People in this house (Creepyp...

By Arena_Quits

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This is my first story, so I will be open to constructive criticism. I wanted to make a story like this for a... More

Chapter 1. "Prologue"
Chapter 2: "A New Day, With A New Beginning"
Chapter 3: "She Found Me"
Chapter 4: "Solutions And Problems"
Chapter 5: "Raining"
Chapter 6: "Something Is Off"
Chapter 7: "Are you kidding me?"
Chapter 9: "Cards Up His Sleeve"
Chapter 10: "What's On Your Mind?"
Chapter 11: "Hell Of A Grip"
Chapter 12: "What Are You?"
Chapter 13: "Let's Talk"
Chapter 14: "Bring Back Memories"
Chapter 15: "Breaks And Cigarettes"
Chapter 16: "First Impression"
Chapter 17: "You and Me"
Chapter 18: "The Beginning Of The End"
Chapter 19: "Do you ever miss them?"
Chapter 20: "Every day."
Chapter 21: "Dream-like"
Chapter 22: "Pretty faces"
Chapter 23: "Eric Turner"
Chapter 24:"Finally, The End is Here" Part 1
Chapter 25: "Finally, The End is Here" Part 2
The End (Ben's Ending)
The End (Slender's Ending)
The End (Hoodie's Ending)
The End (The Puppeteer's Ending)
Author's Note #1

Chapter 8: "Did I Do Something Wrong?"

72 5 0
By Arena_Quits

(S\N) = sister's name (if you don't have a sister, don't worry just make up a name)

May 4th, 2011, 8:32

(Y\N)' s pov

I sat there in the girl's arms, pondering on what happened at the dinner table. Everyone in there looked...odd. Not in a negative way, just odd. But that was not what I was thinking of. Instead, the shadowy man who made me shining new. Did I make him feel weird? I only wanted to thank him for fixing me, yet he almost attacked me and left when the girl, who's name I learned was Sally, sat next to him, with me in hand.

Had I made him feel ill? Had I somehow hurt him? As for as intimidating as he looks, I could see the fear painted on his face. I thought and pondered and questioned myself as Sally colored seemingly. The drawing was a crude drawing, but were holding sweet intentions. A short boy in green came in, holding a cup of something.

He walked over to Sally, with a small smile on his face. His eyes were black, with small red pupils and dripping from them was what looked like blood. His ears looked pointy and he had blonde hair pushed to his back. "Whatcha drawing?" He asked as he peered over her. "(Y\N)." She answered back.

He nodded his head and looked over to me. I could almost feel the disinterest in his face, as he went back to the counter and pored his drink. He left the room and Sally and I were left alone. I watched her draw, and she put down her crayon and she looked up at me. "Do you like my drawing?" She asked.

It was a sweet gesture so I nodded my head and smiled. She looked at me shocked, dropped the drawings, ran over to pick me up and run upstairs. She threw open her door and locked it. She placed me on the floor and sat down in front of me. "You can move! What else can you do!?" She said, louder than needed. I felt her eyes searching for even minimal movement. "Well... A lot in fact. Much more now since your friend fixed me." I answered.

Sally looked at me wide-eyed with a shocked smile that stretched across her face. She started asking me questions, like 'What is your favorite color?' or ' Do you have a Mommy or Daddy?'. I answered each question, but the questions started to get more intense. She started asking 'Were you always a doll?'. I shook my head, 'no' and she started asking about how it happened..

I felt my head start banging on my skull and my skin begin to crawl. I felt my body stiffen, to the point where I was standing straight, with not a single bend. I dropped my head and buried it into my hands, as memories ran wild in my head. She looked at me quickly, and quickly said that I didn't have to answer it if I didn't want to. Her face held concern and fear, but she came over and held me.

Her hug reminded me of someone, close to me. (S\N). I remember her.. she was younger than me, by a few years, but her morality and kindness was stronger than mines ever was. She always saw the good in people, myself included. It always amazed me, that, even with the worst things, she saw the good in them.

I remembered how she saw me. She always called me her role model, and when I was upset, she would hug me and say how great of a person I was. I lied to myself, repeating what she had told me. That I was a good person, that they hurt me first, and that it wasn't my fault. But I had always known that wasn't true... And neither did she. She never found out, and if she did, she would never believe it.

The picture perfect idea of her brother would be destroyed if she found out that I murdered those women, in cold blood. Without a feeling of regret. I pushed the memories of her aside and pulled myself into reality. Sally let go of me with a sorry look on her face. "I'm sorry for bringing it up.." she said, with the voice of a mouse.

I gave a weak smile, "It is alright.. Continue with the questions." I answered. She took a minute to think and a bright smile replaced the frown that was there previously. "What is your favorite song?" I thought for a moment and jumped. " 'Tonight you belong to me ', by Patience and Prudence." I answered confidently, but noticed the confused look on her face.

"It is an.. older song." I assured her. She nodded her head and asked me one of her final questions. "How old are you?" I thought for a moment. "What year is it?" I asked. She looked over at her clock, and back at me. "2011" she told me with a blank face. 'What? 2011? How?' I stood there confused on how time went by. "I was 28.. but now I am not totally sure." I responded.

She sat down, like a young toddler. "How do you not know?" She asked, even more confused. I tried to explain myself as well as I could for her to understand. "I was born in 1919, and I got stuck in this.. thing since 1947" I pointed to my body as I emphasized the 'this thing'. She nodded her head and before she could say much, a knock on the door was heard.

I dropped down, landing roughly on the ground. Sally ran over to her door and peaked out. She nodded her head and let a very tall being in. He was abnormally tall, around 9 or 10 ft with a formal suit. He was deathly pale, and most importantly, he lacked a face.

His appearance made me uncomfortable, and made me want to shake. I sat still as he entered and he sat down on a small pink stool next to me. It was strange. He looked at me, and I struggled to not turn my head. He was watching me, waiting for me to make a move, for who knows what reason.

Sally set me in a stool, across from him. His face was Slender and the skin was tightly glued to his bones. I could see where his eyes were meant to be, empty. His cheek bones were high on his 'face' and the thin out line of his mouth were placed almost perfectly on him. His nose was pointy, defined like an old statue.

He never moved his 'face' from mines, and neither did I. Sally sat in between us and talked about things a normal 8 year old would. He listened to her but I felt him watch me. My eyes rolled down to his hands. They looked frail, but strong.

Instead of nails, he had long sharp claws, that looked like they could rip a man apart. I didn't know how long it may have been since the tea party had started, but when it ended, I felt my heart slow down. He left after saying goodbye to Sally and shut the door. I let out the breath, that I was unknowingly holding. Sally skipped over to the restroom with a towel and some clothes.

"I will be back, okay (Y\N)?" I nodded my head, and when she shut the door, I began looking around. It was a moderately sized room, with hues of pink painted on the walls. Drawings of crayon and paint were hung up and toys littered the room. I found myself looking at the clocks, television and strange flat box that sat on her desk. Everything looked so strange. I looked over to the television.

I walked over to it and searched for the button. I finally found it and pressed it. The booming sound of children's laughter pushed me away and I rushed to to lower it. I lightly tapped the volume, or what I thought was the volume. The channel changed from the bright colorful cartoons, to a sit-com, and then to a painting show. I continued changing it, on till I got a black and white channel.

I sat down and listened intently, forgetting about everything. I laughed and smiled, I felt like I was back at home, back in 1947, where everything was fine. I guess Sally had finished, since she sat next to me watching it. Time went by and The tall being came in once more. He looked at the television and at Sally. "I didn't expect you to be watching these shows." He said. His voice sounded like thunder and his gaze kept falling apon me.

"(Y\N) was watching it, so I wanted to see it. I liked it, it was funny." She said in a giddy tone. I felt his 'eyes' pierce in the back of my skull. He picked me up and set me on a chair close to her bad and shut off the television. She jumped in to bed and he tucked her in, towering over her. He kissed the top of her head and quietly left, shutting off the lights. I watched her toss and turn for about an hour, and she began getting frustrated.

"May I sing to you to see if that helps?" I offered. She sighed, and turned to me nodding her head. I grinned as I recounted the lyrics to the song.

Ben's pov

I sat in front of my TV, playing 'Batman: Arkham City' ignoring what Slender had said about not sleeping late. My hands were sweaty, and I felt the skin on my lips tare as I started biting them. I could care less about that though, as I was about to finish the game, when I heard something that made my body feel paralyzed.

" I know, you belong to somebody new~ But tonight you belong to me~."

Someone was singing. But who the hell is singing at 11:22 at night!? I paused the game and listened again.

" Although we're apart, you are a part of my heart, and tonight you belong to me~"

I felt my jaw clench as I stood up and walked out of the safety of my room. The singing sounded like a man. A full grown man, non the less. I brushed my hands against the wall, scaling it. The singing go louder, the closer I got.

"Way down.. by the stream, how sweet it will seem~ Once more just to dream in the moonlight~ My honey, I know with the dawn.. that you will be gone..but tonight you belong to me~ Way down, way down along the stream.. How very, very sweet it will seem.... Once more just to dream in the silvery moonlight~

The singing was coming from Sally's room, and I rushed to see who the fuck was in there. I stood at the door and saw no one, except the doll sitting next to Sally who slept peacefully. My feet were glued to the floor, and my heart stopped.

"My honey I know, with the dawn that you will be gone, but tonight you belong to me... Just to little old me~"

It looked up and stared at me in the face. Not one of us let go of eye contact, yet when he moved, I sprinted to Slender's office. I banged on his door​​​​​​, waking everyone up in the process. He stormed out of his office with anger and annoyance. "What is it Ben?" He whisper yelled. "Someone is in Sally's room!" I said pointing to her room Slender rushed over to her room, with everyone following.

But no one was there. Just Sally and the fucking doll. He looked at me with anger. "Ben. Are you trying to make a fool out of me?" I felt my face turn pink, as everyone looked at me. "No! I swear, someone was in her room!" I barked back. "Then who!" "The doll!" I said.

I realized how stupid that made me sound. I felt blood rushing to my face and ears as I heard Jane begin giggling. I saw Jeff put his head in his hands, as Toby cracked his neck. "What?" Toby asked. Everyone was either on the verge of laughing or just embarrassed for me.

The puppeteer looked at me with a terrified look on his face, and Hoodie looked surprised. Slender put his hands on his hips, with a tired look. "Ben. We will talk about this tomorrow morning. Everyone, go to bed. That includes you Ben." He walked away from me, and so did everyone else.

Except Hoodie and The Puppeteer. I looked at them, still embarrassed about the incident. "What do you guys want?" I asked. "I believe you." Hoodie answered. I looked at him, like he was trying to play a twisted joke on me. "Really? And why is that?"

Hoodie looked back at me with a straight face. "Because, something is wrong with that thing." I looked over to The Puppeteer. "And what about you?" I asked in an offensive tone. "I saw that thing move. I heard it talk. There is something in that doll. And I think this is just the beginning." I looked at them and turned to Sally's room. The doll was watching us, but I smiled knowing that I am not alone in finding out more about this doll.

Oh my God! Over 1000 reads?! That's amazing! Thank you so much, you are all amazing people!

In case you were wondering, the song that (Y\N) sings is his favorite song, that came out in 1926. It is the same song I put at the top of the chapter. Yes, we will learn more about (Y\N)'s family throughout the story, and I hope you enjoy! 😊

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