into the machines power core to make it turn on. "But I'm not concerned." He says waving his hand as if to push any anxiety he had aside.

 "I am! Come on I could give my magic another go or we could lure the gnome out!" You respond panicked. 

 "Yeah your not the one trapped in this thing!" Jim agrees as he keeps pounding on the door. 

 "Nothing to worry about Master Jim. Friend (Y/N). Tobias. Trollhunters work best under pressure after all." Blinky assures.

 The machine begins filling with smoke and steam making it impossible to see Jim through the glass. You bite your lip anxiously as Jim begins coughing from the other side. Hot air pours out from the pipes and the gems on the Furgolator glow brightly.

 "Blinky?" You question but the scholar ignores you, focusing only on the Furgolator.

 "I can't see anything!" Jim states choking on the heavy smoke. "Why is there so much smoke?" Coughing and hacking the machine begins rattling violently silencing his complaints.

 "JIM!" Running up to the Furgolator you begin clawing at it. What if Jim suffocated? What if what happened in the show didn't happen here and something went wrong? What if you were stuck here forever and things ended up terribly for these characters because of you? 

 "Come on you guys have to get him out of there!" Toby agrees with you pulling on the Furgolators doors. The metal burns but you ignore the sting as your hands start glowing again. Grunting as you try and pry the doors apart the machines to strong for you. Blinky rushes forward seeming panicked and turns towards Aarrrgh. 

 "Aarrrgh don't just stand there! Help!" Aarrrgh gently pushes you and Toby aside before pulling the doors apart. The rattling stops and you all hold your breath as the smoke slowly clears away.

 "Well looks like it didn't work. Hope you have a Plan B." Jim states waving away some left over smoke as he steps out of the machine. Staring at tiny Jim you blink repeatedly, he was just so small. Looking up at you he screams backing up before falling backwards.

 "On the contrary." Blinky states and you glare pushing the troll aside to get on your knees in front of Jim. 

 "He's like an action figure." Toby states in awe as he bends down to get a better look. Rocks dig into your knees but you don't care as you look at Jim. Well at least he seemed okay. 

 "The Furgolator functioned perfectly!" Blinky states. As you hold out your hands for Jim, Blinky picks him up staring at his work. Huffing you stand dusting yourself off as you watch Jim get jostled around by Blinkous. Grabbing your friend, holding him carefully Jim looks fine. He's glancing around at everything and he seems a bit shell shocked but your glad he looks okay otherwise.

 "... I'm... I'm tiny..." He mumbles in disbelief and you nod looking at him concerned.

 "How are you feeling? Are you hurt? Injured? Anything feel wrong?" Aarrrgh nudges you outside of the room pushing you towards Bagdwellas shop. Nodding at Aarrrgh you begin the walk there. Passing stores trolls pause to stare at you and Jim. Some chuff amused while others try and get closer. Using a hand to cover him you step closer to Aarrrgh for protection as you shy away from any onlooking trolls.

 "I feel fine. Really! There's no difference except I'm five inches tall instead of five feet." He hums. Nodding Jim squirms in your hand as he looks around. "Woah everything felt big before but now..." Staring at everything and how trolls made things plus sized you realize he must feel like an ant. Chuckling at the absurd predicament your now in, he smiles at you.

 Blinky taps your shoulder making you pause as you stare at the gnome hole in the wall. You'd been so busy talking to Jim you didn't remember walking into the shop. But here you were.

 "Well go on!" Bagdwella urges and you look at Jim unsure. He nods at you and you sigh. Glancing at your backpack your eyes light up.

 "Hold on." Handing him a tough button off your bag he holds it like a shield. "Until you can get your armor back maybe this'll help you avoid the gnomes teeth." You offer. He nods and looks into the hole. The green crystals glow around him and you watch as he breathes in before turning to glare at Blinky.

 "Real subtle." Jim states waving his new shield around. "Oh we've got to start small. Deal with the little problem. This is a huge problem! I can't be shrunk! I have exams to take and sinks to reach! And Draal! How am I supposed to fight him like this? Blinky I'm not just a Trollhunter! I'm a student I take care of my mom! I have things I have too do!" Jim protests about his small size. He may have been interested in it the first few moments but now the situation was hitting him like a brick.

 "You have a gnome to catch." Blinky corrects. Glaring at him you look at Jim with a small frown.

 "Well if all else fails I'm sure I can reverse it. Somehow...?" You say with hope. He sighs slowly calming down and nods. Holding out your fist he rolls his eyes before pounding it.

 "Yeah alright. And if I get eaten blame Blinky." He states. You smile and Jim smiles back before Blinky ruins the moment. 

 "Now onward Master Jim and fetch your destiny!" Toby scrounges around the shop and finding what he's looking for he hands Jim a pencil.

 "You're sword my liege." Punching Tobies shoulder Jim also jabs him with the pencil making you snort. "Owww." The redhead whines.

 "That's what you get for teasing him." You joke and Toby pouts as he sucks on the finger Jim poked.

 Rolling his eyes Jim salutes before he walks into the gnome hole. Grunting the pencil caught on the wall making him loose balance. Crying out waving the pencil around as he fell backwards you reach for him. Putting your hand out he falls on it and looks at you greatfully before blushing.

  Swallowing nervously Jim pushes himself back up and nods at you before adjusting his pencil. Taking a deep breath in he once again walks back into the gnomes home.

 "Uh one last thing to know when dealing with a gnome, Master Jim, and this is of dire importance. Do not touch it's hat." Blinky yells into the hole. Jim pauses and watching him turn he huffs at Blinky.

 "Of course it's right there in A brief Recapitulation." He responds sarcastically.

 "You remember?" Blinky questions amazed. Looking back at him he was shaking Aarrrghs arm and smiling. You roll your eyes and go back to looking for Jim. Toby pushes you aside to get a turn but you only give him half the space wanting to keep Jim in your line of sight.

 "Of course not!" Jim snaps from deep in the tunnel. "Nothing in this world makes sense!" He adds before turning a corner. Sighing you pull back letting Toby take the space as Jim was long gone.

 "We didn't cover that chapter last night. We had some other studies to deal with..." You mumble and Blinky huffs dropping Aarrrghs arm choosing to instead cross his own.

  As Jim continues going further you listen to the gnome chitter mindlessly, it's voice traveling out of the gnome hole.

  "good luck..." You hum. 

 Minutes pass and soon noises of angry chittering and growls are heard along with Jims screams. There's a lot of banging and loud shuffling.

 "That doesn't sound favorable..." Blinky murmers and you turn looking at him panicked. Going back to the hole you and Tobies faces are squished together as you look inside waiting for Jim to come out. 

 Silence. Your stomach drops as there's only silence...

 "Why hasn't he come out? Why is it quiet?" Toby demands and you shake watching the gems glow and dim in the gnome hole. Jim had to be alright right? He defeats Gnome Chompsky and you guys keep him at Tobies house where he falls in love with the Sally doll and he goes to the DarkLands and... Breathing in deeply as you grip the rock outside the gnome hole you feel your hands go numb. He couldn't be gone could he?  

 Hearing chittering you sigh relieved. Looking back into the hole Jim was in his armor wearing gnome Chompsky's hat. He poked the poor creature with his sword forcing the little guy to move forward.

 "You did It!" You state seeing Jim and he smiles nodding as the others begin to clap. 

 "Thankyou. Thankyou! I don't want to forget the little people." He teases pushing the gnome out of the hole. 

 "Expedient and good humored." Blinky praises and you roll your eyes playfully before looking back at Jim. 

 "How are you-" You begin to ask but Bagdwella pushes you out of the way.

 "Oh my hero!" She states. Jim throws the gnomes hat and Gnome Chompsky dives for it. Ignoring Bagdwellas behavior as she gushes over Jim you snatch the gnome with his hat and humming loudly while concentrating he falls asleep in your arms. 

 "And what about this shrinking stuff? When does it wear off?" Jim asks looking past Bagdwella to talk to Blinky. 

 "Don't worry Master Jim. Sleep it off." Blinky instructs. "By morning you'll be as good as new. And how you have earned it! Jim the gnome slayer!" He praises. Rocking gnome Chompsky you look to Toby as he walks up too you.

 "He was so young. There was so much music left in him." Toby says as he looks at the  sleeping gnome in your arms. 

 "Relax I didn't kill him. He's just asleep. Vendels been teaching me different elemental spells along with some self defense charms. The sleep ones been helping me a lot actually." You shrug. So far you could make yourself sleep and apprentally tiny creatures. You'd tried on Vendel but all he did was yawn and instruct you to keep practising as he left you to your studies.

 Some teacher he was. So far almost everything was self taught from scrounging around his old books.

 "Oh I want in on that action." Toby says grabbing your arm. About to respond a loud cough makes you pause.

 "Ahem." Blinky coughs interrupting your conversation and getting your attention. "Now all that is left is for you to take care of it." He states glaring at the gnome in your arms. 

 "Wait what? Take care of it?" Jim questions. You look worried as you keep humming holding Gnome Chompsky close. He was chittering softly in his sleep flashing his teeth every now and then but he was honestly pretty harmless.

 "I can do that. Little cutie when he's not being a terror." You state craddling him close. You know what Blinky means but as you hold Chompsky you don't want to think of him getting hurt.

 "No Friend (Y/N)." Blinky says before chuckling. He taps his fingers together before shuffling nervously. "You misunderstand." He states.

 "Rule number two." Aarrrgh explains and you pale thinking of killing the poor gnome. Your need him in the furture and he wasn't all bad. Once he calmed down he was actually super nice. He just wanted a home and Bagdwella wasn't the greatest troll. She'd drive you crazy too.

 "Always finish the fight!" Blinky says excited. Swallowing you hold Chompsky closer as your humming gets more aggressive. 

 "And by finish...?" Jim asks concerned. Blinky hums.

 "Deaden. End. Le coup de grâce." The troll further explains. Aarrrgh makes a cut throat motion to clarify and you fidget not liking where this conversation is going. 

 "Well... It's been a long day. Lets uhhhh... end the guy at home huh?" You question and Jim and Toby nod.

 "Ahhhhh yes well you've done your job for the day. I agree. Go home. Rest and study for school. Read a Brief Recapitulation of Troll lore if you can." Blinky instructs as you all go to leave.

  Hurrying out of Bagdwellas shop Toby holds Jim close.

 "Hey not so rough Tobes!" Jim complains as Toby squeezes him a little too tightly. 

 "Sorry Jimbo it's weird you being all tiny and stuff." Toby answers as he gently pokes Jim. He frowns holding Daylight tightly and Tobes swallows placing Jim on his shoulder.

  "Better." Jim says and you smile walking towards the exit of Trollmarket.

 "Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" You wave and Blinky waves back before cursing as Bagdwella shoos Aarrrgh and him out of her shop.


 Nana was sleeping when you snuck in through the kitchen.

  Walking into the living room it smelled of old mothballs and cats. Pink faded walls with black and white pictures and porcelain lined shelves greeted you. Various scratching posts were placed around the room along with cat toys as the animals wandered around the house. A thin layer of dust and cat hair covered everything leaving the air stale as you stepped onto the fluffy carpet. In the corner you noticed a vintage oak desk overflowing with mail and newspapers. Old bookshelves lined with leatherbound classics poked out from another room.

   Stepping further into Tobies home you paused taking it all in. Jumping at a loud sound Toby chuckles as he gestures towards his sleeping Nana on the couch. She'd been so still you hadn't noticed her until she let out a loud snore.

 "She fell asleep watching her shows again." Toby hummed. "She'll be out til morning." Nana's knitting needles were in hand but they were positioned like a weapon rather than a tool. The way she held them tightly even as she slept made you wonder what she'd experienced in her lifetime and who had hurt her. 

  Toby walks towards his Nana. He places Jim  down on the desk next to the couch as he went to get some things.

 "Huh wonder what she'd say if she saw me. I bet she'd say I needed to eat more cause I'm so small." He teased. You laugh and he smiles. "Good old Nana." Jim hummed as he sat down next to a plate of her half eaten cookies. You nod agreeing as the t.v played some kind of soap opera in the background as the woman peacefully snored.

  Toby came back gently taking the knitting needles from her and moved her project safley to the side. He then grabbed a blanket to put over her while you turned off the television smiling fondly at the old woman. Toby adjusts her to be more comfortable against the many pillows and she doesn't even twitch as he repositions her.

 "Yeah. Nana was always worried about string bean Jim. Or why one of us hadn't coupled with (Y/N) yet. She'd probably ask if one of us killed somebody since we were out so late. Or she'd question if we secretly got married." He chuckles as he gently takes off her glasses, putting them on the desk.

  Jim hopped up on Tobies open hand and you paused looking at Toby than Nana.

 Toby and Nana never got much time together on screen but from the theories you'd read and what you'd seen on the show Nana was a good caretaker. Even if she was eccentric and very old. Hearing the buzz of the t.v as it slowly turned off you hum noticing pictures on the walls you'd never noticed in the show.

 "Come on she's out like a light." Toby states as he starts walking away. A cat lands on Nana and you smile seeing them curl up against her.

 Following after Toby to the upstairs you pause to wipe the dust away from a black and white photo. You nod seeing Nana in a military uniform. If she said she was alive in World War Two like she'd said in the show you had no doubt she'd cut off more than a few Natzis heads.

 "(Y/N)?" Toby questions and you step away going up after him. Seeing a little redhead and a younger looking Nana with a woman and man in a different picture, you hum before ducking into Tobies room.

  "So about the gnome?" You inquire as you flop down on the bed. Chompsky squirms and you hum to make him settle again. You'd almost forgetten he was still in your arms with how quiet he was.

 "Yeah Jimbo. You're the Hunter what should we do about him?" Toby asks as he tickles Chompsky's tummy.

 "Oh who are we kidding? I can't kill this thing. I nearly had dinner with it!" Jim whines as he stares at the sleeping creature. Getting comfortable on Tobies bed looking around his room you glance at Jim surprised.

 "Wait you did? What do gnomes even eat?" You question dragging the troll lore book off Tobies desk and onto the bed. Flipping through Blinkies book, the words were flashing and changing so you could read them but some of them couldn't be translated and gave you a headache as they glitched across the page. Looking at the gnome section you close the book and sign. 

 "What I mean is. None of us are killers." Jim snaps and you hum acknowledging his statement.

 "... I am." Toby signs as he fiddles with Jims amulet. You watch as he sits on his desk chair and kicks his feet looking guilty.

 "You are?" Jim and you ask confused.

 "Detective Snuggles. Nana warned me not to leave my chocolate laying around. But it was just after Easter and I pulled in a big haul. I never thought that cat would find my stash. But he did. And by the time I found him it was too late..." Toby mumbles rubbing his arm. 

 "That's rough Tobes." You counsel and he sighs nodding.

 "Death by chocolate. There are worse ways to go." Jim says trying to cheer Toby up. 

 "That wasn't the worst of it. I never had the heart to tell Nana so to cover up the murder, I used to eat his cat food just to make it look like he was still around." Toby begins sobbing but your left confused. 

 "... Toby why didn't you just dump his catfood out? Or... Put it back into the catfood bag?" You ask.

 "I liked it!" He responds still crying his eyes out. You scruch up your nose both concerned and slightly disturbed.

 Hearing a yawn you pause seeing Jim stretch on the pillow next to you.

 "Don't beat yourself up Tobes. We all had a big day and nows not the time to deal with this. We'll figure this out tomorrow when things are back to normal." He states laying down as he gets comfy on Tobies pillow. 

 "But no you can't Jim. You have your exam to worry about." Toby states.

 "Yeah we probabaly still need to practice." You hum but Jim's already curled up on the pillow ready to rest.

 "Good night Tobes. Night (Y/N)." He mumbles. Poking Jim he was out cold and you sign.

 "And then there were two." You state before yawning loudly. You had to admit Jim had the right idea.

 "... Go to bed, Tiny Jim. You too (Y/N). By morning rise the dark deed will be done. And my soul will be damned." Toby states going to take Gnome Chompsky from you. 

 "Or and hear me out." You respond. "... We take care of him?" Craddling the gnome close to you, Toby blinks confused.

 "Wait. What do you mean?" He asks. 

 "Well..." You start before looking away. "What if we took care of him? I know Blinky said kill but as humans the rules are slightly different for us. Take care of doesn't have to mean kill does it?" Humming Toby looks at you and then Gnome Chompsky as he holds a loose pillow case.

 "Well.... technically your right." Toby agrees.

 "Look Tobes I'm exhausted how bout we....?" Looking around his room your face lights up seeing a cat container. "We could keep him contained for the night." You suggest pointing at the carrier. "We can see what Jim thinks tomorrow. But I think this is the best option. After all he has so much music left in him." You add quoting what he said earlier.

 Toby looks hesitant but staring at you and the sleeping gnome he shrugs.

 "Alright. I don't see anything wrong with waiting. After all were doing what Blinky asked. Were taking care of it." He agrees. Smiling Toby grabs a blanket stuffing it in the carrier before placing Gnome Chompsky on top.

 Laying down glad that's settled, the long day catches up with you. You feel your eyes begin to close as you quietly begin humming yourself to sleep.

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