Chapter 16

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Granger, I swear if I see one more redhead passing by I'll personally come there and get you away so I won't have to see them anymore. Hermione chuckled lightly under her breath, cleaning the bed with Ginny like she was ordered to do by Molly. You could do that, or you could simply not watch what I'm doing all the time.

"What's so funny?" Ginny's voice piped up, and Hermione composed her face, silently cursing herself for not keeping her facial expressions in check. And do what? Honestly, there isn't much to see here. Well, nothing I want to see, that is.

Her mood darkened slightly as she remembered a few days back when she had been watching his view, seeing how Voldemort took his rage out on anyone in his way after a failed attempt at catching Harry. Fair enough, but still, they're not that bad.

Focusing back on Ginny, she simply shook her head as she straightened the blanket out. "Nothing, really. It's just funny how we're here, doing something as useless as making the bed whilst You-Know-Who is growing forces out there." Hermione quickly made up, although it wasn't really a lie. It had been on her mind the minute Molly had started to notice that she, Ron and Harry were up to something and had gotten them to work.

We seriously disagree on that one, Granger. It was soothing in a way, to hear his voice and to communicate with him when she could talk to no one else about what she felt. Ginny was smart, but the two girls hadn't spent enough time together to grow as close as a friend that Hermione longed for. And Harry and Ron just never seemed to quite get it. The only thing they would say is that everything would be alright, and that nothing would hurt her.

But sometimes that just wasn't what she wanted to hear. Sometimes she just wanted someone to say how the situation indeed sucked, and that things were incredibly messed up. But that they would still make it, and be alright. And so far only Draco seemed to get that.

"Maybe, but then again, what else are we supposed to do? Crawl into our homes and hope for him to never find us? To waste our days in fear?" Ginny had a point there, and it wasn't like that's what Hermione was planning to do, but she wasn't really planning on doing this either.

"No, of course not. But I'd rather do something productive that will help save us, instead of straightening this stupid blanket out for the umpteenth time." Hermione scowled. The redhead girl remained silent, and when Hermione looked up she saw Ginny staring curiously at her. "What is it with you lately, anyway?"

Hermione frowned, not quite getting what Ginny was on. "What do you mean, Gin?" Brushing a strand of hair out of her face, she sat down on one of the chairs with a tired sigh, stretching her back a bit after having hunched forward for quite a while. "You seem a bit different. Since the beginning of the year, actually. What has you so distracted?"

Curse that girl. It wasn't a surprise that Ginny was the first to notice and actually say something about it. Ginny had always been an excellent observer, and was right on it when she knew something was off. Hermione on the other hand, really wished to avoid this conversation.

Hermione thought for a second, trying to come up with a reason, but was cut off by Ginny when she was about to open her mouth. "And don't give me the same excuses you gave Harry and Ron. Just because they're stupid enough to believe that only school has gotten you distracted, doesn't mean I am." Ginny raised a threatening eyebrow, one that eerily resembled her mother's, and Hermione had to break the gaze to not immediately look guilty.

Ah, Weasley drama, count me in for the show. Hermione felt her lips tug slightly downward into a scowl, but she suppressed it as best as she could to not make the matter at hand worse. Instead of gleefully listening in, how about you help me out and think of a way I can talk myself out of this. She snapped in her mind, and her frustration only worsened when she heard a chuckle.

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