Ma Chérie (Beverly Marsh x Fe...

By Itsametaphorsee

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You move into an apartment after your house burns down(supposedly due to a candle fire). You hang out with th... More

Read before starting the story!!
Intro to your character
Chapter 1: Auditions
Chapter 2: Moving in
Chapter 3: The Project
Chapter 4: Truth or Dare
Chapter 5: Farming is my "secret" joy
Chapter 6: The new kid
Chapter 7: First incident
Chapter 8: Christmas
Chapter 9: Someone called me
Chapter 10: The Confession
Chapter 11: Why Victor was so nice
Chapter 12: Stop Being a Dick
Chapter 13: Fifty Dollars
Chapter 14: Therapy
Chapter 15: I'm about to do something illegal
Chapter 16: Two hours of torture
Chapter 17: The Real Reason
Chapter 18: Beverly comes over
Chapter 19: Forgiveness?
Chapter 20: The Valentine's Day dance
Chapter 21: I guess we're official?
Chapter 22: I Love Play Rehersal
Chapter 23: I love it when I can't see anything
Chapter 24: My Boyfriend is Jealous (And So Is Richie's)
Chapter 26: Happy Birthday
Chapter 27: The Play
Chapter 28: Another Dead Person
Mandatory Break
Chapter 29: Lasting Repercussions
Chapter 30: A Vacation??!
Chapter 31: A Renaissance Faire, Whatever That Is
Chapter 32: Video Games

Chapter 25: Another Boring Day at School. Right?

168 12 0
By Itsametaphorsee

Still March 8th, 1989

Your P.O.V

I can already tell today is going to be fantastic. I walked in with the Losers, I'm wearing Richie's clothes, Henry is already being a dick, and I just lied to Addison. Oh joy. Seeing the tension in the room, well, hallway, I decide to take my leave. "Well, I'm going to go to class. Bye!"

I sprint away, so I can get to class on time. It was about to get really stressful for me to be there. Good thing I have therapy later. Class doesn't start for another five minutes, and thankfully I made it before the bell. For some reason, Richie makes it on time too.

"Wow Y/n, fancy meeting you here!" Ah, wonderful, he's being an even more annoying dumbass now, since we're 'friends'. I smile with murder in my eyes.

"It's almost as if we go to the same school and have this class together!" The sarcasm oozes through my voice. "Now sit your ass down."

"Fine, Mom." He draws out the Mom part.(I think that's the right phrasing) He does sit down though. Miss Thomas starts teaching, and I take notes. Since we finished the book, we're going to do a review of it tomorrow. (I totally know how public schools work guys) I should get a good grade for this, since I read it twice outside of school, and I did all the work we were assigned on it.

Of course, Tozier will probably get a good grade too, since he's 'smart'. I will give him credit for studying well though. Whenever we get an assignment, he always spends at least a little time doing it in school. I'm not sure what he does outside of school, other than hang out with his friends, and play video games. Why do I care about Tozier right now? This doesn't relate to anything at all.

Miss Thomas continues talking, and I continue tuning her out, because I couldn't care less about the assignments that are due. When I get time like this, I like to imagine writing a story where I get to fall in love with Beverly, and nobody has any issues about us dating. If only people weren't such inconsiderate assholes. I sigh dreamily, thinking of how good that life would be.

"Yyyyy/nnnnnnnn." Richie pokes me, and makes me leave my little dreamworld. "Why aren't you paying attention to meeeee?"

"Hmmm, maybe because we're in class?" I reply, with fake astonishment. "And, even though we told each other who we like, we still aren't great friends like the Loser's club is for you."

He pouts, and sits back in the chair. I feel soOoOo bad for him, with his group of really good friends, and pretty decent family. At least for a family in Derry. Nobody has died, they don't seem terrible, they seem to care, and Richie probably would have told me if something was up, since I feel like he would trust me with that more than he would trust his friends. I'm not saying his friends aren't trustworthy, it's just that that is a big secret.

Anyways, that's not important, what's important is the fact that class is almost over. Time does fly when you aren't doing something boring. In fact-nevermind, I have social studies next, and it's not really interesting, so I guess it will take longer.

Today I get to learn how Abraham Lincoln wasn't racist and how he was tOtAllY an abolitionist. Smell that? Smells like white-washed bullshit to me. (Abraham Lincoln was kind of racist, I looked it up. Him being an abolitionist, that part is complicated, so you can decide for yourself.) I know, I know, he is remembered for the Emancipation proclamation, and freeing slaves, but I was reading some history books the other day, and it takes about his views on slavery. It was surprising to find that type of book in Derry, considering what a shitty town it is.

"Abraham Lincoln was born poor, and would often read books by the fire, since he had to stop going to school at a young age." I take some notes, but I'm more focused on what we're going to do for the musical. It's exciting, but also scary how close opening night is. Thank God tech week is finished. That's usually the worst part. "Who can tell me where President Lincoln was assassinated?" She points to Cady, who wasn't quite paying attention.

"Umm, wasn't it in a theatre, in one of those balcony seats?" She got it mostly correct, but she forgot the name of the theatre.

"It was a theatre, but to be more specific it was Ford's Theatre."

The bell rings, and we're dismissed to our next class. At least these teachers let us go when the bell rings, and not when they dismiss us. I do a dance in my head, because I get to do Home Ec! Most of the time, it's like we just get to do whatever you want, as long as it's something useful. We wouldn't be allowed to just play video games. I side eye Richie when I think that.

Right now, I'm working on a dress for my birthday, since it happens soon. It's weird, I'm turning 13 now. I know that I'm a little younger than Beverly, but it's just like two months. At least I'm not dating one of the Bowers gang or anything. Addison was born in 1975, so he's turning 14 this year.

In Home Ec, Richie and I enjoy "messing" with each other's projects. Sometimes I'll steal some tools he needs, and then he'll use my fabric as a cloak, or steal the food coloring I use. It's a fun game, well, it's not really a game, but it's fun nonetheless.

I'm not sure what Richie's doing currently because he won't let me see it I'm thinking, that maybe it has something to do with Eddie. But that doesn't explain why he's hiding it, since I know he likes Eddie. I understand that he wouldn't want other people to see, but it shouldn't be anything too risqué.

Unlike in literature, I bother Richie instead of him bothering me. It's much more fun when you're not the one being bothered. He does get annoyed with me, but he loves me too much, so he doesn't do anything to retaliate.

"I said it was a secret, which means it's none of your business." He covers up, whatever it is that he's making, with a cloth. It's a very opaque cloth and I can't see through it.

"Why won't you let me see it? Is it really that embarrassing?" I keep trying to lift up the cloth, but he keeps blocking my movements. For a scrawny kid he's pretty fast. I mean, not that I would tell him that, I don't want him to get an ego. Besides, he's probably going to grow up famous, after he leaves Derry. Hardly anybody leads a successful life in Derry, it's such a shitty town. The only people I can think of that had a semi successful life, are-actually, I can't think of any right now.

I know for a fact, that I am leaving Derry as soon as I can I know that I'm going to move to, probably New York, but you never know. I'm hoping to get some small acting jobs. Who knows, maybe I'll be famous. Wouldn't that be great? Me, a famous Broadway actress.

I talked with Richie a little bit more, I'm not really about anything important. We just discuss things like crushes, history, and the occasional dirty joke.

The second I see Beverly she's already in class, probably because she got off early maybe anyways, what's important is the fact that she gave me a hug. she did look a little bit confused after she pulled away, but didn't say anything so I didn't think much of it.

A couple minutes before class starts, she taps on my shoulder. "Why are you wearing Richie's clothes, and if they're not Richie's, then why do they smell like him?"

Apparently she didn't notice that when she saw me walk in, with the Loser's I might add. "I was at Richie's for a study project, and it was too close to curfew, plus it was really rainy, so his mom told me to spend the night and I didn't have clothes, as you can see." I gesture at the clothes I'm wearing. She should care less then Addison did, because I'm not dating her -yet-.

Beverly's P.O.V.

Y/n didn't come home after her date yesterday. That kind of scared me, but her mom said she was spending the night at a friend's house, but she didn't tell me which friend, so that still scared me. When she walked in with Bill and his group of friends, wearing something that looked like Richie's clothes, I felt jealous.

I thought she would leave me for them. I didn't want her to go away, she's the only person who knows about the things my dad does to me. Only some of the things, but it's more than I've told anyone else. Another reason is because she's my only friend, everyone else either hates me, or doesn't want to talk to me, in fear of being lowered to my 'status' of popularity. The last reason is because she makes me feel light, when she smiles, it seems like she's the only other person on Earth, and whenever she grabs my hand, I get this funny feeling in my stomach.

But that's just what having good friends is like, right? I'm sure she feels the same about her other friends. The ones she used to spend all her time with. I haven't noticed her spending too much time with her friends outside of school, other than Brenna, but they have been friends since she moved here, and she hasn't been friends with the rest of them for quite so long.

Her other friends do look at me with disgust when she sits by me for lunch every other school day.

Ignoring the unnecessary stuff, I walk to Science! One of the few classes I have with Y/n. I step in the classroom, and see that we have some new books at each desk. I look at the one on my desk and see that it is a book about biology. (In case you weren't aware, Mx Valencia teaches all the sciences.) Some people are already here, but Richie and Y/n have just walked in, and they appear to be arguing.

Y/n walks over to me, and asks, "Do you think that Addison just wanted to date me because I'm pretty?" She folds her arms and looks angrily at Richie. I'm guessing that Richie said something about that, because she seems really pissed off.

"Why would he? I mean, there's plenty of other reasons why he would date you, like: you have a good sense of humor, you are a talented musical theatre actress, and you're caring." I list off a couple positive things that I've noticed about Y/n, and of course there are some negative things, one of them being she gets angry and violent easily.

I smile at Y/n once I finish, and see that she's got this heart-eyed look, in her eyes, obviously. "Do you really think that?"

With a burst of confidence, I rest my hand on her shoulder, and look into her eyes. "Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't have said that. You mean a lot to me Y/n." She blushes a bit, and I can feel my face heat up, too. Oh, my God, what did I just say? I mean, obviously I'm badass, but not when it comes to romance. "Oh, um- I need to go." I step out of the classroom, and see Greta Keene passing by.

"Why do you look so flushed? Having a massive orgy with all the guys in there?" She smirks, and pops the bubble she was blowing.

Rolling my eyes, I respond. "Well, at least I could get some action if I wanted to. Meanwhile, you're stuck watching over your daddy's store whenever you have free time."

"Ugh, whatever." Disappointed, she walks away, leaving me alone to calm down.

I don't understand why I need to calm down though, Y/n just blushed at something I said. I didn't mean for it to sound so suave. Well, now I guess I'll have to figure out why I did that. There's definitely an explanation, that isn't me being gay.

After calming myself down enough to go back in the class, I do. I did make a quick stop to the bathrooms, so I can make it seem like I had just washed my hands. Luckily I didn't get caught without a hall pass. I mean, I do skip school a lot, just not enough so that Daddy would notice. I used to do it more often, because that's when I would smoke. I've done it less often now that I'm friends with Y/n.

Miss Valencia (because Beverly doesn't know that Mx Valencia is nonbinary) pauses when I come inside the classroom but resumes shortly after. Obviously, she realizes that I'm not anyone important.

I sit back down, and look over at Y/n. She's staring at her paper, refusing to look at me. It's probably because of what I said to her. Maybe, just maybe, it made her embarrassed, but she's Y/n Michaud, she almost never gets embarrassed.

Class ends, and Y/n gets ready to go to her therapy. Being the good friend I am, I walk her to her parents car. As she drives away, I wave to her. But the moment I step inside the building, Richie Tozier starts talking to me for some reason.

"Soooo, I heard you have a crush on me." He tries to lean against the wall, but he misses, and almost falls.

I walk away as I reply. "Whoever told you that must have been high on something, because there's no way in hell anyone could like you." He follows me, clearly not understanding what me leaving means.

He runs in front of me, and starts walking backwards. "I was joking. I just wanted to know what you were doing outside." I look around, squinting. "Why are you doing that?"

"I was just looking to see where it's part of your business to know what I do." I fold my arms and roll my head on the your.

He folds his arms in the same way I do, and mocks my movements. "If it has to do with Y/n, it is part of my business."

Ouch, that hurts my heart. Does he like her or something? "And why is that?" Please, please don't like her.

"Since she helped me out with something, I decided to make sure nobody fucks with her." I cross my fingers, hoping that whatever she helped him with was homework. Of course, that's fairly unbelievable, but you have to have hope.

"She was just going to her car, so I walked her out." Of course I'm not going to tell him what she's going to her car for. I don't know if he even has permission to know, and I don't want to spread it around, because people might think that she's crazy. "It's not a big deal."

He finally leaves me alone, and I go to Lunch by myself again.

2600 words

I got so excited when I wrote that line  for Beverly, like my brain gave me so much serotonin. Anyways, sorry for not updating, I was simping over two different geniuses. I'll give you a hint to who they are: one rebuilt his brother's healthcare robot, and the other is an alchemist who tried to overthrow a kingdom.

Stay safe and don't do drugs kids.

Wear a mask, wash your hands, and social distance to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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