Chapter 46

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"Come on, sweetheart, we're going to be late." Hermione stressed, hurriedly scrambling the last jumpers into the luggage. We still have half an hour Hermione, we'll be fine. Draco's voice boomed through her head. Oh, honey, now that you're upstairs anyway, could you grab Lyra's wand and Scorpius' schoolbooks? Neither have bothered to think of.. "Lyra, stop pestering your brother." Hermione scolded, watching her daughter lock her arms around Scorpius' head and rubbing his hair with a grin on her face.

"You heard Mom," Scorpius sneered, freeing himself from his big sister's grip. Draco, you done there yet? "Honestly, Hermione, don't tell me we're going to be like this every year." Draco grumbled as he came down the stairs, meeting them in the hallway. "It's Scorpius' first year, I just want him to be on time." Draco shook his head, but planted a kiss against her forehead anyway. "I know, I know."

Opening the front door with his free hand, they left their two story home and loaded their luggage into the back of the car that awaited them. That was one of the perks of recently being promoted to Minister of Magic, after her many years as a Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It was a great surprise, really, and not one she was expecting to be so thrilled about. Had you asked her a decade ago if she would like to become the Minister of Magic, she'd have cried her eyes out from laughter and then told them to move on, but now? Well, it offered a great deal of opportunities to set the Wizarding World right, that otherwise would have been impossible to reach.

"Mind your head," Hermione warned Lyra, who nearly bumped her head against the roof of the car as she got in, so obsessed with a new book she had recently gotten for her birthday. Even though Hermione would seriously deny it if anyone were to ask, she may or may not be spoiling Lyra whenever it was her birthday. The girl loved her books just as much as she did, and she was thrilled to share all her favourites.

Scorpius was quite a frantic reader as well, but he was more like his father; only reading the things that actually added up to his knowledge. Nothing more and nothing less. "Do promise me to write home as soon as you've been sorted, Scorpius." Hermione said as the car began to ride, leaving the dreamy scenery of the woods behind.

Not long after Hermione had gotten pregnant with Lyra they had moved to this beautiful house secluded in the woods, which held a beautiful view of a river flowing nearby. It wasn't big – but it was just enough for the four of them.

Besides, after the apartment they had spent a good five years in, anything bigger than that would already be a blessing, anyway. "Give the boy a break, Hermione, let him get adjusted to the place first." Draco said, then eyed Scorpius, a sense of pride on his face, yet a subtle worry as well. What's going on? "I'm just curious, is all." Draco shrugged his shoulders at her, then looked outside the window.

Hermione softly sighed, then grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I know he looks like you a lot – a little too much sometimes, Hermione softly chuckled, shaking her head as she thought of the Malfoy charms Scorpius had inherited, but we live in different times now. He'll be just fine. Draco attempted a smile, but remained looking troubled nonetheless.

She couldn't blame him, after all, she knew that this day would come the moment Scorpius began to resemble his father. Would he be sorted into Slytherin as well? And if so, would he be destined to live the same faith as Draco? And if not, if he did get sorted into one of the other Houses, would people accept him?

This year would be Lyra's third year, and ever since her first she's been well accepted. That, however, might also have to do with the fact that she had a great combination of both Draco and Hermione, and therefore didn't resemble either too much.

She did have the same white blond hair as both Scorpius and Draco – a bit of a pity for Hermione, since she would have loved a child with some golden locks – but Hermione's unrelenting curls didn't skip the genes, and settled with her daughter. That, however, was as far as their genes took an effect on their daughter.

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