People in this house (Creepyp...

By Arena_Quits

1.4K 129 1

This is my first story, so I will be open to constructive criticism. I wanted to make a story like this for a... More

Chapter 1. "Prologue"
Chapter 2: "A New Day, With A New Beginning"
Chapter 3: "She Found Me"
Chapter 4: "Solutions And Problems"
Chapter 5: "Raining"
Chapter 6: "Something Is Off"
Chapter 7: "Are you kidding me?"
Chapter 8: "Did I Do Something Wrong?"
Chapter 10: "What's On Your Mind?"
Chapter 11: "Hell Of A Grip"
Chapter 12: "What Are You?"
Chapter 13: "Let's Talk"
Chapter 14: "Bring Back Memories"
Chapter 15: "Breaks And Cigarettes"
Chapter 16: "First Impression"
Chapter 17: "You and Me"
Chapter 18: "The Beginning Of The End"
Chapter 19: "Do you ever miss them?"
Chapter 20: "Every day."
Chapter 21: "Dream-like"
Chapter 22: "Pretty faces"
Chapter 23: "Eric Turner"
Chapter 24:"Finally, The End is Here" Part 1
Chapter 25: "Finally, The End is Here" Part 2
The End (Ben's Ending)
The End (Slender's Ending)
The End (Hoodie's Ending)
The End (The Puppeteer's Ending)
Author's Note #1

Chapter 9: "Cards Up His Sleeve"

71 6 0
By Arena_Quits

May 5th, 2011, 10:02 am

Ben's pov

My eyes fluttered open, as a sharp pain set in the back of my neck. I groaned in pain as I rolled over to my side, and off my bed. I slammed my head against my night desk, as the rest on my body fell to the ground. "Son of a bitch." I muttered, rubbing my head, where the desk had collided with it. I looked around, tiredly, and noticed that someone was in my room.

I shot myself up, and the occurrences of last night hit me like a train wreak. The Puppeteer slept soundlessly on my beanbag that sat in the edge of my room. I looked around as I stood up, stretching. The popping in my back and arms were loud, and I tripped over my Wii controller. Thankfully, I didn't slam my head against the door knob, and I left my room, without hurry.

The halls were empty with the commotion being downstairs when a voice filled the halls. I felt body wanting to shrivel back in on it's self, with my face cringing at the voice. "Benjamin." Slender said. I slowly turned to face him, with a forced smile on.

"I see you haven't gotten dressed." He said, crossed arms and everything. I looked over at myself, as I was still standing in my boxer shorts, with alien printing, and white t-shirt. I scratched the back of my neck, with a cringing smile. "About last night.. I didn't know what I was thinking.. can we just... I don't know.." I tried to explain. He hushed me up before I could say anything.

"Ben. I know what you heard. Let's talk more about this in my office." He said, as he opens the door to his office. As I walked in, his door slammed behind me, and he looked down at me. "Ben, believe me when I say, that you are not wrong when you say something is going on. I know what you heard, and I know what you saw, but we can not jump the gun on this. From what we know, we can not assume that what ever is inside the doll is evil. We just have to wait." He said, in a very monotone voice.

I felt confused and angry and embarrassed at the same time. "So you know that I am not crazy for thinking that it was the doll singing? And you still let everyone think that I am insane? And what if your wrong, what if that doll is Zalgo's? What if he is trying to take Sally?!" I yelled. I didn't care if anyone heard from the other side of the door. All I wanted to know is why he did these things. He sat in front of me, with his hands folded.

"I understand your concern, but it is not from Zalgo. Everything that Zalgo does, has a trace on it. When he sends something, it has 'markings' on it. Whether it be his smell of rotten meat, or an etching on it's back or a strange look in it's eyes, it will always have something from him. When I examined the doll, there was nothing on it. No smell, no strange look, nothing. Believe me. It is not from him." He answered back at me. I huffed angrily.

"So.. what is it?" I asked, still a little pissed off. He sighed in a sad way and didn't say anything. It was quiet for a few minutes, and I was squirming about on my seat. I stood up and walked over to the door, ready to leave, when he said something. "Be careful with it. It may not be Zalgo's doing, but that does not mean that it is safe." He warned.

I nodded my head, and left. I walked over to the stair case and I heard laughter and talking. I jumped over some steps, and pored myself some coffee. "Do you think the doll made the coffee too?" Jane asked, in her classy, 'I'm a bitch' tone. I ignored her and sat next to Jeff, who ate pancakes with bacon and jelly.

I remembered the look on his face, and I couldn't help but feel like an idiot. Jeff turned to me, and didn't mention anything about it. "Do you want to play video games later?" He asked, with a smile. A real smile, not the one that he carved, this one was honest. I nodded my head with a thankful smirk and drank the coffee.

It was sweet, like candy and I felt a wave of energy hit me. Sally walked in rubbing her eyes, holding the doll. She sat in front of me, placing the doll on her lap. She ate her cereal, humming the song from last night. I could feel Jane looking at me, eyeing me down as if she wanted to see if I cracked.

I stayed still, drinking my coffee. It felt like I was in the middle of a staring contest with the damn thing. Sally stayed looking at her cereal, but spoke. "(Y\N) says he's sorry for freaking you out." The table went silent and everyone was either looking at me, her or '(Y\N)'.

She looked up, around at everyone. "What?" She asked confused. I shook my head, putting my cup in the sink. "Nothing important, thanks anyways." I said. I quickly left the room and went straight into the living room.

Masky and Hoodie watched the news, listening to the things we did a few nights ago, while sitting next to EJ. Lazari kept looking at him, with her weird 'lovey' eyes. It was obvious that he was uncomfortable, and I wouldn't blame him. He was 26 and she just turned 12 three weeks ago. He shot himself up and left the room, leaving Lazari in her disappointment. I would have done the exact same.

The news lady kept talking and I sat next to Hoodie, almost landing on his leg. I missed and he looked at me weird. "So what happened with Slender?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "He believes us. He says it's not from Zalgo, but that we shouldn't jump the gun." I whispered the 'Zalgo' part. He was a controversial subject around the house, and his mere name freaked people out.

He made a loud sigh, probably thankful that it wasn't Zalgo. "What do you think it is?" I asked, curious on his thoughts. "I don't know. He gives me an old feeling. Definitely older then us, with the exception of Slender. Slender asked me about it, but I didn't say much." He answered. I nodded and watched the TV with them for a bit, before Jeff called me.

Hoodie's pov

I didn't get any sleep last night. How couldn't I? After what had happened last night, me, and The Puppeteer went over to Ben's room to talk about what had happened. He explained everything, and we talked about what The Puppeteer saw and heard. At some point, around 2 or 3am they fell asleep.

I didn't however, I couldn't stop thinking about (Y\N). About how he managed to get in this house and into my brain. I looked over at them. Ben was in his boxers and a white shirt, drooling. His hair was a mess, as it turned each way.

The Puppeteer slept on the beanbag chair in a curled up ball. I doubted that it was comfortable, but who was I to judge? His shoes and jacket were off, so only his sweater and jeans covered him. His hair was still straight, even though he was rolling around in the chair. I walked out of the room, realizing that I was still dressed. I still had my hood, jeans, and vans from this morning.

I tugged on my hood as I crept closer to Sally's room. I felt nervous for some reason. I peaked through, the only thing lighting the room was Sally's nightlight. It made the room bright and I could see clearly. He sat there, calm. Like he barely noticed me watching him.

I watched him carefully, hiding myself in the darkness of the hall, not making a sound. He sat in the chair, as if he was waiting for daylight to come. I saw him lean back and look up. I guess he was trying to fall asleep, but he made a sharp turn to me and I pulled myself behind the wall. I held my breath, and I could feel sweat beads drip off my face.

I clutched my fist and didn't move for a minute. I looked back, and he was now laying back in the chair. I took this as my cue, and left, going into my room. I shut the door, and locked it. I felt hot, sticky, and disheveled. I stripped myself of my clothing and stepped over to my shower.

I took a quick glimpse of myself in my mirror. A few nights ago, me and Tim had to get rid of a few people in the woods. They were complete idiots for coming here, but the guy hit hard. There was a huge black and blue bruise on my abdomen, that hurt to the touch. I stepped in and turned on the water. It was hot, and my muscles relaxed.

I washed my hair as I thought on the events of yesterday. The tiredness in my eyes felt like they were trying to take me over. I sat down, feeling more valuable than ever, and felt the weight on my eye lids fall.

The water blanketed over parts of my, leaving my knees and upper body exposed from above it. I felt it's warmth creep up on me, but felt a rush of movement around my legs. I moved up, so fast that it would have given me whiplash if I were in any other position. The water was clear, so I didn't see anything anywhere. I looked out of the tub and saw nothing.

My head was pounding and I could hear people whispering things I couldn't make out. I stood up slowly, careful on not to slip and stepped out. The clock on the wall ticked as I dried myself, trying to ignore the whispering. I looked over at it.


I finished up in the bathroom and got dressed, heading into the kitchen. I started making breakfast, humming a tune that I remembered. "You didn't sleep again, didn't you?" I felt my chest tighten, as I flipped the pancakes. I didn't say anything. Slender stepped next to me, beginning to make his daily cup of coffee.

He pored his drink, adding 2 sugar cubes. I watched him bring it up to his 'mouth' and I barely moved a muscle. His skin seemed like it was taring and jagged teeth exposed them selves. A small pair of lips connected to the cup, and his Adams apple bobbed up and down. I guess he noticed me and tapped me. "Look at the food." He said, calmly.

I looked over and moved swiftly, seeing that the food was beginning to burn and crisp. "Brian, what do you think about the occurrence of last night?" He questioned. I shook my head, not wanting to say anything. "Nothing much.." Slender nodded his head, watching me intently. I always wanted to know what was going on in his head, what he was thinking and how he seeing everything. I hated feeling like he could see everything going on in my head when ever he wanted.

By now, everyone started coming in, since it was 8 something now. Everyone had a habit of being up at a certain time, and by now, I knew that time. I ate quickly, and walked into the living room, turning on the TV and throwing myself on the couch.

Slender's pov

It was the morning after, and I did not rest. I was relentless. I walked downstairs, hoping to see the floor empty. In the kitchen, Brian was making breakfast for everyone. He did things to stay awake, like chores, or cooking, or just playing games on his phone, anything to keep him busy.

He was one of the few people here that I trusted to have a phone. But I felt sympathy for the boy. It hurt me dearly, to know that he felt so unsafe here, that he would stay up for as long as he could. His head and the true monsters of this house would be what keeps him awake. It would be normal, for the first few nights for everyone to not sleep, but he never changed.

He never slipped out of that point in living here. I did everything I could to make him feel comfortable, but it never worked. It truly saddened me, because I enjoyed his company. "You didn't sleep again, didn't you?" I asked. I could feel the sudden tension in between us.

He said nothing, as usual and I began to make my coffee. It was simple, nothing out of the ordinary, and I drank it rather quickly. I felt the gaze of Brian being set apon and not leave or move away from me. I tapped lightly on his shoulder, effectively snapping him back. "Look at the food." I told him, and he quickly scrambled to save the near burning food.

"Brian, how do you feel about the occurrence of last night?" I wondered. Hes his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing much..." He answered. I knew that there was more to that response, but chose not to intrude. I hated having to do that half the time.

Instead, I listened to hear his heartbeat. It was a strange gift, really. Instead of having to read his thoughts, like they were an open book, I listened to his heartbeat. It was quicker than usual, something I noticed when he was talking to me. Everyone began coming downstairs and I watched them eat.

Some of them ate sloppily, like Toby and LJ. Some ate cleanly, like Tim and Brian, and some didn't eat at all, like Clockwork or EJ. Brian was the first one who finished, and disappeared into the living room. I finished my coffee, washed it and went upstairs to my office. As made my way there, I noticed Ben leaving his room in a daze.

Ben and I needed to talk about last night, and I had to explain myself. I firmly believed him, but I was unsure if he knew that. I called out to him, and he turned to face me. I truly hoped that he understood what I had to say.

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