Chapter 21: "Dream-like"

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Hello! This is a picture of a well, and trust me when i say, it's important in this chapter. Enjoy!

May 9th, 2011, 7:07 am

Hoodie's pov

As per usual, my night was filled with coffee, video games, and the nagging voices in my head. every night, they would speak about some bullshit that happened already, or shit that I did years ago. My body shook to do something, as heavy footsteps came pattering down the stairs. I rushed over to the kitchen, grabbing the rags and cleaning supplies, and trying to rush over to the dining table. key word, "trying".

Slender came down the stairs, the steps creaking in every step. Before I could turn for the dining table, I felt his presence behind me, as always, and I shook slightly when I felt his breath on the back of my head. He reached over where I stood, grabbing a small pink mug off the shelf. I shifted my weight and turned to face him, only to see his back, facing away from me. I let go of the breath that I didn't even realize I was holding, as shady figures ran across the living room, and the pictures that hung on the walls shifted and morphed into each other.

The 'family' picture that hung in the middle of the living room swung side to side, and the faces of respectability turned into sinister ones. my hands gripped the spray bottle and rags, with their deep laughter from within the pictures.

"Brain. What are you looking at? Have you even slept?" Slender asked. I turned to look, shaking my head at his words. "Nothing of importance." 'Just the pictures moving and voices. nothing out of the normal. I thought to myself. For a short while, it was just me and him in the silence of the kitchen and living room.

The silence was oddly more comfortable then other times, most likely because I had gotten so used to Slender watching me from afar. Or the fact that this time he was focused on something else. I felt relieved, for once in this mansion of misery, but at the same time, I felt confused at the way that he was looking down to the table. 'No. Be grateful, that for once hes not analyzing the fuck out of you. Be fucking grateful.' That's what my mind told me. That's what I wanted, this entire time I was here, right? So then why now, that he focuses away from me, it's such a big deal? I felt my mouth open, with words that just ran past every filter that I had in place.

"Uh.. Hey? Slender, are you okay? You seem a little different." 'No! Why that fuck would you ask that?Jesus Christ! Fucking idiot.' I slammed my mouth shut, as soon as he turned to look at me. His head was held up by his hand, with coffee in the other. "i am trying to understand something. It's filled with odd symbols. Very old writing. I am not even sure if these are meant to be used as letters or just what someone thought of writing." He answered. I went against every one of my natural instincts, etching closer to him. I found myself standing next to him, now looking at the paper.

He was right to say that it was in a weird array of writing. Filled with circles, squares, triangles, and lines going through them. The paper was old, probably over at least a century. It had been burned, as the edges were singed, with black ash making the area crumble if you even blew on it. Droplets of dried blood surrounded the symbol in the center of the picture, as if the mapping out of everything had been cut off.

It looked beyond odd on its own, but the symbol in the center gave me a sinking feeling. It was a circle, with smaller ones in it. The line in the middle divided it into triangles, it seemed to have been traced with that dried blood. "Slender, What exactly is it?" I asked. I didn't even know what to make of it.

His voice was tired, and he rubbed the temple of his head with his fingers. "I read over the book that Jonathan brought to me, and I am trying to understand if this is mapping out how it should be done." "the ritual?" He nodded his head. I looked back down at it, noticing something that he may have not noticed. "Hey, call me strange, but the smaller circles looked like the placements of where everyone should be. You know, because in between the lines there is one circle, and Jonathan said that there had to be 6 people, right? so.. Maybe that's where everyone is meant to stand?" He looked harder at the paper, nodding his head and sipping his coffee on last time.

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