Chapter 6

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Hermione was looking for the compartment Harry and Ron would be in, for she hadn't been able to board the train with them. Her little conversation with Malfoy got her later than she had liked, and managed to get on the train just in time before it left.

When she did find them, however, she left immediately when she saw the fogged glass, showing a heart with Ron's and Lavender's initials.

Sighing, Hermione wandered back through the train, stopping when she reached the far end and saw a compartment with Neville, Ginny and Luna in it. And as she opened their compartment door, she briefly made eye contact with Malfoy, who was lazily staring in front of him, clearly ignoring his friends who he was sitting with.

Stop looking my way, Granger. People might think you fancy me. Hermione's eyebrows shot up, and she let out a humourless laugh. In your dreams, Malfoy. And she swore, that right before she turned around, she saw a smirk tugging on his lips since months again.

"Hermione? Everything alright?" Ginny asked as she sat herself down next to Neville, who was excitedly reading something in his herbology book. Hermione nodded, trying for a smile. "Are you still upset about Ron?"

That Weasley girl sure knew everything. Then again, they always had been rather good friends, and it became easier for Ginny to read Hermione whenever she pleased. Hermione shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure. I was hurt, yes. But I no longer feel the things I used to feel. It just takes a bit of time before I can act normal around him, I guess." It was the truth.

The butterflies she once felt for Ron, had seemed to die after her cry, and she didn't really feel like trying to get them back. If Ron was happy with Lavender, then she'd be happy too. Besides, she had more important matters in her life now, anyway. Some romantic drama was not needed as well.

"Besides that, are you sure you're okay? You seem to be out of it a lot lately." Ginny said, voicing her obvious concern. Hermione smiled, glad to know she was cared for. And oh my, how bad did she wish she could tell her. You can't.

I know that. Hermione snapped back in her head. Wait, are you listening in on my thoughts? "Yes, I am. Just got a lot on my mind with everything going on at school, you know." Hermione said, trying for a reassuring smile. As if I'd be interested to listen to your boy drama voluntarily.

Ginny looked at her doubtfully, not buying her lie, but she let the matter drop – much to Hermione's relief – as she started a conversation with Luna.

Hermione on the other hand, got carried away in her mind once more as she looked at the blurred landscape passing by. It would be great to spend some time with her family again, but right now, she wasn't feeling all too in the mood. There were other matters at Hogwarts that concerned her more, and she was more than eager to return to it.

The train eventually slowly came to a stop, and Hermione wished their friends a happy holiday with a big smile on her face, this time not faking it. Neville was in an exceptionally bright mood, and it was highly contagious.

Stepping out on the solid ground, she watched as the darkness consumed the students, only a few lights allowing them to look around. Happy holidays, Granger. Hermione quickly looked around her, letting her eyes land on Malfoy when she spotted him. He wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk, and Hermione rolled her eyes at that. Why, thank you, Malfoy. Happy holidays to you, too. It came out rather sarcastic, but she partially meant it.

He had been looking absolutely dreadful over the months, and if the holidays could cheer him up a bit, she'd be more than happy with that. Because she had to admit, she was starting to miss his rude comments he'd throw at random students and how he always walked with his head held high.

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