People in this house (Creepyp...

By Arena_Quits

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This is my first story, so I will be open to constructive criticism. I wanted to make a story like this for a... More

Chapter 1. "Prologue"
Chapter 2: "A New Day, With A New Beginning"
Chapter 3: "She Found Me"
Chapter 4: "Solutions And Problems"
Chapter 5: "Raining"
Chapter 6: "Something Is Off"
Chapter 7: "Are you kidding me?"
Chapter 8: "Did I Do Something Wrong?"
Chapter 9: "Cards Up His Sleeve"
Chapter 11: "Hell Of A Grip"
Chapter 12: "What Are You?"
Chapter 13: "Let's Talk"
Chapter 14: "Bring Back Memories"
Chapter 15: "Breaks And Cigarettes"
Chapter 16: "First Impression"
Chapter 17: "You and Me"
Chapter 18: "The Beginning Of The End"
Chapter 19: "Do you ever miss them?"
Chapter 20: "Every day."
Chapter 21: "Dream-like"
Chapter 22: "Pretty faces"
Chapter 23: "Eric Turner"
Chapter 24:"Finally, The End is Here" Part 1
Chapter 25: "Finally, The End is Here" Part 2
The End (Ben's Ending)
The End (Slender's Ending)
The End (Hoodie's Ending)
The End (The Puppeteer's Ending)
Author's Note #1

Chapter 10: "What's On Your Mind?"

65 5 0
By Arena_Quits

May 5th, 2011, 10:15 am

Sally's pov

I don't know what exactly happened last night, or why anyone was acting weird. I had already finished my cereal, but I couldn't tell what was wrong. (Y\N) told me that when he was singing to me, someone had heard him and told Slender. He was worried, and wanted to apologize to Ben for his actions, but I told him that he couldn't. He was upset at first, but I told him that no one else knew about him, and he would scare everyone.

So he told me to do it, but everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Then Ben left.. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. I felt (Y\N) fist ball up, as I held him close in my arms. I could feel his body stiffen as it seemed like he was watching each and every moment of Ben. When Ben left, Jane started talking.

She asked me if she could hold him, and I said yes. I didn't see why not. I walked around the big table, over to her and handed him over. She first held him in front of her, looking up at him. His shirt was untucked, and his hair was nicely done. It was still soft and looked combed, even though I had never combed him.

Jane pulled him closer to her, and started holding him like a baby. Some people were giggling and watching her and she turned her back, but I looked at her in confusion. He told me, that he hated being treated like an actual doll, or baby, but I couldn't see him to know if that were true. She looked over at her friends, and back at him. She was rocking him, but stopped suddenly. She barely moved.

She had turned into a statue and dropped him on the ground. She pushed past me and left, going somewhere. I ran over to him and picked him up, off the dirty ground. No one except Clockwork seemed to be paying attention to her, and even she didn't look unsettled. (Y\N), on the other hand, looked angry.

His eyebrows were furrowed, and the muscles in his face looked scrunched up. The look in his (E\C) was cruel. Dark, and menacing. It was like he wanted to hurt everyone, like he wanted to strangle someone. But his face softened, and was replaced with a kind smile.

It was like a whole different person was looking at me, one was so kind, and looked like he couldn't hurt a fly, and the other looked like he wanted to pull you down and drown you. It scared me. How quick he changed. No one noticed, or cared to notice and I found myself dragging my feet to Mr. Slenderman's office. I was about to knock on the door, when it swung opens, almost slamming into me.

I fell back, landing painfully on my rear. Jane stomped out, barley noticing me. Mr. Slenderman stepped out looking outraged. I stood up, and backed away, knowing how it can be when he was mad. He would throw and thrash things around, making this horrific noise that could shake the ground.

I was scared of him whenever he became like that, because it seemed like no one was safe. Even though we were. Not a hand was laid on any of us, even if we made him upset. Those times were rare and I was glad for that. He stared down at me, and I could feel a smile forming and his anger disappearing.

"Hello, child. How are you?" He kindly asked, crouching down to my level. I smiled up at him. "I am good. Can I go outside in the yard?" I asked with a questioning gaze. He thought for a moment and nodded his head. He offered his hand to me and spoke again.

"I do not have anything to do today, so is it alright if I join you?" He told me. I jumped up, noting how long it had been since he had played with me. I took his hand while still holding (Y\N). I skipped down the hall and quickly put my shoes on and went out the door with him. He walked up to Masky and Hoodie, and told them he was leaving. The outside was still damp from yesterday's rain, but smelled like the fresh earth.

In the yard, sat a swing set, built for 3. He pulled a rag out and dried the seats, enjoying the outside. "You know, it had been a very long time since I had left the house. I didn't realize how much I needed a day off." He said, finishing up on the seats. I place (Y\N) on one of the seats and sat on the one next to him. Mr. Slenderman began pushing me and I felt like I was flying.

I laughed and rejoiced once more. It had felt like years since Mr. Slenderman's had played with me, or anyone outside. The feeling of the breeze against my skin made me feel free. The sun was beaming, a rarity for these parts of the woods, where the thick fog and heavy feeling of moister and hood of the leaves would block it's light. It felt nice. I knew Mr. Slenderman was having fun as well, because I could hear his laughter. I wonder how (Y\N) was feeling.

(Y\N)'s pov

The outside felt wonderful. As I wasn't covered in mud, shit, and about anything else. I didn't expect to see Slenderman to be outside, playing like a child would. His laughter was deep, like a rumbling in the depths of the ground. It was a lovely day, but I still felt...angry.

Angry at Jane who mocked me, by treating me like a child. Angry at her for taunting the Benjamin and 'Hoodie', as Sally calls him. I could understand why, it was reasonable! I would have done the exact same thing! And she seemed to treat everyone like garbage, with her being pristine clean.

Hell, she didn't even consider asking Sally if she was okay when pushing the door! She was just like Marilyn. Marilyn.. I remember her... The first one, my first time. She was my first love, my first lust, my first in every thing... Including my first hate.

She was beautiful, but boy could she be ugly. I remember her how her hair felt in my fingers, how she would hold on to me, and how she would cry on my shoulder. But I remember, what she did to me. How she hurt me, how I was foolish enough to not notice how she looked at other men, how she would dress herself up, not for me, but for others.

I caught her once, in bed with another man. I remember her holding the man, like she would hold me. We fought, and she tried to apologize by loving me like she loved him, but she didn't. She couldn't. Not after what I did to her..

Jane acted just like her. She seemed like the type to whine constantly, and I assume she did that to Slenderman. He seemed beyond upset, enough to kill a man. I knew that feeling all to well. I felt sick looking at her.

I wanted to wrap my hands around her neck, keeping her still. Watching her squirm, as bruises develop on her neck. I always used to have these thoughts and I wanted to act them out, when I was younger. I never did, when I was a child. But as I got older, they became more intence. But I don't know why I had these desires. No one in my family had these ideas.. My family was normal, but I? I was a mess compared to them.

But I pushed these thoughts out of my mind, and focused on what was happening now, forgetting about the past. Slenderman was standing in front of Sally, ready to count. He began counting, just like in the game she played with the man. Hoodie, was his name? It was a very strange name.. I assume that it must be a nickname for the man.

I looked up and saw Sally running around, looking for a hiding spot. She started climbing a tree, like a squirrel would. I laughed watching her. Sally did so well at reminding me of (S\N), she would be considered a copy.

(S\N) would always hide in the strangest of places, under cars, on the roof of our home, trees, things like that. She loved heights, but I hated them. When I was 11, she always to get herself in a tree, 'trying to see the world from up there', she would say. Once, she got stuck up there, and I had to get her down. I slipped with her in my arms, and landed wrong.

She was left unscaved, but I had injured my leg badly, and she felt so guilty about it. She did everything for me, like cleaning my room, or bring me Mother's dinner, just to try and say sorry. I didn't need a sorry from her, the look on her face already told me how guilty she must have been. I still love her, as the fantastic little sister she was, and I wouldn't dream about hurting her in anyway. I missed her, and Sally was just like her when we were younger, and that made me smile.

I looked back up, and saw Slenderman holding her up in his arms, like a father would hold his child. They played for a while longer, and got ready to leave. Sally picked me up, and walked in front of Slenderman. He was watching me steadily, but something was off. It didn't feel like it was menacing, but different. Like a sense of kindness or something like that.

It was odd, for me. I wasn't used to it. We got back to the house, and everything seemed to be calm and in working order. Jane looked over at me for one final look of the day and I smiled at her. She looked away quickly, and I thought about what happened today.

And the more I did, the more I realize that today was an okay day. I wonder what tonight and tomorrow have in store.

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