The End (Slender's Ending)

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Hi! Quick warning! We will be heading into some graphic territory, like infected wounds, pus, and needles. Just letting you know, that I will be getting in a little detail. Completely understandable if you don't want to read that, I don't blame you. Just a heads up. Enjoy!

PS. Povidone-Iodine is the brown stuff that doctors use when they are preparing you for surgery. It is and anti-bacterial chemical, meant to clean the wound. It's like alcohol, but doesn't hurt and is only meant for medical surgery, while alcohol is like a quick fix.

Love, Erin

May ????, 2011, ???

(Y/N)'s pov

Is that... Slender?

I could see him pushing everyone back, trying to see if I was okay. The sounds of the voices were practically destroying my ear drums. A thin man came rushing over to me, landing in the dirt urgently. His hands ran over to my head and chest. He pressed against the stab wound.

"Ah!" I helped, trying to turn away from him. Everyone who was around us, backed up, out of sheer shock. It hurt so much. I could see Slender practically stomping over to us, and stepping over him. The doctor ducked down, trying to avoid getting kicked in the face. Slender kneeled down to my level.

The muscles in his face seemed sad, but I couldn't tell. Everything was just blurry. His arms wrapped themselves under me, beginning to dead-lift me. I kept fading in and out of consensus, but I could clearly see him taking me to the mansion, and down a strange flight of stairs. My head bashing itself against the walls of my new skull, and the pain in my chest was so intense.

My vision was slowly clearing up, and my limbs felt shaky. I heard the footsteps of someone else coming up from behind him, and trying to get his attention. "Sir, listen to me. Just calm down. I know what I am doing." Slender scoffed at the idea. "Of course you do. You also have an uncontrollable desire to kill off everything in sight." I felt the cold metal underneath me. Slender walked around frantically, trying to find something.

I touched my chest, feeling the stab there. It hurt to the touch. When I pulled my hand up, I noticed how much blood was on it. "My office! What are you even looking for?" The doctor asked loudly, as he stood at the door. "Cloth. Alcohol, and bandages." He said, walking up to me, placing everything next to me.

The doctor jumped in front of him, blocking Slender from me. "Sir, I really don't think you should do that." He said, defensively. "And why is that?" I couldn't see his face, but his tone was angry and despite. "Because you don't know anything about the human body! You only the bare basics, but this is a deep stab wound to the chest. Alcohol and bandages won't stop internal bleeding, and worse, he will feel all of it! Do you really want that?" His voice was shaky, but strong. It because quiet, with only the sounds of the clock on the wall ticking.

"I know your worried. But between you and me, I know how to make sure he stays alive." His voice became tender and gentle. Slender huffed and put the alcohol down, with what I assume is disappointment. I couldn't hear the rest, but I could see the bright light that the doctor put on me. He was instructing Slender to place his claw-like hands on the wound, trying to keep the blood from leaving.

I winced silently, earning a 'I'm sorry' from Slender. The bright light burned my eyes, and the painful feeling in my chest was starting to get to me. The Doctor walked away from me, though not for very long. He arrived back to me, rolling up his sleeves and putting of blue surgical gloves. His slowly pulled my arm to him, and I felt a slight prick to the middle of my arm. He leaned down at me, looking at me in the eye.

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