Chapter 24:"Finally, The End is Here" Part 1

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May ??, 2011, ???

Eric's pov

I had no idea what day or time it was, as my only source of light was that of a window too high and small for me to reach. My legs were sore, and I was losing my mind in the darkness of the room. I sat in the corner of the room, next to the small hole, in which the woman was in. My hands ran through my hair, and felt how tangled it was. It was matted with dried blood and dirt.

I learned rather quickly to not make any noise, as I wasn't the only one here. As you see, these sick bastards enjoyed kidnapping people, and the only reason I seemed to be alive was because I was the only one who DIDN'T scream their head off. My hands cupped over my ears, in an attempt to silence the man on the other side of the door.


He kept yelling and yelling, for what felt like hours. Maybe even days. I curled tighter in the little ball I was already in, trying to hide myself. I muttered, thinking of everyone who I should have been with. 'My mother, My father, Angela,' Friends, family, pets, those were the things that swamped my mind with memories, before I could reach my demise.

I sunk into the wall, further and further, (as if that were possible anymore) and cried softly. My stomach growled, with pain, and I hugged my legs, feeling my tears drip. I heard footsteps nearing the door, but I stopped reacting to them a while ago. They threw these dense halls, and they would only ever slide food from under the door. If I were lucky,but I never ate it.

No matter how hungry I was. I would much rather die of starvation, then be drugged and killed. The footsteps stopped at my door, but nothing came from underneath. Under the door, stood a stillness that made me shift my gaze. I wiped my eyes, moving up a bit. I heard muffled voices on the other side. I inched closer, till I could understand what they were saying, to some degree.

"This is his room, right?" I couldn't recognize the voice as any I had heard other than the one who brought me here, and this guy sounded too young."Yeah, it's him." Another voice, still completely new to me. The lock on the door clicked and chimed, and I scurried off to the corner, with the realization that they weren't here to feed me, or keep me alive. They were here to get rid of me.

The door unlocked fully, with sweet little chimes. The door swung open, revealing the two people in front of the door. They looked unfamiliar to the faces that I saw through the holes in the wall and the peep hole through the door. The taller one stood at the door, taking in my dreadful state. The other one, stood close to him, but moved in jagged ways, with cracks in his neck and knuckles.

The sterile lights behind them flickered, and the first one grabbed my arm quickly, pulling me to my knees. I pushed him away from me, only for him to grab me tighter. "Are you just gonna stand there, or what?" He said, dragging me. I shook and pulled, but he wouldn't budge. "Oh, right! Sorry Masky." The smaller one scrambled to me, grabbing my other arm.

They lifted me up, now the only thing dragging was my feet. "No! Get the fuck off of me! Where am I? Where are you taking me? Hey! I am talking to y-" An elbow slammed my jaw. My head swung to the other side. I felt dizziness take me over, and I let my head hang low. "Shut up. We don't even know what's going on." 'Masky' scolded.

I pulled my head up, groggily. I tasted a metallic taste in my mouth, and I let my tongue glide over my teeth, feeling a space in my gums that was never there. 'Motherfucker knocked out my tooth!' I looked back, seeing a small shimmer in the white tile, with blood surfacing the crown of it, confirming the fact that he took out a tooth. I looked back at them.

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