The Crystal Swordsman: Alfhei...

By KillerKieranQ

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Continue on the never ending campaign of the Crystal Swordsman as he fights alongside the Black Swordsman, Ki... More

Shadow Eternal
Great Escape
Cleansing Flame
Texas Red
High Price
The Entity
Crystal Clarity
Implied Fortification
Panzer Vor!
Ground War
Imminent Imposter
Defensive Force
Static Unity
Cyber Fight
Rejuvinated Spirit
Esoteric Empire
Aquatic Agreement
The Pink Salamander
Luscious Liberation
Noble Oddity
Gold and Glory
Beyond Fear
Extra Enigma
Harrowing Hijinks
Battle Born
Leprechaun Visit
Canticle Crystallization
Mountain Man
Revealed Resurgence
Flourishing Firepower
Baited Bolstering
The UnHoly Usurper
Against All Odds
Conclusive Ties
Battle of the Bards
Certain Insurgency
Ephemeral Light
Beast War
Deadly Night Shade
Fractal Dissonance
Motetz Dam

Awaited Transcendence

150 2 0
By KillerKieranQ

A raging blizzard engulfed the entire world, an utter wasteland before those lucky enough to remain.

"DeathGod, K has taken yet another disciple under his wing. He is passing on his teachings faster than we anticipated."

"Good. All the more reason to stoke the fire more. Go, Zade. Show our nemesis what true discipline looks like."

"By your command." He bowed.

Spriggan King, Warrior, Crystal Swordsman: K

I smiled as I walked out towards our newly built docks, being last to the show due logging in late. I saw the magnificent ship with all black sails bearing a Spriggan insignia slowly move in to park at the end of the main walkway.

"Come on, K! The waters great today!" Leafa yelled and waved with Silica but I just held my hands up.

"What, are you chicken? Don't like the water or something?" Liz asked.

"I actually do have a great fear of the deep ocean, but it isn't really about that. I just don't really wanna go right now." I chuckled.

"Sweetheart! We've already got Athena on board too!" Sinon held her up and she happily waved.

"Come on, Daddy! You gotta get on the boat!" My little Athena yelled.

"Alright then! A sea adventure it shall be!" I ordered and everyone cheered.

I just laughed and made my way on board when I was suddenly met with a Leprechaun man.

"I'm just gonna run you thru the checklist so you can get squared away. First, we took the liberty of adding cannons to your ship in case of enemy engagement. You have limited cannonballs but your magic can be used as ammunition too. Second, you have internal storage beneath of course and even a few cages for potential prisoners. We wanted to make a true pirate ship for you! Black sails and all, so we really hope you enjoy what we've built here!" He smiled and bowed his head at me.

"I really do appreciate it. Thank you." I softly patted his shoulder with a nod.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go sail the seven seas!" Liz cheered.

"Uhh, K? You didn't let Fenrir out, did you?" Sinon asked as she looked towards the docks.

"What? No I couldn't have-" I looked and froze when I saw what she was talking about.

It was a large dark wolf, black as night with red glowing eyes like blood. It prowled and on its back was a black cloaked figure who hid his face under his hood.

"Stay here." I advised, needing to take a closer look.

I lightly flapped my wings to hop off the boat and stood opposed to them on the walkway.

"Who are you?" I asked and drew my blade.

"Isn't it obvious... K? It's been quite some time since we've spoken." I heard his unforgettable voice as he began to take off his hood.

"Zade." I barked and saw his serious face.

"That was the obvious part. Can you guess who my new friend is?" He looked down at his steed who was snarling intensely at me.

"That's-!" Sinon and the others recognized it from before.

"Hati, the Wolf of Hatred." I easily recalled and looked back up at Zade.

He just grinned, knowing the confusion I held.

"How were you able to tame such a beast so soon?" I was angry but also curious.

"Simple. He and I have one thing in common: Hatred. Especially for you. But unlike him, I know how to restrain myself. That's why you're still breathing. That's always been why, because I spared your life. You would have been dead like all the other's in SAO if it weren't for my restraint." Zade went off.

I growled and took a fighting stance but Hati roared loudly and awaited Zade's order to pounce. I slowly took a more defensive stance just in case Hati decided to have other plans. They are sentient beings after all.

"The odds aren't in your favour in this fight... but perhaps they could be. Come. Let us get your dog as well." Zade steered the wolf around and walked it away towards my quarters.

I looked back at the others and they followed behind me as I hesitantly tailed Zade to call Fenrir over. When I whistled, he came thru the doors and he rushed down the steps but slowed down when he saw his larger brother. They both snarled, burning with rage and hatred towards each other from their long extensive past. Just like Zade and I.

"I suppose we should let them have their fun before we have ours." Zade turned to me and got off Hati, patting his side twice which made him immediately pounce at Fenrir.

"Fenny!" Athena yelled as a pixie from Sinon's shoulders.

"Now, Crystal Swordsman, show me how much you've improved." Zade growled and drew his blood red katana.

"He won't be fighting alone!" Leafa and Liz took my side.

"No chance in Hel!" Sinon was further with her bow as she looked over and smiled at me.

"Pitiful. It won't get you any closer to beating me anyway. Come on then, before our pups have too much fun." Zade pointed his blade towards me.

I had a flash to the first time I ever fought Zade back in SAO. He took up this same stance before and it made my blood boil.

"No, guys... I need to do this on my own." I hung my head and my hair covered my eyes.

"W-what?" Everyone stuttered.

"You wouldn't understand..." I stepped forward with burning purple eyes and took my stance as did Zade.

"Long time no see..." He spoke with a smirk.

I just growled and spun into a stepping overhand. He blocked it and retaliated with multiple fast swipes which I was forced to block and back away from. My offensive attempt failed and Zade's blinding speed was just as insane as I remembered it. I started to feel cuts grazing my arms and shoulders from the very tip of his blade: Red Ribbon. Seeing no other options and feeling as helpless as I did in SAO, I initiated a flame pulse from my chest and shot him sliding backwards away from me.

"Ahh... so it's a fight for power is it?" Zade's eyes began to glow red and he suddenly dropped his sword.

He lunged and I threw my crystal sword at him but he ducked it, rushing at me with immense speed. We instinctively locked hands and pushed against each other, glowing our respective colours as we wrestled intensely. Zade suddenly winced as an arrow was pierced into his thigh. I looked over to see Sinon with her bow and a worried Athena upon her shoulder.

"I said, not to help me!!" My aura turned red too and I pushed Zade sliding back again.

I lunged at him this time and we met in the middle with a fruitless exchange. Each time I tried to hook him, he'd push or duck and he would try hard to do the same to me. I faked him with a left and tried to execute a fury of insanely fast punches but he manage to block it with both forearms just in time. That's when he punched me hard in the stomach and my red rage glow returned to its normal purple. I growled as I was winded but used another burst of energy to grab Zade by the throat. I tackled him to the ground and cracked the world beneath him when I suddenly heard Fenrir whimper. I snapped to attention as did the others and Hati howled in his victory.

"Fenrir!" I screamed and my glow dissipated as I quickly rushed over, sliding next to him.

"Fenny! No!" Athena tried to fly over but Sinon caught her and held her back with the others.

"I'm worried too, Athena..." Silica tried to assure her.

He was bloody and bruised, bearing a scar upon his right eye just like mine. I slowly put my hand on his side and felt nothing but a still pelt of fur. My heart sank and tears started to build in my eyes.

"Why...? How could you do such a thing?" I asked in disbelief, knowing I wouldn't get a true answer.

"Because someone has to put you in your place." Zade smirked and stroked Hati who growled at me.

"No, he can't be gone! He just can't!" Athena cried and hugged her mother's shoulder tight.

As I looked and continued to hold my palm on him, I felt like I could feel his soul within my hand. Almost as if he were trying to stay with me. I felt comfort in it but also felt the burning rage within me return. I began to slowly glow purple once again and the others stopped grieving to see what was going on.

"Zade, I swear to the holy Aesir above that you will pay for the crimes you've committed this day. Nothing you will ever do can break us, not even this. Because whether you understand this or not, life for us will go on. Our treasured friend will live forever in our hearts, even if we was befelled by the likes of you. Mark my words, Zade. You will die by my hands." I growled.

"Is that so? Perhaps I should let Hati finish you then." Zade redrew his blade.

"Go ahead. It won't change a thing." I shook my head.

"Oh really? Why don't we ask your wife and daughter then?" He turned to them and Sinon stepped back as Liz and Leafa stood to protect them.

"Don't you touch them!!" I screamed and my aura became red.

That's when Fenrir's body suddenly began to glow white. A beam of light engulfed me and I heard the others scream my name. It felt like my eyes had been closed and now they were opened but I was temporarily in a void. I heard a voice and it began to speak to me but when I went to comply, I had suddenly opened my real eyes.

Cat Sith, Sharp, Ice Queen: Sinon

A beam of light blinded us all, including Zade who covered his face with his arm. Hati just looked away and the light popped into thin air. A piece of rain hit a laying wolfs head and its eye suddenly opened. It began to rain hard and suddenly became dark and stormy around us.

"Mommy? What's happening?" Athena asked me.

I just hushed her and watched closer with everyone else. The wolf suddenly stood up but it wasn't exactly what we thought. It was a Lycan, a werewolf humanoid that possesses strength beyond belief. It's eyes and nostrils were glowing red as it looked down at its fur covered hands. The black beast clenched it's claws and flexed it's muscly arms, turning to Zade with an intimidating growl.

"What?? That can't be-" He was interrupted when the Lycan slashed toward him multiple times.

Zade backed away in time but the beast opened its red glowing mouth to snarl viciously.

"Are you guys thinkin' what I'm thinkin?" Liz asked as we watched it immediately fight Zade.

"Is something like that even possible?" Silica asked as the two battled it out.

"We're looking at it, aren't we?" Leafa pointed.

"It has to be! There's no other answer!" Athena was fascinated but I just watched in worry.

Hati suddenly barked and pounced at the werewolf beast, instantly being met with a swift backhand. The Lycan knelt and jumped high, placing its giant paw feet on Zade's shoulders as it landed. He collapsed under the weight of the beast and it quickly disarmed him of his sword. Zade tried to fight back but the Lycan grabbed his arms and tore them clean off his body before slashing up his torso with its claws. Zade quickly burst into shards and the beast stood to look back at Hati who was hesitant to attack. The wolf beast confidently opened its arms, ready for another fight if need be. Hati simply snarled with a bark and ran off into the distance once again. The storm cleared as the Lycan looked at us and slowly walked over with some heavy stomps. It approached me first and I realized it was towering over us.

"Woah..." Liz was nervous.

I slowly held my hand up to it and it leaned its head down to let me pet it's thick fur. It even held out its large hand for me. I placed my palm in it and looked deeply into its eyes. There was a shine, a sort of captivated wonder in them. There was no mistaking it.

"It's him. It's both of them." I nodded to the others.

"Both of them??" Everyone asked.

"I suppose to save Fenrir's life, K must've fused with his body somehow. Tho I hope it's not permanent." I looked to the Lycan and it shook its head.

"Really?" Leafa was astounded.

"I've never heard of magic like that." Silica wondered.

"From what we saw in that huge fight, I'd say their particular magics are very different. K always finds a way to surprise you, even if you think you know everything about him. That's what I've noticed most." I explained and smiled up at the beast.

"Does that mean Fenny's alive??" Athena worried.

The Lycan nodded and her eyes glistened like lightbulbs.

"Yay! Thank you so much, daddy! You really are the best in all the realms!" Athena flew over and grew last second as she hugged the big black beast.

The wolf gently hugged back with its large hands and a wave of realization hit the others.

"So it really is K in there." Leafa noticed.

"To save his favourite pet." Silica shed a happy tear.

"You can always count on K to do something crazy." Liz chuckled and nodded.

The beast suddenly began to glow bright again and Athena flew back next to me as it blinded everyone for a second time. When it died down, Fenrir and K laid opposite to each other on the ground.

"K!" I worried.

"Fenny!" Athena went to check.

I shook him and he awoke with a solemn smile on his face. He looked over to Fenrir who lifted his head to Athena, then returned the gaze. They both nodded to each other and K slowly struggled to get to his feet. I caught him before he fell back down and helped him stand with me.

"Careful. What happened there, hun?" I asked him with a hug.

"I heard him, Shino. He thanked me for saving his life and I could hear his voice." K told me emotionally.

"You... did?" I looked to our happiest dog who laid on his stomach, smiling as he played together with Athena.

"I did. He loves us all very deeply and he said he will always be there to protect us." K shed a few tears as he explained it to us all.

"Hey, it's okay now. You're alright." I rubbed his shoulder.

"I know. I'm just glad he's okay." K looked over and smiled as Athena rushed up to us.

"Can we go on another walk with the doggies, please?" She asked politely.

"I thought you wanted to go on the boat?" I reminded her.

"Daddy was right. Today's just not the day." Athena shook her head.

"Alright then, little one. If that's what you wanna... do..." I shrugged as a giant shadow towered over us all right behind Athena.

It was Fenrir who was panting with his happy-go-lucky attitude.

"Woah... did he get... bigger?" Leafa wondered.

"Obviously! He's like as tall as an elephant now!" Liz saw it clearly.

"Huh. Well, let's go on another walk then." K smiled casually and led the way towards the nearby field.

"You'll have to tell us more about what happened. Everyone's dying to know." I hung off his arm.

"And I will. Over drinks later, if we're all game." K winked.

"Down." Liz chuckled.

"Sure." Leafa shrugged.

"I'll just watch." Silica nervously added.

"Sounds like a plan." I whistled and called Skoll who carefully brought her pup along with her again.

"Yay! All the wolf puppies!" Athena cheered happily upon Fenrir's back.

Skoll ran up next to Fenrir who was now much larger than her in size. He licked her head happily and she wagged her tail as little Rah ran between them. I couldn't help but hold K's hand and he quickly stole a cheek kiss. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed his collar,
kissing him on the lips for a second before focusing back on the dogs.

"Cutie." K spoke and I just giggled.

In a Not So Distant Realm...

The sound of a player teleporting in could be heard as the unrivalled leader stared out into the cyclonic abyss.

"He... managed to beat me." Zade sounded ashamed.

"Is that so? Well, perhaps we'll have to push this harder than we thought." DeathGod crossed his arms.

"It isn't just that... He has unlocked some kind of power. A new one that allows him to fuse bodies with his wolf, Fenrir." Zade explained.

"Fuse?" He turned to Zade seriously.

"Yes, Lord DeathGod. K became a great werewolf beast and beat me with a new type of raw power that I could not combat in the slightest." Zade tried to explain but DeathGod kicked him in the stomach with an intense knee.

"Do you know what this means, you idiot? He could perfect this power, and if that happens, you would be the one responsible for setting it in motion." DeathGod spoke down as Zade knelt to catch his breath.

"What could he do? With how great our plans are, he couldn't possibly interfere." He replied.

"Do not underestimate him. If he catches wind of our intentions, they may very well fall apart. Lay low for a little while. Do some more research if you must. Everything has to be picture perfect before we execute." DeathGod looked out with his hands held behind his back.

Zade left him and he continued to stare out. The evil lords eyes of glistening red pierced thru the blistering cold like bright lights in a dark storm. He never took his gaze off the blizzard even as it blew his coat with the snow reflecting off his masks lenses like mirrors.

"Picture, perfect." DeathGod repeated as he exhaled some cold steam.

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