Pucey To Malfoy

By RoseTs4

8K 203 503

This is the second book to "Why Does It Have To Be Him". Arabella, Kylie and Adrian's daughter, is going into... More

Book 2 Chap.1
Book 2 Chap. 2
Book 2 Chap. 3
Book 2 Chap. 4
Book 2 Chap. 5
Book 2 Chap. 6
Book 2 Chap. 7
Requested Part!
Book 2 Chap. 8
Book 2 Chap. 9
Book 2 Chap. 10
This is like a discussion, pls help lmao
Book 2 Chap. 11
Book 2 Chap. 12
Book 2 Chap. 13
Book 2 Chap. 14
Book 2 Chap. 15
Book 2 Chap. 16
Second Description Since They're Older Now!
Book 2 Chap. 17
Book 2 Chap. 18
Book 2 Chap. 19
Book 2 Chap. 20
Book 2 Chap. 21
Book 2 Chap. 23
Book 2 Chap. 24
Book 2 Chap. 25
Book 2 Chap. 26
Book 2 Chap. 27
Book 2 Chap. 28
Book 2 Chap. 29
Book 2 Chap. 30

Book 2 Chap. 22

256 7 19
By RoseTs4

Just saying, you guys are going to looooove this chapterrrr *wink wink*

Lol, enjoyyy!

~your author <3

Arabella's POV

It was the next day, Sunday, and I woke up around 10, and got dressed.

Candace and Arabia were still asleep so I let them be, and I went to the Slytherin commonroom.

Surprisingly, only Albus was there, and he was sitting down on a couch.

He looked very stressed, his head in his hands, and elbows resting on his knees.


He looked up, and there were bags under his eyes, and his eyes were red and puffy. Had he been crying?

"Oh my goodness, Albus are you okay?!" I asked, rushing over to him.

I sat down next to him, and hugged him, and he hugged me back.

"What's wrong..?"

He sighed. "Have you ever felt like you have no chances?"

"What do you mean?"

He looked at me. "I-I...I like someone, someone I know that won't like me back, and it hurts a lot..."

My eyes widened slightly. "...Arabia..."

He nodded silently.

"I know how you feel Albus...when Scorpius dated someone else, when I was forced into a relationship, it sucks. I know it hurts, I'm sorry..."

He shrugged. "It's fine. It's probably just a small crush or something..."

"How long have you liked her?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment. "Since she and Zach started dating. I know, it's wrong..."

I shook my head. "Albus you can't control who you love. It's okay."

He looked very sad and disappointed. "It's not okay. She loves someone, someone who I'm even friends with, and yet part of me hopes for them to not love each other, just so I can have her. It's completely wrong, I shouldn't even feel this way!"

I sighed and grabbed his hand. "Albus look at me."

He hesitantly looked up, and I smiled softly.

"Loving someone isn't easy. Love hurts, but it's also an amazing feeling. If you love her, okay. Things can happen, you never know..."

He swallowed hard. "What are you getting at."

I looked away. "Zach is moving to the States. Scorpius told me he got a job there..."

His face went white, and he bolted to his feet. "What?!"

I nodded. "He's there already too I think."

He looked like he was about to cry. "What about Arabia?! Does she know?!"

I shook my head.

"N-no she needs to know Arabella! Is this why Zach hasn't been sending her letters?!"

"Probably," I said quietly.

He was freaking out now. I couldn't help but smile though. He really did care for her.

"Albus, look. When Arabia gets the news, you know she's going to be sad. So be there for her. Make sure she knows you care okay?"

He looked at me and nodded. "I will."

"Albus how much do you care for her?" I asked, standing up, and brushing myself off.

We stood there, standing in front of each other.

He stared me straight in the eyes. "How much do you care for Scorpius?"

I smiled. "A lot..."

He smiled weakly. "Then a lot..."

I walked up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Don't give up," I whispered.

He hugged me back. "I won't. Thank you Bella."

We pulled away.

"No problem Albus."


Candace's POV

I stretched and sat up in my bed.

I looked at the time to see that it was 11. Looking around, I saw that only Ara was in here. Which meant Bella probably was with the others in the Slytherin commonroom or something.

Getting up, I went to the bathroom, took a nice shower, and then got out.


I looked to my right. "Yes?"


I wrapped a towel around me, and quickly walked out of the bathroom.

There sitting on her bed, was Arabia. Eyes wide, and tears streaming down her face. She was holding a piece of parchment, and an owl was sitting at our window.

"Arabia what's wrong?" I asked worried.

She shakily held up the letter, and I took it and read it.

Dear Arabia,

I got accepted for a job, but it's in the States.

I'm sorry that I couldn't send letters, I've been traveling for the past couple days.

I'm safe and here now, but there's a few things I need to say.

First, just know that I will always love you Arabia. You're the best and most beautiful girl I've met, and nobody could ever be like you.

But since I'll be living here for a while, I don't know if we can keep this relationship going...

Work will be stressfull, and will take up a lot of my time. Sending letters every day would almost be impossible.

What I'm trying to say love, is that I think that a long distance relationship won't work well for the two of us.

I really want to stay with you, but things happen...

I'm really sorry Arabia. I love you dearly, and always will.

I'll promise to see you again, but it won't be for a few years...

I'm sorry Arabia...I love you.


The letter dropped to the floor and I looked up at Ara.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I let them fall.

"Oh Ara..." I whispered.

She sobbed, and I quickly got dressed, and went back over to her, and hugged her tightly.

"Arabia I am so sorry," I said.

She cried and cried, and I felt so horrible.

I couldn't believe Zach did this to her.

Not only did he not tell her he was leaving, but he broke up with her too...

I let her go, and she stood up and got changed.

God Zach, seriously?


Albus's POV

Arabella went upstairs to wake up Scorpius and Alex, and I stayed downstairs.

Addy, Olive, Roxy, Lucas, Nick, and Noah all came down and joined me.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing I just got no sleep, worrying about upcoming classes," I said, rubbing my eyes.

He nodded.

Lorcan came in, along with Lysander, Rose, and Alice. How they did I have no idea. Although they've all been in here multiple times so they all know the password by now I guess.

Scorpius, Alex, and Arabella came down, and sat down with us.

"Where's Candace and Arabia?" Asked Alice.

"I saw that they were still sleeping when I left, so I let them be," Said Bella.

She nodded.

Arabella sat down next to me, and Scorpius on the other side of her.

"You good man?"

I nodded. "No sleep that's all," I mumbled.

Scorp nodded.

I looked at the entrance of our commonroom and just stared at it.

Why weren't they here yet? Did something happen?

Merlin I had a really bad gut feeling...

Suddenly, Candace and Arabia walked in, and Candace was holding a crying Ara.

Almost everyone got to their feet and rushed over.

"The hell happened? Why is my sister crying!?" Noah exclaimed angrily, pulling her into his embrace.

Candace sighed and sat down. "It's Zach..."

My stomach dropped.

"He's living in the States now, told Arabia that long distance wouldn't work, and broke up with her over letter," she muttered.

My eyes widened.

Arabia was sobbing in her brother's arms, and everyone was completely silent.

Arabella and Candace began to cry, and I could see tears in Addy's, Olive's and pretty much every other girls eyes.

And mine. I could feel them welled up, wanting to set loose again.

"Ara..." Noah whispered, hugging her tightly.

She shook her head.

"No. No," she mumbled.

She broke away from Noah, and ran out of the commonroom.

"Arabia!" Candace exclaimed, standing up.

I bolted out of the commonroom after her, leaving everyone in confusion.

I ran down the hallways after her. She was running to the library, and after a minute, I finally caught up to her.


"Stop following me! Let me be!" she cried, sitting down in the back corner behind a book shelf.

I walked over, and sat in front of her, and she looked away, crying.

"Arabia I'm sorry," I croaked.

She looked at me, and she suddenly started crying harder.

I pulled her into my arms, resting my back against the wall, and letting her lay there in my arms.

Stroking her hair softly, her cries softened, and she gripped onto my shirt tightly.

"Albus it hurts," she sobbed.

I lay my head a top of hers. "I know it does..."

She hugged me tightly, and I hugged her back, wishing for her to stop crying.

We stayed like that, in each other's arms for a good couple minutes until she settled down.

"Thank you Albus," she whispered.

I nodded. "I'll always be here."

She looked up at me, her eyes glistening.

I gazed down at her, and I realized that our faces were quite close, and I felt my face heaten up slightly.

She leaned up and kissed my cheek, and then rested her head against my chest.

I sat there, stunned at what just happened.

She kissed me. My cheek, yes, but still!

I couldn't help the stupid smile that appeared on my face, and I looked down at the gorgeous girl in my arms.

Leaning down, I kissed the top of her head and then closed my eyes and smiled.

Maybe they're right. Maybe I do have a chance...

It's a good thing I didn't give up.


Arabella's POV

I watched as Albus chased after her, and I smiled softly.

Go Albus. Comfort her.

I leaned against Scorpius, who wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I can't believe he did that," Alice whispered.

Alex hugged her tightly and nodded.

Zach may have broke Arabia's heart, but I knew, that Albus would be the one who healed it.

I looked up at Scorpius. "Can we talk?"

He nodded and we walked up to his dorm.

He shut the door, and as normal, I flopped down onto his bed, and hugged his pillow.

"So what is it?" he asked, walking over and sitting down on the edge next to me.

I rolled over, making space for him, and he layed down, and we stared up at the ceiling.

"I think that something extremely good will come out of that break up," I said.

"And that is?"

I looked at him, and he turned and looked at me.


His eyes widened slightly, and he nodded.

"The two deserve one another. In all honesty, I'm a bit surprised, I never expected it, but now that I know it, it seems right," he said.

I completely agreed with that. Albus and Arabia. The two actually fit very good together.

"Agreed. They fit together," I said.

He grinned. "Want to know who else fits together?"

I blushed and looked away. "Who?"

He leaned over next to my ear, his breath on my skin making me shudder.


My heartbeat quickened, and I blushed madly. Butterflies shot around my stomach, and my mind went blank.

He laughed, and pulled me close to him, and I hid my face in his neck.

"Git," I muttered.

He laughed again. "No I'm not."

I scoffed. "Who says that they think they'll look good with someone, and then just laugh about it?" I exclaimed.

He grinned down at me, melting my heart completely.

"I do."

I looked away, but he brought his hand up to my face, forcing me to look at him.

"What do you think?"

Jesus. Your words are killing me Scorpius.

"I think you're a flirtatious git, that's what I think," I said stubbornly, looking down at my hands, trying not to smile.

"You know you like me~" he teased.

"Love..." I muttered.

"Oh? Is that so?"

F*cking dammit why'd I say that?!

I blushed madly, and rolled away from him, falling off the bed. I scrambled to my feet, and so did he, and he stepped in front of the door, arms crossed over his chest with a huge ass smile on his face.

"If you think you're leaving after saying that you're wrong darling," he retorted.

Blushing even harder from the name, I did my best glare.

"Um, yes, yes I do. And you'll let me leave. Arabia's out there and I need to be there-"

"You said it yourself that her and Albus were all good," he said. His eyes darkened, and pupils went big.

I swallowed hard. "Well-just-just let me leave!"

He walked forward, and I stumbled backwards, and soon enough, he had me up against the wall.

"So you love me?" he asked, his eyes playing around with mine.

I looked away. How stupid of me to just blurt that out.

My heart was racing so fast, I thought that it would fly out of my chest any moment.


"Stop being such a tease!" I exclaimed angrily.

He laughed and leaned down, his nose brushing against mine.

"Just admit it."


"Why so stubborn?"


His eyes bore into mine, and I couldn't escape this time. No more running away, this was it.

"Why Arabella?"

I sighed. No backing out now. Just tell him. What's the worst that could happen?

Him saying no...

"Because I don't want to get rejected, and have my heart broken by you," I muttered.

His eyes widened and I narrowed mine.

"Arabella I'd never reject you-"

"How would I know that, for all I know you could like anyone in this world-"

"Arabella how is it not obvious to you that I-"

"I don't understand why-"


"No, S-"

His lips crashed onto mine, and I froze in place.

We were kissing. We were kissing. We were fucking kissing.

He pulled away, and stared into my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up will you?" He growled.


"Now, let me speak."

"But I-"

He brought his finger to my lips, and I fell silent.

"Incase you couldn't understand, for the past what, 6 years? I've been in love with you dammit," he growled. "I can't stop thinking about you, everything I do reminds me of you, you're everywhere."

My heart raced around, and I couldn't even think.

"I only dated Sarah because I thought that'd help me, but hell, it made shit worse. I need you Arabella. I want you. Badly. I could never reject you. Ever."

His words were killing me, and all I wanted was to cry for some reason.

"And it fucking hurt like hell with all those things Luka did to you, because if I wasn't a coward back then, and just asked you out, you would've never had to deal with any shit like that," he said.


"No, I'm not done yet, be quiet," he muttered. I immediately obeyed.

"Buachaill leannán airgid, silver lover boy."

My eyes widened.

"Is leatsa é, it's you. I asked you who it was, and you told me it was me."

My jaw dropped slightly. How did he find out?!

He grinned. "I got the book back, don't you worry."

I glared. "How?!"

"You can thank your sister for that~"

Merlin's beard Addy, seriously?!

"So are you going to admit it or what."

I looked away, and frowned.

"Too stubborn sorry," I muttered.

He laughed. "Then I'll have to make you admit it," he said in a low voice.

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine again.

He pulled me against him, our bodies pressed against each other. His hands gripped my waist tightly.

I ran my hands through his hair, and kissed back.

God, I missed this feeling in all honesty.

As stubborn as I was, I knew I loved this. I knew I wanted this.

Our mouths moved in sync, and the smell of his cologne filled my senses, sending me through the roof.

We pulled apart for air, and I breathed heavily.

"How about now?"

I chuckled. "Nope."

He grinned. "Fine by me."

This time, our kiss was more aggressive.

He picked me up, and sat down on his bed, me sitting in his lap.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, and surprised, I pulled away.

"Alright alright! Fine! Yes!" I panted.

He smirked. "Yes what?"

I glared at him. "Damn you Scorpius! I love you alright!"

His eyes darkened even more, and I shuddered.


"Now can we-"

"Resume? Yes," he muttered, pulling me back down.

His tongue found its way back into my mouth, and I cursed inside my head.

The kiss was passionate, nothing like ever before. It was filled with pure love...and a bit of lust...

His hands roamed around my back, and I placed mine on his chest.

I kissed him hard and roughly, and then pushed him back, and he fell back onto the bed.

"Oh come on!"

I laughed, and scrambled off of him.

"You want my kiss, then come after it!" I shouted, running out of the room, and down the stairs.

"Um, Arabella, the hell happened to you?" Alex asked.

I smiled and was about to talk, but I heard Scorpius's footsteps.

"Jesus mate! You're all messed up too!" Noah exclaimed.

"Outta my way, Arabella get your gorgeous ass back here now!" Scorpius growled.

Everyone's eyes widened, and I dashed out of the commonroom, leaving them all stunned.

I laughed as I ran down the halls, and he chased after me.

"Arabella, you may have been faster when we were younger, but I'm much faster than you now," he called out.

Damn, he was right.

He caught me by the waist, and twirled me around, pushing me up against the nearest wall.

"Put me down!" I squealed, trying to pry his hands off of me.

He grinned. "Absolutely not!"

We kissed again, and I melted into his arms, and he slowly set me down on the ground, the kiss not breaking.

When we pulled away I stared up into his grey eyes.

"I've wanted to do that for a very long time," he whispered.

I giggled. "Same."

He leaned his forehead against mine, and I closed my eyes.

I never wanted this feeling to end.

But the best thing was,

I knew it wouldn't.


See, I knew you'd like it.


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