People in this house (Creepyp...

By Arena_Quits

1.6K 129 2

This is my first story, so I will be open to constructive criticism. I wanted to make a story like this for a... More

Chapter 1. "Prologue"
Chapter 2: "A New Day, With A New Beginning"
Chapter 3: "She Found Me"
Chapter 4: "Solutions And Problems"
Chapter 5: "Raining"
Chapter 6: "Something Is Off"
Chapter 7: "Are you kidding me?"
Chapter 8: "Did I Do Something Wrong?"
Chapter 9: "Cards Up His Sleeve"
Chapter 10: "What's On Your Mind?"
Chapter 11: "Hell Of A Grip"
Chapter 13: "Let's Talk"
Chapter 14: "Bring Back Memories"
Chapter 15: "Breaks And Cigarettes"
Chapter 16: "First Impression"
Chapter 17: "You and Me"
Chapter 18: "The Beginning Of The End"
Chapter 19: "Do you ever miss them?"
Chapter 20: "Every day."
Chapter 21: "Dream-like"
Chapter 22: "Pretty faces"
Chapter 23: "Eric Turner"
Chapter 24:"Finally, The End is Here" Part 1
Chapter 25: "Finally, The End is Here" Part 2
The End (Ben's Ending)
The End (Slender's Ending)
The End (Hoodie's Ending)
The End (The Puppeteer's Ending)
Author's Note #1

Chapter 12: "What Are You?"

63 5 0
By Arena_Quits

May 6th, 2011, 1:05

Ben's pov

I took this chance I had to look at the tools exactly. Nails, hammer, flash light, tape, drill, all things that can be used on wood and stone. A glass cup was at the edge of table, full of brushes but something stood out. A camera. A simple one, average. Nothing special about it, but why was it here?

"What's the camera for?" I asked, beginning to clean the tools. Hoodie answered me. "In case we see something that is not normal. So we have evidence of it." He said, changing the film. "Huh." I responded. I turned to The Puppeteer, and noticed that he started to undo (Y\N)'s shirt.

I felt panicked for some reason, and felt my face reddening. "Why are you doing that?" I said quickly. The Puppeteer looked at me weirdly, and answered. "We have to examine him. He's a doll, not a man. He is not gonna have anything down there. Plus, I'm only taking his shirt" He answered. Hoodie came up behind him, snapping a photo of (Y\N)'s half naked body. The only thing really left on him was his (F\C) dress pants and shoes.

"Ben, can you open his mouth for me?" The Puppeteer asked, grabbing the flash light. I did what he asked, accidentally slipping my hand in it and launch my hand away. It felt wet, like saliva was in it. "What's wrong?" The Puppeteer questioned. I didn't answer, instead I pried open his mouth, and dragged my finger across his tongue.

It felt fleshy, like a real one and was wet with saliva. I pulled it away in disgust, wiping my hand with my shirt. Hoodie must have noticed, because he rushed over taking a photo. He rolled up his sleeves and oped (Y\N) mouth again, looking intently in it. The Puppeteer flashed the flashlight in his mouth and my face drained of color.

The inside looked fleshy and was red, covered in details. His uvula was dangling from the back of his throat and I could see it moving. I could feel his breaths against my face and a sent of blood invaded my nostrils. I felt my spine shiver, and I could tell everyone else was just as shocked as me. The Puppeteer's face looked like about as white as Casper the friendly ghost's. Hoodie was just frozen still, not moving.

We kept looking. His eyes kept shifting around, and he looked panicked. It was understandable, but I didn't focus on that. Hoodie placed his head up against (Y\N)'s chest. He stayed that way for a moment, not moving.

I noticed the shifting from underneath Hoodie's hands. His head shot up and he dropped (Y\N) on the table. " We have to tell Slender about this." I said, not letting my gaze drift away. (Y\N) started to move, visibly backing away from us. His body moved jaggedly, like he was looking for a way out. The Puppeteer was snapping photos and the sound of them was filling the room, with the sound of heavy breathing on its side. (Y\N) fell back, and started running around to the door "Get Slender!"

The Puppeteer demanded, and I bolted out of the room. I slammed the door as quickly as I could, and I barely felt my feet hitting the floor boards, like I was flying out. I hit Slender's door with my body, busting it open and interrupting him. He was listening to old 50s music, while reading a bunch of news papers. I saw him jump, and he shot out of his seat.

His hands slammed angrily against the table. "Benjamin! Just what are you thinking?!" I ignored his question and began to try dragging him out of the room. It was hard to move him, him being so tall and probably weighing much more than me. "It's an emergency! It's the doll!" I told him. I heard a glass shatter down the hall, and the arm that I was holding Slender with, got pulled into him.

It was quick and easy, but felt like a shock wave through my body. He pulled me into an odd hug and my stomach started to back flips on itself, with my skin felt tingly. We were in the hall, where his office was and now we were in The Puppeteer's room.

I fell back, landing straight on my ass, feeling nauseous. I gripped my stomach and groaned, unaware of anything going on around me. Hoodie was bleeding and trying to calm everyone down, as The Puppeteer was creeping up on (Y\N) from the side of the door. The glass cup had fallen to the ground and shattered and the brushes had rolled every where. It was mess. I don't exactly know what happened while I was gone, but it was wild. The Puppeteer grabbed on to (Y\N), lifting him up and practically slamming him against the table.

"Enough. Let go of him. He clearly does not feel safe or comfortable. Please, back away." Slender said calmly, like he had seen this situation a thousand times before. The Puppeteer slowly let go, and (Y\N) stayed put.. like he knew that if he moved, he would just get held down again. I, who was still on the ground, sat up and watched the scene unfold. Slender slowly walked over to him and crouched down to his level. He started saying something to him, in a calming way. (Y\N) even laughed quietly.I

It was amazing to me, that a situation where glass was shattered and everyone was either yelling or trying to catch on another, could turn into a situation were everyone was calm. Slender turned around with his hands held together, "Gentleman, let's all calm down. I see that we all got off on the wrong foot, so let us all try to get on the right one, hmm?" He said, looking at all of us. 'No way that this can all be resolved by talking!' I thought, confused on everything. I shakily stood up against the wall, with my nausea being less intense. "What exactly are you suggesting?" I asked.

Slender looked at me and the muscles in his face stretched, like he was smiling at me. "Well, tomorrow, I will have a conversation with each and every one of you, and we will then learn what exactly the issue is. Jonathan, Brian, Benjamin, I feel that you 3 are now aware of (Y\N)'s existence and hopefully we can feel comfortable enough to explain ourselves by tomorrow." He answered, still seemingly smiling at me. I looked at (Y\N), and he looked at me. We locked eyes, and I didn't feel like looking away. His eyes held something in them wasn't an angry look, or disappointed, or anything wrong... But it looked relived.

Slender picked (Y\N) up from the ground, still holding that smile and warped himself out of the room. It was like a snap, leaving a flash of light behind. It was a grey, static, that made a buzzing sound. Hoodie left the room quickly, his hand still dripping blood on the ground. The Puppeteer sighed and looked at his watch. "It's 3:40. Let's just go to bed." He said tiredly.

He flopped onto his bed, and I chuckled at it. "Alright. Night." I shut the door and walked through the dark hall, following the blood trail. Hoodie stood in the his bathroom, cleaning his hand. I guess he had a run in with the cup. I glanced over to him. "So.. what happened in there while I was gone?" He peered over to me, and shook his head.

"(Y\N) was running around and he knocked over that stupid cup. It hit my hand while it shattered. That's all." His hand was cleaner now, and I could actually see the cut. It was pretty deep, and it looked like it hurt like a bitch. I watched him bandage it, wrapping it with gauze. Once he finished, he took a look at me and I couldn't tell if he was smiling or frowning. "Wanna drink some coffee with me?"

That question baffled me. 'Why the fuck would he want to drink coffee at 4 in the fucking morning? And he wonders why he doesn't sleep well.' I glared at him, "What? Why? It's 4 in the morning!" He shrugged his shoulders and started walking to the door. He turned to me, and leaned on the door. "I know, you don't have to if you don't want to. It just feels lonely when I drink it by my self."

That baffled me beyond belief, but I followed him anyways. Hoodie did a little jump, like he was excited to actually have someone drink coffee with him. We walked around to the kitchen, and I sat down as he started to warm up the coffee. "Sugar or anything?" I glanced up at him and back down to my hands. "Just sugar." He placed the hot coffee in front of me and removed his mask partially.

I watched him drink it slowly, bringing mine to my lips. I felt tired, but didn't say anything. We talked for a bit, about Slender, games, regular shit, and (Y\N). He stopped talking for a minute, and I thought I had brought something bad up.

"Is it bad that I can't stop thinking about him? (Y\N)?" His question took me back a bit, but I understood why. "No.. I think about him too. At first, I was really unsure about everything, and now... I guess it makes a little sense. How exactly do you think about him?" I fixed my gaze on him and watched him. He put his head in his hands and yawned. "I don't think about him in anyway. I just can't get him to leave my head. It's like he is a... thing that burrowed in the walls of my head." He concluded, head still in his hands. I didn't know what to say to him. I huffed, as I was never really good at these situations and I put my hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at me, and I could see a frown. "Hey, don't worry about it right now. It's okay to think about it and everything. Don't dwell on it." I said, trying to comfort him. You would think, people like us wouldn't care about each other, but we do. We are the only family any one here has left. We have to be there for each other. He nodded his head and smiled.

"Yeah, your right." He stood up, and put his cup and my empty cup in the sink. "Come on, let's try to sleep." I smiled, nodding my head and going up the stairs with him to get our rooms. We said our good nights, and I laid down. I recounted everything and laughed. (Y\N) had made himself known to us, and soon everyone in the house.

His actions have been driving me up the wall. Hoodie seems farther up the wall then anyone else, even if this was his first encounter with (Y\N). I thought about tomorrow, specifically.. the office conversation. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Hoodie was right when he said that (Y\N) was like a bug, that burrowed into people's heads.

I stayed in my bed, still awake for a long, long time, just thinking. I wanted it to go well, I wanted to say sorry to him, and maybe we could try to get along? I doubt it, but trying never hurt me. Well it has, but not badly. I felt myself drifting from the world, and I looked over to my clock. 5:41. My eyes had weights attached to them and I quickly found myself asleep.

Hey guys! Quick message! I hate keeping you guys waiting, because you are all being amazing people, but I need to take a break from working on the story. Don't worry! I will be back by Tuesday or Wednesday. I hope you all understand and that you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day!

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