Chapter 20: "Every day."

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May 8th, 2011, 12:15 pm

(Y/N)'s pov

"Miss them?" Trying to connect his question to anything that I was aware of. My hand gripped on his shoulder, doing my best to have it in a comforting manner. His eyes averted to me, pleading for me to continue. But when he realized I didn't know how to respond, he looked back down to grass. "Every day, I miss them. I miss the person who I was." He continued. It finally clicked. "Oh.... Of course I miss them." I said, plopping myself into the fog and on the cold, damp ground.

I looked at him once more. You would never think that a guy like him would miss.. anyone. You would never think that anyone in the house would. And with what I learned from everyone, is that they never wanted to be what they are now. It wasn't planned, maybe it just was a bad day..

The moisture of the dirt made me uncomfortable, as I shifted closer to Benjamin. "Benjamin.. I get it, but how long has it been since then? It's not your fault that what happened, happened. But please, it's time to let yourself move on. You won't be able to move on, if you don't let yourself move on." I knew how he felt, all to well. To do things that destroyed everything you ever had. To hate yourself for it and too wish that you didn't exist. My leg twitches, and he swung his head back, leaving his neck vulnerable.

He shut his eyes, the fog hugging him. "Maybe you're right. its been almost 10 years. But I just don't know how.. How do you forget something like joining a damn cult? How do you forget drowning? I have tried, but I just can't. it's impossible to forget something like that!" His hands flung in the air, shoeing away the fog. "you don't forget it. You get past it. you let it go." I answered with my hands folded. "You can't just ignore the problems. I have done it, and believe me, it just make things harder."

A loud sigh escaped from his mouth, and I could feel his gaze on me. The damp air made it harder to move my ankle, which was bouncing up and around. "So.. what did you do?' His question stunted me. 'How did i do it? After Marilyn... I kept going... just driving myself off the deep edge..' "Accept it." I said those words out of the blue. I accepted it. I accepted what I did, I accepted that I was a murderer.

we were quite after that, with the slight drizzle beating against our skin. My mouth opened, and released the words that were bound to get us home from the damp woods."Let's go home, and deal with this later." standing up, I dusted myself off of the dirt, and tried to dry my pants. it was still uncomfortable to move around in, but I would have to deal with that later.

I waited for him to stand up, in which he did, and soon we began to walk, in a comforting silence. when suddenly, he broke that silence. " Do you know what.. exactly Puppeteer is going to do? Like, did he tell you, after I sort of left?" He asked, making gestures with his hands. I looked up at him, and answered. "Well, most of us were focused on what had just happened, but he told us that we would only do it to give me a human body." The mud squished under our shoes.

"Do you want to be human?" He asked, curiosity written on his face. To be 100% honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to be human. Yes, being a doll was terrible, but how much better can being human be? I have been hurt, I could die at any moment, my body will shut down eventually, and who knows if the ritual would work? But I miss everything about it, I missed being able to eat. To actually do shit, like open doors, or cabinets. Hell, I miss being heavy enough to not be thrown across the room. I shook my head slightly in embarrassment. This decision was a double edged sword.

"In a way, yes. I miss being able to reach the door handles, without jumping, or just feeling normal, in a way." I answered back. He nodded his head, and we slipped back into the comfortable silence.

People in this house (Creepypasta x Toy! Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now