Chapter 27

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After a dreadful long journey of trying to trace back her parents in Australia, she at last had found them and restored their memory, having tried to carefully explain some missing bits of information, and returned home with them, refurnishing their little home with the furniture Hermione had made sure to save in a storage.

A good two weeks later after the war in which she had retrieved her parents and helped them refurnish their house, she barely had the chance to speak to Draco. Surely they had their few minor conversations here and there, but both were mainly focused on getting their lives back. The Malfoys were trying to get clear in the Wizarding world again, and Hermione was busy trying to get her own family back, but now that they both had gotten a bit of a better hold of their lives again, they decided to meet up at her house today, and Hermione was rather anxious about it.

There was little Hermione had told her parents about her newfound relationship with Draco, because in the past she had mentioned his name here and there, and not so much in a positive way. Yet, she hoped that they had forgotten most about it, and it soon proved to be that way when she mentioned that he'd come over later on. Her father seemed to recall the name, and her mother seemed to recall the adjectives attached to it, but neither remembered it clear enough.

So Hermione took advantage of that memory malfunction, and explained that yes, they did have a bit of a bad start at school, but things had gotten much better over time, and that they were now in fact dating. Her mother was simply delighted to hear that, and had taken her into an excited hug, but her father mumbled a good few threats under his breath directed to Draco in case he were to hurt her.

Well, that was good enough for her. She was just glad that they didn't forbid the relationship, and Hermione was beyond grateful to herself for not having mentioned a lot of bad things about him in the past. That really did seem to help her for the better now.

The ringing of a doorbell shook her out of her thoughts, and with a slight skip in her step and some nervous lip biting, she opened the door. There he stood, finally dressed in something other than his black suit – a pair of black pants and a white dress shirt to be precise – and his hair was a bit more neat and taken care of than she had seen it over the past year.

All in all, he looked refreshed and more handsome than she had seen him before, and she silently cursed him when a smirk broke out on his face, and his voice came beaming into her head. Why thank you for the compliment.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and took a step backwards, allowing him entrance into her house. "Ah, you must be Draco." Her mother said as the two of them entered the living room, Hermione wanting to get the introductions out of the way as soon as possible.

Draco offered her mother a flattering smile, and shook both her parents' outstretched hands. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs Granger." He said, and Hermione had to bite her cheek to keep herself from laughing at his formalities. It wasn't all that funny, really, but it was a sight she hadn't had the chance to discover yet, and her nerves were playing tricks on her as well.

Before her father had a chance to even bother threatening Draco, she excused the two of them from the room, and led him up the way to her bedroom. "It's a nice place you have, albeit a bit small." Hermione watched as his eyes curiously scanned his surroundings as they were making their way upstairs, and Hermione scoffed at the comment. "Hate to break it to you, but not everyone lives in a mansion."

Walking into her bedroom, she came to a halt and waited for Draco to follow after her, who soon stepped into the room as well with a rolling of his eyes. "Obviously not." His eyes scanned the room a bit more, slowly gliding from one object to the other, taking in every corner of her bedroom.

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