Resentment | Dramione

By heavenOnHeart

361K 9.6K 3.6K

Draco and Hermione find themselves in a very unfortunate situation, one where they'll be forced to trust one... More

Must read !
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 42

4.9K 147 45
By heavenOnHeart

A week since the graduation party had passed, and only last night had they received word on who had passed their exams and who hadn't. The exact results on what they had gotten for each subject weren't released yet, but as soon as Hermione saw her name on the list of people who had passed their exams – including all her friends from her year – she couldn't care less about her exact results, and could do with waiting one more day.

Which brought her to today. The actual graduation where nearly a hundred students were excitedly waiting to get their diploma – including their results on each subject – sitting in the Great Hall and staring back at the row of teachers that were lined across their usual spot in the back of the Hall, Professor McGonagall upfront taking the lead.

It was a dreadfully long ceremony, because each student who had passed their exam was being called out one by one, where an assigned teacher for the student would say something about them, and then the student would get handed their diploma for them to sign and take back to their seat.

Given the fact that the ceremony was alphabetically arranged, Hermione was the second of her year – Seamus being the first – to go up the stage and shake hands with Professor McGonagall, whose eyes Hermione could swear were starting to well up with tears as the woman couldn't wear a more prouder smile.

Hermione smiled back at the old woman, whose hair had seem to grow a darker gray, and silently thanked her for all that she had done for Hermione and her friends throughout her Hogwarts career. As strict as she might have been, McGonagall always had the best intentions for her students, and showed a soft side to her on several occasions.

"Hermione Granger," Professor McGonagall started, her voice less authoritative as opposed to a few minutes before, "I have taken it up to myself to have your final speech." Beaming with a happiness so big that she couldn't stop smiling, Hermione patiently waited for her to continue. Honestly, she couldn't have wished for a better teacher than McGonagall to do her speech. "Many students around here know you as the best friend of Harry Potter."

Giving a quick look at the crowd in front of her, she saw a lot of students nodding in agreement. "As true as that may be, you are definitely so much more than just the best friend of Harry Potter." Professor McGonagall smiled, focusing solely on her. "You are a brilliant witch. You're incredibly wise, and I don't just say that because of your excellent grades, however remarkable they might be."

"No, your intelligence outstretches your knowledge that is broader than all the books you've read page by page in our library. It's not just facts and rules all the time. It's emotions, and the capability of looking beyond the exterior of people. To really look deep within someone, and judge them for that." The corner of her Professor's lips quirked up into a playfully knowing smile. "You outsmart your own reasons, and you're not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. For that, you remain loyal to the people you care about, and that alone is already worth more than a thousand scholarships combined."

"Miss Granger, I've had the pleasure of observing you and watching you grow throughout all those years. And Merlin, have you grown." Hermione smiled in slight embarrassment, never really having heard so many sweet words for so long. "Gone is the buck teethed girl with the unruly hair, and a grown woman, wearing her experiences as proud as a warrior coming back from war."

Professor McGonagall lowered the parchment that she had been reading from just seconds ago, and finished her speech with an impromptu heart of words. "But above all, what I appreciate the most about you, is that no matter what you've been through, you are still you."

"Still you raised your hand at any given opportunity in any class," a loud chuckle was heard to her right, and Hermione turned her head to see Draco with a broad grin on his face. It wasn't a teasing grin, if anything, he looked proud of her. Turning her head back to McGonagall with slightly flustered cheeks, she listened to the end of her speech. "You kept on showing again and again that you were capable of standing up for not only yourself, but also for your friends."

"You helped them out whenever they struggled with school," a mischievous twinkle formed in McGonagall's eyes, eerily resembling Dumbledore's, "and yes, we knew exactly when you gave them a helping hand." Hermione lowered her gaze to the ground, a sheepish grin on her face. "Hermione Granger," her name made her lift up her head, and she could see how her Headmistress was struggling to bring the speech to an end. As if she didn't want to end the speech at all. "I know for a fact that you'll do just fine outside the walls of this castle. And I hope that whatever you decide to do, that you know that even though we'll be miles apart, I'll always be proud of your choice, as long as it makes you happy."

Hermione stood there rooted on the spot, her vision blurring, but she hastily blinked away the tears as best as she could. It wasn't the best time right now to cry right in front of a dozen students, and so instead she opted for taking Professor McGonagall into a hug, completely disregarding her outstretched hand. Honestly, after all they had been through together, she refused to end it so formally.

"Thank you," Hermione whispered into the grey bun the woman carried on her head, and retreated back from the hug with a smile on her face, gladly accepting and signing the diploma and making her way back to her seat.

You okay? Hermione looked to her left, and smiled at him when she felt his hand coming to a rest on her leg. Just a bit sentimental, I guess. Draco shot her an uplifting smile, then squeezed her leg in attempt to comfort her as the next person was called onto stage.

Name after name was called out, to none she really paid a lot of attention. That was, until at last Draco Malfoy was called forth. Well, it actually took him a long while to get up and go to the front. With all the eyes on him, he seemed hesitant to lay even more focus on him by getting the speech from a teacher. Can't I just get the diploma and skip the speech?

Come on, Draco, you're only making it worse than it'll be. With an encouraging smile directed his way, she saw him swallow and give in with some light cursing under his breath.

"Draco Malfoy, your speech has been taken up by Professor Flitwick." Brilliant. Draco thought sarcastically, and Hermione could see the smallest of an eye roll. Be nice, Malfoy. She scolded. Honestly, the speech probably wouldn't be as bad as he thought it would be. Certainly McGonagall had told the staff to keep things nice, right?

The small wizard came hopping off his place at the table, and almost waddled to the front as he fumbled with the glasses on his nose and the parchment in his hand. "Mr Malfoy," the old professor squeaked as he came to a halt in front of Draco, "though I will not pretend to know you as best as my fellow former colleague would have done," Draco flickered his eyes away from the teacher in front of him for a second, as he undoubtedly thought of Professor Snape. "I do think I've seen enough of you to get an idea of who you might be."

A couple of whispers rang through the Great Hall, and Hermione could hear out snippets which held the words "traitor," "Death Eater," "heir," and "prick" in them. Feeling her heart beginning to raise at those comments, she had to restrain herself from reaching to her wand to shut them all up. "Silent." Professor McGonagall barked, shooting a stern look at the crowd in front her. At once they all fell dead quiet.

"I won't name the things you've done, and for which the school seems to remember you." Draco's eyes skimmed the room, as if he was trying to find a way to escape this whole situation. "For it is not how I'll remember you." The old wizard squeaked, his voice rather strained as he tried to sound as loud as possible so that everyone would be able to hear him. "No, I'll remember you for who you were this year." Professor Flitwick lightly chuckled, "Don't think I didn't notice your efforts, boy. I certainly did, as did my fellow colleagues."

"We've seen your improvement, and how Hermione Granger has seemed to give you a great helping hand in finding who you really are." A few murmurs went around the Hall again, though this time she couldn't make anything out. "I'm not afraid to acknowledge the relationship you two have," Flitwick went on, ignoring the reaction it caused. "What shame is there to be with someone you love?"

Professor Flitwick shook his head, a hearty chuckle escaping his lips as his eyes glazed, thinking back to something as he spoke. "And I think I've been one of the few people who has experienced the moment you two first came together." He looked up from over his glasses, a knowing look in his eyes. Of course he would figure it out at one point. Hermione was just glad that he didn't go into more detail about it.

"It'll be a long and tough road to clear your name, Mr Malfoy. But you're strong, and you've got a truly remarkable witch by your side." Draco's eyes flickered to Hermione for a second, and she shot him a smile. You're doing great. He's almost done. She knew he needed the encouragement. After all, it was incredibly difficult standing on a stage like that, when almost everyone in the room was throwing death glares his way. "I wish you well in your future, and hope to hear great things of you." And with that, Professor Flitwick handed him his diploma, exchanging a rather awkward handshake with him before Draco hurried off the stage and back to his seat next to Hermione.

Finally. He grumbled, glad that another name was called forward and he was no longer the centre of attention. Just a little while and you'll never have to see them again. Hermione reminded him, grabbing his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Taking a quick look down at the diploma in her hands, she only now took the time to see what kind of results she had actually gotten for her subjects. It read the following:

History of Magic O

Arithmancy O

Herbology E

Defence Against the Dark Arts O

Muggle Studies O

Potions O

Ancient Runes O

Alchemy O

Charms O

Transfiguration O

"Told you," Draco scoffed under his breath as he, too, took a quick look down at her diploma. Technically you said that I'd get an Oon all exams. As you can see, I've failed one exam.

Granger, if you call an Efailing, then please take a look at my results so you can change your mind. Curiously she leaned into him, resting her arm against his shoulder as she looked down at his paper.

History of Magic O

Arithmancy E

Herbology E

Defence Against the Dark Arts O

Muggle Studies A

Potions O

Ancient Runes E

Charms E

Transfiguration O

Draco, these results are amazing! Hermione beamed, generally proud of the scores he's achieved. Yeah, they're actually normal scores. Like a normal human being. Not like you who seems to score only one Eout of ten on her exams.

Hermione rolled her eyes, pushing his comment aside. Okay, maybe he had a point. Seeing his multiple E's made her realize that it was still incredibly close to an O and therefore wasn't bad at all. Yet, she supposed it was more of a disappointment to her because she knew she could have gotten an Oon Herbology as well, if only she had been as interested in that subject as she was in everything else.

A couple of hours dragged on until at last the final student was called out, and then Professor McGonagall came back up to the front to say her final words. "Tomorrow, as you may all know, the Hogwarts Express will be all ready to leave to take each single student back home, and grant you all to rest in your Summer break before you have to get back out into the world and start your first official job."

"This means that tonight and tomorrow morning will be the last time you'll be roaming around this castle. I therefore advice you all to make sure you find all your belongings, because anything that lingers will be thrown away." Pushing all the formalities aside, Professor McGonagall's voice softened as a gentle smile appeared on her face. "Thank you all for these wonderful years together, and the best wishes to all of you."

Everyone got up and out of their seats, clapping for one another, but above all for their teachers. For without them, they wouldn't have gotten to this point where they are now; full of wisdom and experiences that they can carry with them into their new lives outside this castle.

With those final words the Great Hall slowly emptied, groups forming as they all retreated back to their respected Houses before the final feast of tonight would take place. "Wanna go outside for a bit?" Hermione asked Draco, who gave her a single nod.

Greeting the lovely warmth of the slowly setting sun, she walked onto the grounds with Draco by her side, the gentle breeze tugging on their clothes. "So where do you plan on going when we arrive back in London?"

Draco shrugged, heaving a sigh as he let himself fall down into the grass near the lake. "Dunno." He replied, staring off into the distance as a deep frown settled into his forehead. "You know," Hermione started, dropping herself to the ground next to him and plucking on some grass, "I was thinking you could stay with me at my parents' home."

"We could look for an apartment of our own together while staying there." Hermione felt her cheeks heat up when his head shot her way, a face devoid of emotion. "I mean.. if you want to, of course." Hermione stammered, lowering her gaze as she bit her lip, feeling rather stupid for saying it aloud. Of course she had thought about it ever since he got kicked out of the family. But what if he really didn't think of her that seriously to see a future with him?

Then again, if he didn't, then why'd he give up his inheritance for her? Was it maybe an excuse because he wanted to get out of the family for a long time and she was the perfect excuse? Yet, she hadn't heard him say that he wanted to get out of the family before though, so why did- Granger. Looking up at him, he saw a humourous grin on his face. "You really need to stop thinking so much."

Hermione gave a sheepish smile, but still didn't dare to say anything. "I'd love to find a place of our own. And if your parents are fine with having me stay over, then I'd be more than grateful." Hermione's smile widened, and she gave an excited nod. "Yes, I owled them a couple of months back. They said they'd be delighted to offer you a place." Which was true. Not long after he had been disowned she had owled her parents, asking for a potential place for Draco in their house, just in case he would want to take up on that offer. And luckily her parents had been quick to reply saying they really liked Draco from when they had first met him, and were more than willing to give him a home.

"You owled them?" Both his eyebrows shot up in surprise, and even a slight worry formed on his face. "Yes. No worries, though. I didn't go into too much detail. Only told them that your parents didn't approve of our relationship due to our blood status, and therefore disowned you. They found that ridiculous, and said you'd always be welcome." His face relaxed, and a grateful smile appeared on his face before he lowered his gaze to the grass.

Knowing that dropping the subject would be the best for now, as she could already begin to hear his thoughts raising about the disownment, she heaved a sigh as she looked around at Hogwarts ground. How the muddy water reflected the weak rays of the low settled sun, how the grass dented underneath the trees where students undoubtedly have studied hard for their exams, and how the Hogwarts castle stood as proud as ever in the field. Having withstood one of the biggest Wizard wars, and still offered a home to so many students, and so many more students to come.

"I'm going to miss this place." Her voice was soft as she swallowed away the memories this place brought her. Both the good and the bad.

Draco draped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side as she turned her head back to the lake, dropping it on his shoulder. "You'll never really leave this place, though." He whispered into her hair, earning a confused look from Hermione.

Tapping her head with the hand that was draped around her shoulder, he smiled. "It's all in there. You'll carry this place with you wherever you'll go."

Hermione smiled into his chest, nuzzling into his neck as she breathed in the smell of his cologne, combined with the sweat from a warm day like this. It smelled all too familiar, and knowing that for the near future she'd have him by her side, well, leaving Hogwarts suddenly didn't seem as hard anymore. He was right, after all. Memories never really leave you.

And she had made some amazing memories here to remember for the rest of her life.

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