Chapter 8: "Did I Do Something Wrong?"

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(S\N) = sister's name (if you don't have a sister, don't worry just make up a name)

May 4th, 2011, 8:32

(Y\N)' s pov

I sat there in the girl's arms, pondering on what happened at the dinner table. Everyone in there looked...odd. Not in a negative way, just odd. But that was not what I was thinking of. Instead, the shadowy man who made me shining new. Did I make him feel weird? I only wanted to thank him for fixing me, yet he almost attacked me and left when the girl, who's name I learned was Sally, sat next to him, with me in hand.

Had I made him feel ill? Had I somehow hurt him? As for as intimidating as he looks, I could see the fear painted on his face. I thought and pondered and questioned myself as Sally colored seemingly. The drawing was a crude drawing, but were holding sweet intentions. A short boy in green came in, holding a cup of something.

He walked over to Sally, with a small smile on his face. His eyes were black, with small red pupils and dripping from them was what looked like blood. His ears looked pointy and he had blonde hair pushed to his back. "Whatcha drawing?" He asked as he peered over her. "(Y\N)." She answered back.

He nodded his head and looked over to me. I could almost feel the disinterest in his face, as he went back to the counter and pored his drink. He left the room and Sally and I were left alone. I watched her draw, and she put down her crayon and she looked up at me. "Do you like my drawing?" She asked.

It was a sweet gesture so I nodded my head and smiled. She looked at me shocked, dropped the drawings, ran over to pick me up and run upstairs. She threw open her door and locked it. She placed me on the floor and sat down in front of me. "You can move! What else can you do!?" She said, louder than needed. I felt her eyes searching for even minimal movement. "Well... A lot in fact. Much more now since your friend fixed me." I answered.

Sally looked at me wide-eyed with a shocked smile that stretched across her face. She started asking me questions, like 'What is your favorite color?' or ' Do you have a Mommy or Daddy?'. I answered each question, but the questions started to get more intense. She started asking 'Were you always a doll?'. I shook my head, 'no' and she started asking about how it happened..

I felt my head start banging on my skull and my skin begin to crawl. I felt my body stiffen, to the point where I was standing straight, with not a single bend. I dropped my head and buried it into my hands, as memories ran wild in my head. She looked at me quickly, and quickly said that I didn't have to answer it if I didn't want to. Her face held concern and fear, but she came over and held me.

Her hug reminded me of someone, close to me. (S\N). I remember her.. she was younger than me, by a few years, but her morality and kindness was stronger than mines ever was. She always saw the good in people, myself included. It always amazed me, that, even with the worst things, she saw the good in them.

I remembered how she saw me. She always called me her role model, and when I was upset, she would hug me and say how great of a person I was. I lied to myself, repeating what she had told me. That I was a good person, that they hurt me first, and that it wasn't my fault. But I had always known that wasn't true... And neither did she. She never found out, and if she did, she would never believe it.

The picture perfect idea of her brother would be destroyed if she found out that I murdered those women, in cold blood. Without a feeling of regret. I pushed the memories of her aside and pulled myself into reality. Sally let go of me with a sorry look on her face. "I'm sorry for bringing it up.." she said, with the voice of a mouse.

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