Chapter 39

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Hermione swallowed hard as she saw the Malfoy Manor in the distance, a gloominess radiating off it as the snow covered the grounds. A rush of memories flickered through her mind as she was remembered of what exactly happened in that Manor not long ago, and she could almost feel the searing pain in her arm again at the thought of Bellatrix's knife piercing through her skin.

Shuddering, she released a shaky breath as she felt Draco's fingers intertwining hers, a gentle squeeze following. Looking to her left, she offered him a small smile in the hopes to reassure him that she was fine. Don't lie to me, Hermione. I know you're not. "Shall we?" She proposed, deciding to ignore his comment. He was right, she really wasn't okay at all. How could she be when she was about to meet his parents officially, the once most popular Purebloods of the Wizarding World, and the most well-known Muggleborn haters. Not to mention the house itself, that brought more bad memories from her one short visit than all her years at Hogwarts where she has fought alongside Harry against Voldemort.

"They're going to say hurtful things." Draco warned her as they were slowly walking the snow covered path that lead to the front gate. "I know." It's what she would expect from them, anyway. That wasn't the thing that worried her either, though. But there was something that really did get her nervous. "I won't change my mind." He spoke, lowering his voice slightly as they were now at the gate, nearing the house.

Even though he said it, she couldn't help but wonder if he truly wouldn't. It's not like she questioned his word, but she also knew how persuasive his parents are. After all, they had successfully made Draco prejudice Muggleborns for almost his entire life, with just the use of their words. For all she knew they had prepared a good speech with such a conviction, that maybe, something they would say would trigger his past beliefs, and he would realize how stupid it was of him to even be holding hands with her right now. Your lack of faith in me hurts my ego, Granger.

They were so close to the front door now that she didn't dare to say something back aloud. Oh shut it, Malfoy. I'm just afraid, is all. Another gentle squeeze was felt in her hand, and shooting a quick glance to the side, she saw his lips quirk ever so slightly into a comforting smile, before it turned back into a thin line, his expression stone cold. I know.

Draco raised his free hand and gave three hard, controlled knocks on the big wooden door, and then let his hand drop back to his side.

It was if his mother had been waiting right on the other side of the front door, because not two seconds later did the door open, a warmth from inside greeting the two, embracing them as they were still standing in the cold outdoors. Narcissa's eyes scanned the two of their faces, her lips pursed into a thin line and her eyebrows were raised in such an extend that it made it look like she was looking down on them both in a degrading manner.

Immediately her eyes travelled from their faces to their hands, but Draco, who undoubtedly noticed his mother's flickering eyes, didn't seem to feel the need to release her hand. In fact, he tightened his grip ever so slightly as Narcissa took a slight step back, allowing them entrance without feeling the need to say a word.

Ladies first. Draco tried to sound playful, but it came out a bit too forced. Nonetheless, she released his hand as she took a step over the threshold, trying with everything in her might to ignore the woman standing with her back against the door, whose eyes were following Hermione carefully, and a disgusted look forming on her face as Hermione entered her house.

A light pressure was felt on her lower back, and soon she realized that Draco had put his hand there, resting it as he had followed right after inside.

A click of the door closing was heard behind them, followed by another multiple clicking sounds as Narcissa's heels came in contact with the wooden floor underneath them, walking a large circle around them and leading them to the parlour.

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