Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x...

By juliaim5

82.6K 2.8K 929

Karin Komei's dream is to be the #1 pro hero and joining U.A High is step one to achieving her goal. Little d... More

Character Info ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค
Welcome to U.A High!
Battles: Heros vs Villains
Stand Up
Let the Festivities Begin
Karin Komei: Origin
Let's Do Our Best!
The Ultimate Team
Competitive Spirit
Uraraka's Determination
Bakugou vs Komei
Three Bitter Days
Hero Agencies
Back To Normal
Exam Time!
Breaking Point
Shop Till You Drop!
Haruka Air
Let's Get Wild
Pink Lemonade
He's Gone...
Operation: Rescue Katsuki Bakugou
All For One
Welcome To The Dorms
Karin and Katsuki
Together At Last
Do or Die: Survival Training
Licensing Exam
Express Yourself
The Big Three
Work Studies
Crimson Wings
Enter: Hawks
Long Distance
You And Your Golden Eyes
Strong, Fierce and Stunning
Scaredy Cat
School Festival
I Am A Hero Too
First Date?
Sweet Sixteen
Happy Halloween!
Nomu Strikes
โ™กโญ’ Artwork โญ’โ™ก
Louder Than Bombs

Rising Phoenix

962 35 13
By juliaim5

Musutafu, Japan

"Oh man, I don't think I'll ever get over that train ride-" Komei rubbed the back of her stiff neck as her and Tokoyami rolled their luggages down the sidewalk in pursuit of U.A 

"Yes. It was rather... and inconvenience..." Tokoyami sighed tiredly 

With Kyushu being on the south west end of Japan and Musutafu on the east, one could imagine how long that train ride would be regardless if they took the express train.

They were tired, hungry, groggy and sleepy. 

Now they have to walk to U.A on one of the warmest fall days of the year. 




"You guys!!! They're back!!!" Mina squealed jumping up from the couch looking through the window as the remaining bunch in the common space turned their heads



Kaminari bursted with a shout as they walked in the door. Smiling, the pinkette looked up.

"You two, welcome back!" Iida smiled with his fluid hand gestures. 

Mina, Momo, Kaminari, Jirou, Iida, Sato, Ojiro, Sero, Hagakure and Mineta we're all present.

But there were a few missing.

Looking up at the clock Komei scrunched her nose.

"Katsuki and Shouto are at provisional licensing training?"

"You got it!" Kaminari shot her a toothy thumbs up

The work studies group was also absent. While Komei and Tokoyami were traveling back home, they had live updates on their phones notifying them on what was happening. 

It was all over the news for crying out loud.

"Okay you guys, let's give these two some space-" Yaoyorozu stood up

"They are probably tired from their trip-"

Yaoyorozu, you know me so well. 

Taking the elevator up to the third floor, the pinkette was completely wiped. As soon as she opened the door to her dorm, she smiled. Yay. Her bed. 

Time flew by as the girl unpacked a few of her things. Changing into her comfy clothes, she stretched.

Break time.

Climbing into her bed, snuggling up under the covers... her body began to relax. 

And it was lights out from there.

Curtain closed, the girl's room was solid dark. Stirring awake from her nap, Komei noticed the creak of her door open letting in an enormous amount of light.

Squinting, letting the beam of light hit her directly in her face, she grouchily turned the other way ruffling up in her sheets

Absentmindedly, she threw her arm across the bed expecting to cuddle against something soft... not solid.

Realizing this, the girl snapped her eyes open.

Wait, she didn't leave the door open... and this... wasn't a pillow-


"Shhh..." He hushed her, relaxing into the pillow further before closing his eyes 

Lightly blushing, she scooted closer to the blonde with her hands on top of his before they fell back asleep creating a heart position.

Although, they might've fallen asleep cutely... the couple woke up a tumbled mess. Komei's arms were wrapped around his torso with her leg hooked around his waist as Katuki leaned his head against hers with his arms hugging her shoulders.

Both sitting up groggily rubbing their eyes, Bakugou turned sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Morning sunshine-" He lazily smirked watching the pinkette

Without saying it, he was excited she was back.


"Mornin' Katsuki-" The pinkette stretched with a wide smile

Funnily enough, it was 6:00 p.m. 

Eye's locking, Katsuki scooted back over to her figure hesitating before he spoke.


Confiding in her... about his feelings... 

The blonde was still having issues about All Mights retirement... and yet, no one but Midoriya knew that.

Clenching his jaw tight, Katsuki struggled 


"I missed you-" She finished cutting him off 

"Heh. Of course ya did pinky-"  His cheeks lightly burned grabbing the back of his neck


"WELL, THAT'S YOUR CUE TO SAY YOU MISSED ME BACK!!!" She childishly raged flailing her arms wildly

Katsuki Bakugou... wasn't much of an emotional guy...

but... was a physical one.

In one swift move, the blonde slid himself over to the pinkette and smashed his lips onto hers.

Eyes widened due to the momentum, Karin fell backwards onto the bed as Katsuki seemingly 'laid' on top of her. 

Although he made absolute sure that his body weight wasn't crushing her.

"Awe, you did miss me~" She teased catching wind of his tinted pink cheeks. Flustered Bakugou was a very rare sight. Come on, she had to play it out.

"Shut the fuck up-" He snarled before evading his attention to the poster laying on-top of the girls open suit case

The colours of red and purple caught his eye as he rolled off of her body, grabbing the piece of paper.

Noticing the blonde's weird behaviour, her eyes followed his figure as she began to spazz.

"H-Hey!! Be careful w-with that!!" 

Jumping at her slight tone, Katsuki gripped the paper tighter as he analyzed the photo.

'An autograph?' He questioned before reading the first sentence out loud

"To my little chick--" 


Pausing to blink, he went on to read the rest in his head.

"What the-"

"G-Give it back!!" She reached, successfully snatching the autograph out of the blondes hand


Her most sacred item... and Katsuki was crinkling it with his bare hands.

How dare he?!

She's going to kill him.

"If you're going to be like that, then I'll just go and show Midoriya-" She hugged the autograph to her chest trying to flatten out the paper walking towards the door.

She knew that the green haired boy would definitely appreciate it more with his All Might obsession...

"Like hell you will!!" He gripped the pinkette's arm, pulling her back

"Oh yeah?" She eyeballed him as they were now head to head

"AND WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?" She shouted as he pushed her back against the wall putting up his right arm

"Oh, a kabadon? Are you threatening me blasty??" She fumed as he put up his other arm caging her in 

Cheeks heating up as she realized the position they were in. 


"Okay, okay you got me..." She flamed unable to match his gaze

Bakugou let out a devilish smirk dropping his arms hovering over her. 

but she wasn't going to let him win. 

"I-If you had All Might's signature autograph, you'd be acting the same way!!" She spazzed 

"Tch, yeah fucking right-" Katsuki rolled his eyes

"For All Might's second biggest fan, you sure don't care that much-" Komei poked fun making the blonde's eyes widen


hehe. She got him now. 

"Uhh, In case you hadn't noticed... Midoriya is All Might's number one fan boy-" " She teased while carefully placing her autograph on her desk for the time being


"I'M NUMBER ONE, I'LL EVEN SHOW YOU MY TRADING CARD-" He angrily trudged to the door before hearing soft giggles from behind causing him to halt and turn

There Komei was standing, trying not to die from ultimate laughter. Her eyes were teary covering her mouth with her hands.

His razor sharp eyes turned into daggers.

Oh no. 

"K-Katsuki!" She spazzed watching his looming figure slowly walk over.

"I didn't mean to laugh!" The pinkette smiled with a fearful shout, jumping back onto the bed

"Obviously you're number one!"

"I-I know that!!" She fumbled as he silently came closer with small explosions popping off his hands

"KATSUKIIIIIII!!!" She screeched in utter fear

but nothing happened. 

Snapping her eyes open, the girl watched his demonic smirk. 

The boy didn't even need to do anything to get her back. She easily just places the second hand embarrassment on herself.  

'Tch. Stupid girl' Bakugou scoffed placing his hands in his pockets walking towards the door as Komei stared.


"ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?" He lazily shouted turning his head over his shoulder making Komei jump like the wind


'Fucking Bakugou Katsuki...' She narrowed her eyes, scrunching her nose as he slammed to door behind them 


Common Space

"Hey look who it is!!!" Kaminari jumped up from his spot on the couch noticing the duo coming around the hallway

"U.A's Ultimate couple!!" He ran, only to be stopped by Bakugou

"Don't talk that shit-"

"U.A's..." Komei pondered

"Ultimate couple?" She repeated in question putting a hand up to her chin

"Y-Yeah!" Kaminari nodded profusely

 "I mean, it's going all throughout the school!"

"I-It is?" She stuttered as her face slowly lost colour

This... wasn't good.

"Mhmm!! You two are pretty popular!" Kaminari beamed

"Oh, I can't take the public embarrassment..." Bashful, the girl turned into mush facing Katsuki as he wrapped an arm around the pinkette pulling her into his chest, sending daggers towards Kaminari.

Mouthing apologies, Kaminari backed off. 

Like she said. She didn't like to stand out... and now the whole school knows. 

Oh god. 


After the students ate their delicious curry dinner, most of them hung around the common space. Watching tv, chatting,  being normal teenagers, doing their own thing. 

But a certain half and half headed boy caught the pinkette's attention. He was sitting quietly by himself with his eyes closed leaning against the wall. 

"Shouto?" She sat next to him as the boy winked open his bright blue heterochromatic eye having his arms crossed.

But all the girl could do was stare. 

'H-He really does look like Endeavor...' She thought

Since she was sitting on his left side, the majority of his right was hidden.

But that blue... it almost reminded her of-


"You're back-" He replied as she let out a tight lipped smile

"Tokoyami and I arrived while you and Katsuki were still at provisional license training-"

The way she just said his first name... drove the youngest Todoroki sibling slightly insane. Although he kept his composure being as aloof as he usually is. 


'What the?' The girl fumbled to grab her phone out of her back pocket

Who could possibly be texting her? She let aunt and uncle know that she arrived safely, so who else could it be?



If your having trouble, you can call me anytime kid-'

She stared at the message in confusion with a third eye.

"Who would-"

Her eyes then scanned the collar ID

From: Your Favourite Pro Hero~

Gasping to oblivion, she dropped her phone on the ground putting a hand over her mouth with widened eyes. She swore her lungs stopped working for a solid 20 seconds.

Who else could it be? Obviously it was the Winged Hero.

Pro Hero Hawks... She has his phone number...

"Are you alright?" Todoroki jumped in concern


"W-Woahh, K-Komei-" Kaminari walked over to her figure

"Should I go get Baku-"He turned in question to see the angry blonde in the kitchen

"N-No!" She snapped back before watching their expressions.

'Calm down Komei, you're scaring them-'

Thank you... both of you, b-but it's nothing really to be concerned about- " The girl stuttered shakily picking up her electronic device trying to hold back her quivering smile ready to burst out.

'Jeez, why does he always do this to me?' She looked up thinking of the pro hero

"Are you sure?" Shouto pushed, picking up her phone off the ground handing it to her, which she gracefully accepted.  

"Y-Yeah! I promise!" She toothily put up a peace sign as the boys let out a breath

They are too cute for worrying. Walking over to the main hang out area, the pinkette plopped down onto the green sofa


"Hey Komei-"

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you-"

"What is it Jirou?" She questioned watching the girl 

"Did you ever... decide on a hero name?"

"Hero name?" 

At the mention of this, all curious themselves... many members of class 1-A began to surround the girls

"Komes! You and Bakugou are the only ones who officially don't have one yet!" Kaminari butted in

"Well, yeah, I've thought of one... b-but-- I d-don't k-know..." The girl began to blush in embarrassment, put on the spot.

"Come on lay it on us-" Kirishima walked over

"Yes Komei-" Iida nodded


"Hey-" Bakugou walked over flicking her on the head

"OWCH K-Katsuki!!!" The girl wailed 

"If you don't want to tell these idiots, you don't fucking have to-" He slumped sitting on the couch next to her, twisting open his bottle of water as Komei caught his gaze.

"Wait Bakugou-" Kaminari turned


His shout made the hot headed blonde tick.


"It's okay Katsuki-" The pinkette stood up in confidence catching the duo's attention


"I want to..."

All waiting in anticipation, their eyes were glued onto the girl.

"I am the Rising Hero...

"I am Phoenix-"

Everyone sat in complete silence, astonished.


"Phoenix?" Mina repeated

"As in..."

"The firebird??" Kaminari questioned as the pinkette blushed

"Y-Yeah..." Komei narrowed her eyes towards the ground

"I-I mean, I know it doesn't match my quirk..."

"but I..." She gasped

" it..."

It was the combination of the two heroes that inspired her in the first place.

A certain one and two... to be exact.

"Sounds pretty cool to me!!" Sero chimed, giving a thumbs up

"I wish I thought of something cool like that..."

"Phoenix!!" Mineta spazzed

"A hot name for an super bab-" He drooled but turned pale when he saw the pop of explosions go off of Bakugou's hands

And with that, the boy ran all the way back to his room.

"Rising Phoenix!!! Awe man Komei, that's so cool!!!" Sero sparkled along side Aoyama

"You think so?!" The pinkette perked up

"Yeah Yeah!!" He nodded profusely 

" guys..." She scratched the back of her head 


A little later

"Mixture of the one and two?" Bakugou cocked up an eyebrow making Komei let out a sigh

"Please don't tease me about it..."

"I won't-" He continued to stare out the window at the swirling clouds in the sky 

"Hey-" Komei turned

"You still didn't come up with one-"

"Heh?" Bakugou made a face

"A hero name silly-" Komei shook his arm

"Well? Ya got any?"

"No." He harshly replied shutting the conversation down

"Come on, you must have something in that big ol' pretty brain of yours-"

"Pretty?" He scoffed in annoyance crossing his arms with a vile expression

"Oh spare me, I mean handsome-" She rolled her eyes, but he just continued to ignore her


'Okay... I guess that's a touchy subject...' She frowned looking down to her feet


"Everyone gather round!" Yaoyorozu shouted making everyone's head turn

Irritated that he was interrupted, Katsuki clenched his jaw tight enough to where you could see a vein poking out.

"Midoriya and the others should be arriving back tomorrow, but I wanted to do a little celebration for how far we've come as a class-" She smiled sweetly pouring tea into little purple tea cups

"Awee you're the best Yaomomo!" Mina cheered picking hers up

"Thanks so much Yaoyorozu-" Ojiro thanked grabbing his cup

"On three-" Momo smiled raising her arm up





Each member of class 1-A, except Bakugou rose their cups upward following Yaoyorozu's lead before dinging them together with the closest person next to them.

Komei eye balled the hot headed boy.

"Tch. WHAT?" He snapped making her giggle

"Come on Katsuki~" She smiled raising up her teacup clicking it with his

"Cheers!" The pinkette winked, using two hands holding the cup taking a sip.

Bakugou watched her joyous bright smile. Steam from the tea warmed the girls cheeks, her hair seemed even brighter than usual with her eyes sparkling.

Letting out a smirk, he took a swig of the tea.

'Hm. Not that bad-'


A/N:  Komei's hero name!! Phoenix. You like?? It took me a long time to finally come up with one and it suits her so well. A combo of Endeavor and Hawks. Two hero's she admires the most.

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