Jazz Up

By Trintrinas

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Life is life, you never know what's going to happen nexts or what's to expect. See how Huey and Jazmine's une... More

The Drive
Sleep Over
Triple Date
The Hill
First Date
Love Sick
Lie Detector
Christmas Eve
Happy New Year
New Beginnings
Valentine's Day
Black History Celebration
Game Night
Spring Festival
Dull Day
Unforgettable Night
Parting Ways
The Fallen Mind


795 13 13
By Trintrinas

It was the end of the day at school. Today I didn't have any dance practice because everybody deserved a break. Since we have been doing good with attendance and keeping up with the routine I reward everybody with a day off. I saw the gang by the lockers talking to each other about something.

I slipped into the group enough to hear what they were all talking about. "I'm just sayin' since we all ain't got nothing to do today and it's hot outside we can spend it at the basketball court," Riley suggested. "Wouldn't mind going by the court to jam to some beats and just chill out," Hiro agreed. "Y'all already know C-Murph don't mind chillin'," she smirked.

"I guess I wouldn't mind going beats staying at home bored out of my mind," Ming sighed as they had all then looked at Ceasar, Huey, and I. "What about y'all's asses?" Cindy asked as I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't mind going to the basketball court, I could always use the time to post on my page," I said. "Basketball ain't my thing but I'll just tag along to chill outside," Ceasar said causing Riley and Cindy to look him up and down.

He probably shouldn't have said that in front of people who love basketball. "Fuck you mean you not into basketball?" Riley re-questioned. "I'm just saying I don't have a personal interest in basketball like you and Cindy do," he shrugged off. "I think almost everybody here got a different sport they like, for instance, Ming likes kickball, Jazmine likes to dance, you two play basketball, I play soccer, and Huey does martial arts," he explained as Hiro looked at him.

"What about me, I'm just the unathletic friend or something?" he said a bit playfully hurt. "No we just don't know what you find physically interesting other than DJing," Ming said in the nicest way possible. DJing is a competitive sport, you know how tired my arms and brain be when I get done with each gig, that's why my muscles are so toned," he exaggerated. The others tried to contain their laughter while Huey was just standing on the side of the lockers not paying any attention towards us.

I sometimes wonder how he can ignore all the crazy stuff we do around him. I once tried to ignore it but I can't help but show attention towards it. "Yes, Hiro Djing is a competitive sport that requires you to move your hands on the device every five minutes," Riley said sarcastically. "Man fuck you guys," he said waved off. "So McHater are you going to join us at the court or are you going to go home and be lonely?" Cindy asked him as Huey looked up from his book with a scowl on this face.

"I'll be tagging along," he said surprising the others. "Great so everybody is coming to the basketball court," Riley said. "When should we all meet up there?" Hiro asked as Riley and Cindy were thinking about it. "Our houses aren't that far away from each other so everybody should be meeting up within 15 minutes," Cindy calculated.

"Ok, I guess I'll meet you guys there," I said clenching onto my backpack. I looked at Ceasar on my side to see that he was looking at something from afar. I looked in the direction he was looking to see one of his exes headed towards us. "Oh shit!" he cursed. Ceasar had looked at me and put his arm around me.

I'm still surprised he wants to continue the fake dating thing. He was about to lean in to kiss me on the lips, but that was until out of nowhere someone extended their arm out to punch Ceasar. It was so quick I only caught it with my eyes wide open. Next thing I know Ceasar almost falls to the ground, but thanks to his quick reflexes he was able to catch himself.

*Damn it you almost got knocked the fuck out," Riley said a bit disappointed that he didn't get to see Ceasar on the ground. "Fuck you Riley and dude what the hell was that for?" Ceasar asked obviously upset. Huey was just looking at Ceasar without any guilt that he punched him. Huey was silent for almost a minute until he finally answered: "You two disgust me out when you kiss and hug each other," he simply said as everybody looked surprised.

"Wow, Huey I never thought you would be bothered that Ceasar and Jazmine were a fake couple," Ming smirked. "Agreed you usually don't care," Hiro agreed. "Yeah it's very odd that you're bothered by Ceasar and Jazmine hugging and kissing but you're not bothered by the rest of us doing it, why is that?" Riley asked with his fake curious look. He knows exactly what he is doing at this point.

"It just really bothers me to see my two...best friends doing that type of stuff," he said making Riley smack his lips. "You would be the fake third wheel when you three tag along with each," Hiro joked as the others laughed along with him. Of course, Huey got upset and walked away from the group. "I gotta go you guys he's my ride," I pointed at Huey slowly walking away from the group.

I had to jog after him because he walked very fast. "Hey, Huey, wait up," I called after him. I had to get through a large crowd so that I could get to him. It got to the point we were outside where people were either socializing or leaving the school property. He was halfway into the student parking lot while I had to wait for some cars to pass by until someone was nice enough to give me the right away.

*HUEY WAIT UP!" I called out for him even louder as he finally turned around. He stopped and waited for me to get to him. I was almost out of breath trying to catch up to him. "Huey...you walk so fast," I said trying to catch my breath. "I was going at normal paste," he said pulling his keys out. "Yeah but you walk too fast," I whined.

"How far away are we from your car?" I asked him as he raised his key and pushed the lock button causing it to make a sound. I looked behind him to see we were standing right next to his car. I'm so slow! "Does this work for you or do you want me to pull up from here?" he rhetorically asked. "I think I can make it from here," I simply just said.

I went to the passenger side of the vehicle, waiting for the door to be unlocked by Huey. Twice, I heard the unlock button, and I got into the car for him to start it quickly. Huey began pulling out of the parking space slowly to see if someone was going to walk by. In our place, most of the students were gone, so we didn't have to wait in a long line to get out.

We were now on the road heading back to our houses to change so we can meet the others back at the park. While Huey was driving he was holding the wheel firmly in a rigid position. I didn't know if I should say anything because it was so intense you could slice it with a knife. "Umm Huey are you okay?" I asked him as he just started to slowly nod his head.

"Are you sure, you don't look too relax," I asked again as he had shaken his head? "Are you upset because of Ceasar?" I asked as he nodded. "Sorry, it just makes me uncomfortable when I see him all lovey-dovey on you," now that's understandable. He did tell me when we were semi-dating that he didn't like it when Ceasar and I were being a fake couple.

I don't blame him for being a bit envious. If he was fake dating a girl and they were doing romantic stuff I would be upset. So when we get to the park I'll just simply tell Ceasar we can't fake date because it makes Huey uncomfortable along with the rest of the group. I don't think Hiro, Ming, and Cindy care but Riley was pretty open about how he was disgusted by it.

"It's one thing if you're only doing this once just to make your ex-girlfriend back away, but doing it multiple times just because you can't say no and stand your own ground is pathetic. Plus almost all his exes be upset with you because they all think you guys are official along with the other kids at school and on social media. On the other hand, Makayla is always coming at you about some bullshit because her sorry ass can't get over Ceasar," he cursed.

"Oh wow, I didn't think you notice, though I shouldn't be surprised," I quickly said. "Of course I notice. I think everybody in the group knows that but they don't want to say anything because it's already obvious," Huey wasn't wrong, it was a bit obvious but nobody didn't say anything. "Kinda makes me wonder when he lost his virginity," I randomly said as he cocked his eyebrow up.

"Why would you want to know that?" he asked. "Well because don't you think it's kinda odd that he messes around with girls and doesn't care afterward?" I asked as Huey sighed. "Sadly most men in our race and other race do that," Huey told me. "I wonder why," I said in deep thought until Huey told me: "Because most of them can't stay committed to the relationship."

"For instance, Riley, I honestly thought he was going to get some random girl pregnant because he was a walking hormone, but thankfully he stays loyal to Cindy," he said as I nodded. "Riley and Cindy are alike and I don't think he would do Cindy like that," I smiled. "To my surprise, he wouldn't, a couple of days ago he was telling me he was planning something special for her for Valentine's Day," he said as started to giggle.

"I wonder what he's going to do. Riley and Cindy along with Ming and Hiro are all so cute with each other. They do some of the most romantic stuff without noticing," I exclaimed. "I don't acknowledge it as you do," he said keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah, I know you don't have that much interest in relationships like that, but I'm surprised that you wanted to be in one with me, why is that?" I curiously asked him.

"Well most relationships I grew up seeing were toxic, so I told myself if I was ever going to date a girl I wouldn't want my relationship to be toxic. Knowing you since I moved here you're anything but toxic because you know how to handle situations maturely, we communicate, you don't cause unnecessary drama, you're one of the only people around here that will hear me out, and you'll try to get into some of my interest even if they're boring to you," he explained as I felt my heart beating.

He acknowledges all that about me, I'm so happy he notices some of the stuff I try to do. "What stuff do you think is boring to me?" I asked wanting to hear his response. "Well I thought when we went to the museum it was boring to you," he assumed. "Of course not, I actually had a great time at the museum. The only thing I didn't like was how the guy at the front was being rude," I exclaimed.

"Or how Ruckus ruined the moment," he mumbled. "Oh I forgot to tell you I'm sorry about what happened in your car, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," I apologized. I can't help that I was a bit heated at the moment. "Jazmine it's okay, I know there are reasons why you are getting horny," he said as I cocked my eyebrow. "Would you like to explain those reasons?" I crossed my arms.

"Sure even though it might seem odd hearing it comes from me," he said as I got ready to listen. "Menstrual cycle-related hormones fluctuate over time, which also increases or decreases the libido of a female. There could be many reasons why you got horny on our date which could be: ovulation, hormones, food, hypersexuality, full bladder, kissing, etc." he said as I looked him up and down when he said food.

"Food, I didn't eat anything that made me horny. I ate an avocado before I got ready for our date," I told him as he slowly nodded his head. "It could be one of the reasons or was it because of me personally?" he asked as I felt my face heat up. I started to play with my fingers and looked down at my lap. "I mean you were dressed nice showing off your tone body, you smelled good because of your cologne, and it was pretty cozy in the car which might have sparked a nerve," I told him.

"Don't forget the statues you were looking at," he reminded. "Oh yeah the statues too, I didn't even know they had a section like that in the museum," I said a bit surprised. "Well it has to do with history and what it impacts on today," he simply said pulling up in front of his house. It was quiet for almost a minute between the two of us until I said: "I'll meet you back out here in five minutes I just have to go change," I told him getting out of the car.

"Ok!" he said turning it off as I jog to my house with my backpack I had. I have to decide what I am going to wear today. I got some clothes sent in from an online clothing business that wants me to promote their products. I have to say it is pretty fun being an influencer, but sometimes it has its ups and downs.

For instance, sometimes when I get stuff sent in for me they are either too revealing, too tight or just not my style. Somehow I'm able to pull off the style and have people that follow me buy it. I will say the money is good. I don't have to ask my parents for money all the time as they would expect. They partially support me being an influencer just as long as I don't do anything inappropriate or show too much skin.

When I make my videos they don't want me to talk about sexual activity, politics, my own beliefs, and do inappropriate dances like twerking. They don't want me showing too much skin because they don't want anybody trying to expose or react to my videos.

With politics and my own beliefs was a rule my dad put on me. With him being a lawyer for so long he has seen a lot of things that go on. I didn't fully understand why I couldn't share what I believed until he had me listen to one of the songs on the Hamilton album called Aaron Burr, Sir. In the song, Aaron Burr, Sir; Aaron Burr offers Hamilton some advice which is 'Talk less...Smile more...Don't let them know what you're against and for you're for...Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.' which is what my dad was trying to tell me.

I willingly took his advice because I've seen that happened to a lot of people so I just don't say anything to avoid conflict. People like Huey and Riley are not afraid to share their beliefs. I think I remember Huey making an announcement saying 'Jesus was black, Ronald Regan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11.'

I honestly didn't know what to think of that! He posted it on his social media but I think somebody kept reporting it. There were people either posting it on their pages, reacting to it or acting on it. I didn't do anything but just like his post. I feel that was the simplest thing I could do at the time.

When I was in my room there was a package on my bed I was talking about from earlier. I wonder what they had sent me today. I had to cut open the package on my bed to be met with pink clothing. I didn't know exactly what it was until I pulled the clothing out of the box to see it was a 'Women Fitness Yoga Set Clothing One Piece Sport Suit Sportwear Gym Workout Backless Jumpsuit Pants Sexy Bandage Bodysuit Tights' that's a lot in a name for one-piece of clothing.

I look at the pink one-piece and thought to myself: "I can rock this!" I started to strip my clothing off to put that on. It's so tight! I had to go look in the mirror to see how I looked in this and I looked cute and fine. This will be easy to sell. All I have to do is make a video and take a couple of pics.

I then had heard my doorbell ring, so I made my way to the door. I started to skip to the door when I made it downstairs just for the fun of it. I looked through the little hole to see it was Huey at the door waiting for me. "Oh good!" I opened the door to be met with him.

I had to pause and look him up and down to see he wasn't wearing any workout clothes. He wasn't even wearing his casual set of clothes he wore almost every day. What Huey Freeman was wearing was a path down memory lane. He was wearing a long black trench coat with a scarf around his neck.

"Hey, Huey are you ready to go?" I simply asked trying to avoid the subject of what he was wearing. He didn't answer my question because he was looking at me for a long time. "Um, Huey are you ready to go?" I asked once again and he had shaken his head. "Is there a problem?" I exclaimed as he nodded his head.

"In fact, there is a problem," he said as I crossed my arms to hear what he had to say: "And what might that problem be?" I had re-questioned. "Jazmine...are you aware of your accessories you possess?" he asked as I shook my head.

"Huey, what are you exactly talking about?" I asked as he sighed hard. He pinched the bridge of his nose and then looked at me again. He seemed as if he was struggling to say something. "The outfit you have on," "What's wrong with my outfit? You don't like it?" I asked looking to see what was wrong with my outfit.

"Not that I don't like it, it just I don't want other people to see it," he simply said as I cocked my eyebrow up. "Huey, you do realize this is my job right? I have to be able to sell the product," I said. "I get that, but does that product have something to cover up the back with?" he asked as I shook my head.

"Jazmine we're going to an area where there might be other people other than our friends. And I honestly don't want to have to punch some pervert there," he scowled. "You're complaining about my outfit, but I'm not complaining about yours," I said as he gritted his teeth.

"It's going to get cold," he told me as I closed the door behind me. "Huey it is freaking 90 degrees outside," I exaggerated. "During the winter season, don't let the weather fool you," he said as walking to his car.

I just went over to the passenger seat to get into the car where he had started it up. During our drive, we didn't say a single word to each other. He was upset with what I was wearing and I was confused with what he was wearing. I shouldn't be surprised! It's not the first time he's done something like this.

I think I remember he wore this on the hottest days during the summertime. Every day I saw him he had on a long black trench coat, with his scarf around his neck, and a poster. It makes me wonder how he did not pass out with all that hot stuff on. Maybe he could be cold natured. I looked out the window to see we arrived at the basketball court where we saw the rest of the gang.

They had on some workout clothes and they all seem like they were going against each other. When Huey turned off his car to get out I had got out of the passenger seat. "So what are you planning to do?" I asked him. "Brainstorm and maybe watch one of you do something stupid after I warn you not to do it," he simply said. "Ok, have fun with that," I tell as we made it onto the court.

"Finally you guys made it, what took you so long?" Ceasar asked stopping from what he was doing. "We went home to go change out of our clothes," I tell him. "Yes, sorry we took longer than expected there was an issue that had to be addressed," Huey said looking me up and down before he went to go sit on the bleachers.

"Something happened between the two of you?" Ceasar asked a bit concerned. "We had to address my outfit I'm wearing," I told him as he started to observe what I was wearing. "I mean it is showing off your ass and hourglass figure," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Ceasar my butt is not that big, you guys just really like to exaggerate about it," I glared at him.

"I'm not trying to exaggerate about the size, it's just that there are guys that come around here that like girls with big butts," he said. "Okay but you make it seem like I have a butt like Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian," I told him as he bit down on his lip. "Well if you think about it their's are fake while yours is real," he pointed out.

"Okay but it's not that big!" I told him as he started to laugh a little. "Aye can you two fake love birds get yo' asses over here so we can beat y'all in some basketball," Cindy yelled from all the way across the court.

"Oh no I don't play basketball Cindy," I waved off as she and Riley looked at me funny. "I'm serious I really don't," I told them. "It's okay if you don't know how to play it's just all about the fun," Riley calmy said making me cock my eyebrow at him. He responded differently than I expected. I feel like he's up to something.

"What are you up to?" I crossed my arms. "I'm not up to nothing damn why y'all always gotta get up all over a brother when I'm being nice?" Riley scowled at me. "Well, when you are being nice you're up to no good," Ming answered. "No one asked you, Ming Twan!" Riley emphasized being races with her name. "Shut up Riley, my last name is not Twan," she shouted at him. "Yeah, it's Ming Long-Dou!" Hiro added in putting his arm around Ming and kissing her on the cheek.

"Aww so cute!" I squealed. "So are y'all ready to start the game or not?" Cindy asked being a bit impatient. "Yeah, we ready to start we just all gotta be slit up into teams since we even now," Riley said. "Okay Riley and I are captains," Cindy pointed at herself and Riley. "Wait why can't we just be random?" Hiro asked her. "It's just to make it a bit more fun," Cindy simply said.

"So who's going to go first?" Ming asked with her arms crossed. "I'm going first," Riley said spinning a basketball on his finger. I wonder how they do that, they make it seem so easy. "I choose Ceasar," Riley pointed at him as Ceasar seemed excited. "That's what I'm talking about," he said as he and Riley did some type of bro handshake.

"Hoe I was going to pick Ceasar," Cindy hissed at Riley while he and Ceasar started laughing. "Beggars can't be choosers C-Murph!" Riley smirked at her. "Fine if you wanna play it that way then I choose Jazmine!" Cindy said. "For real, I will be glad too!" I skipped over to her side.

"So y'all just gonna leave the Asians out to get picked last, I see how it is," Hiro playfully said. "Since you wanna be funny about it I choose Ming," Riley said. "Oh wow, I'm so surprised," she said sarcastically. "Be grateful you are playing with Young Reezy," Riley told her as she just rolled her eyes. "So lucky!" she sarcastically said once again.

"I pick Hiro!" Cindy had pointed at him. "You have no choice but to pick me I'm the last one left," he said a bit disappointed. "Okay it's Lights vs Darks," Riley said passing the ball to Cindy. "Okay we gonna beat y'all's asses," Cindy said as we went to our side of the court. "I'll like to see you try," he said walking to his side.

Cindy, Hiro, and I all got into a small huddle to discuss our plan. "So what's the plan?" Hiro asked her. "Okay we are gonna keep it simple you feel me. Do you guys know what three-man weave is?" she asked us as Hiro and I nodded. "Really, so what does it mean?" she asked us crossing her arms. "It's basically where y'all touch in with the ball," Hiro told her.

"Okay, so y'all do get it. This should be simple. Now if Reezy tries to press upon one of y'all just block him with your backsides he hates that and makes sure to pass it back to whoever is in the back," she said giving us helpful advice. "We'll keep that in mind," Hiro said as she smirked. "Okay break!" she clapped her hands. The three of us spread out from each other to get into position.

I honestly don't know how to play basketball at a mastery level like Cindy or Riley. I'm more at an intermediate level only because my dad makes me help out with the basketball team he coaches during the season. The kids aren't that good, they lose almost every game. Instead of shaming them as their parents do during the game I just happily cheer them on. Then to make them feel better my dad takes them out to get ice cream.

"So who's going to go first?" Ceasar asked. "Well since C-Murph at a disadvantage Imma be nice and let her go first," Riley said. "Okay!" she said backing up from an angle. "Hiro," she said passing the ball to Hiro as he tapped in. She went around him into his previous spot and then Hiro had passed it to me.

Ceasar was about to come at me so I tapped in. Then it was Riley in my way trying to block me. Cindy was open so I passed it to her. She made a shot which gave us a couple of points. "Alright that's one for you guys," Riley said as I looked at him funny. "One? Can we make it three I gotta make a video to sell this outfit?" I asked spinning around. "Or we could make it seven points, I kinda gotta keep my page updated," Ceasar added in. 

"Fine, we can make it worth seven points," thank god. I might not mind Riley being a bit nice today. Everybody got back onto their side of the court to have Riley and Cindy pass the ball back to each other. Riley had the ball for him to be standing in place while Ming and Ceasar got open. 

"Jazmine, Hiro go press on Ming and Ceasar, I'm sure they won't mind if you do it," Cindy said as we went to the back where Ceasar and Ming were at. "Why are you all the way in the back if Riley is all the way down there?" I asked them. "Because I don't know how to fuckin play any basketball I can barely shoot from a distance or do any skillset, so I'm standing close to the basket and letting him do what he is best at," Ceasar explained which made sense. "What would that be from your perspective?" "Well it ain't no I in team but there is one in selection," he said as I started to giggle. 

"Ceasar that doesn't make any ounce of sense," I corrected him. "Yes, it does because selection has a relation to team. Riley is a ball hogger which works out for me in this case," he smirked. Riley got past Cindy with some skill he used to pass it to Ceasar. As you all know now that Ceasar is not too into this game. So I jumped in the air a little to steal away the ball. 

I tried to dribble down the court, but I wasn't going fast enough. Hiro was near me so I passed the ball to him for him to tap in. He was about to shoot until Ming got in the way and he had to pass it to me. I had to back up a little to shoot but Ceasar got in front trying to steal the ball so I had to turn around. 

He tried to reach it from where he was at which caused me to bend over. "Come on Jazmine give it up," he said still trying to grab onto it as I held it tight. "Jazmine drop it," I heard Cindy. I just passed it to her and she was about to shoot until Riley jumped out of nowhere and slapped the ball out of her hand. 

He just started dribbling down the court to make an unnecessary tricky shot. I mean you're right down there all by yourself to get a couple of points, I don't think a skillset is necessary for that unless you're trying to show out. "YEAH YOUNG REEZY IN THE HOUSE!" Riley shouted. 

"Nigga yo' ass only made one point out of luck," Cindy said trash talking. "I can betcha it won't be luck the next time," he smirked at her. I can't believe this is normal in basketball. "I'm going to sit out I'm not feeling this," Ming crossed her arms. "Ming it's three versus three for a reason. It's not supposed to be three versus two," Riley said holding up his fingers. 

"Fine I'll just ask Huey if he wants to switch out with me," she said as Riley started laughing. "That gay ass nigga ain't gonna want to play. That's why his ass is seating on the bleachers in that hot ass trench coat doing whatever the fuck he doing," Riley laughed. "Riley leaves Huey alone he's not bothering you or anyone else," I said trying to get him to back off. 

"Man why the fuck is you wearing that in 90-degree weather?" Riley asked. Huey just looked at Riley to roll his eyes. "It's cold!" he simply said. The others started snickering to themselves while Huey just scowled at them. "Wait so you not hot?" Ceasar asked Huey looking him up and down. Huey just simply shook his head making the others worry about him.

"If you don't mind me asking what are you sitting here doing?" Ming simply asked. "I'm brainstorming for the fundraiser in February for Black History Month. I don't know how I'm going to attract a lot of white kids to celebrate the month," he said a bit frustrated. "I thought you said the teachers were allowing you guys to go to the museum," Ceasar said. 

"They were at first until we they didn't want to spend the money because they thought we were going to go protest afterward. They said for us to go on our field trip we had to have a fundraiser," he explained. "So what ideas did you come up with?" Hiro asked him.

"One was giving a presentation, two was bringing in a public speaker, and three was reading Martin Luther King's speech," he said as everybody just looked at him funny. Not that those ideas were educationally bad but they honestly weren't interesting. As much as I support the black community, I would get bored just sitting in a chair for a couple of hours. 

"Nigga ain't nobody gonna pay whatever amount of money to come to watch somebody speak for a couple of hours," Riley spoke facts. He wasn't wrong! "Then what are your suggestions since the ones I thought would be good aren't?" he asked with his full attention on us. "Maybe you can have a pep rally the day they have a game. It won't have to be in the gym like it usually is it can be in the auditorium," I suggested as he seemed to think about it. 

"Shit I would pay a couple of bucks to come to watch somebody perform," Ceasar agreed. "Yeah, but the only problem is who will you get to participate in the rally? My suggestion is you get the popular kids to do a performance or at least spread the word," Ming pointed out. "Yeah cause ain't nobody gonna pay for it if they see you around trying to hand out fliers," Cindy said. 

"What's wrong with me handing them out?" Huey asked quite offended. "I'm not sure if you know this, but you're not exactly the approaching type," Cindy told him. "And you're not exactly the accurate type but I guess we all have flaws we don't like about each other," Huey said having a comeback against Cindy. "Man fuck you nigga," she smacked her lips. "Clear example of my point," he mumbled under his breath. Glad she didn't hear that part coming out of his mouth. 

"If you consider it I don't mind handling the beats," Hiro offered. "I'll keep it in mind when I discuss it with the club," Huey simply said. "Okay, but do you want to take my spot in basketball because I don't want to play anymore?" Ming asked him sitting on the bleachers. "Sure I guess I don't mind taking your spot," he said getting up. "Nigga please do not tell me you are playing in that trench coat," Riley pleaded. Huey rolled his eyes while removing his long trench coat and scarf to reveal him wearing some all-black shorts, long sleeve thermal shirt,  with some leggings underneath his shorts. 

Again, how is he not hot. I didn't know he had all that under his coat. If he's wearing this while it's hot outside then I wonder how many layers of clothing he was wearing in Chicago. The clothing I'm thinking he wore was the clothes the little brother from A Christmas Story wore. Just in a big red suit that you could barely move in. Maybe I'm overthinking this way too much. 

Huey stepped onto the court ready to play. "Do you actually know how to play basketball?" I asked him while he was doing some quick stretches. "A little, but I don't tend to go easy on you," he told me. "You do realize that we don't stand in the same position when we're moving around?" I asked to make sure. "I'm aware of it," he told me. 

"Okay will see about that!" I winked at him while going to my side. Cindy passed the ball to Riley and Riley passed it back to her. She started to back up a little bit while Hiro and I looked confused about what to do. I just walked back to where she was from an angle for her to pass it to Hiro. I don't think Hiro or Ceasar knew how to handle the situation because Hiro tried to do a move that failed. 

He tried to make the ball go between his legs but it didn't go as planned. He ended up almost losing his balance and the ball out of bounds. When I looked at Ming she looked concerned because Hiro could have gotten hurt. He starts running down the court not even dribbling which was kinda funny. I just ran down the court hoping that Huey nor Riley would catch up to me. 

Hiro was keeping Ceasar away from the ball while holding it close to his torso. "Here Jazmine!" he said passing the ball to me. I was about to shoot until Huey came out of nowhere to block me from shooting. "Huey move out the way you blocking my shot," I whined. I turned around to shoot anyway but of course, was able to block and steal it away.

He sped down the court to make a skillful shot as Riley did. Again, is that necessary? "I thought you said you could only play a little," I said as he smirked. "I can play basketball but I never said I was terrible," he said getting back into his position. "I won't be going easy on you either," I told him accepting a challenge. 

"Fine with me," he said as Cindy and Riley passed back and forth to each other. I backed up behind  Cindy so that way she could pass it to me. "Jazmine," she turned to pass to me which I tapped in. I started to dribble down the court about to be met with Riley until he and Huey switched places. My skillset is not that good with basketball. I was gonna try a simple turn so I could get around him. 

I'm close to him and he's about to press. I turned around trying to protect the ball but he's up against me. Okay, how do I get myself out of this situation? Maybe it would be best to use every guy's weakness. I'm not sure if this would be his weakness only cause he doesn't fall for everything. 

"Oh no!" I purposely said to bend over showing off my nice behind that guys would drool over. I was up against him so I could feel his thing. "The fuck!" I heard him mumble making him back up a little giving me an advantage. "Cindy!" I said passing it to her. She took the ball then passed it to Hiro who took a shot. "Good job Hiro!" I shouted from where I was at. "Y'all about to lose!" Hiro exclaimed talking smack. 

I looked at Huey to evily smile at him. "Like I said I won't be going easy on you," I winked at him as I caught a glimpse of him smirking. "We'll see about that," he mumbled as I felt a shiver down my spine. That felt weird, I wonder where that came from? It was kinda getting a bit cold out here in some hot weather. 

"First to make a shot on this next one wins," Riley said passing the ball to Cindy. "It seems as if the Lights are quite equally matched with the Darks," Cindy snickered. "We'll see about that C-Murph, I'm gonna win this little game we have," Riley instigated. "Ok Reezy!" she said passing him the ball.  He passed it to her and she passed it back to him. 

Riley started to do his fancy moves while Cindy was about to press upon him. He did seem to get around her dribbling down the court. "Hiro makes sure you block his shot," I told him since he and Ceasar were down there trying to not get involved. Riley shot from a distance but he missed. Cindy came down to steal the ball in which she had passed it to me. Huey once again was pressed upon on me so when Cindy got open so I passed it back to her. 

It was kinda funny with Riley chasing her down the court. When she shot to ball made it into the hoop. "FINALLY!" I heard Ceasar yell. "Man shut up, you and Hiro's asses weren't even trying to shoot," Riley scold. "At least we protected the ball," I heard Hiro mumble. "But in all at least this game was pretty decent for us to play," I said trying to calm them all down. 

"Yeah, I guess, but I thought you said yo' ass couldn't play," Riley scowled at me. "I don't know how to play as you and Cindy do. Matter of fact, why didn't you mention Huey knowing how to play basketball," I said pointing at Huey. "I know how to play basketball, I just choose not to play because I don't find that much interest in it; just as how you, Ming, Ceasar, and Hiro don't find that much interest in it," I can't blame him for that. 

"Yeah put me on a soccer field and I'll be able to beat all of you," he said pointing at all of us. "Says the guy who knocked himself out with his own ball," Huey retorted. "That only happened one time and I've gotten better. I'm able to kick it into the goal, but I gotta speed up my pace when I kick it," Ceasar hissed at Huey.

All of a sudden a little drop of snow for some odd reason landed on Ceasar's shirt. "Is that fucking goddamn snow in this hot weather?" he rhetorically questioned wiping it off of him. More started to come along upon us and it was getting cold. A breeze went by giving me goosebumps that made me shiver. 

"Was it supposed to be cold today?" Cindy asked. "Yes, it was supposed to be expected," Huey said making his way back to the bleachers where his trench coat and scarf laid. "I think it would be best if we all head home, it's not good for us to be out here in the clothing we are in," Ming suggested as everybody started to grab their belongings. 

"See you guys later," Ceasar waved off unlocking his car. "Yeah you too," I heard the others say before they headed to their vehicles. Huey and I started to make our way towards his car where I could at least get a little toasty. "Are you cold?" he asked me. I nodded my head and saw a smirk appear on his face: "You should have brought one," he said making me a bit sad.

I hate to admit it but he is right. I should have at least brought a jacket with me. I rubbed my arms up and down my arms trying to warm myself up a little. All of a sudden I felt a large warm fabric connect with my skin. I looked to see it was Huey who had put his trench coat around me. Aww, how sweet of him to do this. "Thank you!" I said as he put his arms around me trying to warm me up.

"You're welcome, I can't have you catching a cold," I felt my face heat up. "How thoughtful of you!" I smiled for him to smirk at me. The way he smirks at me makes my heart skip a beat but in a good way. He looks so devilishly handsome when he gives me that look! The heat really can do something. 

Thank you for reading!

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