Resentment | Dramione

By heavenOnHeart

361K 9.6K 3.6K

Draco and Hermione find themselves in a very unfortunate situation, one where they'll be forced to trust one... More

Must read !
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 16

7.4K 211 54
By heavenOnHeart

Granger, I swear if I see one more redhead passing by I'll personally come there and get you away so I won't have to see them anymore. Hermione chuckled lightly under her breath, cleaning the bed with Ginny like she was ordered to do by Molly. You could do that, or you could simply not watch what I'm doing all the time.

"What's so funny?" Ginny's voice piped up, and Hermione composed her face, silently cursing herself for not keeping her facial expressions in check. And do what? Honestly, there isn't much to see here. Well, nothing I want to see, that is.

Her mood darkened slightly as she remembered a few days back when she had been watching his view, seeing how Voldemort took his rage out on anyone in his way after a failed attempt at catching Harry. Fair enough, but still, they're not that bad.

Focusing back on Ginny, she simply shook her head as she straightened the blanket out. "Nothing, really. It's just funny how we're here, doing something as useless as making the bed whilst You-Know-Who is growing forces out there." Hermione quickly made up, although it wasn't really a lie. It had been on her mind the minute Molly had started to notice that she, Ron and Harry were up to something and had gotten them to work.

We seriously disagree on that one, Granger. It was soothing in a way, to hear his voice and to communicate with him when she could talk to no one else about what she felt. Ginny was smart, but the two girls hadn't spent enough time together to grow as close as a friend that Hermione longed for. And Harry and Ron just never seemed to quite get it. The only thing they would say is that everything would be alright, and that nothing would hurt her.

But sometimes that just wasn't what she wanted to hear. Sometimes she just wanted someone to say how the situation indeed sucked, and that things were incredibly messed up. But that they would still make it, and be alright. And so far only Draco seemed to get that.

"Maybe, but then again, what else are we supposed to do? Crawl into our homes and hope for him to never find us? To waste our days in fear?" Ginny had a point there, and it wasn't like that's what Hermione was planning to do, but she wasn't really planning on doing this either.

"No, of course not. But I'd rather do something productive that will help save us, instead of straightening this stupid blanket out for the umpteenth time." Hermione scowled. The redhead girl remained silent, and when Hermione looked up she saw Ginny staring curiously at her. "What is it with you lately, anyway?"

Hermione frowned, not quite getting what Ginny was on. "What do you mean, Gin?" Brushing a strand of hair out of her face, she sat down on one of the chairs with a tired sigh, stretching her back a bit after having hunched forward for quite a while. "You seem a bit different. Since the beginning of the year, actually. What has you so distracted?"

Curse that girl. It wasn't a surprise that Ginny was the first to notice and actually say something about it. Ginny had always been an excellent observer, and was right on it when she knew something was off. Hermione on the other hand, really wished to avoid this conversation.

Hermione thought for a second, trying to come up with a reason, but was cut off by Ginny when she was about to open her mouth. "And don't give me the same excuses you gave Harry and Ron. Just because they're stupid enough to believe that only school has gotten you distracted, doesn't mean I am." Ginny raised a threatening eyebrow, one that eerily resembled her mother's, and Hermione had to break the gaze to not immediately look guilty.

Ah, Weasley drama, count me in for the show. Hermione felt her lips tug slightly downward into a scowl, but she suppressed it as best as she could to not make the matter at hand worse. Instead of gleefully listening in, how about you help me out and think of a way I can talk myself out of this. She snapped in her mind, and her frustration only worsened when she heard a chuckle.

No, I think I'm good. The days where she would get greatly frustrated with him weren't over just yet. Sure, they were lessened, but just like today, they had a way of popping back in. "Well?" Ginny pressed on, and Hermione heaved a sigh, motioning with her hand to the other empty seat.

Taking the hint, Ginny sat down on the chair next to Hermione, her expression softening as the girl tugged her knees to her chest. "You're right, I have been giving some lame excuses to the boys." Granger, what in the world are you doing? The teasing tone in his voice had completely vanished, and instead a panicked one had taken its place.

Ignoring him and his many protests and threats to not tell her, she focused her gaze somewhere in the distance as she tried to properly form her words. "It's a boy, isn't it?" Ginny pressed on, a certain excitement now lacing her voice.

"Well, yes, technically it is. But-" A tiny squeal escaped the redhead's lips, and she quickly covered it with her hands, listening for a few seconds to hear if Molly had heard her. As soon as Molly would find out that the girls were chatting, they'd be separated and put to different chores. A part of Hermione hoped that Molly had heard, but on the other hand she was more than ready to finally talk to someone.

When there were no signs of Molly, Ginny lowered her hands with a big grin on her face. Although, it soon fell and her brows furrowed. "Please don't tell me it's my brother again." Hermione couldn't help but chuckle, and shook her head. "Good. He's a sweetheart, but also quite an idiot."

Well, there was no denying that. "Anyway, tell me all about it." Ginny continued, and Hermione fumbled with her hands. "It's not the way you think, Gin." She quickly clarified, and thankfully her friend remained silent, listening attentively to what she had to say.

"It's nothing romance related. Not at all, actually." Hermione could see the struggle of Ginny trying not to intervene, and Hermione shot her a knowing smile, nodding at her to let her know it was okay to ask whatever she wanted to know. "Then what is it?"

"It's just.." How in the world was she going to explain this without giving away who it was? "He's just a friend I've grown to learn ever since the start of the year.." Hermione trailed off, internally cringing about how difficult it was to form her thoughts without letting Ginny know.

Ginny looked as confused as ever, her brows firmly furrowed together, her mouth thinned and hanging slightly to the side, seemingly deep in thought. "I don't get why you wouldn't tell us, though. You know Harry and Ron won't hate you if you get new friends, right?" Hermione nodded. "I know that. It's just that he's not the type they would get friends with. Neither would I, actually. Well, I thought so at least in the beginning." She kind of mumbled the last part, but she knew that Ginny had heard.

"I'm sure he can't be that bad, can he? As long as it isn't Draco Malfoy, I don't see any problem." Ginny chuckled, presumably thinking about a possible friendship between Draco and the trio, and Hermione had to force a laugh to not arouse even more suspicion.

Hermione nibbled on her bottom lip, wondering how in the world she could wrap this conversation up and get out of there. Good to hear the Weasley's hate me as much as I hate them.

Well, what did you expect? You have been treating them rather awfully. "He's just a little shy and worried that the boys won't accept him." Hermione had to bit back a snicker as she tried to imagine Draco being shy towards Harry and Ron. And rightfully so.

Rolling her eyes at Draco's comment when Ginny briefly looked away, she focused her mind on Draco's view, and waited patiently for it to come. Another thing our opinions vary on. She watched as he once more was conjuring some spells, an object randomly flying up in the air once in a while. So that explained why he was so up in her business right now; he was bored.

Granger, I am not shy. Hermione bit the inside of her cheek as Ginny looked her way again, and she coughed to cover her laugh up. "There is no reason for him to be. Harry and Ron will be more than accepting towards him if they have warmed up to him. I'm sure of that." Ginny assured, and Hermione smiled at her friend.

Either you're shy or I'll have to tell her about this connection. Your pick, Draco. His nightstand was put down with a bit of a force, and Hermione smirked slightly at that. Who knew that teasing him could be so fun?

"Thanks, Gin. I'll keep that in mind." The friends smiled at each other and then left the room, heading downstairs for dinner when Molly had called out.

The best thing about being at the Weasley's was that it was never boring at dinner. Fred and George always had a joke to crack and a prank to pull, and even though she most of the times didn't agree with what they did, she wouldn't deny that it brought a smile to her face. Especially in these times when the world seemed a lot gloomier.

Yet, all the while through the dinner she had been watching Draco's vision, and watched how quietly and tensed the Malfoy dinner was. It wasn't that surprising. After all, how cheerful would she be if Voldemort resided in her house?

It made her want to be there with him, though. To reach out for him every time she saw the slightest of a tremble in his hand, the way his eyes were glued to his nearly untouched food, but she couldn't.

Feeling sentimental, Granger? Hermione had to bite back a sigh, and lightly shook her head. Honestly, Draco, how long is it going to take before you call me by my real name? She watched as he slowly brought his fork up to his mouth, taking his sweet time in chewing it. Why he did that, she had absolutely no idea.

Does it matter? Hermione offered to help clean the table, but she was shrugged off by Molly, saying a flick of her wand would do the work for her. Then she had put the boys to work for a few last tasks, and Hermione took this opportunity to head to Ginny's room.

To me it does. Is there a reason why you don't want to call me by my name? Walking up the crooked stairs, she gripped the railing for support. Another piece of food was slowly brought up to his lips, and she watched as she rose his head, watching his parents and Bellatrix leaving the table, their mouths slightly moving, as if they were talking in a forced matter.

When the dining room was empty, Draco picked up his pace in eating, and she now understood that he simply wanted to eat alone and in peace. I guess it just makes things official. The words were spoken so casually, and Hermione didn't quite understand what he meant with that.

Having reached Ginny's room, she slipped into her pajamas and shivered as she got under the cold blankets. The temperature outside was starting to drop greatly, even though they were still in summer.

What do you mean? Hermione eventually asked when he didn't continue, and rolled on her side to stare at the window; a soft white was illuminating a spot low on the ground, the moon shining through the slightest of a parting between the curtains.

Draco remained silent, and she watched as he pushed around the last piece of his dinner on his plate. She didn't need to see his face to know that he was carefully going over what he wanted to say. Our friendship.

The words needed no further explanation, and she was glad he didn't add any more. Such two simple words, yet they brought a sting to her heart. Is it that bad to be friends with me? Over the past few weeks she really had assumed that things were more than okay between them, so to hear him say that he was doubtful to make their friendship official, well, it's save to say that it hurt.

No. Hermione frowned, nuzzling her head into her pillow for comfort. No? That's all he had to say? Then what do you mean? The last piece of his dinner was shoved into his mouth, and he rose rather abruptly. Did she agitate him in some sort of way?

To say that Hermione was confused was quite an understatement. Draco was acting weird, and Hermione had no clues that would tell her why exactly he was doing so. It's difficult to explain, okay?

Well, that was a lame answer. No, it's not okay. Here I was, thinking things were fine between us, and yet here you are now, telling me you have doubts about making our friendship official. Catching a quick reflection in the window he walked past, she could see the scowl settled on his face, his brows furrowed together like they used to do when he got irritated.

I don't have my doubts. His voice was tense, and Hermione sat up a bit straighter in her bed, now getting quite annoyed herself. His vague replies and reasoning were beyond frustrating, and she refused to end this night without an actual answer. Then what the bloody hell is it?

It's none of your business, Granger. He practically spat the words at her, and she raised her eyebrows in surprised offense. None of my business? I hope you're joking. You do realize we're talking about our friendship? Last time I checked, that makes it my business, too.

Draco rushed up the stairs, and he closed his bedroom door in a haste. From there on she could see him walk into his room, and she once more studied the reflection in the window. The scowl was still firmly planted there, but his furrowed eyebrows had soothed somewhat, and he seemed almost in a struggle to keep himself from saying something.

Were they honestly still hiding things from each other? Just forget it. Hermione huffed in anger, not understanding at all why he was acting up. Taking a few deep breaths, she tried to calm herself as to not agitate him any further. Draco, just tell me what's going on. It had an almost pleading tone to it, but she really didn't care. She had to know what was wrong with him, in the hopes to help him.

But he remained silent, and she watched as he ruffled a hand through his hair as he paced back and forth in his room. Whatever inner struggle he was fighting, she had no clue. All she knew was that it was seriously affecting him, and she wanted nothing more than to take that burden away.

Gliding back down in her bed, she pulled the covers up high as she heard the bedroom door open, along with a few soft thuds on the floor and the rustling of clothes. A minute later the bed next to her creaked, and Hermione knew that Ginny had gone to bed.

By now Draco had slipped into his own pajamas, and Hermione closed her eyes with a soft sigh as he had gone into his bed and turned the lights off in his room. So that was it then? He was just going to bed like that without bothering to explain or even apologize for his erratic behaviour?

Well, if he wanted it that way, then she would just have to join in on his game.

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