People in this house (Creepyp...

By Arena_Quits

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This is my first story, so I will be open to constructive criticism. I wanted to make a story like this for a... More

Chapter 1. "Prologue"
Chapter 2: "A New Day, With A New Beginning"
Chapter 3: "She Found Me"
Chapter 4: "Solutions And Problems"
Chapter 5: "Raining"
Chapter 6: "Something Is Off"
Chapter 7: "Are you kidding me?"
Chapter 8: "Did I Do Something Wrong?"
Chapter 9: "Cards Up His Sleeve"
Chapter 10: "What's On Your Mind?"
Chapter 11: "Hell Of A Grip"
Chapter 12: "What Are You?"
Chapter 13: "Let's Talk"
Chapter 14: "Bring Back Memories"
Chapter 15: "Breaks And Cigarettes"
Chapter 16: "First Impression"
Chapter 17: "You and Me"
Chapter 18: "The Beginning Of The End"
Chapter 19: "Do you ever miss them?"
Chapter 20: "Every day."
Chapter 21: "Dream-like"
Chapter 22: "Pretty faces"
Chapter 23: "Eric Turner"
Chapter 24:"Finally, The End is Here" Part 1
Chapter 25: "Finally, The End is Here" Part 2
The End (Ben's Ending)
The End (Hoodie's Ending)
The End (The Puppeteer's Ending)
Author's Note #1

The End (Slender's Ending)

16 2 0
By Arena_Quits

Hi! Quick warning! We will be heading into some graphic territory, like infected wounds, pus, and needles. Just letting you know, that I will be getting in a little detail. Completely understandable if you don't want to read that, I don't blame you. Just a heads up. Enjoy!

PS. Povidone-Iodine is the brown stuff that doctors use when they are preparing you for surgery. It is and anti-bacterial chemical, meant to clean the wound. It's like alcohol, but doesn't hurt and is only meant for medical surgery, while alcohol is like a quick fix.

Love, Erin

May ????, 2011, ???

(Y/N)'s pov

Is that... Slender?

I could see him pushing everyone back, trying to see if I was okay. The sounds of the voices were practically destroying my ear drums. A thin man came rushing over to me, landing in the dirt urgently. His hands ran over to my head and chest. He pressed against the stab wound.

"Ah!" I helped, trying to turn away from him. Everyone who was around us, backed up, out of sheer shock. It hurt so much. I could see Slender practically stomping over to us, and stepping over him. The doctor ducked down, trying to avoid getting kicked in the face. Slender kneeled down to my level.

The muscles in his face seemed sad, but I couldn't tell. Everything was just blurry. His arms wrapped themselves under me, beginning to dead-lift me. I kept fading in and out of consensus, but I could clearly see him taking me to the mansion, and down a strange flight of stairs. My head bashing itself against the walls of my new skull, and the pain in my chest was so intense.

My vision was slowly clearing up, and my limbs felt shaky. I heard the footsteps of someone else coming up from behind him, and trying to get his attention. "Sir, listen to me. Just calm down. I know what I am doing." Slender scoffed at the idea. "Of course you do. You also have an uncontrollable desire to kill off everything in sight." I felt the cold metal underneath me. Slender walked around frantically, trying to find something.

I touched my chest, feeling the stab there. It hurt to the touch. When I pulled my hand up, I noticed how much blood was on it. "My office! What are you even looking for?" The doctor asked loudly, as he stood at the door. "Cloth. Alcohol, and bandages." He said, walking up to me, placing everything next to me.

The doctor jumped in front of him, blocking Slender from me. "Sir, I really don't think you should do that." He said, defensively. "And why is that?" I couldn't see his face, but his tone was angry and despite. "Because you don't know anything about the human body! You only the bare basics, but this is a deep stab wound to the chest. Alcohol and bandages won't stop internal bleeding, and worse, he will feel all of it! Do you really want that?" His voice was shaky, but strong. It because quiet, with only the sounds of the clock on the wall ticking.

"I know your worried. But between you and me, I know how to make sure he stays alive." His voice became tender and gentle. Slender huffed and put the alcohol down, with what I assume is disappointment. I couldn't hear the rest, but I could see the bright light that the doctor put on me. He was instructing Slender to place his claw-like hands on the wound, trying to keep the blood from leaving.

I winced silently, earning a 'I'm sorry' from Slender. The bright light burned my eyes, and the painful feeling in my chest was starting to get to me. The Doctor walked away from me, though not for very long. He arrived back to me, rolling up his sleeves and putting of blue surgical gloves. His slowly pulled my arm to him, and I felt a slight prick to the middle of my arm. He leaned down at me, looking at me in the eye.

Everything was turning black. With the last thing I saw, was his deep red eyes. He leaned further in, whispering in my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"Don't worry. You won't feel a thing." He whispered, as everything started to disappear.

Slender's Pov

I stared daggers at the Doctor, as he leaned over to (Y/N) whispering in his ear. 'Why did he d that? He had no need to whisper in his ear like that!' I felt my heart fill with envy, just thinking about why he did that. I felt

I did not like this. Not at all. I couldn't bare to see (Y/N) in pain. I hated every second of it, so I was some-what relived when he sedated him. But that was no reason for me to leave him alone. With a man like The Doctor, I couldn't just up and leave with the expectation that he will be alive. I couldn't bare the idea of permanently losing him.

I watched The Doctor as shooed my hands away, and begin to take off the old uniform. It was bloodied and covered in dirt, with slight rips at the bottom and missing buttons. When the shirt came of, I could see how infected the wound had gotten. The skin surrounding it was red and irritated, with purple bruising on his shoulders. The wound itself was red and bloodied, with little bubbles of pus surrounding the entrance of the wound. Their were bruises on his waist and shoulders. the bruises were mixes of blues and purples, and greens, and I wanted to just hold him close. I looked into the stab, and scrunched up my face.

The wound was deeper then I even thought. It was closer to his internal organs and ribs. But I sighed when I saw his chest was slowly moving up and down, and I could see The Doctor preparing the area with Povidone-Iodine. I carefully examined every one of The Doctor's movement. From how he gently placed the Iodine on the wound, to the slight shaking of his hands, to how hard he pressed.

After The Doctor scurried the area, I watched him grab a needle and thread and push the light to hold above (Y/N). He gave a laugh. My head shot up, to him. "What is so funny?" I asked, not really understanding why he was laughing. He seemed relieved. "Who ever stabbed him, missed his organs! Ha!" He giggled, pushing the thread into the hole. "Don't worry, he'll be fine. We just got to close it up and disinfect it. He'll be good to go" He said, but just before he laid a hand on (Y/N), he stopped. I searched to find why he stopped, and I finally saw it.

A black puss began to emerge from the wound, eating away at the broken tissue. The more it rose, the more we could see. It's body shinned in the light, like a goo or jello. It climbed out of the wound, using its own body to seal it. It stretched itself to cover the entire stab, pulsating slightly.

The Doctor backed away slowly, letting it eat. "What is that thing? And what are you doing?" I asked, but he didn't answer. He grabbed a glass jar of bandages, spilling them out, and he slowly approached back. I was growing frustrated at not only him, but this thing eating off of (Y/N) I raised my hand to grab the thing, yet before anything, it began to fall off of his chest.

It was like pealing off a scab, only it did so on it's own. When it had completely fallen off, there wasn't even a scar left on his body. I dropped my hand from the air, and and traced it over where the stab had been. Smooth.. like nothing had happend. I completely forgot about the black slug trying to escape, and wrapped my arms around him.

I pressed my head against his chest, hearing the most beautiful sounds that I ever heard..

His heartbeat...

It was methodical, and precise. calm and simple. It was almost.. musical. It reminded me of classical music. As strange as it had seemed, at this very moment, I knew that I had fallen in the trap of love. The mere idea of letting him go, only made me hold him tighter. '

But what if he rejected me? What if he didn't love me back?' My heart broke at the idea of having to accept hurt me so much. But I stopped thinking about it. And instead I focused on something else. His breathing was slow, but stable. The rest of the world faded away, leaving me and (Y/N) alone in the room.

The room started to change, but I paid no attention. The clashing in the room disappeared and all my attention was on (Y/N). He was everything for me. My happiness, my desire, my hope, my dream, my only necessity. Nothing seemed important anymore, only him and his happiness. He was the most important thing, and no matter what will happen...

I will do everything he asks of me.

The Doctor's pov

I chased the slug, as it struggled to get out of the room. It slipped off the table, hitting the floor with a 'spat!', but it quickly started looking for away out. I sunk up on the thing, but it kept running to the corners. "S! Help me catch-" I looked over at him, seeing him paying no attention. It was like he completely forgot what was happening right now, like it didn't even matter.

I rolled my eyes. The little bastard was scampering around the room. I was running around the room, like a headless chicken, knocking everything off its shelves. Some of the jars fell to the ground. Shattering. The slug ran right through the broken glass, and it's body split in half.

I was cheerful for a second, but that was cut short, when the 2 parts of the slog joined together. I ground, and began my chase again. This time, it was trying to climb the walls. I looked up, seeing the vent at the top of the wall. I rushed over to it, as it climbed the wall like a bug trying to not get hit.

I slammed the jar over it, finally catching it in the jar. "Yes!" I cheered. I watched the thing search for a way out. It slammed itself against the jar, climbing to the top of the jar, and it even tried digging out. I looked for a sheet of paper to place under it. I grabbed the closet thing, witch was a thin file, and I picked up the trapped slug. I gently placed it on the counter top, placing a book down on top of it, holding it down.

I looked over at Slender again. He was holding (Y/N) like he was a lost stuffed animal. "Sir? What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't respond. I inched to him, tapping him on the shoulder. "Sir?" I asked one more time. He still didn't move. it was like he was in a whole other world. I tugged on the pant leg of (Y/N), expecting no reaction. My god, was I wrong...

He pulled (Y/N) closer to him, as if that were still possible. "What is it?" He demanded. I flinched back. "I caught the weird little slug. How it he doing?" I asked. I never really got a chance to see what happened to (Y/N).

He lowered (Y/N) down, enough for me to see. Not even a mark. His bruises just disappeared, like they never there in the beginning. "what?... That's so...." I looked back at the black slug. it was still trying to get out. "Interesting" Slender looked at me, and back at (Y/N).

"What was that thing?" He asked, reasonably so. I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea. But you saw what it was doing to (Y/N), right?" He nodded, still holding him. He nodded his head. "But what was that thing doing?" he asked.

I turned around, looking at the slug squirm. I was stuck. I didn't know what it was doing. it was like it was eating him, but at the same time, it wasn't. "I.. don't know, but i might need him." i said, getting an even smaller needle. "For what?" Slender demanded. I jumped a little bit, before facing him.

"For testing. Don't worry, I wont take to much." I answered back. I pulled (Y/N)'s arm. He was still asleep. I hope I didn't give him to much. I shook the thought away, and pushed the needle into his vain. The tube filled with red, giving me more then enough. "I suggest keeping an eye on him, till he wakes up. If something is wrong, then come beck, okay?" I told Slender. He gladly nodded his head, picking up (Y/N), and teleporting away from my office. The bright sudden light bothered me. I then turned to the little slug, seeing it trying to get out of the light, which was almost impossible, since this room is surrounded by light. I smiled,

"I think it's about time to get to know each other."

(Y/N)'s pov

I felt a soft blanket under me. It was like laying of a cloud in the sky. I pulled it closer, but shot up instead. 'Where am I? I was asleep on cold metal, not a warm blanket!' My eyes darted across the rooms, seeing nothing that looked familiar. The room had red walls, and dark curtains.

It was hard to see, but I could see that this bedroom was beyond huge. Specifically the bed. My feet didn't even reach the mid way point of the bed. I stepped of the bed, feeling the cold floor on my bare feet. 'wait.. I don't remember being bare foot..' I looked down at myself.

I was wearing completely different clothes. 'What? I don't remember any f this.' I thought to myself. I was wearing black pajama paints, with a black shirt. This was a completely different set of clothing, compared to the red, and white uniform. I stood up, stepping over to the window, pulling the curtains open.

The sun light bled into the room, giving more then enough light to see. The bed was huge, built for someone beyond 7ft. 'Maybe this is Slender's room.. After all, he is the tallest one that I have seen live here.' I thought, shrugging it off. Just as I thought, the room was huge. The walls were lined with book cases, leading over to a desk in the corner.

In the middle of the room, was a table and chairs, both on each side of the table. The table had a black cloth covering it, with a small flower in a vase. The flower stood out the most, being a small, delicate, pink flower. It seemed so lively in this dark room. In the room, was a smell of melting candles, leading me to notice the candles in the corners of the room.

The desk was slightly messy, with small drawings of people, and books. The drawings were in no means 'great', but were very recognizable. I picked them up, looking them over. 'Ben.. Jeffry.. Jane.. Sally.. Brian.. wait.' I noticed something about the drawings. They were drawings of everyone, but almost all of them were drawings of me.

It was me in different stages. As a doll, as the new me, doing different things. Walking, playing with Sally, laughing, everything. I thought it was strange, but in a cute way. I put the pictures down, looking at the rest of the room.

There was a family portrait of Slender, and what i assume to be his family. It was different from the one in the basement. This one was brighter, with newer looking paint. It must have been taken recently. I heard the door behind me creek open genitally. I turned to face Slender, coming into the room with break fest.

"Oh, your finally awake. I was beginning to worry." He said, setting the food down. I looked at the food. It was still hot, as I could see the steam rising. It was egg and bacon, along with a cup of coffee. "I do hope that you enjoy your meal." He said.

I looked back at my clothing, giving him a clue. "Ah yes! I took your cloths to wash. Don't worry. I only took the uniform. Everything else can be dealt with later." He said. I didn't feel any sort of negative feelings through out my body. I didn't feel any pain, or any questionable things. But I still felt somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of Slender seeing me almost bare. I sat down at the black table with the flower, and began to eat.

I groaned slightly, as the taste of the food melted on my tongue. The sweetness of the syrup was enough to bring back memories from before. My mother's cooking, it was beyond amazing! She would do everything to make sure the food came out right. The sensation of chewing actual food made me groan louder, but when I noticed Slender looking at me, I covered my face quickly.

I had completely forgotten that he was there. "I'm sorry. I forgot you were still standing there." I said, covering up my face. The embarrassment was nightmarish. Slender shook his head, "No need to be embarrassed. I don't mind hearing that from you." He said. 'Wait? What? Hearing that from me?'

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, letting my hand slip away from my face. He stopped for a quick second, before speaking. "I like knowing that you enjoy my cooking." He finally said, and I put my mouth in the shape of an 'O'. But I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me.

He sat on the opposite side of the table, looking over to the window. It was quite between us, with the only sounds being the fork hitting the plate. That was on till he spoke. "(Y/N), how would you feel about going on an outing with me?" He asked, still facing the window. I thought for a moment.

'Well, why not? I'm not doing anything and I feel comfortable with him. What could go wrong?' I nodded my head, with a smile. "Sure. Why not?" I said, finishing up my meal. "We can go today, if that is alright with you." I suggested. He stood from his seat, nodding his head. "Of course! I will let you get dressed, and we can be on our way." He answered.

He sounded so excited. I nodded my head, smiling and went to clean my dish. Slender stopped me. "I can take the plate for you." He suggested, ready to take the plate. I shook my head, opening the door. "Don't worry. I got it." I answered, reassuring him that I could do it on my own.

He stood there, allowing me to leave the room. As usual, the halls were somewhat empty, with the occasion "hello" from some people. I would wave back, loving the feeling of my own flesh instead of porcelain. I saw Ben walking up, about to pass me, till he looked up. He was playing something on his phone. "(Y/N)! Your awake!" He said excitedly, shoving his phone in his back pocket.

"How are you? You were asleep for a while. We were starting to worry." He laughed. I smiled at him, and shook my head. "I feel great! I feel like a new person." I smiled. He started walking back were he came, gesturing me to join him. "Wait till everyone else sees you." He said.

I laughed softly, stepping down the stairs. At my new height, everything seemed so much smaller. As we were walking, Ben spoke up again. "So who brought you the plate? Sally?" He asked. I shook my head "No. Slender did. Why?" I asked.

His once bright smile seemed to dim, and he shook his head nervously. "No, no. I was just asking." He seemed upset about something. "Ben, what's wrong? Your upset about something." I pointed out, stopping in my tracks. He laughed, even though it was far from his loud and boisterous laugh. "No, no. It's fine. It's just that Slender has been acting differently. But I think it will be fine." He said, brushing off the subject.

He put his usual smile back on, and act like nothing had changed. But I was still unsure about the situation. ' What changed about Slender? Is it in a negative way? Maybe I should talk to him during our outing today...' I decided, still walking with Ben.

Ben's pov

'Dammit! Shit. I should have known better then to think that Slender wasn't gonna make the first moves. And now I don't even think I have a chance.. at least of safe one." I kept the thought to myself, even though (Y/N) asked and I wanted to tell. We walked into the kitchen, and he began cleaning his plate. I grabbed a soda from the fridge, cracking it open and hearing the hissing of it.

As I drank the soda, Hoodie came into the kitchen, with his head down and seemingly oblivious to (Y/N). He looked up at me, in a gloomy state, without his mask. His face was pale and tired, like he was having more restless nights. His hair was messy, like he had been shifting in his sleep, with no rest. He looked stressed.

But when he looked up at (Y/N), his face filled with lively color. "(Y/N)! Your up!" He cheered. I smiled. it was rare to see him light up like this, but I frowned knowing that i would have to tell him about Slender. (Y/N) jumped and laughed when he recognized the voice.

"Brian! well I am doing wonderful! And you?" He laughed. "I will let you guys catch up, talk to you later." I said, as I left the room, and dipped into the living room. It was empty, with the expectation of smile dog sleeping on the couch. I dropped down next to him, and his head shot up. "Hey, boy. Calm down, its just me." I said.

His head slowly dropped down to my lap, and I took a sigh. My body relaxed more, and I took a last sip of my soda, setting it down on the floor. 'Even if Slender gets to be with (Y/N).. I'm glad he's okay'

Brian's pov (Hoodie's pov)

"Brian! well I am doing wonderful! And you?" I smiled at him, feeling great for once in the past few days. "I have been great! D you want to do something, later today." I asked. He looked to the side, shaking his head. I felt disappointed. "I'm sorry, I can't. I am going on a walk with Slender, but we can do something tomorrow if you want." he suggested.

Now I was more disappointed.. Not only was I to late to do something with him, but now Slender has a chance with him. I tried not to let it show, but failed miserably. "Sorry Brian, but we always have tomorrow." He said, trying to lighten the mood. I quickly went to change the subject.

"No, no, it's cool. I was just hoping. But tomorrow is great." I said, trying my best to smile. I heard foot steps creak behind me, and a thunderous voice came from there. "Daylight won't last forever, (Y/N). Let's hurry along. I need to speak with you." His tone got quieter towards the end of his sentence. (Y/N) nodded his head, oblivious to everything. He nodded his head, and left in a rush.

The room was quiet, so I scurried to the living room, trying to avoid Slender's gaze. I sunk on to the floor of the couch, seeing that Ben and Smile dog were on the couch. "Damn.." Ben perked his head up. "Your bummed out too?" Ben asked, his head facing me. I sighed.

"Yeah.. kinda feel like shit, but when don't I feel like shit?" I said with a smirk. He laughed at my self-deprecating joke, easing me a bit. But i still felt like shit.. "Hey man, try not to worry. Maybe things will go back to the way they were. Before he was passive aggressive and shit." He suggested. I thought about it more.

'Yeah.. He has gotten harder to be around.. I just hope everything goes well.' "I assume you felt the same?" I asked, causing Ben to groan and cover up his face with embarrassment. "Was it obvious?" He asked, but it was muffled by his hands that were sliding down his face. I thought back on it, and realized that he never even made me think that he was attracted to (Y/N). "No. you hid it pretty well. Especially since I always though you were straight." I answered back honestly.

His hands slipped down, letting his face be seen again. "I'm not the type that cares about gender too much, as long as its not with kids." He replied. I nodded my head in understatement, kinda feeling the same way. We heard foot steps down the stairs and we both looked over. (Y/N) stood there, with black slacks and a black dress shirt. He fixed up his hair, and slipped on black dress shoes. He looked good in black.

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" Slender asked. We saw him give a nod of confirmation, and he looked to us. (Y/N) gave a soft wave at us, in which we returned. It still hurt watching him leave, but it would be weird to try and stop him. When they both left, We both slouched back.

Smile dog slept soundly with his head on Ben's lap. He seemed to be the only one in a good mood. "It still hurts like hell though." Ben said. "Tell me about it." I replied back. With that, we heard rushing foot steps enter the living room.

I looked over to see The Puppeteer running into the room. "Have you guys seen (Y/N)? I thought I saw him in the hallway, but he didn't see me." He said. He was breathing heavily, like he had ran through the maze of halls, looking. I sighed. "He's up, but he is with Slender on a walk." He frowned, and his entire body fell in a limp position.

"Fuck.." He said. Ben chuckled. "I guess me and Brian weren't the only ones." And judging by the look on The Puppeteer's face, Ben was right.

(Y/N)'s pov

I took a deep breath outside, feeling the refreshing air hitting me. I sighed, happy to feel the fresh air again. The ground underneath me sunk a little bit, and the trees began to grow their leaves. It was quiet between us, with the sound of the birds going over head us and our footsteps. We were approaching a pond, closer to the road, where Sally had found me.

The pond was beautiful. We walked to the other side of the pond, where a lonely bench sat. Slender guided me to the bench, letting me sit first. He joined me on the bench, not speaking just yet. I began to look across the pond, seeing the original pile of rocks that covered me.

It made me think. I remember the time before Sally had found me, how I was, and how I felt. My body was to weak to get out from underneath the rocks, with my face down to the dirt. I felt the years go by, and I hated every part of it, but now.. I feel the beauty of it.

I hated being in the cold, but not able to move, or to die, or anything. But being here in the warmth of spring, looking at the pond, I felt like i could forget about it. It felt strange being together, in the quiet. So I spoke, to help fill the silence. "It is beautiful here. is this what you wanted to show me?' I asked.

Slender's head perked up. "It certainly is a beautiful place. But I was meaning to talk to you about something else." he said, this time facing me. I tilted my head, in confusion. "What did you want to say?" I asked. He huffed, and turned to me.

"I am aware that this is very sudden, and that I have only known you for almost 3 weeks, but in those weeks, I felt many feelings directed to you. All, being very strong. What I have been wanting to say, is that I want to be with you. I want to share the rest of my life with you. And I want you to be happy, even if it isn't with me... What i am trying to say, is that I love you, (Y/N)." He admitted.

I was somewhat surprised at this. But at the same time, I wasn't surprised. Despite his terrifying appearance, I felt like he needed me in a way. I didn't want to deny him of that happiness, and I felt happy with him too. I nodded my head, accepting the idea of being with him rather quick.

I wanted us to be happy, and I had similar feeling for him as well, so why would I not? "Slender, I am glad you told me. I think that i would be glad to be happy with you." I said, smiling. And I was being honest, I really did feel happy with him. He stayed still for a moment, processing what I said. "Are you.. sure?" He asked, seemingly confused himself.

I guess he was so prepared for rejection, that he forgot about being prepared for a 'yes'. I nodded my head, never dropping my smile. It took him a second to realize that i was telling the truth, and when he did, he jumped from his seat. I laughed, and he lifted me in the air, giving me a hug. If felt good to hug him, and I felt a burst of joy through my body.

He pulled me close, muttering the words, 'Thank you'. I giggled, holding him tight. "Your welcome." I said, giving him a light peck on the cheek. I smiled wider, feeling real happiness.. i had one more thought in my head, that filled me with joy.

'This new life of mine, was going to be a great one.' I thought and I felt Slender setting me down, and I could feel the joy radiating off of him.


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