Chapter 2: "A New Day, With A New Beginning"

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October 3rd, 1947, 3:42 PM

"As you may already know, on Friday morning there was a major car accident that left 1 dead and injured 12, including the bus driver involved with in the accident. The victim of the accident, (Y/N) (L/N), a 28 year old man in his car, was flipped over and became pinned between the wall of a local antique store and and the bus. But as investigators observed the scene to understand what may have caused the accident, they discovered the body of 25 year old Katie Richmond in the trunk of his car. Katie Richmond had been missing for 2 weeks now, and investigators believed that he may be linked to other missing cases.."

It had been 2 days, since the accident and I felt worse then before. The television managed to survive the accident and was just playing the news. I could feel the pain in my back, even though everything was in working order. Well, as well as you could consider yourself to be when you are being forced to live in a doll. My head was spinning and I could barely stand up straight, and the news anchor' s voice didn't help what so ever.

I couldn't shut it off and I could barely move my legs without having my 'knees' buckle. I looked around the floor and saw something. A vent. ' How did I not notice that!? I could tried to leave when ever I wanted!' I thought to myself, annoyed with how I didn't notice the vent. I crawled over to the vent and attempted to pull it out.

Thankfully, it was unscrewed and big enough for me to get through. I opened it and crawled inside, but I felt like a rat hiding away from the world. A rat that felt pain and anger, so it hid away from everyone and everything to avoid hurting the ones close to him. The interesting thing about the vents is that they were built like a maze, with inconstant turns that made little to no sense. It was as if it was meant to confuse you. At one point, I had peaked through the bottom of the vent, only to see that it was directly above the car accident.

I kept crawling through the vent, making turns that I had hoped would let me leave and I saw a bit of light peeking through. I quickly turned to the vent and looked through it. It was drizzling and the vent was higher then many of the others. 'This must be the 2nd or 3rd floor.' I looked further around, careful to not let the vent door fall open. I had been at the back off the building, were there was an alleyway with a dumpster beneath the vent.

I opened the grate of the vent gently and pushed it to the side , and slowly let myself drop. I was getting used to the weight of the doll, and even though it was difficult to freely move, like running or raise my arms, I was getting accustom to it. I lowered myself down to the dumpster, but My hands slipped from the vents entrance. i landed on the lip and rolled over to the ground. " What a shitty day." I told myself, as I stood up, noticing the bad smell on the back of my (F/C) tux.

I looked at the dumpster and wiped my smooth figures across where my feet were. I took a quick look at it, but the strong smell of liquor invaded my nostrils. I moved my head back, and wiped it against the buckle of my dress pants. I had always hated the smell of liquor, but the smell combined with the smell of liquor, cigars, piss, and what ever else could have been in that dumpster was just to much for me. I looked around in the alleyway and saw an opening on the opposite end.

Next through the opening of the alleyway, was a shattered mirror. I felt myself crawling to the mirror, with an curiosity and an urge to see myself for once. I looked down at it and was shocked with want I saw. My (H/T) hair was mated with clomps of dried blood and sweat. My skin looked paler then how it normally looked and my eyes looked dead, as if their was no turn emotions behind them. The (F/C) tux I wore was dirty and bloody. What shocked me is how close to me this doll looked. It had everything, well almost everything. It lacked my Johnson, but that was a given.

I looked around and saw nothing but road and woods. I sighed quietly and began walking. by now it was dark, so I didn't have to worry to much about anyone seeing me. I walked for hours and by now it must have been early morning. I sat down close to a thick tree, for a few minutes watching the sun begin to rise. It was beautiful, and calming. I could stay here forever and just watch the world go by. I stood up, before I could got to comfortable and started to walk again. I stepped over the dangling tree roots and smiled slightly, for no particular reason. suddenly I missed my footing and rolled down the hill next to the road. the rocks scraped and chipped me and dirt covered both my clothes and hair. I landed on my back and a rock rolled on top of me. Everything went dark after that.

(H/T) = Hair type

Johnson = a phrase used in the 40's to describe a male's organs. External organs

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