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็”ฑ CoraSweetheart12

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4.2K 165 64
็”ฑ CoraSweetheart12

𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎: 𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚢𝚝𝚎

"𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆" 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴-


[NAME] WAS ALONE IN  classroom of Class 1-A. She had shown up an hour early to go over the report she had written to the ADA and to also pick up the new uniform she's required to wear, now that it was official to be the 'teacher's assistant', while still being a 'student' in U.A. She now wore a black jacket with golden letters saying 'U.A Staff' over her white long dressy shirt. Instead of a green skirt, she wore a black skirt and long white socks, and black flats. 

As she was too absorbed in her work, she failed to notice the pair of eyes studying her behavior.

So far, I've only wrote down notes for everyone's weaknesses and improvements that they need to make. But I haven't wrote on how they need to improve. They need to learn for themselves if they want to pursue such a career. 

"Why are you here early?" A male voice suddenly asks. Out of reflex, she gripped the male's arm and pinned him down. When realizing it was the infamous Eraserhead, she released him. "Sorry about that, sir. You just caught me off guard." She apologized while she quickly hid away her report. He only clicked his tongue and stood up, "Just don't do it again. But why are you here early?"

[Name] gestures a handshake, "I don't think we haven't properly met, I'm [Name] [Surname]. I'll be your teacher's assistant for the year." He didn't bother to shake your hand and only said, "As long as I get more sleep than usual, it'll be good for me." Immediately he slithers back to his sleeping bag and fell asleep. 

She could feel her eye twitch out of annoyance and had the sudden urge to beat the shit out of him. To cool off her temper, she had decided to stop by the bathroom to refresh herself. [Name] splashed a bit of water on her face to self-check herself to make sure she wasn't going to be pissed off so easily once she entered the classroom. A loud ding was heard from the pocket of her jacket. She pulled out her phone and checked her notifications.

As it turns out, Chu~Chu had texted [Name]. She swiped to the right to read the message.

Hey [N/N], why did you leave so early yesterday?

She rolled her eyes at his question and typed a response.

Because I was tired, and I wanted to sleep. Did you miss me that much? I'm flattered. <3

[Name] could see three dots, indicating that he's typing. She could accurately guess that he's probably going to say something like a tsundere would to avoid his feelings.

I did not miss you... Don't get the wrong idea!

A chuckle escaped her lips as she  imagined the look of his blushing face and the intense yelling he's probably doing.

To check if the theory was correct, she dialed his number. When finally hearing him pick up, she said teasingly, "Chu~Chu~ are you sure you didn't miss me?"

At the end of the other line Chuuya clicked his tongue, "O-Ok... maybe I missed you a little bit." [Name] couldn't help but giggle at his actions. "Well how this, I come visit you whenever I'm free and I can give you free cuddles? How does that sound? Will it perhaps make up the fact that I left early?"

He remained silent for a moment before huffing. "Yeah... it'll do." 

[Name] chuckled and twirled a strand of her hair, "Alright, I'll text you when I'm coming over and bring some snacks while we cuddle." "Alright whatever, I have to go. I have another assignment." Chuuya says while trying not to sound happy with the hangout he'll have with her.

After hanging up on him, [Name] exits the bathroom and heads back inside the classroom. Only to see Aizawa still sleeping in his sleeping bag.

She slid down to her chair and sighed, I have a feeling that he doesn't want to work with me or he's going to be difficult to tolerate. The very idea of it made her eye twitch. All she could do was entertain herself until her classmates would arrive.


"I've looked over your performances during the exercise. Bakugo, stop sulking your loss and wasting your talent. Midoriya, I see you settled with another broken bone. Don't make me repeat myself, learn to control your quirk." Aizawa explains to the two males.

Suddenly, he makes eye contact with the female with [E/C] eyes that have Roman numerals. "[LastName], if you are going to be assisting me with teaching your peers, then don't hold back. Take the battles seriously."

She felt one of her eyes twitch, Does the man want me to fucking collapse a building on them? Because that would have been a possibility if I didn't hold back.

Meanwhile, her classmates stared at her in disbelief, SHE WAS HOLDING BACK!?!

"Now onto business, you guys need to—" Aizawa says tiredly. Everyone in the classroom excluding [Name] and the quiet students were freaking out on what would their teacher would say.

"Pick a class representative." Everyone sighed in relief and began raising their hands and claiming to wanting the position of class representative. Any rational person wouldn't want to waste their energy to lead lazy asses solely because they don't work hard. But since this is a school driven of students wanting to be heroes, they'll do what it takes to get recognition and getting what they want.

This is actually amusing to see them so excited. I bet most of everyone in the class will just vote for themselves. She chuckled under her breath as she took a sip from her [insert favorite drink]. 

"Everyone! Settle down! There is only one way to settle this. We should cast a voting to decide who will be the class representative." Tenya suggested as his voice was bothserious and loud.

"But how can we trust someone when we only just met?" Tsuyu asked skeptically. Tenya responded to her question, "Then that just means that their suited for the job. Is this alright to use this strategy to determine the representative, [LastName]?" He questions as he took a glance at the sleeping teacher.

"It's fine Tenya, as long as everyone else agrees. Besides, you guys don't have to call me by my last name. It's kinda weird. Just call me [Name]." She explained to him and the majority of the class to reassure his concern.

For some odd reason, some of the girls and guys felt their heart skip a beat from the mere thought of calling [Name] by her first name. Mostly when it was an etiquette thing to refer to one from their last name. 

As amusing as it was to see them use a voting strategy to decide on the class representative, she felt bad for Tenya that he didn't earn the position. Despite his stiff tendencies and behavior, he was a responsible person who would take this role seriously.

And maybe deep down she saw a bit of a similarity between him and Kunikida. She stood up and walked in the front of the class, "Your class representative will be Izuku and your class deputy will be Momo." [Name] announced as she wrote out the votes in order. 

While some people were saddened of not getting representative, they were pretty okay with Izuku being the representative of the class. Of course, [Name] didn't give much of a shit. She just wanted to go back to the Agency and bug Kunikida and hang out with her friends.


Lunch time had finally arrived, and it was a good thing too. [Name] was already in an irritated mood from not being able to eat for a couple of hours. It didn't help with the fact that she stayed up so late working on a few murder cases.

As well as decide to be a productive member of society by showing up at the campus early.

Wasn't life so wonderful?

While everyone in Class 1-A had gotten up and were on their way to get their meals, she had rose out of her seat and walked her way towards the classroom's door. Suddenly, a person tapped her shoulder.

When making eye contact with the person, it turned out to be Tenya. Causing [Name]'s expression to be surprised, considering that the two of them haven't really made conversation outside of one-sided questions. "Hello [Surname], I wanted to ask if you would like to seat with me, Midoriya, and Uraraka?" He asks as he talks with his hands.

[Name] blinked a few times to control the urge to laugh, but responded with, "Yeah sure. Also I told you that you can call me [Name]. I may be Aizawa's assistant, but I'm also your classmate. So no need for formalities."

As they all took a seat in an empty table in the cafeteria, Ochako says, "Hey [Name], I'm curious about something. How did you become Aizawa's assistant? I thought only teachers can actually do that."

The two males stared at the mentioned female with pure interest and curiosity. As they too would like to know how she got that position.

"Well principal Nezu said that my strength is equivalent to a pro hero, and has been considering to have students be a teacher assistant in this school for their classes. As an experiment to see if it'll work out, he assigned me as a teacher's assistant for our class and occasionally some of the other classes." She explained while not giving any hints of her occupation.

The three of them were flabbergasted with the information. "That's amazing [Name]. You must be really strong to have the principal notice you." Izuku fanboyed. She only remained silent and forced out a natural smile. Although her thoughts contradicted her actions.

Strong... as if. If I was strong, then I wouldn't have these scars on my hands.

"I've been suspicious about this for awhile. Iida, are you a rich kid?" Ochako questions bluntly. Iida nearly choked on his beverage as he tries to deny the assumption.

If you're trying to hide something, at least make it believable. She thought while sweat-dropping.

Tenya sighs in defeat, "I'm actually Ingenium's younger brother." Both Izuku and Ochako were in disbelief. Regarding you, it didn't really matter. [Name] were intrigued that he wasn't an only child.

Suddenly, the school alarm went off. Alarming the majority of students in the cafeteria and causing them to evacuate. In an attempt to see the cause of the ruckus, [Name] muttered, "No Time: Time Capsule."

Her [E/C] hues glowed as she went through her time capsule to search for the moment she needed to camouflage. After successfully finding 'Light Snow', she felt her body disappear and she began the search.

A familiar presence was within the dark hallways of UA. [Name] deactivated Light Snow and revealed herself. She crosses her arms and chuckled, "It's nice to see you again Aku~. What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again~?"

The male who had black hair fading to white sighed, "You didn't come back for a few weeks. What business do you have in a hero school? You don't actually..."

[Name] blinks for a few times before shortly after laughing bitterly. A fake smile was plastered on her face as her eyes looked hollow with no sparkle, "I'm not here to be a hero. I would never be a hero. Too many restrictions. Too many expectations. Were you worried about me Ryu-kun~?" She asked in a teasing manner. 

His cheeks flare up a bright pink as he avoids her gaze, "That's ridiculous. That's a bold accusation. I came here because I need to know—" You immediately cut off Ryunosuke, "I'm sorry that I haven't seen you often Ryu. I'll come see you tonight. But you need to get out of here, its not safe to be here." She said with concern. Before he got the chance to speak, she suddenly used 'Light Snow' to move Ryunosuke out of the school. 

[Name] sighed in relief, but couldn't help but notice a male with a black hoodie trespassing the campus while the press was outside.

What is she hiding?


"𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆" 𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴-


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