Chapter 35

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Are you still awake? Hermione snapped her eyes open in the dark, shifting in her bed as she turned to her other side, the dark outlines of a girl laying in bed in the distance coming into focus as she was letting her eyes roam around the room. Of course she was still awake. She had been for hours.

Yeah. She wasn't quite sure whether it was a good thing or not that he was calling out for her, and she would admit that her heart was beginning to race quite a bit as it remained completely silent for a while. Please come to the Astronomy Tower.

Hearing the plea in his request, she rolled down on her back and rubbed her eyes with a heavy sigh as she contemplated it. This is what she wanted, right? To have a proper talk about where their relationship was headed. Yet, she couldn't deny that she was afraid. Either he was going to tell her that they were okay, or.. he was going to tell her that perhaps it had been a mistake to get together.

Feeling her heart break at that thought, she forced herself out of bed as she willed herself to stop thinking about it. No good it would do for her if she'd start jumping to any conclusions, and seeing as right now she had an opportunity to find out what her future beheld, she would be foolish to not grab that chance.

And so she hurried herself into a dressing gown, not caring about changing into normal clothes. It was bloody one in the morning, anyway. It would be far more suspicious for anyone else if she'd dress up just to meet her currently still boyfriend who had seen her in far worse conditions than pajamas.

Tiptoeing down the stairs leading from the girls' dormitory, she winced as the portrait hole creaked as she gently pushed it open. Waiting a couple of seconds to see if it had alarmed anyone, she continued walking when she concluded that it didn't, and regretted the choice to not put on slippers immediately as her bare feet hit the cold stone ground beneath her.

It was a long way down from the seventh floor to the Entrance Hall, and then also having to go outside and walk the many stairs up again to reach the top of the Astronomy Tower.

Taking a few seconds to catch her breath before she would walk up the last few stairs that would get her to where Draco was, she at last made it to the top with bated breath, nervously looking at the back of the white blond haired boy, who was leaning against the railing, staring into the distance as the cold breeze ruffled through his hair.

He, too, didn't seem to have bothered to dress up for their prompt rendezvous as she saw his black sweater hanging loosely over his shoulders and his grey sweatpants clinging lightly around his waist.

Inhaling the fresh air that hit her, she took the last final steps as to cross her way from where she was to him, and carefully stood beside him, keeping a respectable distance between them. Draco didn't look her way, but she knew he was just as nervous about this as she was, as his body tensed up right away.

"I feel like a beast," Draco's voice was hoarse, barely a whisper as he remained staring off into the distance. "Whenever I think back to what happened here, I'm reminded of who I've been.." Turning her body to face him, she watched carefully as his brows furrowed together, a look of utmost concentration on his face. "A beast, who spent an entire year trying to hunt down its prey.. believing it was doing the only thing it could do to survive." Draco broke his stare into the distance, and his eyes roamed down to his hands.

"Growing up I was made to believe that we, Malfoys, a family of Pureblood heir, were the superior of the Wizarding World. That any blood status below us fouled it, and made a shame to this Wizarding Education System." A disgusted, humourless laugh escaped his lips. "I was so proud at the time to be made one of His, to help correct the Wizarding World into what it should have been, only Purebloods."

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